Gemini✨ Finally! A Love You Can Trust, But... ✨You Vs. Them

Siriana Tarot
26 Apr 202413:29

TLDRIn this Serana tarot reading for Geminis, the channel explores the dynamics of a love relationship, focusing on the viewer's perspective versus that of another person. The reading suggests that Geminis are currently in a period of healing and self-protection, feeling uncertain about the future of the relationship. The other person is seen as independent and potentially dealing with past traumas, which might make them hesitant to commit. The advice given is to not take the situation personally, as the other person's behavior is likely a reflection of their own emotional baggage. The tarot cards hint at a possible karmic justice, suggesting that a new soulmate might be on the horizon for Geminis, someone who is creative and has also experienced deep wounds. The channel encourages Geminis to hold themselves in high regard, take time to heal, and be open to new connections that could lead to a lasting love.


  • 🔮 The current situation for Geminis involves a mix of healing and protection, with a sense of uncertainty about the future of their relationships.
  • 🤔 Geminis may be viewing their partners as independent figures who are hesitant to engage in a relationship due to past traumas or a focus on personal achievements.
  • 🛡️ The script suggests that the person Geminis are involved with is in a protective mode, possibly guarding against emotional investment to avoid past hurts.
  • ❤️ Geminis are advised to hold themselves in high regard and not to dwell in a gray area or in-between status with someone who is not fully committed.
  • 😔 There's a sense of emotional exhaustion and feeling foolish among Geminis, possibly due to the other person's confession about not being ready for a relationship or seeing other options.
  • 📉 The presence of the Nine of Swords and Justice cards indicates a period of reflection on past actions and the need for karmic justice, which could come in the form of a new soulmate.
  • 🌟 Geminis are encouraged to give themselves time to heal and consider taking a retreat or getaway to rejuvenate their mind, body, and spirit.
  • 💍 For some Geminis, there may have been discussions of marriage or engagement, but the other person appears to have cold feet, possibly due to unresolved issues from past relationships.
  • 🌈 The future holds promise for a deep, unconditional, and healthy love with someone who is creative and potentially has experienced similar emotional wounds as the Geminis.
  • 👥 The new person that Geminis may connect with could be someone who has been single for a while, values stability, and may even have a noticeable facial feature or an accent.
  • ⏳ Timing for this new connection is not immediate but is expected to happen soon, possibly within the next three months, after a period of healing and self-discovery.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the tarot reading for Geminis?

    -The main theme of the tarot reading is a love reading that compares the energy of the viewer (Gemini) with that of another person, focusing on the dynamics between them.

  • What tarot card represents the viewer's (Gemini's) current state?

    -The Four of Swords represents the viewer's (Gemini's) current state, indicating a period of healing, quietness, and protection of the heart.

  • How does the viewer (Gemini) perceive the other person?

    -Gemini perceives the other person as the Devil in Reverse, suggesting a strong, independent individual who may be dealing with past trauma or a reluctance to engage in a relationship.

  • What does the Queen of Swords signify in the context of the viewer's (Gemini's) perception of the connection?

    -The Queen of Swords signifies that Gemini is trying to approach the connection with a more rational and less emotionally-driven perspective, despite feeling emotionally hurt.

  • What does the Page of Cups in Reverse indicate about the other person's view of Gemini?

    -The Page of Cups in Reverse suggests that the other person may have trust issues with Gemini or may have indicated a lack of readiness for a relationship.

  • What tarot card represents the other person's view of the relationship?

    -The King of Cups represents the other person's view of the relationship, indicating a deep, telepathic connection but with hesitations or a lack of forward movement.

  • What does the Hermit energy suggest about Gemini and the other person's current state?

    -The Hermit energy suggests that both Gemini and the other person are in a phase of contemplation, possibly feeling emotionally exhausted and unsure about the future of the relationship.

  • What advice is given to Gemini regarding their emotional investment in the relationship?

    -The advice given is for Gemini to not take the other person's actions personally, as the other person is dealing with their own emotional baggage and past traumas.

  • What does the Five of Swords signify in terms of the conflict within the relationship?

    -The Five of Swords signifies that there has been some conflict, fighting, or arguing within the relationship, and Gemini is questioning whether the relationship is worth the effort.

  • What does the Judgment card in Reverse indicate about the future of the relationship?

    -The Judgment card in Reverse suggests that Gemini should use their best judgment and consider the karmic consequences of their actions, implying that there may be karmic justice in the form of a new soulmate if they move on.

  • What is the message for Gemini regarding their future love life?

    -The message for Gemini is that deep, unconditional, and healthy love awaits them, and they should focus on healing and self-care. A new connection could be on the horizon, possibly within the next few months.

  • What does the Empress card signify in terms of Gemini's self-worth?

    -The Empress card signifies that Gemini should hold themselves in high regard, knowing their worth and value, and not allowing anyone to mistreat or mislead them.



