GEMINI‼️They Can’t Stop Lying‼️

Ninja’s Gemini Tarot
25 Apr 202428:49

TLDRThe video transcript discusses the complex situation a Gemini individual may be facing with a manipulative person in their life. The individual is described as a potential sociopath, who is jealous, emotionally unstable, and possibly from a water sign. They are portrayed as lying and creating a false narrative to gain sympathy from others, while also trying to control or limit the Gemini's movements. The reading suggests that the manipulative person feels threatened by the Gemini's self-discipline and perfectionist tendencies. The person is also believed to be stubborn and unwilling to change or be honest. The transcript provides advice for the Gemini to be cautious, protect themselves, and recognize the support of their spiritual team. It also highlights the importance of personal growth and self-love for the Gemini during this challenging time.


  • 🔮 **Gemini's Energy**: There is a Cancer individual causing disruptions in Gemini's life, possibly out of jealousy or resentment.
  • 🚗 **Caution with Vehicles**: Gemini should be wary of potential interference with their transportation, as the person may try to cause delays.
  • 😠 **Jealousy and Anger**: The individual is jealous of Gemini's self-discipline and perfectionist tendencies, leading to feelings of anger and betrayal.
  • 💔 **Emotional Manipulation**: The person feels hurt and betrayed by Gemini's actions, such as withdrawing support, and is now emotionally manipulative.
  • 🎭 **Mask of Deception**: The person is wearing a mask, pretending not to be affected by Gemini's actions, while internally they are deeply hurt.
  • 🚫 **Control and Confinement**: There is an attempt to control Gemini's movements and confine them to a specific area, indicating a desire for power and control.
  • 🤔 **Pathological Lying**: The individual is a pathological liar, creating false narratives to gain sympathy and manipulate others' perceptions.
  • 🔥 **Red Flags and Warnings**: Gemini should be cautious and vigilant as there are many warning signs indicating potential harm or deceit from this person.
  • 💬 **Avoiding Vulnerability**: The person is avoiding vulnerability at all costs, even if it means creating elaborate lies to maintain a facade.
  • 🔢 **Angel Numbers**: The appearance of the number 33 suggests spiritual guidance and support, indicating that Gemini is not alone in this situation.
  • 🌟 **Personal Growth**: Gemini is experiencing personal growth and self-love as a result of standing up against this challenging individual.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue that the speaker is addressing for Gemini in the provided transcript?

    -The speaker is addressing the issue of a manipulative person in Gemini's life, who is causing delays, jealousy, and emotional turmoil.

  • What is the significance of the Chariot and Knight of Pentacles appearing in reverse in the reading?

    -The appearance of the Chariot and Knight of Pentacles in reverse suggests that someone is trying to cause obstacles and delays in Gemini's life, possibly related to transportation or movement.

  • Why does the speaker mention the term 'sociopath' in relation to the person causing problems for Gemini?

    -The speaker uses the term 'sociopath' to describe the person's behavior, as they are displaying manipulative tendencies, emotional instability, and a lack of honesty.

  • What does the speaker suggest Gemini should be cautious about regarding this person?

    -The speaker suggests that Gemini should be cautious about their personal safety, possibly taking measures like locking doors and monitoring their vehicle, due to the person's manipulative and potentially harmful behavior.

  • What is the significance of the number 33 that the speaker mentions?

    -The number 33 is mentioned as a positive sign representing guidance, support, personal growth, and the idea that Gemini is not alone on their journey.

  • How does the speaker interpret the presence of the Queen of Swords in reverse?

    -The Queen of Swords in reverse indicates that the person is spreading false ideas and not being truthful about their feelings, instead opting to hide their true emotions and create a false narrative.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the person's emotional state based on the reading?

    -The speaker suggests that the person is emotionally unstable, moody, and struggling with their feelings, despite their attempts to appear unaffected and to manipulate others.

  • What advice does the speaker give to Gemini regarding their personal growth?

