EXCLUSIVE Arrest Footage From INSIDE Police Department! Mayor's Order Trumps The Constitution?

Long Island Audit
7 Apr 202433:55

TLDRIn this video, the speaker recounts an incident where he was arrested for violating a mayor's executive order against videotaping in a public building. The individual, identifying as an independent journalist, argues that his First Amendment rights were infringed upon. He shares his determination to fight the charges, citing legal precedents that support his right to record in public spaces and his intention to challenge the constitutionality of the mayor's order in court.


  • 🚫 The individual in the transcript is told to stop filming and leave a building, or else they will be arrested for trespassing.
  • 🎥 The individual argues that they have a right to record and that the mayor's executive order prohibiting filming is unconstitutional.
  • 🏛️ The situation takes place inside City Hall, where the individual was conducting business and investigating the mayor.
  • 📜 The individual mentions a New York State Court of Appeals case, People v. Leonard, which supports their right to be on the premises and record.
  • 🤝 The police officer explains that they are following the executive order and that the individual is considered trespassing if they refuse to stop filming or leave.
  • 📋 The individual was there to submit a FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request, which is their legal right.
  • 📱 A central point of contention is the individual's refusal to stop recording with their phone or allow officers to turn it off.
  • 🌟 The individual emphasizes their commitment to First Amendment rights and transparency in government.
  • 🔄 The individual plans to challenge the arrest and the mayor's executive order in court, believing they will win on appeal.
  • 📌 The upcoming arraignment is scheduled for April 19th, where the individual hopes to have the charges dismissed or ruled in their favor.
  • 🕊️ The individual calls for peaceful change, transparency, and accountability in government, and encourages others to stay informed and engaged.

Q & A

  • What was the main reason for the individual's arrest in the transcript?

    -The individual was arrested for violating the mayor's executive order that prohibited videotaping in the city hall, which the individual believes infringes on their constitutional rights.

  • What did the individual claim about their right to record inside the city hall?

    -The individual claimed that they have a First Amendment right to record government officials in the course of their duties, and that the mayor's executive order cannot override this constitutional right.

  • What was the individual's intention when they entered the city hall?

    -The individual intended to conduct business, specifically to submit a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request and investigate allegations of corruption and tyranny against the mayor.

  • How did the law enforcement officers respond to the individual's claim of constitutional rights?

    -The law enforcement officers maintained that the mayor's executive order takes precedence, and that the individual was considered trespassing and in violation of the order if they continued to record video inside the city hall.

  • What case did the individual cite to support their argument?

    -The individual cited the case 'People v. Leonard' from the New York State Court of Appeals, which states that the government cannot use trespass laws to exclude individuals from exercising their First Amendment rights on public property.

  • What was the outcome of the individual's arrest?

    -The individual was released on their own reconnaissance and is scheduled for an arraignment on April 19th. They plan to take the case to trial and are prepared to appeal if necessary.

  • What is the individual's plan regarding the mayor's executive order?

    -The individual plans to file a lawsuit to have the mayor's executive order, which they consider unconstitutional, removed.

  • How did the individual describe their overall experience and interaction with the law enforcement officers?

    -The individual felt that they were treated respectfully by some officers, but they disagreed with the way the situation was handled and argued for their constitutional rights throughout the interaction.

  • What advice does the individual give to others in similar situations?

    -The individual advises others to stand up for their constitutional rights, to be peaceful, and to seek legal counsel if necessary.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'the show must go on' in the context of the transcript?

    -The phrase 'the show must go on' signifies the individual's determination to continue their efforts for transparency and accountability, despite facing legal challenges and potential arrests.



🚨 Confrontation Over Filming and Trespassing Accusations

The paragraph describes a heated exchange between an individual and law enforcement officers within a public building. The individual is told to stop filming and leave the premises under the threat of arrest for trespassing. Despite the warnings, the individual insists on their right to record and refuses to leave, citing protection of their interests and challenging the constitutionality of the mayor's executive order that restricts filming in the area. The situation escalates as the individual is accused of trespassing and faces potential arrest, maintaining their stance as a journalist seeking transparency and accountability.


🤝 Discussion on Executive Orders and Constitutional Rights

This paragraph involves a continued debate about the limits of executive orders versus constitutional rights. The individual questions the authority of the mayor's office to restrict videotaping and demands to see the executive order. Law enforcement officers explain that they are bound by the mayor's order and Supreme Court decisions, leading to the individual asserting their First Amendment rights as a journalist. The conversation touches on the tension between following executive orders and upholding constitutional rights, with the individual resolutely deciding to continue their actions despite the risk of legal consequences.


🎥 Ongoing Conflict Over Recording in Public Spaces

The paragraph details an ongoing conflict where the individual, identifying as an independent journalist, insists on their right to record within a public building. They argue that their activities are constitutionally protected and that the mayor's executive order prohibiting filming is in violation of these rights. The law enforcement officers present maintain that the order is valid and must be followed, leading to the individual being told they are trespassing. The individual remains firm in their belief that they are within their rights to record and document their interactions with government officials as part of their journalistic duties.


📋 Arrest and Detainment Over Filming Dispute

In this paragraph, the individual is arrested for continuing to film despite being told to stop and leave the premises. The law enforcement officers inform the individual of the consequences of their actions, and despite the individual's insistence on their constitutional rights, they are detained. The paragraph outlines the process of the arrest, the individual's continued assertion of their rights, and their intention to challenge the legality of the mayor's executive order in court. The individual also expresses their desire to complete their task of filing a Freedom of Information Law request and leave the building peacefully.


