Did We Just Change Animation Forever?

Corridor Crew
26 Feb 202323:02

TLDRThe video script details an innovative process that transforms reality into animated characters using AI image processing. The creators discuss the challenges of applying diffusion, a machine learning process, to video, which initially resulted in flickering and inconsistent styles across frames. Through experimentation, they found solutions, including freezing the noise between frames and training a model on a single style to eliminate flickering. The process was further refined by training a model to recognize the speaker's face and style consistently. The team also created an anime world for their characters using Unreal Engine and stable diffusion. The result is a highly engaging and visually consistent animated short film, showcasing the potential of AI in democratizing animation and creative freedom.


  • 🎬 The video discusses a new method of animation that allows individuals to transform themselves into animated characters, likening it to a form of creative freedom.
  • 🖌️ Traditional 2D animation is highly skilled work that requires drawing every frame by hand, which is not accessible to everyone and can be very expensive.
  • 🤖 The process involves AI image processing, specifically a machine learning technique known as diffusion, which generates images from noise.
  • 🔍 The diffusion process was initially challenging when applied to video due to flickering and inconsistencies between frames.
  • 🎓 A solution was found by freezing the noise across frames, making the transformation more solid and less flickery.
  • 🧩 Another challenge was the inconsistent style across frames, which was solved by training a model on a single, specific style to replicate.
  • 📸 The creators trained a model using images of themselves to ensure the character's features remained consistent in the animation.
  • 🎭 The voice acting was recorded first, and then the actors performed on a green screen, mimicking the actions of animated characters.
  • 👕 Costumes were simplified to avoid intricate details that wouldn't translate well into the anime style.
  • 🌆 For the background, an environment in Unreal Engine was used to maintain consistency across different shots.
  • 🌟 The final step involved compositing the animated characters into the background, adding effects like light rays and speed lines to enhance the anime feel.
  • 🌐 The process is democratizing animation, as it's based on free and open-source software, allowing more people to create animations with fewer resources.

Q & A

  • What is the main idea behind the discussed animation technique?

    -The main idea is to use AI image processing to turn real-life video footage into a cartoon, offering a new way to animate and democratize the process, making it accessible beyond those with multi-million-dollar budgets.

  • What is the 'diffusion' process in the context of AI image processing?

    -The diffusion process is a machine learning technique that allows computers to generate an image from noise, similar to how humans imagine an image from an inkblot or clouds. It involves adding noise to an existing image and then having the computer clear up the noise while drawing in new details.

  • Why did applying the diffusion process to video initially fail?

    -The process initially failed because the first step requires adding noise to each frame, resulting in every frame looking different and causing the video to become extremely flickery, making it seem impossible to work with video.

  • How did the creators overcome the flickering issue in the video?

    -They overcame the flickering issue by freezing the noise so that the forms in the image became more solid. They then trained a model to replicate a specific style consistently and applied a D flicker plugin in DaVinci Resolve to remove flickering light.

  • What is the significance of training a model on a single style?

    -Training a model on a single style helps to eliminate the 'style flicker', ensuring that the output images maintain a consistent look and feel, much like having a character style sheet that all artists follow to draw a cartoon dog in the same way.

  • How did the creators ensure consistency in the facial features of the animated character?

    -They trained a model specifically on images of themselves wearing the same clothes and on the same green screen background used for the test sequence, which helped the model to not only replicate a specific style but also to consistently recognize the character.

  • What is the role of the green screen in this animation process?

    -The green screen is used as a background during filming, which allows for easy removal of the background during post-production, making it possible to composite the animated character into any desired environment or setting.

  • Why did the creators choose to work with the 'Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust' anime style?

    -They chose the 'Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust' anime style because it was available for free on YouTube, and its aesthetic matched the style they wanted to apply to their animation. It also provided a diverse set of frames to train their model on.

  • How did the creators approach the creation of the anime world for the character to live in?

    -They used an environment in Unreal Engine as a foundation and applied a consistent style to renders from the engine. This allowed them to maintain consistency across different shots and angles, creating a cohesive anime world.

  • What is the significance of the 'D flicker' plugin in DaVinci Resolve?

    -The 'D flicker' plugin is used to remove flickering light, which was crucial in stabilizing the animated frames and achieving a consistent look in the final animation sequence.

  • How does the process democratize animation?

    -The process democratizes animation by making it accessible to anyone with access to the free software and the knowledge shared by the creators. It lowers the barrier to entry for creating animations, allowing more people to experiment and create without the need for large budgets or teams.



🎨 AI Image Processing for Creative Freedom

The video introduces a revolutionary method of turning real-life footage into cartoons using AI image processing. It discusses the limitations of traditional 2D animation and presents a new approach involving machine learning processes like diffusion. The process involves adding noise to images and then using AI to transform the noise into a desired style, creating a consistent cartoon-like appearance. The video also highlights the challenges faced when applying this technique to videos, such as flickering due to frame-by-frame changes, and how these were overcome through VFX problem-solving and style model training.


🎭 Creating a Consistent Character Style

The speaker shares their journey in using AI to create a personal anime, emphasizing the importance of consistency in character style across frames. They discuss the use of style models to ensure that each frame of the video is drawn in the same cartoon style. The process involved training a model on a single style and then refining it further by training it to recognize the speaker's face and replicate it consistently. The video also covers the use of the D flicker plugin to address light flickering issues and achieve a smooth, consistent character animation.


