Exposed: Big Tech's Billion-Dollar Scheme! Ft. Dr. Epstein & Perplexity AI

Consensus Protocol
29 Mar 202409:00

TLDRThe transcript discusses the concept of 'ephemeral experiences' as described by Dr. Robert Epstein, highlighting how these fleeting online interactions can influence opinions and behaviors without traceability. Dr. Epstein, through his Tech Watch Foundation, has been actively exposing the manipulative practices of big tech companies, particularly Google, in shifting millions of votes during elections through such experiences. The transcript emphasizes the insidious nature of these actions and the need for accountability, suggesting that these practices could be equivalent to illegal campaign contributions worth billions of dollars.


  • 🚨 Dr. Robert Epstein warns of the threat of big tech companies, particularly Google, in influencing political outcomes through ephemeral experiences.
  • 🔍 Ephemeral experiences are brief online interactions or content that appear and then disappear, leaving no traceable record.
  • 🧠 These fleeting experiences can shape people's opinions and behaviors without their awareness or the ability to reconstruct the influence事后.
  • 🎯 In 2016, Epstein claims to have documented 13,000 ephemeral experiences used to shift votes, and over 1.5 million in the following year.
  • 🏛️ The Tech Watch Project, founded by Dr. Epstein, aims to hold big tech accountable for their influence on public opinion and political processes.
  • 🗣️ Dr. Epstein has been actively discussing the insidious practices of big tech, including biased search results and propaganda dissemination.
  • 🤔 The value of manipulating millions of votes in an election is immense, potentially equivalent to billions of dollars in campaign contributions.
  • 💡 Ephemeral experiences can be used as a form of campaign contribution, providing targeted political messaging without leaving evidence of influence.
  • 📝 The Tech Watch Foundation encourages stronger descriptive language to explain the concept of ephemeral experiences to the public.
  • 🛑 The conversational answer engine, Perplexity, is introduced as an alternative to Google, offering a different approach to information retrieval.
  • 📈 Dr. Epstein emphasizes the need for accountability and transparency in how big tech companies like Google use ephemeral experiences to sway political opinions and election outcomes.

Q & A

  • What does the term 'ephemeral experiences' refer to in the context of the transcript?

    -In the context of the transcript, 'ephemeral experiences' refer to brief online interactions or content that appear temporarily and then disappear. These experiences can influence people's opinions and behaviors without leaving a traceable record, making them a powerful tool for manipulation without accountability.

  • How does Dr. Robert Epstein define the impact of ephemeral experiences on the public?

    -Dr. Robert Epstein defines the impact of ephemeral experiences as a potent tool for manipulation. They can shape people's opinions and behaviors in a way that is difficult to trace or reconstruct after the fact, due to their fleeting nature.

  • What is the Tech Watch Foundation that Dr. Robert Epstein runs?

    -The Tech Watch Foundation, run by Dr. Robert Epstein, is an organization dedicated to monitoring and exposing the manipulative practices of big tech companies, particularly in the context of their influence on public opinion and political processes.

  • How did the Tech Watch Project document Google's manipulation of votes?

    -The Tech Watch Project documented Google's manipulation of votes by preserving and analyzing ephemeral experiences. In 2016, they preserved 13,000 such experiences, and in subsequent years, they managed to save more than 1.5 million, helping to expose Google's influence on the presidential race and their interference in Georgia.

  • What is the significance of ephemeral experiences in the context of search engines like Google?

    -In the context of search engines like Google, ephemeral experiences are significant because they can be used to bias search results, newsfeeds, and other online content. This can potentially shift voting preferences and opinions on political matters without leaving a trace, thus manipulating users without their knowledge or consent.

  • How does the concept of FOMO (fear of missing out) relate to ephemeral experiences?

    -The concept of FOMO relates to ephemeral experiences because these transient events or content are often designed to create a sense of urgency or exclusivity. This leverages the psychological phenomenon of FOMO, encouraging users to engage with the content before it disappears.

  • What are some examples of ephemeral experiences in digital media?

    -Examples of ephemeral experiences in digital media include Snapchat, Instagram Stories, and Facebook Stories. These platforms allow users to post content that disappears after 24 hours, promoting spontaneous and authentic sharing while creating a sense of urgency among viewers to engage before the content vanishes.

  • What is the Perplexity AI mentioned in the transcript, and how does it differ from Google?

    -Perplexity AI, as mentioned in the transcript, is a conversational answer engine that utilizes GPT-4 and other AI models to provide users with direct answers to their questions, instead of just a list of sources. Unlike Google, which may manipulate search results, Perplexity AI aims to offer a more transparent and direct method of finding information.

  • What are the ethical concerns raised by the manipulation of ephemeral experiences by big tech companies?

    -The ethical concerns raised include the lack of transparency and accountability in how big tech companies like Google manipulate online content to influence public opinion and behavior. This manipulation can occur without the user's knowledge or consent, potentially impacting democratic processes such as elections.

  • What is the potential legal implication of big tech companies' use of ephemeral experiences?

    -The potential legal implication is that by manipulating ephemeral experiences to influence political outcomes, big tech companies could be seen as making campaign contributions in the form of advertising or media services. This could lead to legal challenges and the need for greater accountability and regulation.

  • What action does the speaker suggest in response to the unethical behavior of big tech companies?

