A look inside the 'Incel'osphere | WION Untangled

WION Untangled
10 Nov 202203:38

TLDRThe video script delves into the incel subculture, an online community primarily of young men who perceive themselves as unable to form romantic or sexual relationships. Originating as a support group, it has morphed into a space marked by misogyny and extremism, with ties to violence and hate speech. The script highlights the subculture's dangerous evolution, its roots, and the societal implications, questioning the need for addressing the alienation felt by its members without promoting harmful ideologies.


  • 🌐 The term 'incel' stands for 'involuntary celibate', referring to a community of individuals, primarily young men, who feel unable to attract women sexually.
  • 📈 The incel culture has evolved from a support group for single individuals into a movement characterized by hostility and negative views towards women and sexually active men.
  • 🚨 The incel community has been observed to be increasingly toxic, with a significant rise in misogynistic and violent content online since 2016.
  • 🔍 Surveys of incel forums reveal frequent references to dehumanizing, misogynistic, and violent actions, with an eightfold increase in intensity compared to previous years.
  • 🌍 The incelosphere is not limited to online hate comments; it has been linked to real-world violent extremism, including serious crimes and murders.
  • 👤 The incel community was initially founded by a politically progressive queer woman in Toronto, aiming to create an online space for singles struggling to find dates.
  • 📺 Notorious incidents, such as the mass murder by Elliot Rodger, have brought the incel community into the public eye, with some individuals sympathizing with the perpetrators.
  • 💔 Some defend incels by blaming societal factors for pushing young men to feel alienated and for the lack of conducive discussions on their perspectives.
  • 🚫 Incel forums have been found to promote harmful ideologies, including homophobia, pedophilia, and justifications for violence.
  • 🤔 The script raises questions about the role of society in addressing the root causes of incel ideologies and the need for preventing the spread of such toxic beliefs.

Q & A

  • What is the term 'incel' an abbreviation of?

    -The term 'incel' is an abbreviation of 'involuntary celibate'.

  • How is the incel community typically characterized?

    -The incel community is typically characterized by members who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, and it has emerged as a movement with hostile views towards women and men who are sexually active.

  • What kind of content is prevalent in incel online forums?

    -Incel online forums often contain dehumanizing, misogynistic, and violent content, including references to punching, stabbing, shooting, and attacking.

  • How has the intensity of the incel community's views changed over time?

    -The intensity of the incel community's views has increased significantly, with studies showing it to be almost eight times higher than it was in 2016.

  • What is the connection between incel culture and violent extremism?

    -Studies have linked incel culture to violent extremism, with instances of the incel community being associated with serious crimes and murders.

  • Who founded the incel community and what was the original intention?

    -The incel community was founded by a politically progressive queer woman in Toronto, who launched a website called the Involuntary Celibacy Project, originally intended as a support community for singles.

  • What is the significance of Elliot Rodger in the incel community?

    -Elliot Rodger is significant in the incel community due to his mass murder of seven people, which was documented on his YouTube channel, and the subsequent emergence of fan pages and fan fiction dedicated to him.

  • What is the argument made by those who defend incels?

    -Defenders of incels argue that society is to blame for making young men feel like outcasts, and there should be a space for discussions on their perspectives, with women included in those discussions.

  • What are some of the harmful ideologies peddled in incel forums?

    -Incel forums have been found to peddle homophobia, pedophilia, rape, and murder, among other harmful ideologies.

  • What is the main criticism against the incel community's ideologies?

    -The main criticism is that deep-rooted misogyny and self-loathing, which can potentially destroy lives, should not be justified by feelings of social alienation and frustration.



🚨 The Emergence and Dangers of Incel Culture

This paragraph discusses the rise of the incel culture, which stands for 'involuntary celibate', primarily an online community of young men who feel unable to attract women sexually. It highlights the shift from a support community to a breeding ground for hostility, misogyny, and extremist views. The paragraph emphasizes the toxic nature of this culture, noting its increasing intensity and association with violent actions and crimes. It also mentions the controversial origins of the community, started by a politically progressive queer woman in Toronto, and the alarming instances of violence and murder linked to incels, including the infamous case of Elliot Rodger.




The term 'incel' is short for 'involuntary celibate,' referring to a member of an online community, predominantly young men, who perceive themselves as unable to attract women sexually. In the context of the video, incels are characterized by their hostile views towards women and men who are sexually active, often expressing their frustrations through hate comments and toxic behaviors online. The script illustrates the transformation of this community from its inception as a support group for single individuals to a breeding ground for misogyny and violence.


Misogyny refers to the hatred, contempt, or prejudice against women or girls. In the video, it is highlighted that the incel culture has become deeply misogynistic, with members often dehumanizing women and promoting violent actions against them. The intensity of this misogyny has increased over time, as evidenced by the numerous references to punching, stabbing, shooting, and attacking found in incel forums. This term is crucial to understanding the negative impact of the incel community on women and society at large.


