Why Does OpenAI Need a 'Stargate' Supercomputer? Ft. Perplexity CEO Aravind Srinivas

AI Explained
2 Apr 202419:37

TLDRThis video explores OpenAI's collaboration with Microsoft to develop the 'Stargate' supercomputer, a project poised to significantly advance AI capabilities towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The discussion, enriched by insights from Aravind Srinivas, former OpenAI researcher and founder of Perplexity, highlights the necessity of such a supercomputer for breakthroughs in AI, forecasting the evolution of AI over the next 1-4 years. Stargate aims to offer computing power on an unprecedented scale, essential for the development of future AI models like GPT-7.5 and GPT-8, and is seen as a strategic move to outmatch competitors like Google in computing resources. The video also touches on the broader implications of AI in fields like drug development and the potential societal impacts of achieving AGI.


  • 🌐 OpenAI is collaborating with Microsoft to build the Stargate supercomputer, which aims to significantly enhance AI capabilities.
  • 🔍 The Stargate supercomputer is expected to be operational around 2028 and will be one of the most powerful computing systems in the world.
  • 📈 This initiative reflects a massive scale-up in computational power, aiming for at least a 100x increase over current levels.
  • 💡 The project's advancement depends on OpenAI's progress in improving AI capabilities, potentially influenced by developments like GPT 4.5 or GPT 5.
  • 🎯 A key motivation for Stargate is to keep up with or surpass Google's computing capacity, which is currently much larger than OpenAI's.
  • 🧠 Future AI models, such as GPT 7, 7.5, and 8, are anticipated, requiring vast computational resources like those provided by Stargate.
  • 🤔 The project also aims to improve long inference capabilities, allowing AI models to 'think' longer before generating responses, potentially leading to groundbreaking advancements.
  • 👁️ OpenAI's focus on scale emphasizes building simple algorithms and massively scaling them up, rather than relying heavily on human expert data.
  • 🔮 The Stargate supercomputer is seen as crucial for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), with the potential to transform numerous fields including biotechnology and drug development.
  • 🌌 The Stargate initiative is likened to humanity stepping through a portal, representing a transformative milestone in AI development.

Q & A

  • Why does OpenAI need Microsoft to build the 'Stargate' supercomputer?

    -OpenAI requires Microsoft's collaboration to construct the 'Stargate' supercomputer in order to achieve significant advancements in AI capabilities, leveraging Microsoft's extensive resources and computing power. This partnership aims to create a computing platform that significantly exceeds current capacities, facilitating breakthroughs in AI development towards artificial general intelligence (AGI).

  • What are the expected capabilities of the 'Stargate' supercomputer?

    -The 'Stargate' supercomputer is expected to produce orders of magnitude more computing power than what Microsoft currently supplies to OpenAI, indicating at least a 100x increase. This boost in computing power is crucial for advancing AI models and moving closer to AGI.

  • How does computing power correlate to AI capabilities?

    -More computing power directly correlates to increased capabilities for AI models. A significant increase in computing resources allows for more complex computations, training with larger datasets, and the development of more sophisticated AI models, leading to advancements in AI technology.

  • What are the conditions for Microsoft proceeding with the 'Stargate' plan?

    -Microsoft's willingness to proceed with the 'Stargate' plan partly depends on OpenAI's ability to meaningfully improve the capabilities of its AI, potentially with advancements from GPT-4.5 or GPT-5. The decision hinges on OpenAI demonstrating significant progress in AI development.

  • What breakthroughs are expected from using the 'Stargate' supercomputer in AI research?

    -The 'Stargate' supercomputer is anticipated to lead to breakthroughs that bring us closer to achieving AGI, with advancements in AI models like GPT-7, 7.5, and 8. It will enable the exploration of more complex algorithms, the handling of larger datasets, and the development of AI that can perform a wide range of human-like tasks.

  • What is the significance of 'Stargate' in the context of AGI timelines?

    -The 'Stargate' supercomputer is seen as absolutely required for achieving AGI, with its development timelines aligning with predictions for the first demonstration of an AGI system. It represents a significant step towards creating AI that can perform most jobs a human can.

  • How does OpenAI view the role of scale in achieving AGI?

    -OpenAI believes that scaling up computing power and model size is a crucial path to achieving AGI. This approach, often referred to as 'the bitter lesson,' emphasizes the importance of simple algorithms scaled up significantly over incorporating human expert knowledge into AI models.

  • What challenges are associated with scaling up AI models like GPT?

    -Scaling up AI models like GPT faces technical challenges, such as efficiently linking GPUs across different regions to manage the enormous computing power required. There's also the challenge of ensuring the AI's training and inference processes remain energy efficient despite the increased scale.

