Use this TIP to create consistent images in ChatGPT, DALLE

20 Dec 202305:54

TLDRThe video script introduces a technique to generate consistent and coherent style images using AI. It details a method where one can copy the style from a previously created image by utilizing the 'gen ID' assigned by the AI. By replacing the subject matter while retaining the gen ID, users can create new images with the same stylistic elements, ensuring uniformity across different subjects. This trick is demonstrated with various sports teams' logos, showcasing its effectiveness in maintaining style consistency.


  • 🎨 The video discusses a method to generate images with consistent and coherent styles across different subjects and descriptions.
  • πŸ” The presenter uses a 'mega air table prompts' database to find effective prompts for AI art generation, aiming to expand it significantly.
  • πŸ”— Access to the mega prompts database is provided through links in the video description for direct use by viewers.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ AI art generation involves using specific prompts that can be replicated to maintain style consistency.
  • 🏈 An example is given where the style of a Dallas Cowboys vs Philadelphia Eagles football helmet image is replicated for different teams.
  • πŸ’‘ The concept of 'Gen ID' is introduced, which is assigned by Dolly 3 to each generated image, allowing for style replication.
  • πŸ“Œ The video demonstrates how to retrieve a Gen ID for a recently generated image and use it to create new images in the same style.
  • πŸ“‹ By copying the Gen ID and pasting it into a new prompt, along with specifying the style, one can generate images with the desired consistency.
  • πŸ“ˆ The method is tested with various sports teams and even different sports to show its versatility and effectiveness.
  • πŸŽ“ The presenter emphasizes the importance of using the Gen ID for maintaining style consistency across multiple images.
  • πŸ€– The video serves as a tutorial for leveraging AI and its features, such as Gen ID, to achieve specific creative outcomes.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is about using a technique to generate images with consistent and coherent styles across different subjects and descriptions.

  • What is the purpose of the mega air table prompts database mentioned in the transcript?

    -The mega air table prompts database is a collection of about 2,000 prompts that the speaker uses to generate AI art. The speaker aims to expand it to 5,000 to 7,000 prompts and updates it daily.

  • How does the speaker suggest maintaining consistency and coherency in the style of generated images?

    -The speaker suggests using the Gen ID feature of Dolly 3, which allows users to copy the style of an image and apply it to generate new images with the same style, ensuring consistency and coherency.

  • How can one access the mega prompts database?

    -To access the mega prompts database, one can click the links provided in the description of the video.

  • What was the specific prompt that the speaker used to generate the initial image in the transcript?

    -The specific prompt used to generate the initial image was 'Dallas Cowboys football helmet versus Philadelphia Eagles football helmet'.

  • How does the Gen ID feature work in the context of generating images?

    -The Gen ID feature assigns a unique identifier to every image created. This ID can be used to recreate the same style in new images by including the Gen ID in the prompt.

  • What was the result when the speaker tested the Gen ID technique with different sports teams?

    -The speaker was able to generate images of different sports teams' helmets in the same style as the original image, demonstrating the effectiveness of the Gen ID technique for maintaining style consistency.

  • What was the outcome when the speaker tried the technique with a completely different subject, such as baseball hats?

    -The technique worked effectively for baseball hats as well, maintaining the same style and coherence as the original football helmet images, even when switching from football to baseball.

  • What does the speaker recommend at the end of the video?

    -The speaker recommends that viewers try the Gen ID technique for themselves and share their creations. They also encourage viewers to subscribe to be notified about future videos.

  • How does the speaker describe the process of using the Gen ID for creating new images?

    -The speaker describes the process as simple but effective, emphasizing that by using the Gen ID, one can achieve consistency and coherency in the style of generated images across different subjects.

  • What is the significance of the Gen ID in the context of the video?

    -The Gen ID is significant as it allows for the replication of the style of any given image, enabling users to generate new images with the same visual consistency and coherency, regardless of the subject matter.



🎨 Maintaining Artistic Consistency with AI Art

The paragraph discusses a technique for generating AI art that maintains a consistent style across different subjects. It introduces the concept of using a 'mega air table prompts' database to access a wide range of prompts for AI art generation. The speaker shares their goal of expanding this database and demonstrates how to narrow down the prompts to select a specific style. The main focus is on using a 'gen ID' assigned to each AI-generated image to replicate the same style for new images with different subjects, ensuring coherency and consistency. The process is exemplified with the creation of images featuring football helmets of different teams, and the effectiveness of using gen IDs for achieving a uniform style is highlighted.


πŸ“ˆ The Power of Gen IDs in AI Art Consistency

This paragraph emphasizes the effectiveness of using Gen IDs in creating consistent AI art. It describes how, once a desired style is achieved, the Gen ID can be used to replicate that style with different subjects or teams. The speaker demonstrates this by generating images of various football teams' helmets in the same style, and then extends the technique to other sports, showing that the consistency is maintained even when changing the subject matter. The paragraph concludes with an invitation for viewers to share their own creations and a reminder to subscribe for updates.



