AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever

Marques Brownlee
15 Feb 202412:02

TLDRThe transcript discusses the remarkable advancements in AI-generated videos with the introduction of OpenAI's new model, Sora. It can create up to one-minute video clips from text input, showcasing impressive details like lighting, textures, and movements. While the technology is not perfect and has its imperfections, it has come a long way in a year and raises concerns about its potential misuse, especially during an election year. The AI's ability to generate realistic videos has significant implications for the future of stock footage and video licensing, potentially disrupting traditional video creation and licensing markets.


  • 🤖 The script discusses the impressive and frightening advancements in AI-generated videos, highlighting the rapid progress in just one year.
  • 🎥 Sam Altman and OpenAI announced a new model called Sora, capable of generating up to one-minute video clips from text input.
  • 🌃 Sora's technology builds upon Dolly's ability to understand text and create photorealistic images, but now extends to video, including understanding of light, textures, materials, and physics over time.
  • 📺 The script mentions several examples of AI-generated videos on OpenAI's website, showcasing the technology's ability to create realistic and stylized content.
  • 🔍 While the videos are not perfect and have identifiable imperfections, the general public may not be equipped to spot these flaws, raising concerns about the technology's potential misuse.
  • 🎬 The AI-generated videos have potential applications in stock footage for presentations, advertisements, and other media, potentially disrupting the market for traditional video licensing.
  • 🚀 The rapid improvement of AI models like Sora is compared to the development of Dolly, indicating a significant leap in AI capabilities.
  • 🌐 The script raises ethical concerns about the use of AI-generated videos, especially during sensitive times like election years, and the potential for spreading misinformation.
  • 🎞 OpenAI's website acknowledges the limitations of the current model by showcasing some of its downfalls, indicating an awareness of the need for further improvement.
  • 📉 The script suggests that AI-generated video tools like Sora could significantly impact the job market for photographers, videographers, and other media professionals.
  • 🌟 The script ends with a reflection on the future implications of AI-generated video technology, questioning its potential to innovate beyond human-created content.

Q & A

  • What was the initial reaction to AI-generated videos compared to the current state of the technology?

    -Initially, AI-generated videos were seen as impressive but far from being a cause for concern, with people believing there was a long way to go before they could be mistaken for real videos. However, the current state has reached a level where AI-generated videos are so advanced that they can be mistaken for real, especially by those who are not actively looking for imperfections.

  • What is the new AI model announced by Sam Altman and OpenAI capable of?

    -The new AI model announced by Sam Altman and OpenAI, called Sora, is capable of generating up to one-minute video clips from just text input. It understands how elements like lighting, textures, materials, and physics interact over time to create a reasonable-looking video.

  • What are some examples of AI-generated videos mentioned in the script?

    -Examples include a stylish woman walking down a Tokyo street with neon lights, a white vintage SUV speeding up a steep dirt road, golden retriever puppies playing in the snow, a young man sitting on a cloud reading a book, and a movie trailer featuring a 30-year-old spaceman in a red wool knitted motorcycle helmet.

  • What are some imperfections observed in the AI-generated videos?

    -Imperfections include characters moving in a gliding or inconsistent manner, lower frame rates in certain parts of the video, reflections in water appearing off, and odd movements of pages in a book.

  • How does the advancement of AI-generated videos impact the stock footage industry?

    -The advancement of AI-generated videos is set to significantly impact the stock footage industry by providing a cost-effective and accessible alternative to traditional footage licensing. It could potentially replace the need for hiring drone pilots, photographers, and videographers for specific shots.

  • What are the potential risks associated with the widespread use of AI-generated videos?

    -Potential risks include the misuse of the technology to create misleading content, especially during sensitive periods like election years, and the potential for AI-generated videos to be mistaken for real ones, leading to misinformation and manipulation.

  • How does the AI model Sora handle the generation of human likenesses?

    -The script does not provide specific details on how Sora handles the generation of human likenesses, but it suggests that there are limitations and safety measures being considered to prevent the misuse of the technology, such as generating politicians' likenesses or creating content that could be misconstrued as real.

  • What is the significance of the watermark in the bottom corner of Sora-generated videos?

    -The watermark in the bottom corner of Sora-generated videos serves as a clear indicator that the video is AI-generated. This is important for viewers to distinguish real footage from AI-generated content.

  • How does the script suggest the future of AI-generated videos?

    -The script suggests that AI-generated videos will continue to improve, potentially reaching a point where entire ads, YouTube videos, or movies could be entirely generated by AI. It also raises the question of whether AI can be truly innovative or if it is limited to replicating human creativity.

  • What is the role of 'red teamers' in relation to the AI model Sora?

    -Red teamers are individuals who have access to the AI model Sora in its limited release phase. Their role is to test the model, push its limits, and try to break it in order to identify and address any potential flaws or issues before it becomes widely available.

  • How does the script address the issue of AI-generated videos with no sound?

    -The script acknowledges that the AI-generated videos currently have no sound, which is a limitation of the technology at the time of the script. It implies that this is an area that could be improved upon in future iterations of the AI model.



🤖 The Emergence of AI-Generated Videos

The paragraph discusses the impressive yet frightening advancements in AI-generated video technology. It reflects on the past state of AI video generation, comparing it to the current capabilities of the AI model 'Sora', which can create up to one-minute video clips from text input. The author expresses a personal sense of awe and apprehension, noting the rapid improvement in AI's ability to generate realistic videos, textures, and movements. The paragraph also highlights the potential for misuse of such technology, especially during sensitive times like election years, and its impact on industries such as stock footage and advertising.


