I used ChatGPT to design a logo! (shocking results)

Abi Connick
21 Feb 202306:57

TLDRIn this video, a designer explores the impact of AI on their profession by using ChatGPT to assist in creating a logo for 'The Adventure Co.', an outdoor travel company. The AI suggests fonts and design elements, leading to a logo featuring binoculars and a sunrise, emphasizing adaptability and a youthful target audience. The video showcases the potential of AI in the design process, while also highlighting the challenges and creative decisions involved.


  • 🤖 The integration of AI in the design process raises questions about the future role of human designers.
  • 🚀 AI, like ChatGPT, can provide creative direction and guide design decisions such as fonts, colors, and responsiveness.
  • 🌲 The design brief for 'The Adventure Co' emphasizes an immersive outdoor travel experience targeting Millennials and Gen Z, with a modern and natural aesthetic.
  • 🔍 Analyzing competitors' branding can inform and influence the design process, maintaining a clean and professional style.
  • 🎨 Experimentation with different fonts and layouts is crucial to find the right balance and visual appeal.
  • 🔄 Addressing layout and hierarchy issues is key to creating a logo that is clear, legible, and focused.
  • 🌐 The versatility and adaptability of the logo for various mediums is a critical aspect of the design brief.
  • 🏞️ Iconic elements like a hiking boot or binoculars can be powerful symbols linking to the brand's adventurous spirit.
  • 🎨 The choice of colors should align with the brand's natural theme and be敢于实验 (not afraid of experimentation).
  • 📈 The use of mock-ups can help visualize how the final design will appear on real-world applications, ensuring the brand's message is effectively communicated.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of using ChatGPT in the design process described in the transcript?

    -The main purpose is to provide creative direction and guide design decisions such as fonts, colors, and overall aesthetics for the logo design project.

  • What is the business called and what does it offer?

    -The business is called 'The Adventure Co' and it offers immersive outdoor travel experiences.

  • Who is the target audience for The Adventure Co's logo design?

    -The target audience is outdoor enthusiasts, particularly Millennials and Gen Z.

  • What are the key characteristics of the logo as described in the brief?

    -The logo needs to be modern, have natural colors, and be responsive (adaptable for different uses).

  • How does the designer plan to address the issue of the long business name in the logo?

    -The designer plans to break up the long business name by moving 'Adventure' and 'Co' to different lines and adjusting the font size and style to create a better hierarchy.

  • What type of font styles did ChatGPT suggest for the logo design?

    -ChatGPT suggested a brush script, a cursive font, a sans-serif font, and a display font with a rugged feel.

  • How does the designer intend to make the logo versatile for use on different mediums?

    -The designer plans to create an icon (symbol) that can be used alongside the logotype and can be adapted for various spaces and situations.

  • What were the two final icon options for the logo, and which one was chosen?

    -The two final icon options were a hiking boot and binoculars, with the binoculars being chosen for their association with discovery and excitement.

  • How did the designer solve the balance issue with the logo type?

    -The designer capitalized the letter 'A' in 'Adventure' and added a box and a circular plaque shape behind 'The' and 'Co' to balance the visual weight of the logo.

  • What was the final decision regarding the color scheme for the logo?

    -The final decision on the color scheme was made by testing out various colors suggested by ChatGPT, with the designer ultimately choosing a combination that best represents the brand's natural and adventurous theme.



🤖 AI in Design: The Adventure Co Branding

The first paragraph introduces the challenge of integrating AI into the design process, specifically for branding 'The Adventure Co'. The designer explores the potential of AI, like Chat GPT, to provide creative direction and guide design decisions such as font choices and color schemes. The brief for the project is concisely outlined, highlighting the need for a modern, natural logo that appeals to outdoor enthusiasts, particularly Millennials and Gen Z. The designer also conducts competitor analysis, noting a clean and professional style prevalent among competitors. A mood board is created based on Chat GPT's recommendations, and the designer moves on to the next stage, aiming to reduce the time typically spent on sourcing fonts. The paragraph ends with the designer considering a mix of brush script and rugged display fonts to capture a rural aesthetic.


