D-ID Agents Walkthrough Demo: Harvard College Student Advisor

D-ID AI Video Platform
4 Apr 202405:12

TLDRThis video script introduces a walkthrough for creating a student advisor agent for Harvard College using D-ID Agents. The agent, named Aiden, is designed to provide personalized and engaging information to students, combining the roles of an academic adviser, student mentor, and resource coordinator. The creation process involves selecting an avatar, naming the agent, choosing a voice, and defining its purpose. The agent's knowledge base is augmented with uploaded documents like the Harvard College student handbook and the fields of concentration guide. Grounding options are provided to tailor the agent's responses. Starter questions are added to initiate conversations. The agent can interact via speech or text, pulling accurate information from its knowledge base. It outlines the requirements for the history of art and architecture concentration and discusses academic support and tutoring resources, as well as how to get involved in extracurricular activities and clubs on campus.


  • 🎓 **Create a Student Advisor Agent**: Use D-ID Studio to build a personalized and engaging student advisor for Harvard College.
  • 🖼️ **Choose an Avatar**: Select an image or use a standard or premium avatar for your agent, depending on your subscription level.
  • 📝 **Name and Voice**: Name your agent (e.g., Aiden) and choose a voice to give it a unique personality (e.g., Anthony).
  • 📜 **Define Purpose**: The agent's purpose is to orient students to Harvard College and inform them about academic, social, and personal development opportunities.
  • 📚 **Knowledge Base Augmentation**: Upload relevant documents like the Harvard College student handbook to the agent's knowledge base.
  • 🔍 **Grounding Options**: Choose how the agent uses its knowledge sources for responses: grounded, ungrounded, or hybrid.
  • 🗣️ **Starter Questions**: Add initial questions to kickstart conversations, such as 'What do I need to graduate?' or 'What sports can I play?'.
  • ⚡ **Agent Generation**: After configuration, create the agent which will be ready for use in a few seconds.
  • 🌐 **Embed and Share**: The generated agent can be shared or embedded on a website for broader access.
  • 💬 **Interact via Speech or Text**: Users can interact with the agent using voice or text, and the agent pulls information from its knowledge base for accuracy.
  • 🎨 **Art and Architecture Concentration**: For the history of art and architecture, students need to complete specific courses and credits, including options for honors eligibility.
  • 🤝 **Academic Support**: Harvard College offers resources like peer tutoring, writing centers, and academic advising for academic support and tutoring.
  • 🏢 **Extracurricular Involvement**: Engage in extracurricular activities and clubs by attending club fairs, information sessions, or reaching out to the student involvement office.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of creating a student advisor for Harvard College using D-ID Agents?

    -The purpose is to orient students to Harvard College and inform them of the academic, social, and personal development opportunities as well as the many resources to help them along the way.

  • How does one begin creating an agent in D-ID Studio?

    -To begin, one would head over to D-ID Studio, click the agents tab on the left side toolbar, and then select 'create agent'.

  • What are the different avatar options available for an agent in D-ID Studio?

    -You can either upload an image of a person or select from one of the standard avatars. With a pro subscription or above, you also have access to premium avatars.

  • What is the process of giving instructions to an agent in D-ID Studio?

    -After naming the agent, you would write instructions to determine how it should behave to best engage with customers. This includes defining the agent's purpose and the type of information it should provide.

  • How does one augment the agent's knowledge base in D-ID Studio?

    -You can augment the agent's knowledge base by uploading text, PDF, or PPTX files, or by pasting a URL link. For the demo, the Harvard College student handbook and the fields of concentration guide for the 2023 to 2024 Academic Year were uploaded.

  • What are the different grounding options for an agent in D-ID Studio?

    -The grounding options include grounded (agent uses your knowledge sources for responses), ungrounded (agent will not use any of your sources), and hybrid (agent will primarily use your sources but also rely on general knowledge).

  • What are starter questions and why are they used in D-ID Studio?

    -Starter questions are used to help kickstart the conversation with the agent. They are entered after uploading files and selecting grounding to guide the initial interactions.

  • How can one interact with the created agent?

    -One can interact with the agent via speech or text by clicking on the microphone icon or simply typing prompts. The agent will pull information directly from the uploaded documents to ensure total accuracy.

  • What are the basic requirements for the history of art and architecture concentration at Harvard College?

    -For the basic requirements, you need to complete 12 courses (48 credits), which includes three introductory courses, three courses in a Major Field, and three courses in at least two different areas. There are also options to fulfill some requirements with Gen Ed courses, first-year seminars, and a colloquium in the visual arts.

  • What are the eligibility requirements for honors in the architecture studies track at Harvard College?

    -For honors eligibility in the architecture studies track, you will need to complete 14 courses (56 credits), including a thesis. The required courses and distribution requirements are the same as the basic requirements. Additionally, in your senior year, you can choose to take either HAA 92r or HAA 99a as part of your honors eligibility.

  • What academic support and tutoring resources are available at Harvard College?

    -Harvard College offers resources such as peer tutoring programs, writing centers, subject-specific tutoring centers, and academic advising to provide students with additional help and guidance in their academic pursuits.

  • How can students get involved in extracurricular activities and clubs on campus at Harvard College?

    -Students can get involved by attending club fairs and information sessions at the beginning of the academic year. They can also visit the Harvard College Student Life website or reach out to the Office of Student Involvement for more information on how to join different clubs and organizations.