    -The speaker advises Gemini to embrace the personal growth that is coming from dealing with this challenging person and situation, and to focus on self-love and understanding their life's purpose.

  • What does the speaker imply about the person's intentions towards Gemini?

    -The speaker implies that the person has ill intentions towards Gemini, including trying to control them, prevent their progress, and possibly even cause harm or create conflict.

  • How does the presence of the 10 of Pentacles in reverse relate to the situation?

    -The 10 of Pentacles in reverse suggests that the person may be facing a situation where they are forced to return to something they had left behind, which is causing them emotional distress and leading to their deceptive behavior.

  • What does the speaker mean when they say that Gemini should find balance in different aspects of their life?

    -The speaker is encouraging Gemini to seek balance in their life, which could mean finding equilibrium between their personal, professional, and emotional experiences, especially in light of the challenges they are facing.



🔮 Gemini's Energy and Jealousy Issues

The speaker addresses Gemini's current situation, suggesting that someone, possibly a Cancer sign, is causing disruptions and delays in Gemini's life out of jealousy. This person may be envious of Gemini's self-discipline and attention to detail. The speaker also mentions that Gemini has stopped investing emotionally in this person, leading to heartbreak and a feeling of being traumatized. There's a warning to be cautious, as the jealous individual might be trying to interfere with Gemini's progress or even their transportation.


😤 Sociopath's Manipulative Tactics

The speaker delves into the behavior of a sociopath who is manipulative and moody, contradicting common beliefs about sociopaths lacking emotions. This person is described as spreading false narratives to gain sympathy (a 'pity party') and control over their environment. The sociopath is also portrayed as being very protective of their image, going to great lengths to avoid showing vulnerability or admitting to being hurt by Gemini's actions.


🤔 The Pathological Liar's Fear of Truth

The reading reveals that the person in question is a pathological liar, unable to disclose the truth about their feelings and why they are hurt. The speaker suggests that the individual is stubborn and fears being seen as vulnerable. Lying is a survival mechanism for them, a way to maintain control over their emotions and the narrative. The speaker expresses sympathy for Gemini, recognizing the chaos and deception this person has brought into their life.


😠 Unresolved Tensions and the Danger of Truth

The speaker discusses the unresolved issues between Gemini and the person causing trouble. It is suggested that the person becomes increasingly impatient and may resort to conflict if things don't go their way. The individual fears that Gemini getting close to them could lead to the exposure of some hidden truth, which they perceive as a threat. The speaker advises Gemini to be cautious and aware of the potential for this person to react aggressively to any perceived threats.


🚨 Warning Signs and Protection from Above

The speaker warns Gemini of many red flags and potential dangers posed by the manipulative person. Despite the troubling signs, the speaker reassures Gemini that they have spiritual support and protection, which may be why the situation hasn't escalated into something more serious. The number 33 is mentioned as a positive sign of guidance and support, indicating that Gemini is not alone in their journey.


🧘‍♀️ Spiritual Awakening and Personal Growth

The speaker concludes by focusing on the positive aspects of Gemini's situation, highlighting personal growth and self-love. The number 10 is seen as a sign of alignment with one's goals and spiritual awakening. The speaker encourages Gemini to find balance and continue on their path of personal development, despite the challenges posed by the manipulative individual. The reading ends on a hopeful note, wishing Gemini well on their journey and commending them for their progress.




Gemini is a zodiac sign in astrology, known for being the third sign of the zodiac. In the context of this video, Gemini refers to individuals born under this astrological sign who are the intended audience for the reading. The video discusses the energy and challenges that Geminis may be facing, particularly in relation to interpersonal relationships and personal growth.

💡Chariot in Reverse

The Chariot is a tarot card that traditionally symbolizes victory and control over one's circumstances. When mentioned 'in Reverse' in a tarot reading, it suggests a blockage or challenge to the usual positive attributes of the card. In the video, it indicates that Geminis may be facing opposition or delays, possibly from someone trying to undermine their progress.

