Deep Learning(CS7015): Lec 12.9 Deep Art

23 Oct 201805:48

TLDRThe lecture on Deep Art introduces a method for rendering natural images in the style of famous artists. The process involves defining two key quantities: content targets and style targets. For content, the goal is to ensure that the hidden representations of the original and generated images are identical, capturing the essence of the image. The style is captured by taking the dot product of feature maps from a convolutional neural network, which is believed to represent the style of the image. The loss function for style aims to minimize the difference between the style representations of the generated image and a given style image. The total objective function is a weighted sum of content and style loss functions, with hyperparameters alpha and beta balancing the two. By optimizing this function, one can create new images that combine the content of one image with the style of another, opening up possibilities for artistic expression and creativity.


  • 🎨 The lecture introduces the concept of deep art, which involves using neural networks to render images in the style of famous artists.
  • 🤔 The process starts with an 'IQ test' to understand how the concept can be applied to natural or camera images.
  • 🖼️ Two key quantities are defined for the process: content targets and style targets, which represent the content and style of the original and generated images.
  • 🌟 The content target is the image that the user wants the final output to resemble, ensuring that the hidden representations of the original and generated images are the same.
  • 🏞️ The style target captures the artistic style of an image, with the assumption that the style can be represented by certain features from a convolutional neural network.
  • 📈 The style of an image is captured by taking the Gram matrix (V transpose V) from the neural network layers, which provides a representation of the style.
  • 🔄 The deeper the layers from which the Gram matrices are taken, the better the representation of the style, as per the original paper's argument.
  • 🎯 The objective function for the content ensures that the generated image's hidden representations match those of the content image.
  • 🎭 The objective function for the style aims to minimize the difference between the style representations of the generated and style images.
  • 📊 The total objective function combines both content and style objectives, with hyperparameters alpha and beta used to balance their importance.
  • 🧙‍♂️ An example given in the lecture is rendering the image of Gandalf in the style of a chosen artist, showcasing the creative potential of deep art.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of this lecture?

    -The main topic of this lecture is Deep Art, specifically focusing on how to render natural images in the style of famous artists using deep learning techniques.

  • What is the significance of the 'content targets' in the context of this lecture?

    -The 'content targets' refer to the original image whose content needs to be preserved when creating a new image in a different artistic style. The goal is to ensure that the hidden representations of the generated image match those of the content image, capturing the essence of the original content.

  • How does the convolutional neural network contribute to the deep art process?

    -The convolutional neural network is used to create new images by learning multiple representations of both the content image and the style image. It helps in ensuring that the generated image retains the content of the original image while adopting the style of a different image.

  • What is the role of the 'embeddings' in the deep art process?

    -The embeddings learned by the neural network for the new image and the original image are meant to be the same. This ensures that the content of the original image is preserved in the generated image, maintaining its essence and attributes.

  • How is the 'style' of an image captured in the deep art process?

    -The style of an image is captured by calculating the matrix V transpose V for a given layer of the neural network. This matrix, which varies in dimension depending on the layer, is believed to represent the style of the image according to the original paper on this topic.

  • What is the 'style gram' mentioned in the lecture?

    -The 'style gram' refers to the matrix V transpose V, which captures the style of an image. It is used in the loss function to ensure that the style of the generated image matches that of the style image.

  • What is the objective function for the content in the deep art process?

    -The objective function for the content ensures that the generated image's hidden representations match those of the content image. It is a loss function that minimizes the difference between the feature values of the original and generated images at each pixel.

  • What is the objective function for the style in the deep art process?

    -The objective function for the style minimizes the difference between the style grams of the generated image and the style image. This is done by comparing the matrix squared error between the two, aiming to make the style of the generated image as close as possible to the style image.

  • How are the content and style objectives combined in the deep art process?

    -The content and style objectives are combined in a total objective function, which is the sum of the content and style loss functions. Hyperparameters alpha and beta are used to balance the importance of content and style in the final generated image.

  • What is the result of using this deep art process?

    -Using this deep art process results in a new image that combines the content of one image with the style of another. For example, a photo of Gandalf could be rendered in the style of a famous painting, demonstrating the potential for creative and imaginative transformations of images.



🎨 Deep Art and Neural Networks

This paragraph discusses the concept of deep art and its implementation using neural networks. It introduces the idea of taking natural or camera images and rendering them in the style of famous artists. The process involves designing a network that defines two quantities: content targets and style targets. The content image is the main focus, with the goal of creating a new image that, when passed through a convolutional neural network, has the same hidden representations as the original. This ensures the essence of the image is captured and preserved in the new image. The style, on the other hand, is captured by a specific matrix operation (V transpose V) at various layers of the network. The challenge lies in designing a loss function that captures the style of an image and aligns it with the generated image. The total objective function combines content and style loss, with hyperparameters alpha and beta used to balance the two. The result is an image that combines the content of one image with the artistic style of another, as demonstrated by an example of Gandalf rendered in a specific style.