    -The speaker suggests that organizations like the Tech Watch Foundation, led by Dr. Robert Epstein, should document and assign a monetary value to the manipulation of ephemeral experiences. They should then pursue legal action to hold big tech companies accountable for their potentially unethical and illegal practices.



🚨 The Influence of Ephemeral Experiences in Big Tech Manipulation

This paragraph discusses the concept of 'ephemeral experiences' as identified by Dr. Robert Epstein. These are brief online interactions or content that appear and then vanish, influencing people's opinions and behaviors without leaving a trace. Dr. Epstein, through his Tech Watch Foundation, has been actively exposing how big tech companies like Google use these experiences to manipulate political outcomes, such as shifting six million votes in a presidential race. The paragraph emphasizes the insidious nature of such practices, as they leave no record and thus cannot be reconstructed or analyzed, making them a powerful tool for manipulation without accountability.


🔍 Accountability and the Role of Big Tech in Political Influence

The second paragraph delves deeper into the unethical behavior of big tech companies, particularly Google, in influencing political outcomes through ephemeral experiences. It highlights how these companies have access to vast amounts of personal data, allowing them to create detailed political profiles and manipulate users based on their leanings. The paragraph argues that by showing certain results or push notifications, these companies are essentially making campaign contributions in the form of free exposure to one political side. It calls for accountability and legal action, suggesting that the Tech Watch Foundation and Dr. Epstein should quantify the monetary value of such manipulation and pursue legal recourse.



💡Big Tech

Refers to large technology companies, such as Google, that have significant influence over the internet and digital platforms. In the video, it is suggested that these companies have the power to manipulate public opinion and election outcomes, raising concerns about their unchecked influence.

💡Ephemeral experiences

These are temporary online interactions or content that appear briefly and then disappear, such as search suggestions or newsfeeds. They are influential because they can shape opinions and behaviors without leaving a traceable record, making them difficult to analyze or reconstruct later.


The act of influencing or controlling someone or something in a clever or unprincipled way. In the context of the video, it refers to the alleged tactics used by Big Tech companies to sway public opinion and election outcomes through subtle, hard-to-trace means.

💡Tech Watch Foundation

An organization led by Dr. Robert Epstein that monitors and exposes the potential manipulation and unethical practices of Big Tech companies, particularly in the context of elections and public opinion.


The requirement for individuals or organizations to accept responsibility for their actions and to be answerable for them. In the video, it is emphasized that Big Tech companies should be held accountable for their potentially manipulative practices.

💡Search engines

Software systems that are designed to search and retrieve information from the World Wide Web. In the video, search engines like Google are implicated in potentially manipulating search results and suggestions to influence users' opinions and behaviors.

💡Political profile

A detailed collection of information about an individual's political beliefs, preferences, and behaviors. In the context of the video, it is suggested that Big Tech companies build political profiles on users to better target them with manipulative content.

💡Campaign contributions

Refers to any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money, or anything of value made for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election. This includes not only monetary donations but also in-kind contributions like goods and services.

💡Fear of missing out (FOMO)

A psychological phenomenon where individuals experience anxiety or distress at the thought of missing out on rewarding experiences or events that others are participating in. In the video, it is mentioned as a tool used in ephemeral experiences to create a sense of urgency.


A tool mentioned in the video that serves as a conversational answer engine, utilizing AI models to provide users with direct answers to their questions instead of just lists of sources.


Big Tech, particularly Google, is identified as a significant threat due to its ability to manipulate votes through ephemeral experiences.

Dr. Robert Epstein, from the Tech Watch Foundation, discusses the concept of ephemeral experiences in the context of online manipulation and their impact on political opinions and behaviors.

Ephemeral experiences are brief online interactions or content that appear and then disappear, making them difficult to trace or analyze, thus potent tools for manipulation.

Google allegedly shifted over 6 million votes in a presidential race through the use of ephemeral experiences, showcasing the power of these tactics.

The Tech Watch Project has collected over 80 million ephemeral experiences, holding big tech accountable for their influence on users.

The podcast discusses the insidious nature of big tech companies and their behind-the-scenes manipulation, including biased search results.

Perplexity AI is introduced as an alternative to Google, offering a conversational answer engine that provides more transparency in its search process.

Ephemeral experiences can create a sense of urgency or exclusivity, leveraging the psychological phenomenon of FOMO (fear of missing out).

Examples of ephemeral experiences include content on social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram Stories, and Facebook Stories, which disappear after 24 hours.

Dr. Robert Epstein's research emphasizes the lack of accountability in how big tech companies use ephemeral experiences to influence political matters.

Big tech companies like Google have extensive user data, enabling them to manipulate users by targeting specific issues based on their political profile.

The相当于 of ephemeral experiences in political manipulation is compared to a bank robbery where fingerprints are wiped clean, highlighting the difficulty in tracing these influences.

The value of swinging millions of votes in a presidential election is discussed, with the potential impact being worth billions of dollars.

Campaign contributions are defined, and the discussion suggests that big tech's manipulation through ephemeral experiences could constitute a significant in-kind contribution.

The Tech Watch Foundation and Dr. Robert Epstein are encouraged to take legal action to assign a monetary value to the influence of ephemeral experiences and hold big tech accountable.

The transcript concludes with a call for transparency and accountability in the actions of big tech companies, particularly in their political influence.