GEMINI | You Get To Choose Your Level Of Participation | Full Moon Reading | April 2024

Sassy Scorpion Tarot
26 Apr 202427:30

TLDRIn this full moon reading for Gemini, the focus is on the internal struggle and the decision-making process regarding participation in various aspects of life. The reader highlights the importance of discerning when to engage and when to step back, emphasizing the power of self-awareness and the ability to make conscious choices. The reading suggests that Geminis may be grappling with a cycle of letting go and holding on, and are encouraged to resist the urge to get involved in external conflicts that do not serve their personal growth. The advice is to invest energy in oneself and in relationships that are balanced and reciprocal, rather than feeling the need to control or manage every situation. The presence of major arcana cards like The Emperor and The World indicates significant life lessons and the potential for personal empowerment. The reader also reminds Geminis to listen to their intuition and to be selective about where they place their efforts, aiming for a harmonious and abundant life.


  • 🌕 The full moon under the sign of Scorpio brings a concentrated energy for Gemini, affecting their emotional, mental, and spiritual states.
  • 🌱 Important seeds may be planted around the full moon, which can come to fruition much later, symbolizing potential for growth and change.
  • 🔮 Gemini may experience a tug of war between a desire to connect and socialize (Three of Cups) and a sense of resistance or withholding (Four of Pentacles).
  • 🤔 The reading suggests Gemini might be struggling with letting go of something, with major arcana cards indicating significant energy and power dynamics at play.
  • ♠️ The Four of Pentacles, Death, The World, and The Emperor cards suggest a strong refusal to hold on to something, indicating a desire for control and a definitive stance against participation in certain matters.
  • 🔄 The World card implies a cycle of trying to let go and then finding oneself holding on again, a back-and-forth dynamic that Gemini may be grappling with.
  • ⏳ The Knight of Swords and Justice cards advise Gemini to understand that sometimes, the correct action is to not participate in things that are not right for them, emphasizing the importance of justice and fairness to oneself.
  • 💔 The Five of Wands suggests a feeling of being haunted by something that prevents Gemini from fully stepping into new opportunities, indicating a need to resolve lingering issues.
  • 🧘‍♀️ The Ace of Cups and Four of Swords encourage Gemini to rest and focus on self-love, implying that rest and introspection can lead to new energy and excitement.
  • 👥 Page of Cups and Four of Swords hint at the importance of surrounding oneself with a better class of people who reciprocate positive energy, rather than those who constantly engage in arguments or negativity.
  • ⚖️ The reading concludes with an emphasis on self-respect and making judgment calls that align with one's values and well-being, rather than being drawn into others' disputes.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the full moon energy reading for Gemini in April 2024?

    -The full moon energy reading for Gemini in April 2024 is significant because it provides insights into the emotional, mental, and spiritual concentration over the next 30 days, highlighting important seeds planted around this time that may come to fruition later.

  • What does the presence of the Four of Pentacles in the reading suggest for Gemini?

    -The Four of Pentacles suggests that Gemini may be showing restraint and withholding, indicating a tug of war between the desire to connect and socialize and the current state of refraining from doing so.

  • How does the Five of Wands card relate to Gemini's current struggle?

    -The Five of Wands card indicates a sense of resistance and conflict, suggesting that Gemini is experiencing an internal fight and may be feeling frustrated with the current situation.

  • What advice is given to Gemini regarding their struggle with letting go of something?

    -The advice given to Gemini is to understand that letting go is not just about strong willpower but also about knowing when not to participate in something that isn't right for them. They are encouraged to show themselves justice by not engaging in what they know will set them back.

  • What does the Ace of Cups card signify for Gemini in the context of the reading?

    -The Ace of Cups signifies a more relaxed heart space towards the end of the reading, suggesting that Gemini will eventually find relief and a sense of peace in their struggle.

  • How does the Knight of Swords card influence Gemini's current situation?

    -The Knight of Swords card indicates that Gemini's anger and frustration stem from taking a step backward or losing sight of the bigger lesson, which is the importance of understanding what's correct and fair for them rather than relying solely on willpower.

  • What is the message for Gemini regarding their level of participation in ongoing conflicts?

    -The message for Gemini is to choose their level of participation wisely. They are encouraged not to get involved in other people's arguments unless directly involved, and to focus on their own well-being and growth instead.

