Don’t Use ChatGPT! Use This Instead

The Nerdy Novelist
5 Apr 202414:04

TLDRThe video discusses the limitations of Chat GPT for writing, highlighting its issues with style and creativity. It suggests alternatives such as Claude, Gemini, and Novel Crafter, which excel in ideation and natural-sounding prose. Open source models like Mr. Large are recommended for less censorship, and services like Open Router provide access to various AI models for a tailored writing experience.


  • 📝 Chat GPT has limitations in writing quality, often producing overly flowery and melodramatic prose.
  • ✍️ Skilled writers can identify GPT-written text due to its distinct style, which may not align with desired writing standards.
  • 💡 Chat GPT is not adept at creative ideation, often providing generic answers and lacking originality.
  • 🎨 For image generation within Chat GPT, Dolly 3 was a pioneer but has been surpassed by other tools like Mid Journey and Leonardo.
  • 🚀 Open router provides a platform to test various open source AI models without censorship, offering an affordable alternative to subscription-based services.
  • 📖 Mr. Large, an open source model, is comparable to Chat GPT in quality but allows for more creative freedom with less censorship.
  • 🌐 Claude 3, available at, excels in natural-sounding prose and is highly responsive to detailed prompts, making it ideal for writers.
  • 🤖 Gemini is good for brainstorming but does not significantly outperform Chat GPT in terms of writing quality.
  • 📝 Novel Crafter is a tool designed for fiction and non-fiction writers, utilizing AI models to enhance the writing process by incorporating character information and scene beats.
  • 🔍 Experimentation with different AI models is encouraged to find the best fit for a writer's needs, as various tools excel in different areas.

Q & A

  • What are the speaker's overall thoughts on Chat GPT for writing purposes?

    -The speaker believes that Chat GPT is not very effective for writing, even though it is the most well-known AI writing tool. They mention that despite giving it specific style prompts, the output remains overly flowery and melodramatic, and not up to the standards of skilled writers.

  • What positive aspects does the speaker mention about Chat GPT?

    -The speaker acknowledges that Chat GPT is good at following directions, summarization, and performing simple tasks. They also express appreciation for how Chat GPT has contributed to the development of AI tools and the creation of their channel.

  • How does the speaker describe the writing style produced by Chat GPT?

    -The speaker describes the writing style produced by Chat GPT as over the top, melodramatic, and filled with purple prose. They find it too descriptive and not typical of the kind of text found in standard novels.

  • What are some alternatives to Chat GPT that the speaker recommends?

    -The speaker recommends alternatives such as Claude, Gemini, and open source models available on platforms like Open Router. They find these alternatives to be better at creative ideation and producing more natural-sounding prose.

  • What specific issues does the speaker have with Chat GPT's creative ideation capabilities?

    -The speaker finds that Chat GPT provides very generic answers and lacks outstanding creativity. They suggest that the tool is not very effective for brainstorming or thinking outside the box, and that other tools like Claude and Gemini perform better in these areas.

  • How does the speaker evaluate the performance of different AI writing tools?

    -The speaker evaluates AI writing tools based on their ability to follow style prompts, produce natural-sounding prose, and contribute to creative ideation. They also consider the level of censorship and the tool's ability to produce less purple prose.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on using Chat GPT for brainstorming?

    -The speaker believes that while Chat GPT can be used for brainstorming, it is not as effective as other tools like Claude and Gemini. They find these alternatives to be better at helping users get unstuck and come up with new ideas.

  • What is the speaker's view on the future of Chat GPT?

    -The speaker is open to the possibility that future updates to Chat GPT might improve its capabilities. They mention that they are testing it frequently due to their role as an influencer in the AI space and that their opinion might change if newer models prove to be better.

  • How does the speaker describe the functionality of Novel Crafter?

    -The speaker describes Novel Crafter as a tool tailored for fiction writers, and to a lesser extent non-fiction writers, that can pull in various AI models, including those from Claude and Chat GPT. It allows users to input detailed character information and scene beats to generate more natural and style-consistent prose.

  • What are the key differences between Chat GPT and the Claude 3 model according to the speaker?

    -The speaker finds that the Claude 3 model produces less purple prose and requires very little editing compared to Chat GPT. It is also more responsive to style prompts and better at matching the user's writing style, especially when provided with sample text from the user.

  • What advice does the speaker give to writers who are considering using Chat GPT?

    -The speaker advises writers not to use Chat GPT for their writing needs. Instead, they recommend exploring alternatives like Claude 3, Gemini, and open source models available on Open Router, which they believe offer better writing quality and creative ideation capabilities.



🚫 Limitations of Chat GPT for Writing

The paragraph discusses the inadequacy of Chat GPT for writing tasks, despite its popularity. The speaker, a seasoned writer with numerous publications, critiques the quality of text produced by Chat GPT as overly flowery and melodramatic, which often doesn't align with the desired style. The speaker also highlights that other AI tools, like Claude and Gemini, excel in creative ideation, outperforming Chat GPT in generating unique and engaging content. Specific examples are provided to illustrate the differences in output quality between Chat GPT and alternative AI models.


🌟 Alternatives to Chat GPT for Creative Writing

This paragraph explores alternative AI tools superior to Chat GPT for creative ideation and writing. The speaker recommends Gemini for its effectiveness in brainstorming and Claude 3 for its natural-sounding prose and responsiveness to style prompts. The paragraph also discusses the advantages of using open source models through platforms like Open Router, which offer a wide range of AI models at affordable prices with less censorship. The speaker emphasizes the benefits of these alternatives for writers seeking more creative freedom and better stylistic control.