📱 Concerns Over Phone Seizure and Privacy

The paragraph focuses on the individual's concerns about their phone being seized and their privacy being invaded during the arrest process. The individual requests to turn off their phone themselves as a means to maintain control over their personal property and privacy. Law enforcement officers express their policy and the individual's rights, leading to a discussion about the balance between the individual's constitutional rights and the officers' duty to enforce the law. The paragraph highlights the tension between the individual's desire to maintain their privacy and the law enforcement's need to ensure safety and order.


🏛️ Legal Analysis of the Arrest and Upcoming Court Date

The paragraph provides a legal analysis of the arrest, with the individual discussing their upcoming court date and their plans to challenge the constitutionality of the mayor's executive order. They reference a New York State Court of Appeals case that supports their argument that state trespass laws cannot be used to exclude individuals from exercising their First Amendment rights. The individual expresses confidence in their legal position and intends to fight the charges, hoping for a dismissal before trial or a not guilty verdict. They also mention plans to file a lawsuit to have the mayor's executive order declared unconstitutional.


💪 Call to Action for Transparency and Accountability

In the final paragraph, the individual addresses their audience, thanking them for their support and emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in government. They express their intention to take the case to trial and appeal if necessary, based on the precedent set by a similar case decided by the New York State Court of Appeals. The individual also calls for a peaceful change and encourages their audience to stay informed and engaged with the case. They end with a message of gratitude and a reminder to stay safe.



💡Unlawful Arrest

The term 'unlawful arrest' refers to the act of detaining or apprehending an individual without legal justification or probable cause. In the context of the video, the speaker claims to have been unlawfully arrested at city hall for violating a mayor's executive order which he believes to be unconstitutional. This sets the stage for the narrative of the video, where the speaker discusses his rights and the perceived injustice of his arrest.

💡First Amendment

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government. In the video, the speaker asserts his First Amendment right to record government officials in the course of their duties, which he believes was infringed upon during his arrest.

💡Executive Order

An executive order is a legally binding directive issued by the chief executive of a government, usually the president or governor, that manages operations of the government. In this video, the speaker mentions a mayor's executive order that he believes is unconstitutional and restricts his ability to record within city hall, leading to his arrest.


Trespassing is the act of entering or remaining on someone else's property without permission or legal right. In the video, the speaker is accused of trespassing for violating the mayor's executive order, but he disputes this by arguing that the public has a right to access and record in public buildings like city hall.

💡Constitutional Rights

Constitutional rights are the rights granted to individuals by a country's constitution. In the United States, these rights include freedom of speech, press, religion, and the right to a fair trial, among others. The speaker in the video emphasizes his commitment to upholding his constitutional rights, particularly his freedom of the press and to peacefully conduct his business.

💡Transparency and Accountability

Transparency refers to the openness and communication about one's activities and decisions, while accountability means being responsible for one's actions. In the video, the speaker is seeking transparency and accountability from the government by attempting to file a Freedom of Information Law request and by recording his interactions with public officials.

💡Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

The Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) is a statute that allows individuals to request access to records from government agencies. In the video, the speaker mentions his intention to submit a FOIL request as part of his effort to investigate allegations of corruption and tyranny against the mayor.


Corruption refers to dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically for personal gain. In the video, the speaker is investigating allegations of corruption against the mayor, which is one of the reasons he is in city hall and believes the mayor's executive order is being used to prevent such investigations.

💡Supreme Court Decisions

Supreme Court decisions are the judgments made by the highest court in a country, which set legal precedents and interpret the constitution and laws. In the video, the speaker cites Supreme Court decisions to support his argument that the mayor's executive order cannot override his constitutional rights, particularly the right to record in public spaces.

💡New York State Court of Appeals

The New York State Court of Appeals is the highest court in the state, with the authority to interpret the New York State Constitution and state laws. In the video, the speaker cites a case from this court to argue that the mayor's executive order is unconstitutional and that he has a right to be in city hall to conduct his business and record his interactions.


The individual is asserting their right to record in a public building, challenging an executive order by the mayor that restricts videotaping.

The individual mentions they are a member of the press and are conducting business, investigating city hall for allegations of corruption and tyranny.

The individual discusses the First Amendment and their belief that the executive order infringes upon their constitutional rights.

A reference is made to Supreme Court case law and New York state court of appeals case, People v. Leonard, regarding the right to record government officials.

The individual states they are not causing a disturbance and are peacefully conducting their business, despite being told they are trespassing.

The individual expresses their intention to file a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request and questions the reasonableness of the restrictions placed on recording.

The individual is informed that if they continue to record and refuse to leave, they will be charged with trespassing.

The individual emphasizes their belief that the executive order does not override the United States Constitution and their rights.

The individual is arrested for trespassing and continues to assert their rights, questioning the legitimacy of the arrest.

During the arrest, the individual requests to turn off their phone themselves, expressing a desire not to have their phone tampered with.

The individual maintains a calm demeanor throughout the interaction, despite the escalating situation and their eventual arrest.

The individual discusses their upcoming court date and their intention to fight the charges based on constitutional rights and previous case law.

The individual shares their perspective on the importance of transparency and accountability in government, and the role of the press in this.

The individual expresses gratitude for the support of their audience and emphasizes the value of community engagement in such situations.

The individual outlines their plans to challenge the mayor's executive order in court, aiming to have it declared unconstitutional.

The individual concludes by encouraging viewers to stay informed and engaged, highlighting the significance of public awareness in upholding constitutional rights.