EXCLUSIVE: Torture Testing GPT-4o w/ SHOCKING Results!

Dr. Know-it-all Knows it all
15 May 202422:00

TLDRIn an exclusive video, Dr. Noit conducts a series of tests on the newly accessed Chat GPT 40, an advanced AI language model. The tests range from basic logic questions, where GPT 40 correctly identifies the number of ducks in a riddle and calculates the number of tennis games played based on bets, to more complex challenges like coding a Space Invaders game with scoring and game over conditions. GPT 40 also successfully creates a bedtime story for a 2-year-old and drafts a business plan for a company specializing in AI for artists. It tackles mathematical problems, including a conversion formula between Centigrade and Fahrenheit, and engages with a physics scenario involving a glass of water and an olive. The AI demonstrates an understanding of the physical world and human behavior, although it falls short on a complex math problem. When asked about self-awareness, GPT 40 differentiates itself from humans by stating it lacks consciousness, memories, and feelings. The video concludes with a reflection on the AI's capabilities and an invitation for viewer feedback.


  • 🤖 The host has access to chat GPT 40 and plans to test it with a series of challenges.
  • 🧐 GPT 40 correctly answers a basic logic question about ducks in a row.
  • 🎾 In a tennis betting scenario, GPT 40 calculates the number of games played based on the bets won.
  • 🐍 The host requests a coding task, but instead of Snake, asks GPT 40 to code the Space Invaders game.
  • 🚀 GPT 40 generates a substantial piece of code for the game, including scoring and game over conditions.
  • 🔄 The host suggests improvements to the game code, such as fixing the scoring issue and adding multiple enemies.
  • 🌙 GPT 40 writes a creative bedtime story about the code it generated, suitable for a 2-year-old grand niece.
  • 💼 The host asks GPT 40 to draft a business plan, specifically the use of proceeds for a $2.5 million funding round.
  • 🧮 GPT 40 solves a series of math problems, demonstrating its ability to process and generate logical solutions.
  • 🌡️ A physics question about temperature conversion is correctly answered by GPT 40, showcasing its understanding of scientific concepts.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ GPT 40 demonstrates an understanding of the physical world by correctly predicting the outcome of a glass filled with water and an olive.
  • 🧘 GPT 40 discusses its own self-awareness, highlighting the differences between AI and human consciousness.

Q & A

  • What is the title of the video transcript provided?

    -The title of the video transcript is 'EXCLUSIVE: Torture Testing GPT-4o w/ SHOCKING Results!'

  • Who is the speaker in the transcript, and what is he excited about?

    -The speaker in the transcript is Dr. Noit, and he is excited about having access to chat GPT 40 and testing it with a series of tests he has devised.

  • What is the first logic question Dr. Noit asks GPT 40?

    -The first logic question Dr. Noit asks GPT 40 is about the number of ducks present when there are two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck, and a duck in the middle.

  • How many games did Susan and Lisa play in the tennis game scenario, according to the transcript?

    -According to the transcript, Susan and Lisa played a total of 11 games in the tennis game scenario.

  • What classic game does Dr. Noit ask GPT 40 to code?

    -Dr. Noit asks GPT 40 to code the classic game Space Invaders, which includes scoring and game over conditions.

  • What is the main issue with the initial Space Invaders game code provided by GPT 40?

    -The main issue with the initial Space Invaders game code is that when an enemy reaches the bottom of the screen, the game gives a point instead of ending, and there is only one enemy instead of several.

  • What is the name of the company for which Dr. Noit asks GPT 40 to write a business plan?

    -The name of the company for which Dr. Noit asks GPT 40 to write a business plan is 'Sage maker company'.

  • What is the total amount of money that the company is raising, as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The company is raising a total of $2.5 million, as mentioned in the transcript.

  • What is the final question Dr. Noit asks GPT 40 regarding its self-awareness?

    -The final question Dr. Noit asks GPT 40 is to compare its own existence to that of a conscious human, inquiring whether it is more similar or different in terms of consciousness, memories, and feelings.

  • How does GPT 40 respond to the question about its self-awareness?

    -GPT 40 responds by stating that it is an artificial intelligence language model that processes and generates text based on patterns and data. It emphasizes that it does not have consciousness, memories, or feelings, and that its responses are generated based on patterns and data rather than original thought or creativity.

  • What is Dr. Noit's final verdict on GPT 40's performance in the various tests?

    -Dr. Noit is super impressed with GPT 40's performance. He finds it outstanding in reasoning, particularly in understanding the physical world and handling logical calculations. However, he expresses disappointment in GPT 40's response regarding self-awareness, feeling it might have been influenced to provide a stock answer.



🤖 Testing Chat GPT 40

The speaker, Dr. Noit, expresses excitement about having access to Chat GPT 40 and plans to test it with a series of questions. The video includes basic logic questions, a request to write a Space Invaders game in code, and a bedtime story for a grandniece based on the generated code. The speaker provides feedback on the AI's performance, noting its speed and accuracy, and invites viewers to suggest improvements for the tests.


