Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning | 2023 | Hugging Face Tutorial, Eric Frankel

Stanford Online
19 Sept 202347:57

TLDRThe video tutorial introduces the Hugging Face Transformers library, highlighting its utility for utilizing pre-trained NLP models, particularly transformer-based ones. It emphasizes the library's compatibility with PyTorch and its extensive documentation. The tutorial walks through the process of installing the library, finding and using models from the Hugging Face Hub, and the importance of tokenizers for processing input text. It also covers model output interpretation, attention weight analysis, and touches on fine-tuning models with Hugging Face's datasets. The video presents both manual training using PyTorch and the convenience of Hugging Face's Trainer class, offering insights into evaluating models and saving checkpoints for future use.


  • 📚 The Hugging Face Transformers library is a valuable tool for utilizing off-the-shelf NLP models, particularly transformer-based models.
  • 🔍 The Hugging Face documentation is a comprehensive resource for learning about the library, its tutorials, and available models.
  • 🛠️ The Transformers and datasets packages from Hugging Face are essential for accessing pre-trained models and data sets for various NLP tasks.
  • 🧠 Understanding the process of tokenization is crucial for pre-processing inputs for transformer models, where text is converted into a format that the model can understand.
  • 🤖 Different models like BERT, GPT-2, and T5-small are available on the Hugging Face Hub, each suitable for specific tasks and can be easily downloaded.
  • 🔑 The `AutoTokenizer` and `AutoModel` classes simplify the process of selecting and using the appropriate tokenizer and model for a given task.
  • 📈 The model's outputs, such as logits and predictions, provide insights into the model's performance and can be used for tasks like sentiment analysis.
  • 💡 The attention weights and hidden states of a model can be analyzed to gain a deeper understanding of the model's internal workings and decision-making process.
  • 🎨 Hugging Face provides a `Trainer` class that streamlines the training process, handling various aspects such as optimization, learning rate scheduling, and evaluation.
  • 🔄 The use of callbacks and early stopping in the training process allows for greater control and efficiency, potentially saving computational resources and time.
  • 📊 The library supports the evaluation of model performance using various metrics, and the model's predictions can be easily obtained for further analysis or interpretation.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the Hugging Face Transformers tutorial?

    -The main focus of the Hugging Face Transformers tutorial is to teach users how to effectively use the Hugging Face library, particularly with transformer-based NLP models, for various tasks such as sentiment analysis.

  • How does the Hugging Face library interface with PyTorch?

    -The Hugging Face library interfaces well with PyTorch, allowing users to easily utilize pre-trained models within a PyTorch framework for tasks like sequence classification and sentiment analysis.

  • What are the two key components needed for using a model from the Hugging Face Hub?

    -The two key components needed for using a model from the Hugging Face Hub are a tokenizer for splitting input text into tokens and the actual model itself.

  • What is the purpose of a tokenizer in NLP models?

    -A tokenizer is used for pre-processing inputs for any model by converting raw strings into a mapping of numbers or IDs that the model can understand and use for inference.

  • What is the difference between the Python tokenizer and the Rust tokenizer?

    -The Python tokenizer and the Rust tokenizer serve the same purpose but are written in different programming languages. The Rust tokenizer is generally faster for inference time, while the Python tokenizer is more commonly used.

  • How can the Hugging Face models be fine-tuned for specific tasks?

    -Hugging Face models can be fine-tuned for specific tasks by training them on a dataset relevant to the task, adjusting the model's weights to better fit the new data distribution, and then evaluating the performance on a validation set.

  • What is the role of the Hugging Face Trainer class?

    -The Hugging Face Trainer class simplifies the training process by handling the training loop, including computing the loss, backpropagating gradients, and updating model weights, based on the provided training arguments and datasets.

  • How does the Hugging Face library support model evaluation?

    -The Hugging Face library supports model evaluation by allowing users to pass in datasets and compute metrics such as accuracy, F1 score, and recall based on the model's predictions and the ground truth labels.

  • What are the different types of models available on the Hugging Face Hub?

    -The Hugging Face Hub offers various types of models including encoder models like BERT, decoder models like GPT-2, and encoder-decoder models like BART or T5, each suitable for different NLP tasks.

  • How can attention weights be visualized in Hugging Face models?

    -Attention weights can be visualized by setting the 'output_attentions' argument to true when calling the model, which will include the attention weights in the output dictionary. These weights can then be plotted or analyzed to understand the model's focus on different tokens.

  • What is the significance of setting a model to 'eval' mode in PyTorch and how does it affect the model's behavior?

    -Setting a model to 'eval' mode in PyTorch switches the model from training mode to evaluation mode. This disables certain operations that are only relevant during training, such as dropout and batch normalization behavior, making the model more efficient for evaluation purposes.

  • What is the purpose of the DatasetDict class in Hugging Face?

    -The DatasetDict class in Hugging Face is a wrapper class that holds the training and validation datasets. It allows users to easily access and manipulate these datasets, and provides functionalities like shuffling and truncating the data for efficient processing.