🎥 Quality and Implications of AI-Generated Videos

This paragraph delves into the quality of AI-generated videos, noting the realistic elements such as lighting, textures, and movement, while also pointing out the imperfections that can be spotted upon closer examination. The author discusses the implications of this technology for various applications, including stock footage and presentations, and the potential for these AI-generated videos to replace traditional video licensing. The paragraph also touches on the potential for AI to create historically themed footage and the existential questions raised by the technology's ability to mimic human creativity.


🚀 Future Prospects and Ethical Considerations

The final paragraph contemplates the future of AI-generated video technology, acknowledging the current limitations and the rapid pace of improvement. It raises concerns about the ethical use of such technology, especially in terms of generating likenesses of real people and the potential for manipulation. The author suggests that safety measures will be crucial as the technology becomes more accessible. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on the transformative impact of AI on creative fields and the anticipation of future advancements in this domain.



💡AI-generated videos

AI-generated videos refer to the use of artificial intelligence to create video content from scratch. In the context of the video, this technology has advanced significantly, allowing the creation of realistic-looking videos with complex elements such as lighting, textures, and movements. The video discusses the impressive capabilities of AI in generating videos that can now almost pass as real, with examples like a stylish woman walking in Tokyo and golden retriever puppies playing in the snow.


Sora is a new AI model announced by Sam Altman and OpenAI, capable of generating up to one-minute video clips from text input. It represents a significant leap in AI video generation technology, as it can understand and synthesize various visual elements like reflections, textures, and materials over time to create coherent and visually appealing videos.


Imperfections in the context of AI-generated videos refer to the flaws or inconsistencies that can be observed when the AI's output is scrutinized closely. These imperfections can include unnatural movements, incorrect lighting, or anomalies in the depiction of physical properties, such as reflections or the interaction of objects.

💡Uncanny Valley

The uncanny valley is a concept in which human replicas, such as robots or AI-generated characters, appear almost but not quite like real humans, causing a sense of unease or discomfort in observers. In the video, the AI-generated character sitting on a cloud is mentioned as being beyond the uncanny valley, meaning it appears more realistic than many previous attempts at human-like AI creations.

💡Stock Footage

Stock footage refers to pre-recorded video content that can be licensed for various projects, such as presentations, advertisements, or other media productions. The video discusses how AI-generated videos, like those produced by Sora, could revolutionize the stock footage industry by providing custom, high-quality video content without the need for traditional filming methods.

💡Ethical Concerns

Ethical concerns in the context of AI-generated videos pertain to the potential misuse of the technology, such as creating misleading content or infringing on individuals' privacy by generating likenesses without consent. The video highlights the need for safety measures to prevent the use of AI in harmful or deceptive ways, especially in sensitive contexts like elections.


A watermark is a visible or invisible标识 added to digital content, such as videos, to indicate ownership or origin. In the context of the video, a watermark is mentioned as a feature of AI-generated videos by Sora, serving as a clear indicator to viewers that the content is AI-generated and not real.

💡Red Teamers

Red Teamers are individuals or groups tasked with testing a system or product by attempting to find vulnerabilities, weaknesses, or flaws. In the context of the video, red teamers are using the Sora AI model to push its limits and identify any potential issues or downfalls before it becomes widely available.

💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the process of crafting input text or commands for AI systems to elicit desired outputs. In the context of AI-generated videos, prompt engineering involves writing precise and detailed descriptions to guide the AI in creating specific video content.


Innovation in the context of the video refers to the novel and creative applications of AI technology, particularly in the field of video generation. The video raises the question of whether AI, trained on human-made videos, can innovate in ways that humans have not already explored.


The rapid advancement of AI-generated videos is both impressive and frightening, showcasing the significant progress made in just one year.

AI-generated videos have evolved to the point where they can closely mimic real-life scenarios, with accurate lighting, materials, skin tones, and movements.

Sam Altman and OpenAI announced a new model called 'Sora', capable of generating up to one-minute video clips from text input.

Sora's ability to understand and depict the interaction of various elements like reflections, textures, and physics over time is a breakthrough in AI video generation.

Examples of AI-generated videos on OpenAI's website demonstrate the technology's capability, though they are not perfect and can be identified as AI-made upon close inspection.

The technology's potential to generate content that can pass as real is concerning, especially during sensitive times like an election year in the US.

AI-generated videos are poised to revolutionize stock footage, potentially replacing the need for traditional video licensing.

The AI-generated video of a young man on a cloud represents a significant leap in technology, being 90% convincing despite some noticeable imperfections.

The video of golden retriever puppies playing in the snow showcases the AI's ability to convincingly depict the physics of fur and snow interaction.

AI-generated videos are already at a level where they can be used in advertisements and presentations, offering specific and unique content.

The potential for AI to create entire ads, YouTube videos, or movies is discussed, highlighting the existential questions about innovation and creativity in AI.

AI-generated videos currently have limitations, such as the lack of sound and some inconsistencies in motion and physics, which are areas of ongoing improvement.

OpenAI's website acknowledges the flaws in the current model, showing examples of AI-generated content that still needs refinement.

The AI-generated video of gray wolf pups reveals the technology's struggle with accurately depicting the appearance and interaction of objects.

The video of a grandma celebrating her birthday serves as an example of how AI-generated videos can be convincing to the untrained eye, especially when not scrutinizing details like hands.

The future implications of AI-generated video technology are vast, potentially altering the landscape of video content creation and consumption.

The AI-generated video of a stylish woman in Tokyo and a vintage SUV on a dirt road demonstrate the technology's ability to create stylized and realistic content.

The development of AI-generated videos like Sora raises ethical considerations around the creation of likenesses and the potential for misuse in manipulating public perception.