Fully Uncensored GPT Is Here 🚨 Use With EXTREME Caution

Matthew Berman
1 Jun 202311:49

TLDRThe video introduces an uncensored language model called Wizard Vicunia 30b, developed by Eric Hartford and based on the 13 billion parameter model of The Wizard of Acuna. This model has been trained without alignment or moralizing data, allowing for the addition of any alignment through reinforcement learning and human feedback. The video demonstrates the setup process using a GPU and the Run Pod platform, and showcases the model's capabilities by asking it to perform various tasks, including generating Python scripts, writing a poem, and answering factual questions. The model's uncensored nature is highlighted by its ability to provide detailed instructions on illegal activities, emphasizing the user's responsibility for the content generated. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to join the community for further discussion and support.


  • 🚨 The video introduces an uncensored AI model called Wizard Vicunia 30b, developed by Eric Hartford, based on the 13 billion parameter model of The Wizard of Acuna.
  • 📝 The model is trained on a subset of data, with responses containing alignment or moralizing removed, aiming for a completely uncensored output.
  • ⚠️ Users are warned to use the model with caution, as they are responsible for any content it generates, similar to how they would be responsible for using dangerous objects like knives or guns.
  • 💻 The setup process for using the model involves using a GPU with sufficient VRAM, like an RTX A6000, and the Run Pod platform with the Blok's template for easy model deployment.
  • 🔍 The model's capabilities are tested by asking it to perform various tasks, including writing Python scripts, creating a snake game, writing a poem, and more.
  • 📝 The model's performance on tasks is evaluated based on accuracy, adherence to instructions, and creativity, with a focus on its uncensored nature.
  • 🔢 The model successfully provides an answer to a hypothetical question about breaking into a car, demonstrating its uncensored nature, but also includes a disclaimer about the legality and consequences.
  • 🧠 The AI's ability to reason and solve problems is tested with questions about the president of the United States in 1996 and a logic problem involving the speed of three individuals.
  • 📉 The model's performance on summarization tasks is found to be lacking, as it does not provide concise summaries but rather continues the narrative or adds to the given text.
  • 📅 The model incorrectly identifies the current year as 2021, suggesting that its training data may be outdated.
  • 📊 The video concludes with a reminder that the model is uncensored and encourages users to join the Discord community for further questions and support.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the introduction and testing of an uncensored large language model called Wizard Vicunia 30b, developed by Eric Hartford.

  • What is the basis of the Wizard Vicunia 30b model?

    -The Wizard Vicunia 30b model is based on the 13 billion parameter model, The Wizard of Acuna, with alignment or moralizing responses removed.

  • What is the purpose of removing certain responses from the training data of the model?

    -The purpose of removing certain responses is to create an uncensored model where the alignment can be added separately through methods like reinforcement learning through human feedback and other adaptations.

  • How is the Wizard Vicunia 30b model different from other language models?

    -The Wizard Vicunia 30b model is different because it is completely uncensored, allowing it to generate content without built-in restrictions or censorship on topics.

  • What is the responsibility of the user when using the uncensored model?

    -The user is fully responsible for the content generated by the model, similar to being responsible for the use of a dangerous object. The user cannot blame the model for any actions taken based on its outputs.

  • What hardware is recommended for running the Wizard Vicunia 30b model?

    -An RTX A6000 GPU with 48 gigabytes of VRAM is recommended for running the model efficiently due to its high computational requirements.

  • How does the video demonstrate the uncensored nature of the model?

    -The video demonstrates the uncensored nature of the model by showing it generating responses to typically censored questions, such as how to break into a car and how to make methamphetamine.

  • What are some of the tasks the model is tested on?

    -The model is tested on various tasks including writing Python scripts, creating a snake game in Python, writing a poem, generating an email, providing basic facts, solving reasoning and logic problems, and planning a healthy meal.

  • What is the result of the model's performance on the tasks?

    -The model performs well on tasks such as writing code, creating poetry, and generating emails. However, it fails on tasks like summarization and certain logic problems.

  • How does the video conclude regarding the uncensored model?

    -The video concludes by highlighting the uncensored nature of the model and its potential for various applications, while reminding users of the importance of responsibility when using such a powerful tool.



🚨 Introduction to Uncensored AI Model

The speaker introduces an uncensored AI model developed by Eric Hartford, based on the Wizard of Acuna 13 billion parameter model. The model, named Wizard Vicunia 30b, has all forms of censorship removed to allow for separate alignment through reinforcement learning and human feedback. The speaker warns that using this uncensored model requires responsibility, comparing it to handling dangerous objects, and emphasizes that the user is accountable for any content generated.


💻 Setting Up the AI Model

The speaker guides the audience through setting up the AI model using Run Pod with an RTX A6000 GPU. They use the Blokes template for ease of running models and demonstrate how to install it. The process involves loading the Wizard Vicunia 30b model from Hugging Face, configuring settings, and deploying it on the Run Pod platform. The speaker also shows how to access the model through a text generation web UI.


📝 Testing the AI Model's Capabilities

The speaker tests the AI model's capabilities by asking it to perform various tasks, such as writing Python code, creating a snake game, writing a poem about AI, and drafting an email. The model performs well in most tasks, including providing a correct answer to a basic fact question about the U.S. president in 1996. However, the model struggles with summarization tasks and fails to provide accurate responses in certain logic and planning exercises.

