Custom Genes Tutorial

4 Jan 202104:59

TLDRIn this tutorial, the speaker introduces a new custom feature in ArtReader called 'genes'. Users can create their own categories by selecting reference images and utilizing tags to find specific features, such as beards. The process involves testing the gene on different faces, tweaking aspects like age and style using sliders, and fine-tuning until the desired look is achieved. The custom gene can then be exported, named, and shared within the community, allowing others to use and adapt it, showcasing the collaborative potential of the platform.


  • 🎨 The tutorial introduces a new custom jeans feature in ArtReader, available under the advanced members-only section.
  • 🖼️ Users can create a new category by selecting reference images, using tags to find specific features like beards on faces.
  • 🌟 The more reference images used, the better the gene creation process works, but it can function with just a few images as well.
  • 👤 The gene can be tested on a selected image, altering its features such as adding a beard and making other adjustments.
  • 🔄 The gene can be fine-tuned by subtracting or adding other genes, allowing control over the age or style of the image.
  • 🎚️ A slider tool can adjust how much the new gene affects the content or identity of the person in the image versus the style.
  • đź’‡ Customization extends to defining styles and other features like hair color, offering a high level of control over the final look.
  • 📤 Once satisfied with the gene, users can export and name it, making it available in their profile's gene section.
  • 🔄 The custom gene feature allows for sharing of genes between users, enabling others to add and use the gene in their own creations.
  • 🤝 The collaborative and crowd-sourced nature of the custom gene feature encourages community engagement and creativity.
  • 🚀 The potential for creating and sharing custom genes is vast, covering abstract, personal, and unique image types.

Q & A

  • What is the new feature being introduced in Artbreeder?

    -The new feature being introduced is the custom jeans feature, which allows users to create their own categories or 'genes' using reference images.

  • How can users access this advanced feature in Artbreeder?

    -Users can access this feature from the create page, where they can select any category and then choose 'Create Gene' under the advanced members-only section.

  • What is the importance of reference images in creating a gene in Artbreeder?

    -Reference images are crucial as they form the basis of the gene. Users select images they like, such as faces with a beard for a 'Beard June' gene, and the system learns from these to create the new gene.

  • How does the gene creation process impact the original images?

    -The gene creation process allows users to test the new gene on an image. It adds the selected feature (like a beard) but may also alter other aspects of the face, which can be adjusted using other tools in Artbreeder.

  • How can users refine the effects of a gene they've created?

    -Users can subtract or add other genes to refine the effects. For example, if the gene makes a face look older than desired, they can subtract the 'age' gene to adjust this.

  • What is the purpose of the slider tool in gene creation?

    -The slider tool allows users to control the degree to which the new gene affects the content or identity of the person versus the style. This helps in achieving a more natural or desired look.

  • How can users experiment with style aspects like hair color in gene creation?

    -By playing with the settings and reducing the impact on the fine style, users can make adjustments such as defining hair color to achieve a more consistent look with the original image.

  • What happens once a gene is created and exported?

    -Once a gene is created and exported, it appears in a new 'Genes' section on the user's profile page. It can then be used in various parts of Artbreeder, such as the browse or compose pages.

  • Can custom genes created by users be shared with others?

    -Yes, custom genes can be shared. Other users can navigate to the creator's profile, add the gene to their custom genes, and then use it in their own creations.

  • What types of images can be used to create a gene in Artbreeder?

    -Any type of image can be used to create a gene, whether abstract or personal, as long as there are enough images with the desired feature for the system to learn from.

  • What is the potential of the custom gene feature in Artbreeder?

    -The custom gene feature has great potential for creativity and collaboration. It allows users to create unique genes and share them with the community, fostering a collaborative and crowd-sourced approach to content creation.



🎨 Introducing Custom Jeans Feature in Art Reader

The paragraph introduces a tutorial on using the new custom jeans feature in Art Reader. It explains that from the create page, users can select any category and then choose the 'Create Gene' option under the advanced members-only section. The feature is advanced but easy to use, and it allows users to create a new category by selecting reference images. The tutorial demonstrates how to use the tags feature to search for images with beards and select those with nice beards. It also shows how to create a gene using reference images and how to test the new gene on a clean-shaven face to see the changes it makes. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of having more images for better results and how the gene can be fine-tuned using other tools to adjust the age and style of the person in the image.



đź’ˇArt Reader

Art Reader is the software application being discussed in the video. It is a platform that enables users to create and customize digital images through various features, including the newly introduced custom jeans feature. The term 'Art Reader' is central to the video's theme as it is the tool that the tutorial is focused on using to create a new category of images.

đź’ˇCustom Jeans

Custom Jeans refers to a new advanced feature in Art Reader that allows users to create their own categories of images by selecting and combining various reference images. This feature is significant in the video as it is the main tool being demonstrated and is used to create a new category called 'beard June'.

đź’ˇReference Images

Reference images are the source materials used in Art Reader to build or modify the appearance of images through the custom jeans feature. These images serve as a basis for creating new visual elements and are crucial for the customization process.

đź’ˇTags Feature

The tags feature in Art Reader is a tool that allows users to search for specific types of images within the platform. By using tags, users can filter and find images that match certain criteria, which is essential for gathering reference images for the custom jeans feature.

đź’ˇAdvanced Feature

An advanced feature in the context of Art Reader refers to tools or functions that offer more complex or sophisticated options for users to manipulate and create images. Although these features may be more complex, they are designed to be user-friendly and accessible, allowing for greater customization.


In the context of the video, a gene refers to a set of visual characteristics or attributes that can be applied to images in Art Reader. The term is used metaphorically to describe how these attributes, once created, can be added or modified to create new images or alter existing ones.

đź’ˇIdentity and Style

Identity and style in the video relate to the core characteristics and the aesthetic elements of an image that can be manipulated using the custom jeans feature. Identity refers to the inherent features of an image, such as age and facial structure, while style pertains to the artistic or visual aspects, like hair color.


Export in the context of Art Reader is the process of saving or downloading the customized image created using the custom jeans feature. This allows users to use their creations outside of the platform or share them with others.

đź’ˇProfile Page

The profile page in Art Reader is a personal space for users where they can manage their creations, including the genes they have made. It is also a place where other users can view and add custom genes created by the profile owner, facilitating a collaborative and social aspect of the platform.

đź’ˇCollaborative Crowdsource

Collaborative crowdsourcing in the context of Art Reader refers to the community-driven creation and sharing of custom genes. It emphasizes the collective effort of users to create a diverse range of visual elements that can be used and improved upon by others, fostering a sense of collaboration and creativity within the platform.


Introduction to the new custom jeans feature in ArtReader.

Accessing the advanced members-only section for creating genes on the create page.

Creating a new category, 'Beard June', by selecting reference images.

Utilizing the tags feature to search for images with beards.

The importance of having more reference images for better gene creation.

Testing the new beard gene on a clean-shaven face.

Adjusting the gene to avoid unwanted changes in the face, such as adding age.

Controlling the impact of the new gene on the content or identity of the person with a slider.

Fine-tuning the gene by defining styles and hair color.

Exporting and naming the custom gene 'Weird Wonderful'.

Accessing the new gene section on the profile page.

Using the custom gene in various applications like portrait images.

The capability of custom genes to be shared among users.

The potential of the custom gene feature for various image types and its collaborative nature.

Excitement about the community's use of the custom gene feature and its creative applications.