🚀 Creating a Student Advisor for Harvard College with DIID Agents

This paragraph introduces the creation of a student advisor agent for Harvard College using DIID Agents. The agent aims to offer personalized and engaging information to students, combining the roles of an academic adviser, student mentor, and resource coordinator. The process begins with accessing DIID Studio and selecting the 'Agents' tab to create a new agent. Choosing an avatar and naming the agent 'Aiden' is followed by selecting a voice, in this case, 'Anthony'. The agent's purpose is outlined to orient students to Harvard College and inform them about academic, social, and personal development opportunities, as well as available resources. The agent's knowledge base is augmented by uploading relevant documents such as the Harvard College student handbook and the fields of concentration guide for the 2023-2024 academic year. Grounding options for the agent are discussed, including grounded, ungrounded, and hybrid modes. Starter questions are added to initiate conversations, and the agent is created, ready to be shared or embedded on a website. Interaction with the agent can be done via speech or text, with the agent providing accurate information from the uploaded documents.


🎓 Engaging with the Student Advisor Agent

The second paragraph demonstrates the interaction with the newly created student advisor agent. It covers how to engage with the agent using voice or text input. The agent is designed to pull information directly from its knowledge base, ensuring accuracy. An example interaction is provided, where the user expresses interest in the history of art and architecture concentration, inquiring about basic requirements and honors eligibility. The agent responds with detailed course and credit requirements for both basic and honors tracks. Additionally, the paragraph discusses available resources for academic support and tutoring, including peer tutoring programs, writing centers, and subject-specific tutoring centers. It also advises on how to get involved in extracurricular activities and clubs on campus, suggesting attending club fairs and information sessions, and consulting the Harvard College Student Life website or the office of student involvement for more information. The paragraph concludes by thanking the audience for joining the demonstration.



💡D-ID Agents

D-ID Agents refers to a technology that creates virtual agents capable of providing personalized and engaging information to users. In the context of the video, these agents are designed to serve as student advisors for Harvard College, offering guidance on academic, social, and personal development opportunities.


An avatar in this context is a digital representation used for the virtual agent. It can be a custom image uploaded by the user or chosen from a selection of standard or premium avatars provided by the D-ID platform. The avatar helps in personalizing the interaction between the student and the advisor agent.

💡Voice Selection

This refers to the process of choosing a voice for the virtual agent, which contributes to its unique personality. In the video, the voice 'Anthony' is selected to make the agent, named Aiden, sound more human-like and relatable to students.

💡Knowledge Base

The knowledge base is a collection of information that the virtual agent uses to provide accurate responses. In the video, it is augmented by uploading documents such as the Harvard College student handbook and the fields of concentration guide, which the agent uses to inform students about academic requirements and other college-related information.

💡Grounded, Ungrounded, and Hybrid

These terms describe the different modes of operation for the virtual agent. A grounded agent uses the uploaded knowledge sources for responses, an ungrounded agent does not use any of the sources, and a hybrid agent primarily uses the sources but also relies on general knowledge. The choice affects how the agent generates its responses to student inquiries.

💡Starter Questions

Starter questions are initial queries provided to the virtual agent to kickstart the conversation with students. In the video, four starter questions are given, covering topics like graduation requirements, the honor code, sports, and housing options, which help initiate interaction with the agent.


To embed means to integrate the virtual agent into a website so that students and other users can interact with it directly from the web pages. This feature allows for easy accessibility and enhances the user experience by providing immediate assistance through the agent.


Speech-to-text is a functionality that allows users to interact with the virtual agent using voice commands. Alternatively, users can type their prompts for interaction. This feature makes the agent more accessible and user-friendly, catering to different user preferences.

💡Academic Adviser

An academic adviser is a role typically filled by a person who helps students with their educational plans and choices. In the video, the D-ID Agent is designed to perform this role, providing information on academic requirements, resources, and opportunities at Harvard College.

💡Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities refer to pursuits undertaken by students outside of their academic curriculum. The video mentions that Harvard College offers various clubs and organizations for students to join, which can enrich their college experience and personal development.

💡Student Life

Student life encompasses all the experiences and activities that students engage in while attending college, including academic, social, and personal endeavors. The virtual agent is intended to support and enhance student life by providing information and guidance on various aspects of college life at Harvard.


Creating a student advisor for Harvard College using D-ID Agents to provide personalized and engaging information to students.

Combining the roles of an academic adviser, student mentor, and resource coordinator in a single agent.

Access to premium avatars with a Pro subscription or above for a more personalized agent appearance.

Selecting a unique voice for the agent, such as Anthony, to enhance its personality.

Defining the agent's purpose to orient students and inform them about academic, social, and personal development opportunities.

Uploading relevant documents like the Harvard College student handbook to the agent's knowledge base.

Choosing between grounded, ungrounded, and hybrid responses based on the use of uploaded sources.

Adding starter questions to initiate conversations with the agent, such as 'What do I need to graduate?'

The agent's ability to generate within seconds and be ready for use after creation.

Sharing and embedding the agent on a website for broader accessibility.

Interacting with the agent via speech or text for information retrieval.

Accuracy in information provided by the agent, as it pulls data directly from the uploaded documents.

Detailed explanation of the requirements for the History of Art and Architecture concentration, including credits and course types.

Eligibility criteria for honors in the Architecture Studies track, including the need for a thesis.

Availability of academic support resources such as peer tutoring programs and writing centers.

Strategies for getting involved in extracurricular activities and clubs on campus, including attending club fairs and information sessions.

Use of the Harvard College Student Life website and the Office of Student Involvement for more information on campus involvement.

The walkthrough demonstrates the practical application of D-ID Agents in enhancing student engagement and resource accessibility at Harvard College.