Trends in the MedTech Board Exams (August 2023 Edition) | Legend Review Center

Legend Review Center
30 Aug 202349:48

TLDRIn this insightful webinar, Dr. Gabriel Pascal, founder of Legend Review Center, shares valuable insights on trends in the magic licensure exam, drawing from students' feedback on recent board exams. Covering key subjects like clinical chemistry, parasitology, and hematology, Dr. Pascal delves into common questions, highlighting important concepts like Westgard rules, biochemical test results, and the significance of erythropoietin in treating anemia. With practical tips, mnemonics, and a focus on understanding rather than rote memorization, this session is a treasure trove for aspiring medical professionals, providing clarity on complex topics and enhancing exam preparation.


  • 👨‍💻 Dr. Gabriel Pascal, founder and CEO of Legend Review Center, introduces the webinar focusing on trends in the magic licensure exam, drawing on feedback from students.
  • 📰 Highlights the significance of understanding Westgard rules in clinical chemistry, particularly identifying the one 2S rule as a warning rule and the importance of distinguishing between systematic and random errors.
  • 📖 Emphasizes the necessity of being familiar with the types of errors detected by various Westgard rules, such as trends and shifts, and their potential causes like deterioration of reagents or improper calibration.
  • 📊 Discusses clinical chemistry questions related to high triglyceride levels and their association with pancreatitis, and the importance of knowing lipoprotein migration during electrophoresis.
  • 📚 Explores microbiology through examples of identifying bacteria based on biochemical tests and understanding the significance of indole, MR, VP, and citrate tests for distinguishing between E. coli, Klebsiella, and other genera.
  • 🚩 Underlines the importance of parasitology, such as differentiating between forms of amoeba in stool specimens and recognizing the lifecycle and transmission modes of pathogens like Vibrio cholerae.
  • 🔬 Highlights the relevance of clinical microscopy in diagnosing conditions through the identification of specific urine crystals and the differentiation between RBCs and oil droplets.
  • 💾 Details hematology concepts like the role of erythropoietin in treating anemia associated with kidney disease, and the importance of understanding coagulation pathways and platelet function.
  • 📝 Provides insights into safe laboratory practices, including identifying types of biological safety cabinets and handling hazardous materials.
  • 📱 Offers practical advice for exam preparation, including the significance of question books, understanding classification systems, and recognizing the role of images in studying parasitology and clinical microscopy.

Q & A

  • Who is Dr. Gabriel Pascal, and what are his qualifications?

    -Dr. Gabriel Pascal is the founder and CEO of Legend Review Center. He placed second in the March 2021 Physician Licensure Exam and also second in the September 2014 Med Tech Licensure Exam. He has a bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Science from St. Louis University.

  • What was the highest and average score in the pre-test mentioned by Dr. Pascal?

    -The highest score in the pre-test was 29, and the average score was around 16.94.

  • What is a Westgard rule, and which rule is considered only as a warning rule?

    -Westgard rules are quality control rules for clinical laboratory testing to ensure the accuracy and precision of test results. The 1 2s rule is considered only as a warning rule and would not result in the rejection of results.

  • What is the main cause of a shift observed in a control chart according to the script?

    -The main cause of a shift observed in a control chart is improper calibration.

  • Why is a triglyceride value of 1036 mg/dL of immediate concern, and which condition is it associated with?

    -A triglyceride value of 1036 mg/dL is of immediate concern because it is associated with pancreatitis. Very high triglyceride levels increase the risk of developing this condition.

  • Which lipoprotein migrates farthest from the anode during electrophoresis, according to the webinar?

    -Chylomicrons migrate farthest from the anode during electrophoresis.

  • What is the characteristic feature of rice water stools, and which disease is it a hallmark of?

    -Rice water stools are characterized by profuse water diarrhea leading to dramatic fluid loss, severe dehydration, and hypotension. It is a hallmark of cholera toxin activity caused by Vibrio cholerae.

  • What differentiates Class I, II, and III biological safety cabinets as discussed in the webinar?

    -Class I safety cabinets have an open front and sterilized room air enters, passing through a HEPA filter before being exhausted. Class II cabinets have laminar flow with air filtered both before entering and exiting. Class III cabinets are completely enclosed with negative pressure inside.

  • In the context of the webinar, how are indole positive, MR positive, VP negative, and citrate negative results interpreted?

    -The biochemical test results of indole positive, MR positive, VP negative, and citrate negative indicate the presence of E. coli.

