Depeche Mode TV 1983-1984

depechemode TV
5 Sept 202030:52

TLDRThe transcript appears to be from a Depeche Mode concert or interview between 1983-1984, with music and applause indicating a live setting. The text suggests themes of balance, competition, and the desire for genuine connection and understanding. The artist expresses a longing for someone who can see beyond superficiality and provide emotional support, highlighting the human need for connection and authenticity in a world often driven by external success and appearances.


  • 🎶 The performance features a mix of music and applause, indicating an interactive and engaging concert experience.
  • 🎵 Lyrics mention themes of balance, confidence, and sincerity, which could be reflective of the band's views on life and society.
  • 👏 The repeated applause suggests a positive audience reception and an energetic atmosphere.
  • 🎤 The phrase 'everything counts in large amounts' could be a commentary on the significance of small actions when accumulated.
  • 🤝 The desire for someone to share one's life and offer a different perspective is a recurring theme in the lyrics.
  • 🎶 The mention of 'brothers and sisters' may denote a sense of unity and togetherness among the audience.
  • 🎵 The lyrics touch upon the struggle and competition in the world, perhaps encouraging resilience and perseverance.
  • 👉 There is a focus on personal relationships and the need for support and care, as indicated by the lines about wanting someone to share life's journey.
  • 🎶 The use of the word 'competitive' might be a critique on the nature of modern society where success is often measured in grand scales.
  • 🎼 The song seems to explore the contrast between reality and the desire for a more meaningful connection.
  • 🎉 The overall tone of the transcript, filled with music and applause, conveys a sense of celebration and enjoyment of the music.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the script?

    -The central theme of the script revolves around the quest for balance, sincerity, and meaningful human connection in a competitive world.

  • How does the script use music and applause to convey emotions?

    -The script integrates music and applause to underscore the emotional shifts and emphasize the impact of the spoken words, creating a dynamic and engaging narrative.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'everything counts in large amounts'?

    -The phrase 'everything counts in large amounts' suggests the overwhelming nature of societal pressures and the high stakes of success in a competitive environment.

  • How does the script address the concept of confidence?

    -The script implies that confidence is a crucial factor in navigating the challenges of life, yet it also acknowledges the struggle to maintain it amidst various adversities.

  • What is the 'competitive world' mentioned in the script referring to?

    -The 'competitive world' refers to the societal structures and environments where individuals constantly strive to outperform each other, often leading to insincerity and stress.

  • Why does the speaker desire someone to 'share the rest of my life'?

    -The speaker longs for companionship and emotional support, seeking someone who can provide a different perspective and help them navigate through life's complexities.

  • What does the speaker mean by 'being insincere'?

    -The term 'being insincere' reflects the speaker's critique of the false facades people often adopt in a competitive world, which detracts from genuine human interaction.

  • How does the script explore the idea of personal growth?

    -The script suggests personal growth through the desire for self-reflection and the search for a meaningful connection that can help one see things in a different light.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'domination at the end of the day'?

    -The phrase 'domination at the end of the day' symbolizes the ultimate pursuit of power and control, which may overshadow other important aspects of life, such as personal happiness and relationships.

  • How does the script contrast the desire for connection with the realities of the world?

    -The script juxtaposes the yearning for genuine relationships and support with the harsh realities of a competitive and often insincere world, highlighting the struggle to find balance.



🎶 The Struggle for Balance 🎶

This paragraph introduces the theme of striving for balance in a world that often seems compromised. The use of musical notations ([Music]) and applause symbols ([Applause]) suggests a performance aspect, possibly indicating that life's challenges are met with both struggle and celebration. The phrase 'everything counts in large amounts' implies that even small actions can have significant impacts, and the mention of 'fight' and 'competitive world' hints at the adversarial nature of societal interactions. The paragraph concludes with a focus on sincerity and personal integrity, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in a world that can be superficial.


🕰️ Reflections on Time and Existence 🕰️

The second paragraph delves into philosophical musings about time and existence. The repetition of 'there was a time' suggests a contemplation of past experiences and their influence on the present. The fragmented sentences may represent the disjointed nature of memory or the complexity of identity. The use of 'let's know' could be an invitation to self-awareness or a call for understanding. This paragraph seems to encourage introspection and a deeper examination of one's place in the world.


👫 Family and Connection 👫

This paragraph focuses on familial relationships and the bonds between siblings. The mention of 'toes, brothers and sisters' paints a picture of closeness and support. The phrase 'they is go down' could be interpreted as a shared struggle or the inevitability of challenges within a family unit. The use of 'thank you very much' conveys gratitude, perhaps for the support received from loved ones. The paragraph ends with a question about the nature of existence, suggesting a search for meaning and purpose within the context of human connections.


🤔 Contemplation of Assistance and Identity 🤔

The fourth paragraph presents a dialogue centered around seeking help and understanding one's own identity. The repeated 'help me' and 'what should it be' reflect a sense of uncertainty and a desire for guidance. The speaker expresses a need for someone who can offer care and a fresh perspective, suggesting a longing for personal growth and connection. The paragraph also touches on the theme of avoiding negativity, as indicated by 'make me sick' and 'stay clear,' emphasizing the importance of surrounding oneself with positivity and supportive individuals.