  • Why is there a focus on developing models capable of 'long inference'?

    -Focusing on 'long inference' allows models to 'think' for longer before producing a response, potentially leading to breakthroughs in generating novel solutions or creative outputs. This approach could improve AI's ability to tackle complex problems, like drug discovery, by allowing it to consider a broader range of possibilities.

  • How does the development of 'Stargate' reflect on OpenAI's competition with Google?

    -The development of 'Stargate' is part of OpenAI's efforts to match or exceed Google's computing capabilities. OpenAI and its CEO, Sam Altman, view matching Google's infrastructure as critical to staying competitive in the race towards AGI, reflecting the intense rivalry and the high stakes of leading in AI technology.



🌌 Stargate Supercomputer and AI Evolution

This paragraph discusses OpenAI's partnership with Microsoft to build a groundbreaking supercomputer, nicknamed 'Stargate.' The supercomputer, expected to launch around 2028, is anticipated to vastly enhance AI capabilities, generating computing power orders of magnitude greater than current levels. It highlights the potential impact on AI development over the next few years, including discussions with Aravind Srinivas, a former OpenAI researcher. The significance of the Stargate supercomputer is contextualized with its projected cost likened to the GDP of the world's 64th richest country. The paragraph also delves into the prerequisites for this project's progression, such as improvements in AI capabilities, possibly through advancements in GPT models.


🚀 Rivalry in AI: Google and the Future of AI Models

The focus of this paragraph is the competition in AI development, specifically between OpenAI and Google. It explains that the Stargate supercomputer project aims to enable OpenAI to match Google's superior computing capabilities. The paragraph references insider information and charts showing Google's current dominance in AI compute capacity. It also discusses Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's perspective on Microsoft's role in OpenAI's endeavors. Looking ahead, the paragraph touches on future AI models, like GPT 7 and beyond, and the challenges and strategies involved in their development, including issues with AI model training and power grid limitations.


🤖 Advancing AI: Model Psychology and Long Inference

This paragraph examines the need for AI models to develop their own problem-solving approaches, highlighting the differences between human and model 'psychologies.' It critiques current AI training methods, like imitation learning and reinforcement learning from human feedback, as inadequate for achieving superhuman AI performance. The concept of 'long inference' is introduced, suggesting that allowing AI models to 'think' longer before responding could vastly enhance their capabilities, potentially leading to significant advances in fields like drug development. The paragraph also includes perspectives from AI researchers and the CEO of Perplexity, emphasizing the importance of AI models learning and reasoning independently.


🌐 The Impact of AI on Various Modalities and Society

The final paragraph explores the diverse applications and potential societal impacts of advanced AI technologies. It discusses OpenAI's developments in voice imitation and the implications for security and authentication. The paragraph also touches on the advances in AI-generated video content, raising questions about the effects on artistic creativity and economic value. The broader cultural and societal reception of AI is considered, highlighting both the excitement and concern surrounding its rapid advancement. The notion of 'stepping through a Stargate' is used metaphorically to describe humanity's irreversible journey into an AI-transformed future.



💡Stargate supercomputer

The 'Stargate supercomputer' refers to a massively powerful computing project proposed by OpenAI in collaboration with Microsoft, aimed at producing orders of magnitude more computing power than what is currently available. This initiative is poised to drastically accelerate AI development, potentially leading to breakthroughs in artificial general intelligence (AGI). The script mentions its location likely in the desert of the US and its launch around 2028, highlighting the immense scale and ambition of the project, which could make it a transformative tool for AI research.

💡AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, is a level of AI capability where a machine can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level comparable to or exceeding human intelligence. The video discusses AGI in the context of OpenAI's goals with the Stargate supercomputer, suggesting that this level of intelligence is the ultimate aim of their research efforts. The timeline for achieving AGI is debated, with insights from industry experts on its feasibility and the ongoing recruitment indicating the complexity of reaching this milestone.

💡Computing power

In the script, 'computing power' is highlighted as a critical factor for advancing AI technologies. It's mentioned that the Stargate supercomputer would offer a significant increase, by orders of magnitude, in computing power over existing resources. This is crucial because more computing power allows for training larger, more complex AI models, potentially leading to more sophisticated and capable AI systems. The relationship between computing power and AI capabilities is a recurring theme, emphasizing the need for substantial investments in hardware to push the boundaries of AI research.

💡GPT models

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models are a series of AI models developed by OpenAI, known for their ability to generate human-like text based on the input they receive. The script discusses various iterations of GPT models, including speculative future versions like GPT 7.5 and GPT 8, suggesting that these models will require immense computing resources to train. This context underlines the role of advanced models in achieving AGI and the continuous effort to scale up the capabilities of these models through increased computing power.