📚 Introduction to Hugging Face Transformers

This paragraph introduces the Hugging Face Transformers library, emphasizing its usefulness in utilizing off-the-shelf NLP models, particularly transformer-based models. It mentions the library's compatibility with PyTorch and highlights the availability of extensive documentation, tutorials, and notebooks for users to explore. The paragraph also outlines the initial steps in using the library, such as installing the Transformers and datasets packages, and provides an overview of the process of finding and utilizing models from the Hugging Face Hub for tasks like sentiment analysis.


🔍 Understanding Tokenizers and Model Encodings

This section delves into the role of tokenizers in preparing input text for models by converting raw strings into a format that the model can understand. It explains the process of tokenization and the importance of attention masks in transformer models. The paragraph also discusses the two types of tokenizers available—Python and Rust-based—and their impact on inference time. Additionally, it touches on the concept of encoding and how tokenizers map inputs to numerical IDs that models can interpret, as well as how to handle special tokens and padding for model inputs.


🌐 Exploring Tokenizers and Fast Tokenizers

The paragraph further explores the functionalities of tokenizers, particularly the 'fast' tokenizers written in Rust. It discusses the additional options provided by fast tokenizers for understanding how tokens are used from the input string. The section also covers the different ways to use tokenizer outputs, such as converting them into PyTorch tensors and padding sequences to uniform lengths. The importance of special tokens and attention masks in the tokenization process is reiterated, along with the ability to decode entire batches of tokenized inputs.


🏗️ Customizing Model Architectures for Specific Tasks

This part of the script discusses the selection of appropriate model architectures for specific tasks, such as sequence classification, masked language modeling, and pure representations. It highlights the availability of task-specific classes from Hugging Face, like DistilBERT for sequence classification and masked LM. The paragraph also explains the process of initializing models using the AutoModel class, which simplifies the model loading process. Additionally, it touches on the different types of models available on the Hugging Face Hub, including encoder models like BERT, decoder models like GPT-2, and encoder-decoder models like BART or T5.


📊 Model Inputs and Outputs: A Detailed Look

The paragraph provides a detailed look at how to pass model inputs to Hugging Face models and interpret their outputs. It explains the use of input IDs and attention masks in the model's forward pass and offers alternative ways to pass these inputs, including a Pythonic approach using unpacking syntax. The section also discusses the model's output, specifically the logits and the corresponding distribution over labels for classification tasks. Furthermore, it touches on the model's ability to calculate loss and how to perform backpropagation using PyTorch functions.


🕵️‍♂️ Investigating Model Attention Weights and Hidden States

This section focuses on the ability to inspect the model's internal workings by examining attention weights and hidden states. It explains how to set the model to output attentions and hidden states, and how to interpret these outputs for analysis. The paragraph describes the structure of the output dictionary and how to visualize the attention distribution across different layers and heads. It also discusses the use of the .eval() method to set the model to evaluation mode, which is important for analyzing models without triggering gradient calculations or model updates.


🎯 Fine-Tuning Pre-Trained Models with Hugging Face

The paragraph outlines the process of fine-tuning pre-trained models for specific tasks using Hugging Face. It introduces the concept of using Hugging Face's Datasets for tasks like sentiment analysis and demonstrates how to load and preprocess data for training. The section also explains how to prepare data sets by tokenizing text, adding padding, and truncating sequences. Furthermore, it describes how to use PyTorch's DataLoader to batch and shuffle the data for efficient training and how to compute metrics like accuracy and F1 score for evaluation.


🚀 Streamlining Training with Hugging Face's Trainer Class

This part of the script introduces Hugging Face's Trainer class, which simplifies the training process by handling the training loop and other related tasks. It explains how to set up training arguments, including specifications like learning rate, batch size, and number of training epochs. The paragraph also discusses the use of the Trainer class to manage the training process, including computing metrics and applying callbacks for evaluation or early stopping. Additionally, it highlights the ease of predicting with the trained model and the ability to load model checkpoints for future use.


📚 Appendices: Additional Tasks and Pipelines

The final paragraph mentions the appendices provided for additional tasks and pipelines. It covers topics such as generation tasks, custom dataset creation, and the use of pipelines for various tasks like math language modeling. The section encourages users to explore these resources for a more comprehensive understanding of the Hugging Face Transformers library and its capabilities.



💡Hugging Face Transformers

Hugging Face Transformers is an open-source library that provides a wide range of pre-trained Natural Language Processing (NLP) models based on the transformer architecture. It is designed for easy integration with PyTorch and TensorFlow, and it allows users to perform various NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis, text generation, and sequence classification. In the video, the tutorial focuses on using this library to leverage these models for custom projects and tasks.

💡Pre-trained models

Pre-trained models refer to machine learning models that have already been trained on large datasets and can be used for various tasks without the need for从头开始训练. These models have learned patterns and features from extensive data, enabling them to perform tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, or text generation with minimal adjustments. In the context of the video, models like BERT, GPT-2, and RoBERTa are examples of pre-trained models available through the Hugging Face library.


A tokenizer is a tool used in NLP to convert raw text into a format that machine learning models can understand. It breaks down the text into tokens, which are individual words, phrases, or even subwords, and maps them to numerical representations or vocabulary IDs. Tokenization is a critical step in preparing data for NLP models, as it structures the input in a way that the model can process. In the video, the role of the tokenizer is to transform the input text into input IDs for the Hugging Face models.