💡 Exploring the Potential of Deep Art

This paragraph delves into the practical applications and potential of deep art, highlighting the creative possibilities it opens up. With the foundational concept established, it encourages the audience to imagine the various ways two different images can be combined. The availability of code for experimentation is mentioned, inviting the audience to engage with the technology and explore its capabilities. The key idea presented is the blending of content and style to create new and imaginative works of art, showcasing the intersection of technology and creativity in the realm of deep learning and computer vision.



💡Deep Art

Deep Art refers to the application of deep learning techniques to create artworks that mimic the style of famous artists. It is a process where an original image is rendered in a specific art form using neural networks. In the context of the video, Deep Art is the central theme, showcasing how technology can be used to blend natural images with artistic styles to produce unique pieces of art.

💡Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

A Convolutional Neural Network is a type of deep learning algorithm primarily used for processing data that has a grid-like topology, such as an image. In the video, CNNs are used to analyze and replicate the content and style of images. They are crucial for the Deep Art process as they capture the essence of the original image and the desired style to be applied to a new image.

💡Content Targets

Content targets are specific features or elements within an image that are of particular interest to the creator. In the context of Deep Art, the content target is the original image that the artist wants to render in a new style. The goal is to ensure that the generated image maintains the same content targets as the original when passed through the CNN, preserving the essence of the image.

💡Style Image

A style image is a reference image that provides the artistic style to be applied to the content image. It is used to guide the neural network in creating a new image that has the same content as the original but the style of the style image. In the script, the style image is a crucial component in the Deep Art process, influencing the final aesthetic of the generated artwork.

💡Loss Function

In machine learning, a loss function measures how well the model's predictions match the actual data. In the context of Deep Art, the loss function is used to quantify the difference between the generated image and the desired content and style targets. It guides the optimization process to create an image that closely matches both the content of the original image and the style of the style image.


Embeddings are learned representations of data that capture its essence in a reduced dimensionality space. In the video, the author mentions that the goal is to ensure the embeddings of the new image and the original image are the same, which means the new image should retain the content features of the original image when transformed into a different style.


Hyperparameters are parameters whose values are set prior to the start of the learning process. In Deep Art, alpha and beta are hyperparameters that balance the content and style loss functions. They are crucial for determining how much emphasis the model places on content versus style during the generation of the new image.

💡Optimization Problem

An optimization problem involves finding the best solution or solution set from some set of available solutions. In the context of the video, the optimization problem is to modify the pixels of the generated image to minimize the loss function, ensuring that the content and style of the new image match the desired targets.

💡Style Gram

A style gram is a matrix derived from the feature maps of a CNN that captures the style of an image. It is used in Deep Art to compare and match the style of the generated image with that of the style image. The style gram is a key component in ensuring that the generated artwork has the desired artistic style.

💡Objective Function

An objective function is a function that is used to define the goal of a mathematical model or algorithm. In the video, the objective function combines the content and style loss functions, aiming to create an image that matches both the content of the original image and the style of the style image. It is the function that the algorithm optimizes to generate the final artwork.


Gandalf is a fictional character from J.R.R. Tolkien's novels, used in the video as an example of how Deep Art can render a recognizable figure in a specific artistic style. The mention of Gandalf illustrates the practical application of the Deep Art process, showing how it can be used to create visually appealing and stylistically consistent images.


Deep Art is a technique that uses deep learning to render natural images in the style of famous artists.

The process begins by defining two quantities: content targets and style targets.

The content image is the image whose content is desired to be reflected in the final output.

The goal for content is to ensure that the hidden representations of the original and generated images are equal when passed through a convolutional neural network.

The content loss function aims to minimize the difference in feature values between the original and generated images.

Style is captured by computing V^T * V for a given layer, which represents the style matrix.

The style loss function seeks to minimize the difference between the style matrices of the generated and style images.

The total objective function is the sum of the content and style loss functions, with hyperparameters alpha and beta used to balance the two.

By training the algorithm and adjusting pixels, it is possible to render an image, such as Gandalf, in a specified artistic style.

Deep Art allows for creativity by combining different images and styles to produce unique outputs.

The lecture introduces a leap of faith in the process, acknowledging that some aspects are taken from traditional computer vision literature without deep exploration.

The process of Deep Art involves creating a new image that maintains the content of the original while adopting the style of a different image.

The embedding learned for the new image and the original image should be the same to ensure content preservation.

The lecture discusses the use of a convolutional neural network to process and generate the new image with desired attributes.

The concept of style transfer is introduced, where the style of one image is applied to another, different image.

The lecture provides insights into how deep learning can be used for artistic purposes, showcasing the versatility of neural networks.

The method involves an optimization problem where the generated image's content and style are iteratively adjusted to match the desired targets.

The lecture encourages the exploration of imaginative applications of Deep Art, suggesting the potential for a wide range of creative uses.