🚀 Workflow for Anime Video Production

The video outlines the workflow for creating an anime-style video, starting from acting in front of a green screen to the final animated sequence. It covers the process of recording dialogue, designing costumes, and using the green screen to mimic puppeteering a cartoon character. The workflow also includes gathering assets, such as paper cutouts, and applying AI to trace the images in a cartoon style. The video provides insights into the technical aspects of anime production, such as single-direction lighting and the importance of matching the visual language to the story.


🌌 Building an Anime World with Unreal Engine

The video describes how to create a consistent environment for the anime character by using Unreal Engine. It details the process of selecting a suitable environment, making modifications to lighting and details, and using the engine to render screenshots that are then stylized using AI. The speaker also discusses the use of prompts to guide the AI in creating expressive and detailed anime backgrounds. The process aims to maintain the 2D aesthetic of anime while leveraging modern technology for efficiency and consistency.


📺 Finalizing the Anime Video and Democratizing the Process

The video concludes with the finalization of the anime video, including sound design and editing. It highlights the excitement of seeing the completed project and the satisfaction of creating something that feels like a real anime. The speaker emphasizes the democratization of the process, acknowledging the contributions of the open-source community and the importance of sharing knowledge to improve and expand the possibilities of AI-assisted animation. The video also mentions a tutorial available on their website for those interested in learning the detailed steps of the process.



💡AI image processing

AI image processing refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to manipulate and transform digital images. In the context of the video, it is used to turn real-life footage into cartoon-like visuals. The process involves training a machine learning model to understand and replicate a specific artistic style, which is then applied to video frames to create an animated effect.

💡Diffusion process

The diffusion process is a machine learning technique that enables computers to generate an image from noise. It is likened to how humans perceive images in abstract patterns like inkblots or clouds. In the video, this process is crucial for transforming video frames into cartoon styles by first adding noise to the frames and then using AI to clear the noise, revealing the cartoon representation.

💡Style models

Style models are AI algorithms that are trained to replicate a specific visual style. They are pivotal in the video's narrative as they help to maintain consistency in the cartoonish representation of the video subjects across different frames. The video creators used these models to ensure that each frame of the video adheres to the desired anime aesthetic.

💡VFX problem solving

VFX, or Visual Effects, problem solving refers to the techniques used to overcome challenges in creating visual effects. In the video, VFX problem solving is essential for dealing with issues like flickering frames when applying the diffusion process to video. The creators used their VFX skills to stabilize the video and make it appear more like a coherent animation.

💡Green screen

A green screen is a technology used in film production where a subject is filmed in front of a solid color background (usually green) that is later replaced with other imagery. In the video, the creators use a green screen to isolate themselves from the background, allowing for easier integration into the cartoon-like environment created through AI.


Flicker refers to the rapid and uneven changes in lighting or image quality that can occur in video, which can be distracting or undesirable. The video discusses how the initial attempts at applying AI image processing to video resulted in a flickery effect. The creators had to use additional VFX tools, like the D flicker plugin, to stabilize the lighting and remove this flicker.


Anime is a style of animation that originated in Japan and is characterized by colorful artwork, fantastical themes, and vibrant characters. The video's main theme revolves around creating an anime-style animation using AI image processing. The creators aim to produce an anime short film that looks consistent and professional despite not running a traditional animation studio.

💡Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors is a hand game usually played between two people, often used as a decision-making tool. In the video, it serves as the narrative premise for the anime short film the creators are producing. The story involves two twin princes using the game to determine the rightful heir to the throne.

💡Stable diffusion

Stable diffusion is a term used in the context of the video to describe the process of applying a consistent style across video frames using AI. It is part of the solution to the problem of style flicker, ensuring that each frame of the video maintains the same cartoonish appearance, contributing to a cohesive final animation.

💡DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve is a professional video editing software that the creators use in post-production. It is mentioned in the video as the tool where they apply the D flicker plugin to deal with the flickering issue in their AI-processed video. The software is known for its advanced color correction and visual effects capabilities.

💡Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine is a game engine used for creating visually impressive simulations and 3D environments. In the video, it is used to create a consistent and detailed anime-style world for the characters to inhabit. The creators use renders from Unreal Engine as a foundation for their background plates, which are then stylized to match the animation's aesthetic.


Introduction of a new animation technique that transforms real footage into cartoon style using AI and machine learning.

Discussion on the democratization of animation and how new technologies might lower the entry barrier.

Details on the use of diffusion processes in AI to generate images from noise, similar to perceiving shapes in clouds.

Challenges faced when applying image transformation to video, leading to flicker and inconsistency.

A breakthrough by reversing the image to noise process, ensuring frame consistency in animation.

Integration of style models to maintain consistent animation style across frames.

The role of AI in enhancing creative freedom, allowing creators to visualize and animate any concept.

Introduction of specialized diffusion models tailored to a specific artistic style.

How traditional 2D animation's labor-intensive nature contrasts with AI-driven methods.

Use of VFX tools to solve flickering problems in video animations.

Adapting film-making techniques to stabilize and enhance the quality of animated sequences.

Exploration of commercial opportunities through limited edition merchandise tied to animated projects.

Behind-the-scenes look at creating a short film using the new animation technique, from recording dialogue to post-production.

Community engagement and feedback on the new animation process through digital platforms.

Reflection on the collaborative and open-source nature of recent advancements in animation technology.