  • What does the Page of Pentacles card suggest for Gemini's future?

    -The Page of Pentacles suggests that happier, healthier, and more balanced days are ahead for Gemini, as long as they make the right investments and decisions that are correct and healthy for them.

  • What is the importance of the Ace of Wands in the reading for Gemini?

    -The Ace of Wands signifies new opportunities and the desire for excitement and change. It encourages Gemini to focus on self-love and to rest before stepping into these new opportunities.

  • How does the Four of Swords card relate to Gemini's need for rest and self-care?

    -The Four of Swords indicates a need for rest and reflection, suggesting that Gemini should take time to rest on their own energies and principles before pursuing new opportunities.

  • What is the final advice given to Gemini regarding their relationships and social interactions?

    -The final advice is for Gemini to surround themselves with a better class of people who offer reciprocated exchanges and do not expect Gemini to constantly step in and solve their problems. They are encouraged to step into friendships and acquaintances that contribute positively to their life.



🌕 Full Moon Energy for Gemini

The video script addresses Gemini individuals, focusing on the upcoming full moon under the sign of Scorpio. It discusses the impact of full moon energy on personal growth and the planting of seeds that may come to fruition later. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the energy around this time and how it can influence various aspects of life. The reading suggests a struggle between a desire to connect and socialize (Three of Cups) and a sense of resistance or withholding (Four of Pentacles), with a need for spiritual guidance (Judgement card). The Ace of Cups indicates a potential for emotional relief and relaxation in the future.


🔄 The Cycle of Letting Go and Holding On

The second paragraph delves into the concept of letting go and the cyclical nature of holding onto something despite the desire to move on. The script uses the imagery of the World card and the Emperor to illustrate the struggle for empowerment and the repeated attempts to release control. It suggests that each attempt, even if it feels like a failure, contributes to a foundation for eventual success. The presence of the Three of Cups and the Ace and Five of Pentacles hint at a longing for new opportunities and a struggle to fully embrace them due to unresolved issues.


🚫 Knowing When Not to Participate

The third paragraph emphasizes the importance of recognizing when it's best not to participate in certain situations. It discusses the frustration that comes from a strong will that doesn't lead to resolution. The Knight of Swords and Justice cards suggest that the real issue is losing sight of what's right and fair for the individual. The speaker advises that sometimes, the best action is to not engage in things that are not right for you, and to focus on what is correct rather than exerting willpower.


🤝 Choosing the Right Level of Participation

In the fourth paragraph, the focus is on choosing the level of participation in various aspects of life. It suggests that external conflicts do not require the individual's attention and that it's important to resist the impulse to get involved. The script highlights the need for balance and investment in relationships that are fair and reciprocal. It also touches on the concept of using judgment to make healthy decisions and to not feel obligated to manage others' disputes.


🧘‍♀️ Self-Love and Rest as a Prelude to New Beginnings

The fifth paragraph encourages self-love and rest as a foundation for new opportunities. It speaks about the presence of Aces in the tarot reading, indicating potential that is yet to be fully realized. The Ace of Wands and the Four of Swords suggest a desire for new energy and excitement after a period of rest. The speaker advises stepping away from ongoing arguments and focusing on personal growth and relationships that are more balanced and fulfilling.


👵‍♀️ The Role of Sensitivity and Directness

The final paragraph touches on the theme of sensitivity and the importance of being direct when declining to participate in others' conflicts. It mentions the presence of the Old Woman card, symbolizing sadness and a sense of isolation, possibly related to external arguments. The speaker encourages the listener to be firm and assertive in maintaining boundaries, suggesting that it's not their responsibility to solve everyone else's problems and that they should focus on their own growth and well-being.



💡Full Moon Energy

Full Moon Energy refers to the heightened emotional and intuitive states that some people believe are influenced by the full moon. In the context of this video, it is used to describe the heightened state of awareness and potential for personal growth that Geminis may experience during the full moon in Scorpio. It is a central theme as the reading is specifically about the energy and influence of the full moon on Gemini individuals.


Gemini is a zodiac sign in astrology, represented by the twins, and is associated with adaptability, communication, and a curious nature. In the video, Gemini is the focus of the reading, with the speaker providing insights and guidance based on the astrological sign's characteristics and how they may interact with the full moon's energy.