Toxicity in this context refers to the harmful and destructive nature of the incel culture, which has been observed to spread hate, promote violence, and encourage extremist ideologies. The video script mentions that the incel community's toxicity has been intensifying, with a significant rise in the use of violent language and the promotion of harmful actions. This keyword is essential in understanding the dangerous implications of the incel movement and its potential to cause real-world harm.

💡community building

Community building refers to the process of creating a group of people with shared interests or goals who interact and support each other. In the video, it is mentioned that the online space is great for community building, but it also highlights the dark side of this phenomenon with the emergence of hate-driven subcultures like incels. The keyword emphasizes the dual nature of online communities, which can be both supportive and harmful depending on their underlying ideologies and objectives.


Extremism refers to the advocacy of extreme political or religious views, often through radical or violent means. In the context of the video, it is noted that incels have been linked to violent extremism, with their online forums promoting hate and encouraging harmful actions. The term is significant as it underscores the severity of the incel movement's impact on society, suggesting that it has transcended mere online venting to potentially influencing real-world acts of violence.


Dehumanizing involves treating a person or group as if they are less than human, often by denying their humanity or dignity. In the video, it is mentioned that incels frequently engage in dehumanizing misogynistic and violent actions, which further exacerbates the hostility and prejudice within their community. This keyword is pivotal in understanding the incel movement's objectification and devaluation of women, contributing to a toxic environment that fosters hate and violence.


Self-loathing refers to a strong and persistent feeling of disgust or hatred towards oneself. In the video, it is suggested that incels may experience self-loathing due to their perceived inability to form meaningful relationships, which can lead to their negative and aggressive online behavior. This keyword is important in understanding the psychological aspect of the incel community, as it highlights the internal struggles that may contribute to their toxic external expressions.


Alienation is the state of being isolated from society or feeling disconnected from others. In the video, incels are described as individuals who may feel alienated and like outcasts, which can contribute to their negative views and behaviors. The term is significant as it provides insight into the potential root causes of the incel movement's emergence, suggesting that feelings of social isolation and disconnection may play a role in shaping the community's toxic culture.


Radicalization is the process by which individuals or groups come to adopt extreme political or social views, often leading to violent or harmful actions. In the context of the video, the incel community's increasing toxicity and promotion of violent actions suggest a form of radicalization, where members are drawn further into extremist ideologies. This keyword is crucial in understanding the potential dangers of the incel movement, as it implies a progression from mere dissatisfaction to active promotion of harmful behaviors.


Violence refers to the use of physical force with the intention to harm, injure, or kill others. In the video, it is noted that the incel community has become increasingly associated with violence, with instances of serious crimes and murders linked to its members. The term is significant as it underscores the real-world consequences of the incel movement's toxic culture, highlighting the potential for harm not only to the targeted individuals but also to society as a whole.

💡social isolation

Social isolation is the state of being alone or without social contact, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection. In the video, it is suggested that incels may experience social isolation, which could contribute to their negative online behavior and their perception of being outcasts. This keyword is important in understanding the potential psychological impact of the incel community's experiences, as it provides context for the feelings of frustration and anger that may drive their toxic actions.


The discussion of the incel culture, an online community mostly of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually.

The emergence of incel culture as a movement characterized by hostile views towards women and men who are sexually active.

The observation that incel culture has become increasingly toxic, deeply misogynistic, and a driver of white supremacist content online.

Survey findings that incel forums contain almost a thousand references each day to dehumanizing, misogynistic, and violent actions.

The intensity of hate言论 in incel communities being found to be eight times higher than in 2016.

Incels adding words like 'punching', 'stabbing', 'shooting', and 'attacking' to their encyclopedia.

The incelosphere being linked to violent extremism and instances of serious crimes and murders.

The founding of the incel community by a politically progressive queer woman in Toronto through the Involuntary Celibacy Project website.

The transformation of the initial online community for singles into the most dangerous community on the internet.

The infamous case of Elliot Rodger, whose mass murder of seven people was documented on his YouTube channel.

The existence of fan pages and fan fiction dedicated to Elliot Rodger, highlighting the extent of the toxicity within the incel community.

Defense of incels by some who blame society for making young men feel like outcasts and pushing them towards extremism.

The argument that there should be a space for conducive discussions on the perspectives of incels, with women included in the conversation.

The issue of whether there is room in our society for such deep-rooted misogyny and self-loathing.

The potential for incel ideologies to destroy lives and the question of whether incels should be part of the discussion to limit and prevent violence and extremism.

The peddling of homophobia, pedophilia, rape, and murder within incel forums.

The argument that social alienation and feeling left out are not sufficient reasons for the actions of party frustrated men.