🔮 Gemini Love Reading: You vs. Them

The video begins with a welcome to Serana Tarot's channel and an introduction to a love reading for Geminis. The reading compares the viewer's energy to that of another person, symbolized by tarot cards. Key cards include the Four of Swords, the Devil in reverse, the Queen of Swords, the Seven of Wands, and the King of Cups. The reading suggests that Geminis are currently in a period of healing and self-protection, possibly feeling unsure about the future of their relationship. The person they are viewing is seen as independent, potentially with Capricorn energy, which could indicate pessimism or stubbornness. The reading advises Geminis to consider the emotional void they might be feeling and to be aware of the other person's trauma response to past heartbreaks or losses.


🌟 Navigating the Complexities of Love

The second paragraph delves deeper into the relationship dynamics, highlighting the King of Cups, which suggests the other person does love the Gemini but is hesitant to move forward. The reading points out potential emotional exhaustion and a sense of being misled or kept in the dark about the other person's true intentions. The Empress card encourages Geminis to value themselves and not to settle for less than they deserve. The Hermit card indicates contemplation and the need for self-care. The Nine of Wands in reverse and the Five of Swords suggest past conflicts and the struggle to determine if the relationship is worth the effort. The Judgment card in reverse speaks to the need for careful decision-making and the promise of karmic justice, which could come in the form of a new soulmate or a resolution to the current situation.


🌈 Healing and Preparing for New Love

The final paragraph focuses on the healing process and the anticipation of new love. It suggests that Geminis should treat themselves with kindness and consider a retreat or getaway to uplift their spirits. The reading reveals that the new love interest will be creative, potentially with a noticeable facial feature, and may have experienced past wounds that require trust-building. The person might be forgetful, late, and could have a food allergy. The guidance is to be patient, as the right timing for this new connection is approaching within the next three months. The message is one of hope, encouraging Geminis to focus on self-love and to trust in the process of finding lasting love.




Gemini is a zodiac sign in astrology, represented by the twins, symbolizing duality and adaptability. In the video, the theme revolves around individuals born under the sign of Gemini, and the tarot reading is specifically tailored to their current love situation.

💡Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading is a practice that uses a deck of tarot cards to gain insight or guidance. In this video, the tarot reader, Serana, uses the cards to interpret the energy and potential outcomes for the viewer's love life.


In the context of the video, 'energy' refers to the emotional or spiritual atmosphere surrounding a person or situation. The tarot reader discusses the viewer's energy and that of the person they are involved with to provide a reading.

💡The Four of Swords

The Four of Swords is a tarot card that typically signifies a period of rest, retreat, or recuperation. In the video, it is used to describe the viewer's current state of being, suggesting they are healing or seeking solitude.

💡The Devil (Reversed)

The Devil is a tarot card that often represents materialism, bondage, or restrictions. When it appears in reverse, as in the video, it can indicate breaking free from limitations or a shift in perspective regarding constraints.

💡The Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords in tarot symbolizes a person who is logical, intelligent, and clear-headed. In the video, it is used to describe the viewer's approach to their relationship, suggesting a need for rational thinking over emotional reactions.

💡The Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands in tarot represents defensiveness, protection, and standing one's ground. In the context of the video, it suggests that the person the viewer is involved with is in a protective mode, possibly guarding against emotional vulnerability.

💡The Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is a tarot card that signifies the arrival of new emotional experiences or news. When it appears in reverse, as mentioned in the video, it could indicate a lack of emotional fulfillment or trust issues.

💡The King of Cups

The King of Cups in tarot represents emotional balance, compassion, and a deep understanding of the feelings of others. In the video, it is used to describe the person's view of the relationship, suggesting a loving connection but one that may not be progressing.

💡Karmic Justice

Karmic Justice refers to the idea that actions in this life or past lives will have consequences that balance the scales of justice. In the video, it is suggested that the viewer will experience karmic justice, possibly in the form of a new, more suitable romantic partner.

💡The Judgment Card

The Judgment Card in tarot often symbolizes a moment of reckoning, self-evaluation, or a significant decision. When it appears in reverse, as in the video, it can indicate a delay in making important decisions or a need to reconsider one's choices.


Gemini is currently circling the wagons, healing, and protecting their heart.

There's a sense of uncertainty about the future and how the person feels about Gemini.

The person Gemini is viewing is seen as independent with a potential trauma response to relationships.

Gemini is advised to approach the connection head over heart due to emotional pain.

The person may have alluded to not trusting Gemini, which could be a projection of their own issues.

The relationship is viewed as telepathic, with love present but no forward movement.

Gemini should not take the person's guarded stance personally as they are still wounded.

Emotional exhaustion and a sense of feeling foolish are prevalent feelings for Gemini.

The person may have shared that they are seeing other people, causing Gemini distress.

The Empress card suggests Gemini should hold themselves in high regard and not settle for less.

The Judgment card in Reverse indicates that Gemini should use their best judgment and expect karmic justice.

Gemini is reminded not to beat themselves up and to give themselves time to heal.

There's a possibility of a new soulmate on Gemini's path who has also experienced deep wounds.

The new person is described as creative, potentially with a noticeable facial feature.

This new connection will help Gemini rediscover themselves and trust in healthy love.

The new person may come from a better-than-average household and could have a food allergy.

Gemini is advised that true love will arrive soon, possibly within the next three months.

The message for Gemini is to surround themselves with good people and wait for the right timing.