Scorpio is another zodiac sign, known for its intensity, passion, and transformative nature. The video mentions that the full moon will be under the sign of Scorpio, which suggests that the energies of this sign will blend with the full moon's influence, affecting how Geminis might feel or act during this period.

💡Seeds Planted

In the context of the video, 'seeds planted' is a metaphor for actions, decisions, or ideas that are set in motion during the full moon period. These seeds are suggested to have the potential to come to fruition much later, indicating that the full moon is a time of setting intentions and starting new cycles that may take time to manifest fully.


Restraining, as used in the script, refers to the act of holding back or withholding, particularly in an emotional or social context. The speaker mentions the Four of Pentacles card, which symbolizes a sense of withholding or restraint. It is related to the theme of the video as it suggests that Geminis may be feeling a pull between their desire to connect with others and their need to hold back or maintain control over their emotions or resources.

💡Tug of War

Tug of War is a term that describes a conflict or struggle between opposing forces. In the video, it is used metaphorically to describe the internal conflict Geminis might be experiencing, particularly regarding their desires to engage with others versus their inclination to hold back or maintain control.

💡Spiritual Influence

Spiritual influence in the video refers to the impact or guidance that one's spiritual beliefs or inner wisdom can have on decision-making. It is mentioned as a factor that can help Geminis understand the source of their internal conflicts and make decisions that align with their true selves.

💡Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is a tarot card that symbolizes emotional fulfillment, new beginnings, and the heart's desires. In the video, it is used to suggest that towards the end of the reading period, Geminis may find a sense of emotional relief or contentment, aligning with the theme of personal growth and emotional development under the full moon's influence.


In the context of the video, 'Judgment' refers to the tarot card that signifies clarity, making important decisions, and the consequences of actions. It is used to highlight the importance of making wise choices for Geminis, especially in regards to the things they choose to engage with or let go of during the full moon period.


The Emperor is a tarot card that represents authority, control, and structure. In the video, it is used to illustrate the power and determination Geminis may feel, particularly in their efforts to take control of situations or make firm decisions about what they will and will not participate in.


Participation, as discussed in the video, refers to the level of involvement or engagement one chooses to have in various aspects of life. The speaker advises Geminis to be mindful of their participation levels, particularly in conflicts or situations that do not serve their best interests, emphasizing the importance of self-care and setting boundaries.


Gemini's full moon energy reading for April 2024 is focused on personal growth and decision-making.

The full moon in Scorpio brings a concentration of self-reflection on mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Seeds planted during this full moon period may come to fruition much later, signifying the importance of present actions on future outcomes.

Gemini is advised to check their astrological placements to resonate with the reading, as it is a collective energy.

The four of Pentacles card suggests a sense of withholding and restraint in Gemini's current situation.

An internal conflict is indicated between the desire to connect and the resistance to doing so, as shown by the three of Cups and five of Wands.

The Ace of Cups signifies a more relaxed heart space and improved emotional well-being towards the end of the reading period.

The major arcana cards suggest a significant power struggle and the need for Gemini to make firm decisions about what they are holding onto.

The world card indicates a cycle of going back and forth on an issue, with a need for Gemini to find empowerment in truly letting go.

The Emperor card emphasizes the importance of authority and decision-making, suggesting Gemini should be firm in their choices.

Gemini is encouraged to understand that past attempts, even if not initially successful, build a foundation for future success.

The three of Cups card points to the influence of positive social connections and the desire for new opportunities.

The Ace of Pentacles and the five of Pentacles suggest a longing for new opportunities but a feeling of not being fully ready to embrace them.

The Knight of Swords and Justice cards indicate that Gemini should focus on what is right and fair for them, rather than forcing strong willpower.

The reading emphasizes the importance of knowing when not to participate in certain situations, especially those that are not beneficial.

The Page of Pentacles and Six of Pentacles cards suggest that happier, healthier, and more balanced days are ahead for Gemini once they stop unnecessary involvements.

The Ace of Wands and the Four of Swords encourage Gemini to rest and focus on self-love, which will open up new opportunities.

The reading concludes with a reminder for Gemini to choose their level of participation wisely and to focus on their own growth and well-being.