Run your Own Private Chat GPT, Free and Uncensored, with Ollama + Open WebUI

Vincent Codes Finance
8 Mar 202416:46

TLDRThis video tutorial demonstrates how to set up a local Chat GPT-like interface on your machine using Ollama and Open WebUI. It guides you through installing Ollama, a program for managing large language models, and Open WebUI, a user-friendly frontend for interacting with these models. The video covers model selection, installation, and usage, highlighting the benefits of running a powerful, customizable chatbot locally, including the ability to compare multiple models and utilize advanced features like image generation.


  • 🌐 The video provides a guide on setting up a local Chat GPT-like interface for free.
  • 💻 The presenter uses a MacBook Pro M3 with 64 GB of RAM, but emphasizes that less powerful machines can also handle the task.
  • 🔧 Ollama is introduced as a program to manage and utilize open-source large language models like Llama 2 from Meta or Mistral.
  • 🛠️ Installation of Ollama can be done via their website or using Homebrew on Mac with the command 'brew install ollama'.
  • 📈 Different model variants are available, including those optimized for chatting and different sizes based on the number of parameters.
  • 🔄 Quantization variations of models are explained, which trade precision for reduced memory usage.
  • 🚀 Ollama is a command-line application, and its service can be started with 'ollama serve'.
  • 📥 Installing models with Ollama is straightforward, using commands like 'ollama pull llama2'.
  • 🌐 Open WebUI is highlighted as a frontend application to interact with the language models, and it requires Docker for installation.
  • 📦 Docker, a container software, is necessary for running Open WebUI, which is a web server.
  • 🔧 The video script concludes with the presenter demonstrating the use of Open WebUI, showcasing its features like model selection, chat history, and modelfiles.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about setting up a Chat GPT-like interface locally on your machine using Ollama and Open WebUI.

  • Who is the presenter of the video?

    -The presenter of the video is Vincent from Vincent Codes Finance, a channel about coding for finance and research.

  • What type of computer does the presenter use to run the large language models?

    -The presenter uses a MacBook Pro M3 processor with 64 GB of RAM.

  • What is Ollama and what does it do?

    -Ollama is a small program that runs in the background and allows you to manage and make available large, open-source language models such as Llama 2 from Meta or Mistral.

  • How can one install Ollama?

    -Ollama can be installed by visiting their website and clicking download, or for Mac users, it can be installed with Homebrew using the command 'brew install ollama'.

  • What are some of the models available on Ollama?

    -Some of the models available on Ollama include Llama 2, Mistral, and uncensored models like Llama 2 uncensored, which is fine-tuned to remove safeguards.

  • What is the purpose of the different variants of a model like Llama 2?

    -The different variants of a model like Llama 2 offer different levels of optimization and size, with options like the chat variant optimized for chatting and variants with different numbers of parameters affecting memory usage and model power.

  • What is the role of quantization in model variants?

    -Quantization in model variants reduces the number of bits and memory allowed for each parameter, which means less memory is needed, but with a trade-off of losing some precision.

  • How does one interact with Ollama?

    -Ollama is a command-line application, so interactions with it are done through the terminal using various commands like 'ollama serve' to start the service or 'ollama pull' to install a model.

  • What is Open WebUI and how does it relate to Ollama?

    -Open WebUI is an open-source Chat GPT replacement that serves as a frontend or user interface to interact with large language models managed by Ollama. It offers features like chat tracking, model file storage, and more.

  • Why is Docker necessary for installing Open WebUI?

    -Docker is necessary for installing Open WebUI because it is a container software that allows Open WebUI, which is essentially a web server, to run in an isolated environment on your machine.

  • What features does Open WebUI offer that Chat GPT does not?

    -Open WebUI offers the ability to add multiple models and compare their results, use modelfiles and prompts for specific purposes, and configure advanced settings like image generation, which are not available in Chat GPT.



📱 Setting Up a Local Chat GPT Interface

This paragraph introduces the video's purpose, which is to guide the audience on setting up a Chat GPT-like interface locally on their machines at no cost. The speaker, Vincent from Codes Finance, suggests subscribing for updates on future videos. The main focus is on using Ollama and Open WebUI to create a personal Chat GPT replacement. The speaker mentions their MacBook Pro M3 with 64 GB of RAM as an example of suitable hardware for running the interface. The importance of RAM and GPU power for running the model is highlighted, with instructions provided on how to install Ollama, either through their website or using Homebrew on Mac. The paragraph also explains the functionality of Ollama, which is to manage and make large open-source language models accessible.


💻 Exploring Ollama and Model Variants

The speaker delves into the details of Ollama's functionality, including its ability to handle various models like Llama 2 and Mistral. The concept of different model variants is introduced, with explanations on how these variants cater to different needs based on their optimization for chatting or text and the number of parameters they contain. The trade-offs between model size and memory requirements are discussed, and the speaker advises viewers to experiment with different models to find the best fit. The existence of uncensored models for research purposes is also mentioned. The paragraph concludes with an overview of Ollama's command-line interface and its basic commands, such as starting the service and listing installed models.


