FAILED MY MEDTECH BOARD EXAM, AGAIN. (hoping you'd finish the video πŸ’›)

9 Feb 202126:45

TLDRThe speaker shares their journey leading up to and through their board exam experience, emphasizing their faith and reliance on God's plan despite facing challenges and uncertainties. They express gratitude for their calling as a missionary pastor and the support from their community, ultimately finding strength and purpose in their faith.


  • πŸ“… The speaker is preparing for and taking board exams, expressing a mix of anxiety and determination.
  • πŸ™ A strong emphasis is placed on faith and trusting in God's plan, regardless of the exam results.
  • πŸŽ“ The speaker's journey includes an unexpected appointment as an official missionary pastor, highlighting a shift in focus from personal goals to service.
  • 🌟 Despite facing challenges, such as all-nighters and the pressure of exams, the speaker remains hopeful and positive.
  • 😒 The speaker openly shares emotions, including moments of sadness and tears, but interprets these as part of a normal human response.
  • πŸ“ˆ The importance of hard work and preparation is acknowledged, with the speaker expressing confidence in their studies.
  • πŸ”„ The concept of surrendering to God's will is a recurring theme, with the speaker accepting outcomes as part of a larger divine plan.
  • 🌱 The speaker finds strength and growth in faith through setbacks, viewing failures as opportunities to deepen their relationship with God.
  • πŸ’‘ The message encourages others to find inspiration and purpose in their own challenges, using personal stories to glorify God and support others.
  • 🌍 The speaker concludes with a focus on the bigger picture, suggesting that God's plan for each individual is part of a larger narrative of faith and service.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the speaker's experience in the script?

    -The main theme of the speaker's experience is the importance of faith and surrendering one's life to God's will, even in the face of challenges and setbacks such as failing board exams.

  • What was the speaker's emotional response to finding out they failed the board exam?

    -The speaker cried not because of disappointment, but mainly due to sadness, which is a normal emotional response. However, they emphasized that their faith in God remained unshaken despite the failure.

  • How did the speaker prepare for the board exam?

    -The speaker studied hard, recognizing that medical subjects are difficult and require a lot of time to master. They were confident going into the exam, believing they had done their best to prepare.

  • What role did faith play in the speaker's life during the board exam period?

    -The speaker's faith played a significant role, as they trusted in God's plan and will. They believed that passing or failing the exam was not just about their preparation but also about God's timing and greater purpose for their life.

  • What was the speaker's reaction to the delay and postponement of the exam results?

    -The speaker remained at peace, knowing they had done their best and had surrendered the outcome to God. They continued to focus on their faith and trust in God's plan for their life.

  • How did the speaker's perspective on failure change after experiencing it?

    -The speaker saw failure as an opportunity to strengthen their faith and relationship with God. They viewed their experience not as a defeat but as a chance to grow spiritually and remain faithful to God's calling.

  • What new role did the speaker take on after the board exam?

    -The speaker was appointed as an official missionary pastor, which is part of their calling and passion to serve God. This role represents a higher calling and a commitment to spreading God's word.

  • What message does the speaker have for those who are facing similar challenges?

    -The speaker encourages others to remain faithful to God, use their experiences to strengthen their faith, and trust that God has a greater purpose for their lives. They emphasize that God's plan will prevail and that one's life is fully dependent on God's will.

  • How did the speaker handle the support and messages they received from others after failing the exam?

    -The speaker was overwhelmed with gratitude for the support and messages they received. They saw this as a testament to God's love and care, and it reinforced their faith and commitment to serving God.

  • What is the ultimate goal the speaker has in their life?

    -The speaker's ultimate goal is to give glory to God and to live a life that is pleasing to Him. They desire to be a faithful servant and to let God write their story, accepting everything that comes as part of God's plan.



πŸ“š Exam Week and Board Examinations

The speaker discusses the stress and uncertainty leading up to their board examination, expressing a mix of nervousness and confidence. They mention the importance of faith and trust in God's plan, regardless of the exam results. The speaker also shares their emotional response to the exam results and the support they received from their community, emphasizing the value of perseverance and reliance on faith in overcoming life's challenges.


πŸ’– Calling and Faith Journey

The speaker reflects on their calling as an official missionary pastor and how their faith has grown despite facing challenges. They discuss the importance of surrendering to God's will and the peace they found after their board examination. The speaker also talks about their installation as a pastor and the sense of higher purpose they feel in serving God and spreading His word.


🌟 Overcoming Failure and Embracing God's Plan

The speaker shares their experience of failing the medical technologist board exam and how they found strength in their faith. They emphasize that their life's purpose is not defined by worldly success or failure, but by their relationship with God. The speaker encourages others to use their story as a testimony of God's faithfulness and to find comfort and direction in their faith, regardless of the challenges they face.


πŸ™ Surrender and Divine Guidance

The speaker talks about their surrender to God's will and how they found clarity in their purpose after a period of questioning. They express gratitude for being installed as a pastor and recognize the importance of serving God and reaching out to more people. The speaker also discusses the comfort and guidance they received from God, and how they see their failures as opportunities to strengthen their faith and relationship with their maker.


🌈 Testimony of Faith and God's Sovereignty

The speaker shares a personal testimony of how their faith was tested and strengthened through setbacks. They emphasize that God's love and plan for them remained constant despite their failures, and that they are excited to see what God has prepared for them. The speaker encourages others to find joy in their faith and to see every situation as an opportunity to bring glory to God, ultimately striving to be a good and faithful servant.


πŸ’ͺ Finding Strength in Adversity

The speaker encourages others to use their story as an inspiration and to trust in God's plan for their lives. They emphasize that God's opinion and plan are the only ones that matter, and that His plan will always prevail. The speaker advises not to give up and to use challenges as a way to grow closer to God, maintaining a positive outlook and relying on faith to overcome obstacles.




Gastritis refers to the inflammation of the stomach lining, which can be caused by various factors such as infection, excessive alcohol consumption, or long-term use of certain medications. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as part of a medical condition that the speaker is studying for, indicating their medical background and the challenges they face in their studies.

πŸ’‘board exam

A board exam, short for board certification examination, is a standardized test that healthcare professionals must pass to become licensed in their field. In the video, the speaker is preparing for and taking their board exam, which is a significant event in their professional journey.


Faith, in the context of the video, refers to the speaker's strong belief and trust in God, as well as their spiritual values and principles.


The speaker is preparing for a board examination and expresses a mix of feelings about the uncertainty of the future.

The speaker mentions the date, January 20, 2021, and the significance of the upcoming board exam.

There is a mention of a feeling of uncertainty but a resolve to face the examination with courage.

The speaker thanks the lord and expresses gratitude for safety and soundness.

The speaker talks about an all-nighter and the importance of faith in difficult times.

The speaker shares the anticipation of results and the continued reliance on faith.

The speaker's appointment as an official missionary pastor is highlighted, showing a shift in focus and purpose.

The speaker discusses the growth of faith despite not being chosen as an RMD (presumably a role or position).

The speaker's acceptance of God's will, whether passing or failing the examination, is emphasized.

The speaker reflects on the academic preparation and the challenges of studying medical subjects.

The speaker expresses confidence in their ability to pass the examination but also acknowledges the ultimate decision lies with God's will.

The installation of the speaker as a pastor is mentioned, indicating a new chapter in their spiritual journey.

The speaker shares a personal testimony of faith and how it has been strengthened through failure.

The speaker encourages others to use their story as a testimony of God's faithfulness and to inspire faith in others.

The speaker concludes with a message of hope and reliance on God's plan for their life.