💡Energy efficiency

The script touches upon the importance of energy efficiency in the context of scaling AI technologies, especially regarding the projected power needs of the Stargate supercomputer. It mentions TSMC's projection that chip energy efficiency will improve significantly, allowing for more powerful computing without proportionally increased energy consumption. This aspect is crucial for making large-scale AI computation feasible and sustainable, highlighting the interplay between technological advancement and environmental considerations.

💡RL (Reinforcement Learning)

RL, or Reinforcement Learning, is discussed in the video as a critical area for AI development, particularly in achieving AGI. Reinforcement Learning involves training models based on feedback from their actions, allowing them to learn optimal strategies through trial and error. The script suggests that current AI models, like GPT, have not fully utilized RL's potential, indicating that future breakthroughs in AGI may rely heavily on advancements in this area. This underscores the ongoing exploration of different learning paradigms to enhance AI's capabilities.

💡Imitation learning

Imitation learning is mentioned as a foundational approach in AI development, where models learn by mimicking human performance. However, the script critiques this method as limited, suggesting that surpassing human expertise requires models to learn and adapt beyond merely replicating human behavior. This critique highlights the shift towards more autonomous learning strategies, such as Reinforcement Learning, as necessary steps towards achieving AGI.

💡QAR (Quantum Advantage Requirement)

Although not explicitly mentioned in the traditional sense, the script implies a concept similar to 'QAR' when discussing the need for models to 'think for longer' or perform 'long inference' to achieve breakthroughs. This concept aligns with the idea that for AI to reach new levels of capability, it may need to process information in more depth, possibly leveraging quantum computing advantages in the future. This is speculative but points to the ongoing search for computational strategies that could leapfrog current limitations.

💡Voice engine

The script discusses OpenAI's development of a 'voice engine' capable of imitating human voices with high fidelity after training on just 15 seconds of audio. This technology exemplifies the potential for AI to replicate human attributes accurately, raising both exciting applications and ethical considerations. It illustrates the rapid advancements in AI's ability to mimic human traits, underscoring the broader implications of such technologies for privacy, security, and authenticity.

💡Photorealistic text to video

The video script touches on the advancements in AI technologies capable of generating photorealistic text-to-video content, showcasing the ability to create visually compelling and realistic videos from textual descriptions. This development is indicative of the broader trend in AI towards creating more immersive and complex media content, highlighting both the creative potential and the ethical challenges associated with deepfakes and the manipulation of digital media.


OpenAI and Microsoft are collaborating to build a supercomputer named Stargate, which will have the computing power of the 64th richest country in the world.

Stargate is expected to launch around 2028 and will be located somewhere in the desert in the US.

The Stargate supercomputer will produce orders of magnitude more computing power than what Microsoft currently supplies to OpenAI, potentially at least a 100x increase.

The development of Stargate is partially dependent on OpenAI's ability to meaningfully improve the capabilities of its AI, with potential releases of GPT 4.5 and GPT 5.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is seen as a requirement for the next 1 to 4 years of AI development, with the Stargate supercomputer aligning with predictions for the first demonstration of AGI.

OpenAI's hiring pace suggests that AGI may not be imminent, as the company continues to scale up its workforce.

The name 'Stargate' originates from a sci-fi film about intergalactic travel, symbolizing the significant leap humanity will take with the arrival of AGI.

OpenAI is building Stargate to match the computing capacity of Google, one of its biggest rivals, which is expected to surpass OpenAI in the near term.

Microsoft has stated that they have the intellectual property rights and capabilities to compete with OpenAI, indicating a strategic partnership.

The development of Stargate is not only about personnel and algorithms but also about the infrastructure needed to support advanced AI models like GPT 7, 7.5, and 8.

OpenAI's strategy for AGI involves scaling up relatively simple algorithms, as human expertise and data become less relevant to model performance.

Long inference, allowing models to think for longer before responding, could significantly improve system performance, akin to scaling systems by 100,000x.

AI is already making significant impacts in fields like drug development, with the potential for AI-enabled breakthroughs in the near future.

OpenAI's voice engine can imitate voices with high fidelity, raising concerns about the potential misuse of such technology.

The potential of AI in creative fields, such as generating art and video, showcases the versatility and cultural impact of AI technology.

The development and deployment of Stargate represent a transformative moment for humanity, akin to stepping through a portal that cannot be reversed.

The Stargate supercomputer will also focus on dominating different modalities, including audio and video, and could be integrated into robotics.