📚 Tools for Fiction and Non-Fiction Writers

The speaker introduces novel crafter as a specialized tool for fiction and non-fiction writers, distinct from Chat GPT and other AI models. Novel crafter stands out for its ability to integrate various AI models and tailor the writing experience to the writer's needs. The tool leverages detailed character information and scene beats to produce unique dialogue and narratives. The speaker also compares novel crafter's capabilities with those of Claude 3 and Gemini, noting that while Gemini is good for brainstorming, novel crafter excels in crafting compelling scenes and matching the writer's style more effectively.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to an AI-based chatbot developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on given prompts. In the video, the speaker critiques Chat GPT's writing capabilities, stating that while it can follow directions and perform simple tasks, the quality of its writing, especially in terms of style and creativity, is often subpar compared to other AI writing tools.

💡AI Writing Tools

AI Writing Tools are artificial intelligence systems designed to assist in writing tasks, such as content creation, summarization, and style adaptation. The video discusses various AI writing tools, comparing their effectiveness in different writing scenarios and highlighting alternatives to Chat GPT.

💡Writing Quality

Writing Quality refers to the overall effectiveness, readability, and stylistic appeal of the text produced. It encompasses factors like coherence, vocabulary, and the ability to engage readers. In the context of the video, the speaker is critical of Chat GPT's writing quality, finding it often overly dramatic and lacking in originality.

💡Style Prompts

Style Prompts are specific instructions given to an AI writing tool to influence the tone, voice, or stylistic elements of the generated text. They are used to guide the AI to produce content that aligns with certain writing styles or authorial voices. The video discusses the challenges of using style prompts with Chat GPT and the superior responsiveness of other AI tools like Claude 3 to such prompts.

💡Creative Ideation

Creative Ideation refers to the process of generating new ideas, concepts, or solutions, often used in the context of writing to brainstorm plot points, character development, or thematic elements. The video highlights the limitations of Chat GPT in creative ideation compared to other AI tools, which offer more innovative and out-of-the-box ideas.

💡OpenAI Lawsuits

OpenAI Lawsuits refer to the legal actions against OpenAI, the organization behind Chat GPT, for various reasons. In the video, the mention of lawsuits serves as evidence of Chat GPT's prominence but also hints at controversies surrounding its operations, without going into specific details.

💡Open Source Models

Open Source Models are AI models that are publicly available, allowing users to access and use them without restrictions and often at a lower cost. These models can be utilized for various tasks, including writing, and offer an alternative to proprietary AI tools like Chat GPT. The video encourages exploring open source models for their affordability and flexibility.

💡Novel Crafter

Novel Crafter is a specialized tool designed for fiction and non-fiction writers, aiming to enhance the writing experience by integrating various AI models and providing features tailored to the writing process. It allows writers to input detailed character information and scene beats to generate more coherent and stylistically consistent prose.

💡Claude 3

Claude 3 is an AI model known for its ability to generate natural-sounding, human-like prose, particularly responsive to style prompts and capable of matching a writer's unique voice. It is presented in the video as a superior alternative to Chat GPT for its enhanced writing quality and adaptability to different writing styles.


Gemini is another AI writing tool mentioned in the video, which, while not as effective in writing quality as Claude 3, excels in brainstorming and idea generation. It is part of a suite of tools that can be used for various writing tasks, offering both free and paid versions to cater to different needs.

💡Dolly 3 and Image Generation

Dolly 3 is an AI image generation tool that can be integrated with Chat GPT to create visual content. However, the video suggests that while Dolly 3 was impressive at its release, other image-generating services like Mid Journey and Leonardo have since surpassed it in quality and are considered better options for generating images.


The speaker expresses a preference for alternatives to Chat GPT for writing tasks, despite acknowledging its popularity and the fact that it started their channel.

Chat GPT is praised for its ability to follow directions and perform simple tasks like summarization, but it is criticized for its writing quality.

The speaker, an experienced writer with 14 books, can easily identify text written by Chat GPT due to its 'overly flowery purple prose'.

An example is provided to illustrate the melodramatic and over-the-top style of Chat GPT's writing.

Chat GPT is said to struggle with creative ideation, often providing generic answers.

The speaker suggests that other AI tools like Claude and Gemini are better for creative ideation and brainstorming.

Dolly 3 is mentioned as an image-generating tool integrated with Chat GPT, but it has been surpassed by other tools like Mid Journey, Leonard, and Idiogram.

The speaker recommends open source models available on Open Router for less censorship and more creative output.

Mr. Large, an open source model, is highlighted as comparable to Chat GPT in quality but with less censorship.

Claude 3 is praised for its natural sounding prose and responsiveness to style prompts.

Gemini is noted for its brainstorming capabilities, though it may not be a major improvement over Chat GPT in terms of writing.

Novel Crafter is introduced as a tool that can utilize various AI models and is tailored for fiction writers, with a special focus on character development and scene creation.

Novel Crafter is commended for its ability to match an author's style and integrate character information for unique dialogue.

The speaker provides a brief overview and demonstration of how Novel Crafter works, emphasizing its benefits for both fiction and non-fiction writers.

A video on 'Novel Crafter 101' is mentioned as a resource for those interested in learning more about this writing tool.