  • What is the infective stage of the parasite causing cholera, and how is it transmitted according to the script?

    -The infective stage of the parasite causing cholera is the cyst stage, and it is transmitted through ingestion. Once ingested, the cyst undergoes excystation in the small intestine, and the resulting trophozoites inhabit the large intestine.



📚 Introduction and Overview of the Webinar

The webinar begins with a welcome address, introducing the topic as 'Trends in the Magic Licensure Exam.' The speaker, Dr. Gabriel Pascal, is introduced as the founder and CEO of Legend Review Center. He shares his academic and professional achievements, including his high rankings in medical exams and his educational background. The webinar's purpose is to discuss questions from the last board exam, based on student feedback. A brief analysis of the pre-test scores is provided, with the highest score being 29 and an average score of 16.94. The first subject discussed is clinical chemistry, which was reportedly easy compared to other subjects in the last board exam.


🧪 Westgard Rules and Quality Control

This segment delves into the Westgard rules, which are used in quality control for medical testing. The speaker explains that these rules help detect both random and systematic errors in test results. The different types of Westgard rules are discussed, including the warning Rule (Rule 1) and rejection rules (Rules 2-10). Specific examples of violations such as 1S, 2S, 3S, 4S, and 10X are provided, along with explanations of what they indicate. The importance of understanding these rules for quality control in medical testing is emphasized.


📊 Interpretation of Control Charts and Errors

The speaker discusses the interpretation of control charts, focusing on the identification of trends and shifts in control values. A trend is defined as a consecutive increase or decrease in control values over six branches, typically indicating a deterioration of reagents. A shift is identified when six consecutive control values are on the same side of the mean, usually due to improper calibration. The speaker also covers the identification of outliers and their significance in medical testing.


🩸 Clinical Cases and Lipid Profiling

This part of the webinar addresses clinical cases, including the interpretation of triglyceride levels and their association with pancreatitis. The speaker highlights the importance of recognizing high triglyceride levels as a potential risk factor for pancreatitis. Additionally, the webinar covers the migration patterns of lipoproteins during electrophoresis, identifying HDL as the farthest from the anode and explaining the arrangement of lipoproteins in electrophoresis.


🦠 Identification of Microorganisms and Biochemical Tests

The speaker discusses the identification of microorganisms based on their biochemical characteristics. Specific tests like indole, MR, VP, and citrate tests are explained, with E. coli and Klebsiella species highlighted as examples. The importance of understanding these tests for accurate identification of bacteria in clinical settings is emphasized.


🌐 Parasitology and Stool Specimens

This section focuses on parasitology, particularly the identification of amoeba in stool specimens. The speaker describes the life cycle of amoebic infections and the stages that can be observed in stool samples. The importance of recognizing the infective stage (cyst) in the diagnosis and treatment of parasitic infections is discussed.


🔬 Safety Cabinets and Parasitology Identification

The speaker discusses different classes of biological safety cabinets, explaining their functions and the level of protection they offer. The classification of cabinets as Class I, II, and III is covered, with details on air filtration and pressure differences. Additionally, the identification of parasites in stool samples is discussed, with the 'Japanese Lantern egg' as an example.


💧 Clinical Microscopy and Hematology

This segment covers topics in clinical microscopy and hematology. The identification of various crystals and RBCs in urine samples is discussed, along with the significance of hypotonic and hypertonic urine. The speaker also covers the coagulation pathways, focusing on the role of protein S and protein C in anticoagulation. The importance of understanding these pathways for diagnosing and treating coagulation disorders is highlighted.


🩸 Hematology and Transfusion Medicine

The speaker discusses various aspects of hematology, including the production of erythropoietin and its role in treating anemia associated with kidney disease. The functions of protein S and the significance of PT and APTT tests are explained. The speaker also covers the use of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) in treating various conditions and the importance of considering coagulation factors produced by the liver.


🧬 Laboratory Practices and Continuing Education

The final segment touches on laboratory practices, including the correction of BCS stacking using the saline replacement technique and the interpretation of rheumatoid factor tests. The speaker also discusses the primary indications for transfusion and the preparation of formaldehyde solutions. Additionally, the continuing education activities for laboratory professionals are mentioned, with a focus on the importance of professional development.



💡Westgard Rules

Westgard rules are quality control guidelines used in clinical chemistry to assess the accuracy and precision of laboratory test results. These rules are applied to control charts to determine when a laboratory test run should be accepted or rejected. In the script, the Westgard rules are mentioned in the context of explaining how certain rules, like the 1 2s (one to S), are considered warning rules, whereas others are rejection rules, prompting the need to investigate or reject an entire test run based on systematic or random errors detected.

