D-ID Agents Walkthrough Demo: Automotive Expert

D-ID AI Video Platform
27 Feb 202405:15

TLDRIn this informative video, Sheldon, the Social Media and Community Manager, introduces viewers to creating a specialized AI agent for electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehicles. The tutorial guides users through the process in DID Studio, from selecting an avatar and voice to uploading knowledge-enhancing files. The AI's capabilities are demonstrated through accurate responses to user queries about eco-friendly vehicles, highlighting its potential for auto dealers and manufacturers to assist customers in their pre-purchase research. The video concludes with a prompt to learn more about D agents and stay updated for future releases.


  • 🚀 Sheldon introduces himself as the Social Media and Community Manager.
  • 🎥 The video is about showcasing how to create an AI agent for businesses.
  • 🚗 The AI agent specializes in electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
  • 👥 Ideal for auto dealers or manufacturers to assist users with pre-purchase research.
  • 💻 Start by logging into the DID Studio and selecting the 'Agents' tab.
  • 🌟 Choose an avatar for the agent, with premium options available for Pro subscribers.
  • 🎤 Assign a voice to the agent from a variety of options, or clone your own voice.
  • 📝 Provide instructions to customize the agent's interaction style and behavior.
  • 📚 Upload files or URLs to enhance the agent's knowledge base.
  • 💡 Agent can pull information directly from uploaded documents for accurate responses.
  • 🏆 The Tesla Model 3 was the top-selling electric vehicle in 2023.
  • 📈 The Model 3 is not suitable for families of seven due to seating capacity.
  • 🔗 Share the AI agent by generating a link or embed code for your website.

Q & A

  • What is Sheldon's role in the company?

    -Sheldon is the Social Media and Community Manager at the company.

  • What is the main purpose of the video series being produced?

    -The main purpose of the video series is to showcase the various ways businesses can use their latest product, the D agents.

  • What type of agent is being showcased in the demo?

    -The agent being showcased is an expert in electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehicles, ideal for auto dealers or manufacturers.

  • How does one begin creating an agent in the D Studio?

    -To create an agent, one needs to log into the D Studio, select the 'Agents' tab, and click 'Create Agent'.

  • What options are available for customizing the agent's avatar?

    -Users can choose from standard avatars or, with a Pro subscription and above, select premium avatars or create a custom avatar by uploading an image.

  • What is the process for selecting a voice for the agent?

    -Users can choose from a selection of different voices, including the option to clone their own voice, and preview each voice by clicking the play icon.

  • How does one provide instructions to the agent?

    -Instructions are given by entering them, which determines the agent's interaction style, tone, and behavior to best engage with visitors.

  • What types of files can be uploaded to augment the agent's knowledge base?

    -Text, PDF, PPTX files, or a URL link can be uploaded to provide the agent with subject matter expertise.

  • What was the top-selling electric vehicle in 2023?

    -The top-selling electric vehicle in 2023 was the Tesla Model 3.

  • What are some factors to consider when choosing between an electric hybrid and a plug-in hybrid vehicle?

    -Factors to consider include driving habits, budget, and environmental concerns, as well as the vehicle's range, refueling times, and maintenance costs.

  • Is the Tesla Model 3 suitable for a family of seven?

    -No, the Tesla Model 3 is designed to seat up to five passengers; however, the Tesla Model Y offers seating for up to seven with an optional third row seat.

  • How can the created agent be integrated into a website?

    -Once the agent is ready, users can share it by clicking the 'Share' button and either send out a link or create an embed code to add it to their website.



🚗 Introducing the AI Agent for Automotive Enthusiasts

The paragraph introduces Sheldon, the Social Media and Community Manager, who presents a series of videos on utilizing the latest product, DID agents, for businesses. Sheldon demonstrates how to create an AI agent specialized in electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehicles, ideal for auto dealers or manufacturers to assist users with pre-purchase research. The process begins with logging into DID Studio, selecting the 'Agents' tab, and creating an agent. This involves choosing an avatar, naming the agent (in this case, 'Anthony'), and selecting a voice ('Dave' is chosen for his accent). Instructions are then given to the agent to determine its interaction style with users. Following this, files are uploaded to enhance the agent's knowledge base, such as a PDF on electric vehicles. The agent can then be interacted with via speech or text, providing accurate information drawn from the uploaded document. An example interaction discusses the factors to consider when choosing between electric and hybrid vehicles, and mentions the Tesla Model 3 as the top-selling electric vehicle of 2023. The paragraph concludes with information on the seating capacity of the Tesla Model 3 and alternative options for larger families.


🎥 Wrap-Up and Future Demonstrations

In this paragraph, Sheldon concludes the walkthrough demo and encourages viewers to stay tuned for future demonstrations. The focus is on the practical application of the DID agents for businesses, emphasizing the potential for customization and the value they add to user engagement. The paragraph serves as a closing remark, thanking the audience for their participation and expressing enthusiasm for upcoming content.