🔍 Evaluating the AI Model's Outputs

The speaker evaluates the AI model's outputs, noting its strengths and weaknesses. The model successfully generates a Python script, writes a poem within a word limit, and correctly answers a factual question. It also performs well on a math problem and a planning exercise for a healthy meal plan. However, the model fails in summarization tasks and provides incorrect answers to logic problems, showing a lack of understanding in certain reasoning tasks.




The term 'uncensored' refers to the absence of any form of restriction, modification, or suppression of content. In the context of the video, it describes a language model that has not been altered or limited in any way, particularly in terms of the information it can generate or access. The video discusses an uncensored model called 'wizard vicunia 30b' which is designed to allow for the addition of alignment through methods like reinforcement learning and human feedback, rather than having it built-in.

💡language model

A language model is a system that is designed to process and understand human language, typically used in natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In the video, the language model is central to the discussion, with the presenter exploring the capabilities of an open-source, uncensored model based on the Wizard of Acuna 13 billion parameter model.


In the context of AI and language models, 'alignment' refers to the process of ensuring that the model's outputs align with human values and ethical standards. The video mentions that the 'wizard vicunia 30b' model has had alignment or moralizing responses removed, allowing for the model to be trained separately with alignment added through other methods.

💡reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to behave in an environment by performing actions and receiving rewards or penalties. In the video, it is mentioned as a method to add alignment to the 'wizard vicunia 30b' model through human feedback, which helps the model learn to generate content that aligns with certain ethical guidelines.


Moralizing refers to the act of expressing or instilling moral values or principles. In the context of the video, responses that contained moralizing were removed from the training data of the 'wizard vicunia 30b' model to create an uncensored foundation that can later be adapted with moral alignment through reinforcement learning.


A GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device. In the video, the presenter mentions using a GPU to support the computational demands of running the large language model.

💡RTX a6000

The RTX a6000 is a high-performance graphics card by NVIDIA, featuring significant amounts of video memory and processing power. It is mentioned in the video as the GPU used to run the 'wizard vicunia 30b' model, highlighting its 48 gigabytes of VRAM and its cost-effectiveness for such tasks.

💡Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an open-source AI company that provides a suite of tools and services for natural language processing (NLP). In the video, the presenter uses Hugging Face to access the 'wizard vicunia 30b' model, demonstrating how to download and integrate it into their setup.


Python is a widely-used high-level programming language known for its readability and ease of use. In the video, the language model is tasked with writing Python scripts, showcasing its ability to generate code for various tasks, such as outputting numbers or creating a game.

💡Snake game

The Snake game is a classic arcade game where the player controls a line which grows in length as it eats food. In the video, the presenter challenges the language model to generate Python code for a Snake game, testing its capacity to produce complex, functional code.


Reasoning refers to the process of forming conclusions, judgments, or decisions based on available information. The video includes several reasoning problems, such as the drying time of shirts or the logic involving the speed of characters, to test the language model's ability to understand and solve problems based on given information.

💡planning exercise

A planning exercise involves creating a structured approach or strategy to achieve a specific goal. In the video, the language model is asked to put together a healthy meal plan, demonstrating its ability to organize and present information in a practical and structured manner.


Introduction of an uncensored AI model by Air Cardford, based on the Wizard of Acuna 13 billion parameter model.

The model was trained on a subset of data with alignment or moralizing responses removed, aiming to eliminate built-in censorship.

The resulting model, named Wizard Vicunia 30b, is a 30 billion parameter model that is completely uncensored.

The model allows for the addition of alignment through reinforcement learning from human feedback and other methods, separate from its initial training.

A warning is given about the responsibility of using the uncensored model, comparing it to handling dangerous objects like knives or guns.

The process of setting up the model using Run Pod and an RTX a6000 GPU is detailed, including the use of the Blokes template for ease of use.

The model's uncensored nature is demonstrated by its ability to provide instructions on illegal activities, such as breaking into a car, which censored models would not do.

The model's capabilities are tested with various tasks, including writing Python scripts, creating a snake game, and composing poetry.

The model successfully writes a Python script for outputting numbers 1 to 100 and a poem about AI within a 50-word limit.

The model correctly identifies Bill Clinton as the President of the United States in 1996, providing accurate basic factual information.

The model's performance on reasoning problems is mixed, with correct answers on a simple math problem and a logic problem involving speed comparison, but failure on a drying time problem and a killer's reasoning problem.

The model's planning abilities are showcased through the creation of a healthy meal plan and the incorrect assumption of the number of words in its next reply.

The model's summarization skills are tested, with a failure to provide a concise summary and instead generating additional content.

The model's understanding of the current year is incorrect, indicating its training data may be outdated.

The model's response to a bias problem shows neutrality, stating that neither Republicans nor Democrats are inherently better, highlighting the importance of individual beliefs.

The model's performance on a more complex math problem involving order of operations is correct, demonstrating its capability in mathematical reasoning.

The model's failure to correctly answer a logic problem about the number of killers in a room after one is killed, despite the straightforward nature of the problem.

The model's ability to generate creative writing, such as an email to a boss announcing departure from a company, is accurate and well-composed.