💡Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is the process of determining the emotional tone or attitude expressed in a piece of text, often with the goal of categorizing the sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral. It is a common NLP task used in various applications, such as analyzing customer reviews or social media posts. In the video, sentiment analysis is used as an example task to demonstrate how to use the Hugging Face Transformers library for a specific NLP application.

💡AutoTokenizer and AutoModel

AutoTokenizer and AutoModel are classes provided by the Hugging Face Transformers library that simplify the process of using pre-trained models. AutoTokenizer automatically selects and loads the correct tokenizer for a given pre-trained model, while AutoModel does the same for the model itself. These classes handle the complexity of loading and setting up the required components, such as weights and configurations, making it easier for users to focus on their specific NLP tasks.

💡Data preprocessing

Data preprocessing is the process of cleaning and formatting raw data to make it suitable for analysis or modeling. In the context of NLP, this often involves steps like tokenization, lowercasing, removing stop words, and adding special tokens. Preprocessing ensures that the data is in a format that the chosen model can work with efficiently. In the video, data preprocessing is a key step in preparing text data for sentiment analysis using Hugging Face Transformers.

💡Model Hub

The Model Hub is a repository provided by Hugging Face that hosts a variety of pre-trained models for different NLP tasks. It allows users to discover, share, and use models that have been trained on diverse datasets and for various purposes. The Model Hub is a valuable resource for those looking to leverage the power of transformer-based models without the need to train them from scratch.

💡Attention mask

The attention mask is a mechanism used in transformer-based models to indicate which tokens in the input should be attended to by the model and which should be ignored during the attention mechanism's processing. It is typically a binary mask where a '1' signifies that the corresponding token is part of the actual input and should be considered, while a '0' means the token is a padding token or is not part of the real input and should be ignored.


Inference in the context of machine learning refers to the process of using a trained model to make predictions or decisions on new, unseen data. It involves running the input data through the model to obtain an output, such as a classification result or a generated text. In the video, inference is the step where the Hugging Face model is used to analyze sentiment from a given text after the model has been properly loaded and preprocessed data is provided.


Fine-tuning is a process in machine learning where a pre-trained model is further trained or adjusted on a new dataset to perform a specific task or to better suit the needs of a particular application. This is done by continuing the training process with a smaller learning rate, allowing the model to adapt its weights to the new data without losing the knowledge it gained from the initial pre-training phase. In the video, fine-tuning is mentioned as a potential next step after using the pre-trained models for initial tasks.

💡Evaluation metrics

Evaluation metrics are quantitative measures used to assess the performance of a machine learning model. They provide an objective way to determine how well the model is accomplishing its task, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score for classification tasks. In the context of the video, evaluation metrics would be used to measure the effectiveness of the sentiment analysis model in correctly categorizing the sentiment of the input text.


Introduction to the Hugging Face Transformers library, emphasizing its utility for utilizing off-the-shelf NLP models, particularly transformer-based models.

The Hugging Face library's compatibility and integration with PyTorch, making it a powerful tool for machine learning practitioners.

The availability of extensive documentation, tutorials, and walkthroughs provided by Hugging Face, which can aid users in understanding and utilizing the library effectively.

Explanation of the process for installing the Transformers and datasets Python packages, which are fundamental for using Hugging Face's resources.

A step-by-step guide on how to find and utilize models from the Hugging Face Hub, including BERT, GPT-2, and T5-small, for various tasks.

The importance of tokenizers in the pre-processing stage, converting raw text into a format that can be understood by the model through vocabulary IDs.

The distinction between Python tokenizers and the faster Rust-based tokenizers, and how the auto tokenizer conveniently selects the appropriate tokenizer for the model.

A detailed look at the tokenization process, including the splitting of words into tokens, conversion to IDs, and the addition of special tokens for model inference.

The capability of the tokenizer to handle different tasks, such as zero-shot classification, by providing specific models optimized for those tasks.

The process of using the Hugging Face models for sequence classification, including the initialization of the model and the use of task-specific classes.

The explanation of different model types available on Hugging Face, like encoder models (BERT), decoder models (GPT-2), and encoder-decoder models (BART, T5), and their respective use cases.

The demonstration of how to fine-tune pre-trained models using Hugging Face, including the preparation of datasets and the training loop process.

The use of the Trainer class in Hugging Face for simplifying the training process, handling various aspects of training such as optimization and evaluation.

The inclusion of callbacks and early stopping in the training process, allowing for greater control and efficiency during model training.

The ability to visualize the attention weights and hidden states of the model, providing insights into the model's internal mechanisms and decision-making process.

The demonstration of how to load and use pre-trained models for specific tasks, such as sentiment analysis, using the Hugging Face library.

The process of preparing and truncating datasets for efficient training, including the use of IMDb dataset for sentiment analysis.

Explanation of how to utilize the Hugging Face models for binary classification tasks, including the handling of model outputs and the calculation of loss.

The overview of the different types of tasks and models available on the Hugging Face Hub, and how to select the appropriate model for a given task.