💡Social Media and Community Manager

The term refers to a professional role responsible for managing a company's presence on social media platforms and engaging with the online community. In the context of the video, Sheldon holds this position and is responsible for showcasing the capabilities of the company's product, the 'DID agents'.

💡DID agents

DID agents are the latest product being showcased in the video. They are AI-powered virtual assistants designed to provide specialized knowledge and customer support for businesses. The agents can be customized with different avatars, voices, and knowledge bases to suit specific business needs.

💡Electric, Hybrid, and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles

These are types of vehicles with different powertrain technologies. Electric vehicles (EVs) run solely on electricity, hybrid vehicles use both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor, while plug-in hybrids can run on electricity for short distances before switching to gasoline. The video demonstrates how a DID agent can become an expert in these vehicle types to assist auto dealers and manufacturers.

💡Auto Dealers and Manufacturers

These are businesses in the automotive industry that sell or produce vehicles. Auto dealers are the retail side, selling cars to consumers, while manufacturers are the companies that produce the vehicles. The video suggests that DID agents can be particularly useful for these types of businesses to enhance customer service and provide detailed information.

💡DID Studio

DID Studio is the platform where users can create and customize their DID agents. It provides various tools and options to personalize the agent's appearance, voice, and knowledge base. It is the starting point for creating an agent that can assist with specific business needs.


An avatar in this context is a visual representation or character used for the DID agent. Users can choose from standard or premium avatars, or even create a custom avatar by uploading an image. The avatar helps to personalize the interaction and make the experience more engaging for the users.

💡Voice Cloning

Voice cloning is a technology that allows the replication of a specific person's voice. In the video, it is mentioned as an option for users to select a voice for their DID agents, including the possibility of cloning their own voice for a more personalized experience.

💡Knowledge Base

The knowledge base is the collection of information and data that a DID agent has access to in order to provide accurate and relevant responses. It can be augmented with files such as text documents, PDFs, or even URL links containing pertinent information on the topic the agent is designed to handle.

💡Starter Questions

Starter questions are pre-defined queries that help initiate conversations with the DID agent. They serve as conversation starters for users who may not know exactly what to ask, providing a smooth entry point into the interaction.

💡Eco-friendly Vehicle

An eco-friendly vehicle is a type of transportation that is designed to minimize environmental impact. This can include electric vehicles, hybrids, and other low-emission vehicles. The video uses the concept of eco-friendly vehicles to demonstrate the agent's ability to provide informed advice on vehicle selection based on environmental considerations.

💡Tesla Model 3

The Tesla Model 3 is a popular electric vehicle known for its performance, range, and technology. It is mentioned in the video as the top-selling electric vehicle of 2023, highlighting its significance in the EV market and its appeal to consumers interested in transitioning to electric vehicles.

💡Seating Capacity

Seating capacity refers to the number of passengers a vehicle can accommodate. It is an important consideration for consumers when choosing a vehicle, especially for larger families. In the video, Sheldon asks the agent about the seating capacity of the Tesla Model 3 in the context of accommodating a family of seven.


Introduction to Sheldon, the social media and Community manager, and the purpose of the video series.

Showcasing the versatility of the latest product, 'DID agents', and their application in businesses.

Demonstration of creating an agent specialized in electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

The suitability of the agent for auto dealers or manufacturers to assist users with pre-purchase research.

Step-by-step guide on logging into DID Studio and selecting the 'Agents' tab.

Explanation of choosing an avatar for the agent, including options for standard and premium avatars.

Personalization option of creating a custom avatar by uploading an image for a pro subscription.

Selection of the agent's name, in this case, 'Anthony', to enhance user engagement.

Choosing a voice for the agent from a variety of options, with the ability to clone one's own voice.

Providing instructions to the agent to determine interaction style, tone, and appropriate responses.

Uploading files to augment the agent's knowledge base, such as text, PDF, PPTX, or URL links.

Example of uploading a PDF with information on electric vehicles to give the agent subject matter expertise.

Adding starter questions to kickstart conversations and engage visitors interactively.

Instant creation and readiness of the agent after the setup process.

Interacting with the agent through speech, DET text, or typing prompts.

Agent's ability to pull information directly from uploaded documents, ensuring accuracy.

Discussion on factors to consider when choosing between electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Information on the top-selling electric vehicle of 2023, the Tesla Model 3.

Clarification that the Tesla Model 3 is not suitable for a family of seven due to seating capacity.

Introduction of the Tesla Model Y as an alternative for larger families.

Instructions on sharing the agent by generating a link or embed code for website integration.

Invitation to learn more about DID agents and anticipation for the next video in the series.