GEMINI 🧡 Someone Is Upset How You’re Showing Less Interest |✨| Whats Happening Now |✨| Singles Love

Charlie Tarot
25 Apr 202412:03

TLDRGemini, this singles reading reveals a period of self-love and healing for you, with a strong focus on personal growth. However, there's someone who's upset about your apparent disinterest and is experiencing deep pain, possibly feeling out of balance. This person may be trying to manipulate the situation, even resorting to dishonesty, which is causing a disconnect between you two. Despite their attempts to control the narrative, it's clear that their actions are driven by their own insecurities and lack of self-control. You're advised to stay true to yourself, maintain strong boundaries, and not let their negativity affect your peace. There's a hint of a past connection resurfacing, possibly a water sign, bringing both nostalgia and a reminder of the balance and support you once had. As you move forward, your intuition is your guide, and patience will be rewarded. Remember, it's important to let go of resentment and make decisions based on your own truth, not guilt or societal expectations. The reading ends with a positive note, assuring you that good things are on the horizon for you, Gemini.


  • 🧘‍♀️ There is a strong emphasis on self-love and healing within the Gemini community, indicating that individuals have been focusing on personal growth.
  • 👀 Gemini individuals may be aware of someone observing them but feel unbothered by it, suggesting a sense of inner peace and confidence.
  • 🤔 A new opportunity is on the horizon, symbolized by the Justice, Two of Pentacles, and Two of Wands cards, which may require a decision or navigating a crossroads.
  • 💔 The presence of the Five of Pentacles and Eight of Pentacles cards indicates that someone is experiencing deep pain and is contemplating the connection with Gemini.
  • 🔍 The Ace of Pentacles and Five of Cups suggest sadness due to someone's behavior, hinting at a recent conflict or argument.
  • 🏠 There is a mention of leaving home and arguments, pointing to a strong connection that might be going through a challenging phase, possibly involving separation.
  • 💔 The King of Cups and King of Swords cards, associated with water signs and air signs respectively, indicate that someone is feeling the impact of a past relationship or connection.
  • 🗡️ The 10 of Swords in someone's energy suggests a sense of defeat and possibly the end of a relationship, with the Page of Cups indicating a need for emotional processing.
  • 😤 There is a sense of manipulation and dishonesty from someone who is trying to control the narrative and paint Gemini in a negative light.
  • 🤐 Gemini individuals are advised to stay silent and disengage, as their intuition is strong and they should protect their peace and boundaries.
  • 🔮 The Temperance card suggests that patience and balance will lead to rewards, encouraging Gemini to stay on their spiritual path and trust their intuition.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the Gemini singles reading?

    -The main theme of the Gemini singles reading is about self-love, healing, and expansion, with a focus on a new opportunity and challenges in relationships.

  • What does the presence of the Justice card signify in the reading?

    -The Justice card signifies truth, conversation, and bringing something into balance, suggesting that there may be a need for a decision or feeling at a crossroads in the situation.

  • How does the reader describe the emotional state of the person Gemini is connected with?

    -The reader describes the emotional state of the person connected with Gemini as being in deep pain, feeling out of balance, and possibly manipulative and deceptive.

  • What does the reader suggest Gemini should do in response to the situation?

    -The reader suggests that Gemini should stay silent, retract, and disengage from the person who lacks self-control, focusing on maintaining peace and strong boundaries.

  • What is the significance of the Two of Pentacles and Two of Wands cards in the reading?

    -The Two of Pentacles and Two of Wands cards indicate a need for decision-making and a feeling of being at a crossroads, not knowing which direction to take at the moment.

  • What is the reader's perception of the person's behavior towards Gemini?

    -The reader perceives the person's behavior as destructive, manipulative, and dishonest, with attempts to control the situation and twist the narrative to their advantage.

  • How does the reader describe the impact of the person's behavior on Gemini?

    -The reader describes the impact as making Gemini stronger and clearer in their perception of the person, leading to a disconnection and a lack of effort in the relationship's outcome.

  • What does the reader suggest Gemini should focus on during this time?

    -The reader suggests that Gemini should focus on self-love, staying true to themselves, and maintaining their peace and strong intuition.

  • What is the potential outcome for Gemini if they continue on their current path?

    -The potential outcome for Gemini is a continued journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth, with the possibility of new opportunities and a stronger sense of self-worth.

  • What advice does the reader provide for Gemini regarding their emotions and decision-making?

    -The reader advises Gemini not to make decisions based on guilt or what they think they should do, but rather to be true to themselves, as this is the only way to be true to others.

  • What is the significance of the King of Cups and King of Swords cards in the reading?

    -The King of Cups and King of Swords cards suggest the presence of strong personalities, possibly Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, who are influential in the situation.



🔮 Spiritual Balance and Self-Love Journey

The reading begins by acknowledging the self-love and healing that has taken place within the individual. It suggests a sense of balance and inner work. The presence of a potential observer or someone spying is noted, but the individual appears unbothered. A new opportunity is indicated, possibly requiring a decision or indicating a crossroads. The Justice card suggests a need for truth and balance in relationships. Challenges and imbalances are highlighted, with someone experiencing deep pain and considering the connection with the individual. The Ace of Pentacles and Five of Cups suggest sadness due to someone's behavior. The King of Cups, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, and King of Swords, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are mentioned, indicating astrological signs that may be involved. The 10 of Swords in someone's energy suggests a significant challenge or end. The reading ends by emphasizing the individual's spiritual path, resilience, and the inability of others to distort their true self.