💔 The Search for Love and Understanding 💔

The fifth paragraph is a heartfelt expression of the desire for a meaningful relationship. The speaker yearns for a companion who can share life's journey, offering support and a different perspective on the world. The wish for someone who cares and helps see things in a new light indicates a deep longing for emotional connection and personal growth. The paragraph concludes with a plea for physical and emotional closeness, highlighting the universal human need for love and affection.


🙏 Acknowledging External Influences 🙏

The final paragraph discusses the impact of external forces on personal circumstances. The mention of 'thank the foreign' could refer to recognizing the role of outside factors in shaping one's life. The paragraph also touches on the theme of blame and responsibility, with the line 'she takes the blame it's all this is' suggesting a complex dynamic between individuals and their environment. The repetition of 'Jesus' may indicate a spiritual or religious aspect to the speaker's worldview, and the closing lines convey a sense of confusion and uncertainty, reflecting the ongoing search for answers in life.



💡Depeche Mode

Depeche Mode is an English electronic music band formed in 1980. They are known for their distinctive sound that combines electronic and pop music with dark, introspective lyrics. In the context of the video, 'Depeche Mode' refers to the band itself and their music, which is the central theme of the video, showcasing their performances and songs from 1983-1984.


The term 'balance' in the context of the script refers to a state of equilibrium or stability, both metaphorically and literally. It could represent the balance between different elements in music, such as melody and rhythm, or the balance between personal emotions and external pressures. The script mentions 'get the balance' and 'compromised, the balance rises,' indicating a struggle or a pursuit of harmony within the creative process or life in general.

💡Competitive world

The phrase 'competitive world' refers to an environment where individuals or entities are in constant competition with one another to achieve success or superiority. In the context of the script, this concept is used to describe the pressures and challenges that artists face in the music industry. The line 'after all a competitive world, everything counts in large amounts' suggests that success often requires significant effort and resources.


Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance and belief in one's own abilities, qualities, and judgments. In the script, 'confidence' likely relates to the band's attitude and the persona they project through their music and performances. It could also be a message to the audience about the importance of self-belief in overcoming life's challenges, as indicated by the repeated use of the phrase 'everything counts in large amounts'.


The term 'reality' refers to the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or imaginary idea. In the context of the video, 'reality' could be a theme that explores the authentic experiences of the band members or the raw, unfiltered portrayal of their music and its impact on listeners. The script mentions 'we got it, reality,' which might suggest an emphasis on the tangible and genuine aspects of their art and its reception.


Domination refers to the act of ruling or controlling something with authority and absolute power. In the context of the script, 'dominations' could symbolize the influence or control that music, or specifically Depeche Mode's music, has over its audience. The phrase 'dominations at the end of the day' might imply the lasting impact and authority that the band's music wields over listeners, even after a day filled with various experiences and distractions.


The term 'insincere' describes something or someone that is not genuine, lacking honesty, or authenticity. In the script, this word could be used to critique certain aspects of the music industry or societal norms that the band perceives as lacking authenticity. The use of 'being insincere' in the script might suggest a contrast between the band's genuine artistic expression and the superficial or fake elements they encounter in their environment.


The word 'share' implies the act of having something in common with others or distributing a part of something among a group. In the context of the video, it could refer to the band's desire to connect with their audience or to find companionship. The script mentions 'i want somebody to share, share the rest of my life,' which highlights the human need for connection and intimacy, and the search for a meaningful relationship that goes beyond superficial interactions.


The term 'care' refers to the feeling of concern or interest in the well-being of someone or something. In the script, 'care' is used to express the need for emotional support and understanding. The line 'someone who helped me see things, in a different light, all the things, i want somebody who cares' suggests that the speaker values a deep, empathetic connection that allows for personal growth and a broader perspective on life.


The word 'blame' refers to the assignment of responsibility for an incorrect or disapproving action. In the context of the script, 'blame' might be used to discuss the consequences of actions or decisions, and the tendency to assign fault. The phrase 'she takes the blame it's all this is' could imply a situation where someone is unfairly held responsible for issues that are more complex than they appear, or it could reflect on the human tendency to seek a scapegoat rather than addressing the root causes of problems.


Applause is the act of clapping hands to show appreciation or approval, typically in response to a performance or achievement. In the script, 'applause' signifies the audience's positive reception and support for Depeche Mode's music. The repeated use of '[Applause]' throughout the transcript suggests a lively and engaged atmosphere during their performances, reinforcing the band's connection with their fans and the impact of their music.


Compromised, the balance rises

Get the balance, it's almost predictable

Everything counts in large amounts

On the wall, tell the story

Confidence, everything counts in large amounts

Being insincere, after all a competitive world

Fight, everything counts in large amounts

All of these, there was a time

Let's know, in itself, so

Toes, brothers and sisters, they is go down

People, so what should it be

You and I, so why should it be

Help me, but I'm sure

We is, reality, we got it

Domination at the end of the day

I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life

She, be converted, me

I want somebody who cares, someone who helped me see things in a different light

I'm carefully trying to stay clear, I want somebody who will put their arms around me

Kiss me tenderly, no things like this, make me sick

I'll get away with, so

Thank the foreign, she takes the blame it's all this is

I expect to find this, once again, I don't know you