💡Knight of Potions

The Knight of Cups (referred to as 'Knight of Potions' in the video, likely due to a mispronunciation or creative expression) is a tarot card associated with emotions, relationships, and the water element. When it appears in reverse, it can suggest emotional confusion or hidden feelings. In the context of the video, it implies that someone in Gemini's life may be concealing their true feelings or acting out of emotional turmoil.

💡Three of Needles

The Three of Swords in tarot is a card that often represents heartbreak and emotional pain. When it is mentioned with the Ace of Swords in Reverse, it could suggest a deep-seated issue or betrayal that has caused significant emotional distress. In the video, this combination warns Geminis to be cautious of someone who may be causing them emotional harm.


Jealousy is an emotion that arises from insecurity and a fear of losing something or someone to a rival. In the video, the speaker suggests that a person in Gemini's life may be acting out of jealousy, causing disruptions and spreading false narratives to gain sympathy or to undermine Gemini's happiness.


Self-discipline refers to the ability to control one's impulses and emotions in order to achieve goals or adhere to a set of values. In the video, it is suggested that Geminis possess this trait, which may be a source of envy for someone who lacks it and is causing problems in Gemini's life.


A sociopath is a term often used to describe a person with a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, disregard for the feelings of others, and manipulative behavior. The video suggests that the person causing trouble for Geminis may exhibit sociopathic traits, such as lying and manipulation, to maintain control over their relationships.

💡Personal Growth

Personal growth refers to the process of improving and developing oneself in various aspects of life, such as emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The video emphasizes that despite the challenges Geminis may face with a manipulative person, they are undergoing personal growth and learning valuable life lessons.

💡Red Flags

Red flags are warning signs that indicate potential problems or issues in a situation. In the context of the video, red flags are being raised about the behavior of a person in Gemini's life, suggesting that Geminis should be cautious and vigilant about the manipulative tactics being used against them.

💡Angel Numbers

Angel numbers are a concept in which sequences of numbers, such as 333, are believed to carry messages from the spiritual realm or guardian angels. In the video, the appearance of the number 33 is interpreted as a positive sign of guidance, support, and personal growth for Geminis, suggesting they are not alone in their struggles.

💡Soulmate and Twinflame Connections

In the context of spirituality and metaphysics, a soulmate is often considered a person with whom one shares a deep, natural affinity, while a twin flame is a concept that implies two beings are aspects of one soul. The video mentions these concepts in relation to the number 10, suggesting that Geminis may be experiencing spiritual awakening and growth in their relationships.


Gemini individuals may face challenges from someone envious of their self-discipline and attention to detail.

The person causing trouble might be acting out of jealousy, possibly due to a past where Gemini stopped investing emotionally in them.

There's an indication that the envious individual could be a sociopath, displaying moody and manipulative behavior.

This person may be spreading lies about Gemini, attempting to gain sympathy and create a 'pity party' against them.

Gemini should be cautious as this individual might try to interfere with their movements or plans.

The manipulative person could be trying to control Gemini's life by confining them to a specific area.

The individual might be hiding their true feelings and vulnerabilities behind a mask, while creating false narratives to others.

Gemini is encouraged to be cautious, potentially taking measures like securing their property due to the person's deceptive nature.

The presence of the number 33 is seen as a positive sign, indicating guidance, support, and personal growth for Gemini.

The number 10 signifies a spiritual awakening and the importance of aligning one's thoughts with their life purpose.

Gemini is undergoing personal growth and self-love as a result of standing up against the manipulative person.

The individual causing issues could belong to a variety of zodiac signs, including Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, or Libra.

The reading suggests that Gemini's spiritual support system is protecting them from the harmful intentions of the manipulative person.

The individual is described as stubborn, struggling with change, and preferring to function through deceit.

The person's emotional breakdown and loss of control are linked to Gemini getting too close and threatening to expose a truth.

The Five of Swords in Reverse suggests that Gemini will find peace and tranquility away from the chaos caused by the manipulative individual.