😤 Destructive Behaviors and Manipulation

This paragraph delves into the destructive behaviors and manipulative tactics that someone is employing. It suggests that this person is trying to portray the individual as a bad parent or person, stemming from their own dissatisfaction and lack of control. The dishonest route is not improving the situation but rather revealing the person's true character. The individual is advised to stay silent and disengage, as their intuition is strong and they are encouraged to maintain peace and strong boundaries. There is a mention of a potential separation or divorce, and the person's hurtful words are seen as a reflection of their own issues rather than the individual's character. The paragraph concludes with the individual choosing to stay in a protective 'bubble of peace'.


🌟 Moving Forward with Intuition and Clarity

The final paragraph focuses on the individual's growth and the need to move forward without being clouded by guilt or the expectations of others. It emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and letting go of resentment. The person is reminded that emotions are a natural part of life but should not obscure one's vision. Healing mantras are offered, and a three-card reading is suggested for guidance. The message ends on a positive note, encouraging confidence and the belief that good things are coming for Gemini. The individual is urged to not worry about others' opinions and to embrace their worth. The reading aims to provide clarity and ends with well wishes and an invitation to engage with the content.




Self-love is the act of valuing and appreciating oneself, which is crucial for personal well-being and happiness. In the video, self-love is mentioned as a significant theme, indicating that the individual has been focusing on healing and inner work, which is reflected in their balanced state of being. It is a foundational concept that underpins the message of personal growth and emotional resilience.


A crossroads is a metaphor for a critical point in one's life where important decisions must be made, often signifying a moment of choice or change. In the context of the video, the appearance of the Two of Pentacles and the Two of Wands suggests that the individual may be at a point where they need to make a decision, possibly regarding their relationship or personal direction.


In the context of tarot cards, the Justice card typically represents truth, fairness, and the balance of karma. It suggests that the individual may be facing a situation where honesty and integrity are crucial. In the video, it is mentioned alongside the theme of balance, indicating that the person may need to address or confront a situation that requires truth and fairness.


Manipulation refers to the act of influencing someone by underhanded or deceptive means. The video discusses a person who may be attempting to control the narrative or situation, which is causing distress. This keyword is central to the conflict described, highlighting the negative behavior that the individual is dealing with.


Intuition is the ability to understand or sense something without conscious reasoning. The video emphasizes the individual's strong intuition, which is guiding them through the challenges they are facing. It is portrayed as a source of strength and clarity in navigating the complexities of their situation.


Disengagement is the act of withdrawing or distancing oneself from a situation or person. In the video, the individual is described as retracting and disengaging from a person with a lack of self-control, suggesting a conscious decision to protect their emotional well-being.


Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. The video mentions nostalgia as a potential tool being used by someone to reconnect with the individual, possibly indicating an attempt to evoke memories of a happier time.


Spirituality refers to a belief or an individual's sense of connection to something greater than themselves, often involving a search for meaning in life. The video describes someone as being out of touch with their spirituality, which may imply a disconnection from their inner self or a loss of moral or ethical guidance.


Deception is the act of causing someone to believe something that is not true, typically for personal gain or to damage someone else. In the video, deception is mentioned in relation to a person's behavior, suggesting that they are not being truthful or honest, which is causing harm to the relationship.


Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. The video speaks of rewards coming with patience, suggesting that the individual's current challenges will eventually lead to positive outcomes if they remain patient and steadfast.


Resentment is a feeling of bitter indignation due to perceived unfairness or disappointment. The video advises the individual to let go of resentment in order to see things clearly and move forward. It is presented as a barrier to personal growth and emotional clarity.


Someone is upset with how you're showing less interest, but you feel unbothered.

There's a lot of self-love and healing, with a lot of inner work done within yourself.

A new opportunity is coming, symbolized by the Justice, Two of Pentacles, and Two of Wands cards.

Someone is in deep pain and thinking about the connection with you.

There's a sense of sadness due to someone's behavior, possibly leading to arguments and conflict.

The King of Cups, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, and the King of Swords, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are mentioned in relation to the situation.

The 10 of Swords in someone's energy suggests a significant challenge or end.

This person is trying to move on and has been through a lot of pain.

You are on a spiritual path and have felt unloved or hurt by someone's actions.

There's an attempt to control or twist the situation, but it cannot change who you are at your core.

The person may be trying to make you look like a bad parent or a controlling, terrible person.

The dishonest route is not making anything better and is making you stronger and clearer about their true nature.

You are disconnecting and not putting in the effort anymore due to the person's lack of self-control.

There's a strong intuition that you should stay silent and retract, disengaging from the person.

A past connection, possibly a water sign, is coming up, bringing nostalgia and memories.

You are getting back on your feet, loving yourself more, and gaining knowledge and experience.

The Temperance card suggests rewards come with patience and that you are very intuitive.

Someone from your past may be returning to your life, possibly for reconciliation or to heal family issues.

The person is upset and needs time to cool down, reminiscing about the past and acknowledging they still have growing to do.

Don't make decisions based on guilt or societal expectations; be true to yourself to be true to others.

Emotions are a natural part of life, but they can cloud your vision, so it's important to let go of resentment.