🚀 Installing and Using Open WebUI with Docker

This paragraph explains the next step in setting up a local Chat GPT interface, which is installing a frontend called Open WebUI. The speaker emphasizes the need for Docker, a container software, to run Open WebUI. A brief explanation of containers and their benefits in terms of safety and isolation is provided. The process of installing Docker, either through or Homebrew on Mac, is outlined. Following this, the speaker demonstrates how to use Docker to install Open WebUI, including the necessary commands and the expected output. The capabilities of Open WebUI, such as multi-user support and its web server nature, are highlighted.


🗣️ Interacting with the Chat GPT Replacement

The speaker describes how to interact with the installed models using Open WebUI. By default, Open WebUI runs on port 3000, and the speaker guides the audience on how to access it and create an admin account for the first-time setup. The video showcases the user interface of Open WebUI, highlighting features like chat tracking, model files, and prompts storage. The speaker also demonstrates the ability to run chats with different models simultaneously, comparing their responses. The concept of modelfiles, equivalent to GPTs for Chat GPT, is introduced, along with the ability to create and discover custom modelfiles or use popular ones from the community.

🔧 Customizing and Expanding Open WebUI Features

The final paragraph focuses on additional customization options available within Open WebUI, such as setting the theme, managing system prompts, and exploring advanced parameters. The speaker also mentions alternative options like speech to text and text to speech functionalities, as well as image generation capabilities. The video concludes with a prompt for viewers to like and subscribe to the channel for future content.



💡Chat GPT-like interface

A Chat GPT-like interface refers to a conversational system that mimics human-like interactions, similar to the popular language model Chat GPT. In the video, the creator demonstrates how to set up a local version of such an interface using Ollama and Open WebUI, which can be run on a personal computer for free.

💡Vincent Codes Finance

Vincent Codes Finance is the name of the channel and presumably the creator of the video, focusing on coding for finance and research. The channel's content is centered around providing tutorials and insights related to these fields.


Ollama is a background program that enables users to manage and utilize large, open-source language models such as Llama 2 from Meta or Mistral. It serves as a backend service that can be interacted with through the terminal.

💡Open WebUI

Open WebUI is an open-source Chat GPT replacement that acts as a frontend to interact with language models managed by Ollama. It provides a user-friendly interface with features like chat tracking, model file storage, and more.


Docker is a container software that allows users to manage and run virtualized environments, known as containers, on their computers. It is used in the video to run Open WebUI as a web server on the local machine.

💡Llama 2

Llama 2 is an open-source large language model featured on Ollama. It comes in different variants optimized for various purposes, such as chatting or text generation, and different sizes based on the number of parameters.


Quantization is the process of reducing the number of bits allocated to certain parameters in a model, which saves memory usage at the cost of some precision. This concept is used in the context of the video to explain different model variants like q4_0, q4_1, and q_5.


Mixtral is a powerful language model mentioned in the video as the most powerful model available for chat at the time of recording. It is a large model, with a download size of about 30 GB, and is used for comparison with other models in the video.


Modelfiles are pre-defined sets of prompts or instructions for a language model to serve a specific purpose. They are similar to GPTs for Chat GPT and can be used or created by users to achieve desired outcomes with the language model.


Prompts are inputs or questions given to a language model to generate a response. In the context of the video, prompts can be saved for future use and can also be discovered from the Open WebUI community.


Documents in the context of the video refer to reference materials that can be used with Open WebUI to provide information related to a query. These documents are used in a retrieval augmented generation fashion, allowing the model to search for relevant snippets and summarize those parts.


The video provides a guide on setting up a Chat GPT-like interface locally on your machine for free.

Vincent Codes Finance is a channel focused on coding for finance and research, and the video encourages viewers to subscribe for updates.

Ollama and Open WebUI are introduced as tools to create a Chat GPT replacement that can run on your personal machine.

The video mentions that more RAM and a powerful GPU improve the performance of running large language models.

Ollama is a program that manages and makes available large, open-source language models like Llama 2 from Meta or Mistral.

Installation instructions for Ollama are provided, including using Homebrew on Mac with the command `brew install ollama`.

Different models available on Ollama are discussed, including popular ones like Llama 2 and Mistral, and their various optimized variants.

Quantization variations of models are explained, which reduce memory usage at the cost of some precision.

Uncensored models like Llama 2 uncensored are mentioned for research purposes where typical LLMs might be blocked.

Ollama is a command-line application, and its usage is demonstrated through the terminal.

Instructions on how to install a model using Ollama are given, with an example of pulling Llama 2.

Open WebUI is introduced as an open-source Chat GPT replacement with features like tracking chats and storing model files.

Docker, a container software, is required to install Open WebUI, and the video explains its purpose and safety.

The process of installing Docker and running Open WebUI in a container is outlined, with an example command provided.

Open WebUI can be accessed locally and offers a full-featured interface for interacting with language models.

The video demonstrates the ability to compare answers from different models, such as Llama 2 and Mixtral.

Modelfiles and prompts in Open WebUI are highlighted as features that allow for tailored interactions with the language model.

Documents can be used for reference in Open WebUI, allowing the model to summarize related snippets based on queries.

Additional settings and options in Open WebUI, including theme, system prompts, and alternative functionalities like speech to text, are mentioned.

The video concludes with an invitation to like and subscribe for more content on coding for finance and research.