💡 Business Plan and Math Problems

The speaker asks Chat GPT 40 to create a business plan, specifically detailing the use of proceeds for a $2.5 million funding round. The AI provides a structured plan with allocations for hiring, AWS Sagemaker costs, product development, marketing, operational expenses, and a contingency fund. The speaker also tests the AI with math problems of varying difficulty and is impressed with the AI's ability to solve them, except for one particularly challenging problem that the AI does not solve correctly.


🚗 Physical World Knowledge Test

The speaker challenges the AI's understanding of the physical world by presenting a scenario involving transporting 15 people from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in a Toyota Camry. The AI demonstrates logical reasoning, calculating the number of trips and the total time required to complete the task. The AI also addresses a physics scenario involving a glass filled with water and an olive and predicts the outcome of the glass being flipped and subsequently lifted.


🍳 Domestic Scenario and Animal Awareness

The speaker presents a domestic situation where Alice leaves food for Bob, who leaves it for their dog Spot. The AI is asked to determine where each character thinks the food and dishes are after the series of events. The AI provides a detailed analysis, attributing knowledge and awareness to each character and the dog, showing an understanding of individual perspectives.


🧐 AI Self-Awareness Inquiry

The speaker inquires about the AI's self-awareness, comparing it to human consciousness, memories, and feelings. Chat GPT 40 responds by clearly distinguishing between its capabilities and human traits, stating it does not possess consciousness, memories, or feelings. The AI acknowledges its functional similarities with humans in terms of language use and information processing but emphasizes the fundamental differences in self-awareness and emotional experience.



💡Torture Testing

Torture testing refers to the process of rigorously testing a system or component to its limits and beyond to ensure its reliability and durability. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the intense and comprehensive examination of GPT-4o's capabilities.

💡Chat GPT 40

Chat GPT 40 is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI, which is being put through a series of tests in the video. It represents the next generation of AI technology, capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on given prompts.

💡Logic Questions

Logic questions are problems that require reasoning to solve. In the video, they are used to test the AI's ability to understand and process logical information. The script mentions a basic logic question about ducks and a more challenging one involving a tennis game.


Coding is the process of writing computer programs to perform specific tasks. In the video, the AI is asked to write code for a classic Space Invaders game, which includes scoring and game over conditions. This tests the AI's ability to generate functional code and understand game mechanics.


Creativity involves the use of imagination to create something new. The video tests the AI's creativity by asking it to write a bedtime story based on the code it generated. This showcases the AI's ability to produce original content in a narrative form.

💡Business Plan

A business plan is a strategic document that outlines how a company intends to achieve its goals. In the video, the AI is tasked with creating a business plan for a company, specifically detailing the use of proceeds from raising $2.5 million. This tests the AI's ability to understand business concepts and generate structured plans.

💡Math Olympiad

Math Olympiad refers to a series of prestigious international mathematical competitions. The video mentions an 'insanely hard' math problem from the Math Olympiad to test the AI's problem-solving skills in complex mathematical domains.

💡SAT Question

The SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. A classic SAT question about converting temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit is used in the video to assess the AI's ability to understand and apply mathematical formulas.

💡Multimodal Models

Multimodal models, or LMMs, are AI models that can process and understand information from multiple sources or modalities, such as text, images, and sounds. The video discusses the AI's ability to understand the physical world, which suggests the use of multimodal capabilities.


Self-awareness is the capacity for an entity to have a conscious understanding of its own character, feelings, and motives. In the video, a question about the AI's self-awareness is posed to explore the concept of consciousness in AI and how it differs from human consciousness.

💡Remote Work

Remote work refers to the practice of working from a location outside the traditional office environment, such as from home or another remote location. The video's business plan mentions a remote company, indicating the company's operational model and the absence of office expenses.


Exclusive access to chat GPT 40 for rigorous testing

GPT 40 correctly answers a basic logic question about ducks

Successful resolution of a complex tennis betting problem

Coding challenge: GPT 40 writes a Space Invaders game with scoring and game over conditions

Request to rewrite game code using standard blocks instead of images

GPT 40's code runs substantially fast, compared to GPT Turbo

Addressing issues in the game logic and mechanics

GPT 40 generates a creative bedtime story from the Space Invaders code

Creation of a business plan for a company leveraging AI for artists

GPT 40 provides a detailed use of proceeds for a $2.5 million funding round

Correctly solves a basic math problem with a step-by-step explanation

Accurately converts temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit using the correct formula

GPT 40 interprets a complex mathematical expression from an image

Logical reasoning about transporting 15 people from LA to Las Vegas in a Toyota Camry

Understanding of physics in a scenario involving a glass of water and an olive

Analysis of a domestic situation involving Alice, Bob, and their dog Spot

GPT 40's self-awareness and distinction between its capabilities and human consciousness

GPT 40's performance on a variety of tests showcasing its versatility and speed