🎨 Logo Design and Typography Exploration

In the second paragraph, the designer dives into the logo creation process, using Adobe Illustrator to experiment with typography and layout. The business name's length presents a challenge, prompting the designer to break it up and adjust the hierarchy for readability. The designer plays with different font styles, eventually settling on a combination that emphasizes the brand name 'Adventure'. An outer path is added for visual cohesion, and the logo is further refined by adjusting the letter 'a' in 'adventure' to capitalize it and balance the design. The paragraph also addresses the need for versatile logo variations suitable for different mediums, leading the designer to consult Chat GPT for icon ideas. After a process of elimination, the designer selects binoculars as the central icon, linking to the theme of discovery and adventure. The paragraph concludes with the creation of a second logo variation featuring the binoculars and a sunrise-inspired arch, along with the addition of a tagline and color experimentation using mock-ups from Inverter Elements.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to provide creative direction and guide design decisions, challenging the traditional role of human designers in the logo creation process.

💡Logo Design

Logo Design is the process of creating a unique and memorable symbol or typography that represents a company or brand. It is a critical aspect of branding as it helps in establishing brand identity and recognition. In the video, the main task is to design a logo for 'Adventure Co', with AI playing a significant role in the creative and decision-making process.

💡Creative Direction

Creative Direction refers to the overall guidance and management of the creative process, including the development of concepts and the visual communication of ideas. In the video, AI provides creative direction by suggesting design elements such as fonts, colors, and concepts that align with the brand's identity and target audience.


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language visually appealing and legible. It involves choosing the right fonts, sizes, and spacing to convey the desired message effectively. In the video, typography plays a crucial role in the logo design process, with the designer experimenting with different font styles to find the perfect fit for the Adventure Co's brand image.

💡Brand Identity

Brand Identity is the visual and perceptual representation of a company's image, values, and message. It includes elements like logo, color palette, fonts, and other design elements that create a cohesive and recognizable identity. In the video, the goal is to create a logo that reflects the Adventure Co's brand identity, appealing to outdoor enthusiasts and conveying a sense of modernity and natural connection.

💡Target Audience

Target Audience refers to the specific group of people a company or brand aims to reach and influence with its products or services. Understanding the target audience helps in tailoring the marketing and design strategies to meet their preferences and needs. In the video, the target audience for the Adventure Co is identified as outdoor enthusiasts, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, guiding the design choices for the logo.

💡Mood Board

A Mood Board is a visual tool used in the design process to collect and display images, colors, textures, and other elements that represent the desired aesthetic or atmosphere for a project. It helps designers to conceptualize and communicate their ideas more effectively. In the video, the designer creates a mood board based on ChatGPT's recommendations to establish a cohesive design direction for the Adventure Co's logo.

💡Responsive Design

Responsive Design refers to the practice of designing elements, such as logos, to be adaptable and functional across various platforms and screen sizes. This ensures that the design maintains its effectiveness and user-friendliness regardless of the medium it is viewed on. In the video, the logo design needs to be responsive, meaning it should work well on different mediums to cater to the diverse needs of the target audience.


An Icon is a graphical representation or symbol that conveys a specific meaning or function. In logo design, an icon can help to create a visual identity that is distinct and memorable. In the video, the designer seeks to create an icon that represents the Adventure Co's brand and resonates with the target audience, ultimately choosing binoculars to symbolize discovery and adventure.

💡Color Palette

A Color Palette refers to the specific set of colors used in a design project. It is carefully chosen to evoke certain emotions and to align with the brand's identity. In the video, the color palette is described as natural, reflecting the outdoor and adventurous spirit of the Adventure Co, and is selected with the help of AI suggestions.


The rise of AI has sparked a debate among designers about the relevance of their profession in the future.

The experiment involves using ChatGPT to provide creative direction for designing a logo.

The brand 'The Adventure Co' is introduced, specializing in immersive outdoor travel experiences.

The target audience for the logo design is Millennials and Gen Z outdoor enthusiasts.

The logo design process begins with detective work, analyzing competitors' styles.

ChatGPT suggests a mix of fonts, including a brush script and a rugged display font.

The designer uses Adobe Illustrator to experiment with font choices and layout.

A layout issue is addressed by breaking up the long business name and adjusting font sizes.

The word 'Adventure' is given more prominence by making 'and Co' smaller and using a Sans-serif font.

An outer path is added to the design to give a cohesive look to the logo type.

The logo is further refined by adding a capital letter to 'Adventure' for balance.

The importance of a versatile logo design is emphasized for use on different mediums.

ChatGPT provides several icon ideas, from which the designer narrows down to a hiking boot or binoculars.

Binoculars are chosen as the icon to represent the theme of discovering new adventures.

A second logo variation is created with an arch representing a sunrise behind the binoculars.

The final step involves adding color to the logo based on suggestions from ChatGPT.

The final logo design for 'The Adventure Co' is presented, showcasing the collaboration between AI and human creativity.