πŸ’‘AI art prompts

AI art prompts refer to the input text or commands used to instruct artificial intelligence to generate specific images or artworks. In the context of the video, the speaker is discussing how to use AI art prompts to create images with a consistent style across various subjects. This is crucial for maintaining a coherent visual language, especially when dealing with different subjects yet wanting to keep the same artistic approach.

πŸ’‘Mega prompts database

The mega prompts database is a large collection of AI art prompts that can be accessed and used to generate images. It is updated daily and contains a variety of prompts to create different types of images. The speaker in the video aims to grow this database to enhance the ability to produce a wide range of images with consistent styles.

πŸ’‘Style consistency

Style consistency refers to the ability to maintain a uniform and recognizable visual style across multiple images or pieces of content. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of style consistency when generating AI art, as it allows for a cohesive look and feel across different subjects and images.

πŸ’‘Gen ID

Gen ID, short for Generation ID, is a unique identifier assigned by AI systems to each generated image. This ID captures the stylistic and creative parameters used to create the image, allowing users to recreate the same style with different subjects. In the video, the Gen ID is a crucial tool for achieving style consistency in AI-generated art.

πŸ’‘Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI system mentioned in the video that interacts with users through text-based conversations. It is capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In this context, Chat GPT is used to generate the Gen ID for AI-created images, which helps users maintain style consistency across different images.

πŸ’‘Image generation

Image generation is the process of creating new images, often using artificial intelligence, based on specific prompts or inputs. In the video, the focus is on generating images with AI that not only cater to different subjects but also maintain a consistent style, which is crucial for visual branding and coherence.


Coherency in the context of the video refers to the logical and consistent presentation of information or style across a set of images. It ensures that the visual elements and artistic style are uniform and predictable, making it easier for viewers to understand and connect with the content.

πŸ’‘Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the video, AI is used to generate images based on the art prompts provided to it, allowing for the creation of a variety of images with consistent styles and coherency.

πŸ’‘Visual branding

Visual branding refers to the use of visual elements such as colors, fonts, and styles to create a unique and recognizable identity for a product, service, or entity. In the video, maintaining style consistency and coherency across AI-generated images is essential for effective visual branding, as it helps in creating a memorable and consistent image across different platforms and subjects.

πŸ’‘Creative control

Creative control refers to the ability to influence and direct the creative aspects of a project, such as the style, content, and overall look and feel of the work. In the context of the video, the speaker is discussing techniques to maintain creative control over AI-generated images to ensure they align with a specific visual style and branding.

πŸ’‘Cross-subject consistency

Cross-subject consistency is the ability to maintain a uniform style and presentation across different subjects or content areas. In the video, the speaker is interested in generating images with consistent styles not only within the same subject, such as different sports teams, but also when switching to entirely different subjects, like moving from football to baseball teams.


The ability to generate multiple images with a consistent and coherent style is now possible, which is a highly sought-after feature in AI art generation.

The speaker has a database of about 2,000 AI art prompts and aims to expand it to 5,000 to 7,000 prompts, updated daily.

Access to the mega prompts database is provided through links in the description, allowing direct access for users.

The gallery view of AI-generated images can be filtered to show recent creations, which is useful for selecting a style to replicate.

An example is given where the speaker wishes to generate an image in the same style as a previously created one featuring Dallas Cowboys versus Philadelphia Eagles football helmets.

Dolly 3, an AI tool, is mentioned as allowing the replication of the same style for unlimited images, which is a significant feature.

Each image generated by Dolly 3 is assigned a unique Gen ID, which is crucial for replicating the style of that image.

To obtain the Gen ID of the most recent image, a specific prompt request is used, which chat GPT can fulfill.

By copying the Gen ID and pasting it along with the new prompt, one can generate a new image in the same style as the original.

The process is demonstrated by generating an image of Kansas City Chiefs versus New York Giants football helmets in the same style as the original image.

The ability to maintain style consistency across different subjects is highlighted, which is essential for creating a cohesive collection of AI art.

The effectiveness of using the Gen ID is showcased by generating additional images with different football teams, all in the same style.

The method is tested further by changing the sport entirely, from football to baseball, while still maintaining the style consistency.

The process of obtaining the Gen ID and applying it to new prompts is reiterated, emphasizing its simplicity and effectiveness.

The result of using the Gen ID is a consistent and coherent style across different images, which was previously difficult to achieve without this method.

The speaker encourages viewers to share their own creations made using this method, fostering a community of AI art enthusiasts.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe for updates on future content, promoting engagement with the channel.