💡Clinical Chemistry

Clinical chemistry refers to the analysis of bodily fluids for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It's a major area of specialization within laboratory medicine, focusing on substances such as blood and urine. In the script, clinical chemistry is highlighted as a relatively easier section in the licensure exam, with questions based on real-life feedback and standard textbooks, indicating its importance in medical diagnostics.

💡Licensure Exam

A licensure exam is a standardized test that candidates must pass to legally practice a profession in certain fields, such as medicine. The script discusses trends in the medical licensure exam, focusing on the feedback from students who took the exam, and uses it to guide the webinar's content, demonstrating the exam's role in assessing candidates' readiness to practice medicine.

💡Pre-test Scores

Pre-test scores refer to the marks obtained by students before undergoing a specific learning intervention or review session. In the script, the mention of pre-test scores, such as the highest score being 29 and the average around 16.94, serves to set a baseline understanding of the participants' knowledge level before the webinar begins, indicating areas where improvement is needed.

💡Systematic and Random Errors

Systematic errors are consistent, repeatable errors associated with faulty equipment or flawed experimental design, while random errors are unpredictable variations that arise from unpredictable factors. The script explains how different Westgard rules detect these errors in laboratory tests, emphasizing the importance of identifying these errors to ensure the reliability of test results in clinical chemistry.

💡Quality Control

Quality control in laboratory testing involves measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results. It encompasses everything from the equipment and reagents used to the techniques and personnel performing the tests. The script discusses the application of Westgard rules as part of quality control procedures in clinical laboratories, highlighting its critical role in patient care.


Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can be acute or chronic. It's mentioned in the script in the context of a question on fasting triglycerides, where a high triglyceride level (1036 mg/dL) is associated with a risk of developing pancreatitis. This example illustrates the practical application of clinical chemistry knowledge in diagnosing and managing health conditions.


Electrophoresis is a laboratory technique used to separate molecules, such as proteins or nucleic acids, based on their size and electrical charge. In the script, electrophoresis is discussed in the context of separating and identifying different lipoproteins, demonstrating its importance in diagnosing conditions related to lipid metabolism.

💡Clinical Microscopy

Clinical microscopy involves the examination of bodily fluids under a microscope for diagnostic purposes, including urinalysis and the analysis of blood cells. The script highlights the significance of understanding clinical microscopy for the licensure exam, particularly the identification of specific cells and crystals in urine, which are crucial for diagnosing various diseases.

💡Biological Safety Cabinets

Biological safety cabinets are specialized laboratory equipment designed to provide a sterile and safe environment for handling potentially hazardous biological samples. The script describes the different classes of safety cabinets, emphasizing their importance in protecting laboratory personnel and preventing contamination during the handling of infectious agents or toxic chemicals.


Dr. Gabriel Pascal, founder and CEO of Legend review center, introduces the webinar on Trends in the Magic Licensure Exam.

Discussion on clinical chemistry, focusing on Westgard rules, error detection, and specific rule identification.

Explanation of the importance of understanding various Westgard rules for detecting systematic and random errors in clinical chemistry.

Review of recent board exam trends, highlighting the incorporation of picture-based questions.

Insights into error detection in clinical chemistry through the discussion of trends, shifts, and outliers in control charts.

Exploration of the significance of high triglyceride levels in medical scenarios, emphasizing the association with pancreatitis.

Analysis of lipoprotein migration during electrophoresis and its relevance in clinical scenarios.

Identification of various parasites and their life cycles, stressing the importance of visual recognition in parasitology.

Differentiation of various biochemical test results and their corresponding bacterial organisms.

Classification and functioning of different types of biological safety cabinets in laboratory settings.

Discussion on the significance and identification of pathological RBC forms in hematology.

Examination of the role of erythropoietin in anemia treatment and its production in the kidneys.

Evaluation of the impact of platelet factor deficiencies in coagulation pathways and their detection in lab tests.

Analysis of the importance of aptitude and platelet function tests in diagnosing various blood disorders.

Assessment of the practical applications of various laboratory techniques in clinical microscopy.

Discussion on the use of fresh frozen plasma in treating various medical conditions.

Examination of the PRC's role, structure, and attachment to government bodies in the context of medical licensure.

Analysis of the suitability of different fixatives for electron microscopy in laboratory practices.