BABYMONSTER (베이비몬스터) - Intro+SHEESH @인기가요 inkigayo 20240407

7 Apr 202403:57


TLDRThe transcript appears to be from an upbeat and energetic musical performance, featuring catchy phrases and repeated choruses that encourage audience participation. The lyrics suggest a theme of visibility and recognition, with the performer seeking to captivate the audience's attention. The use of repetitive elements like 'baby monster' and 'tell a friend' creates a memorable hook, while the interspersed applause and music indicate a lively atmosphere. The overall vibe is one of excitement and communal enjoyment.


  • 🎶 The script seems to be from a song or performance with repeated phrases and musical elements.
  • 👏 There is an indication of audience interaction with applause.
  • 🤔 The mention of 'new monster' could imply a new character or theme being introduced.
  • 🔄 The phrase 'promise you we again and again' suggests a recurring theme or message.
  • 👶 The repeated use of 'baby monster' might be a catchy or memorable term in the song.
  • 🎵 The script includes musical notations like '[Music]', indicating a strong musical component.
  • 👀 The line 'all eyes on me' implies a focus on the performer or central figure.
  • 🚀 The phrase 'let's go jump, jump' conveys a sense of energy and action.
  • 🎬 The mention of 'watch we on' could be a call to attention or a transition in the performance.
  • 🎶 The song seems to have a playful and energetic tone with the use of repeated words and phrases.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the script?

    -The central theme of the script revolves around a catchy and upbeat song that mentions monsters and a recurring phrase about telling friends, suggesting a focus on camaraderie and sharing experiences.

  • What is the significance of the term 'baby monster' in the script?

    -The term 'baby monster' appears to be a recurring motif in the song, likely symbolizing a youthful or energetic spirit, and may also represent a group or community of individuals who are enthusiastic about something they want to share with their friends.

  • How does the script use music and applause to engage the audience?

    -The script integrates music and applause to create an interactive and lively atmosphere, encouraging audience participation and emphasizing the upbeat and communal nature of the song.

  • What is the role of repetition in the script?

    -Repetition in the script, particularly of phrases like 'tell a friend' and 'baby monster', serves to reinforce the key messages and themes of the song, making them more memorable for the audience.

  • What message might the phrase 'all eyes on me' convey?

    -The phrase 'all eyes on me' could be interpreted as a call for attention or recognition, possibly indicating a desire for the audience to focus on the message or experience being shared by the singer.

  • How does the script suggest a sense of community or friendship?

    -The script suggests a sense of community or friendship through the repeated urging to 'tell a friend', indicating that the experience or message of the song is meant to be shared and enjoyed collectively.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'let's go jump, jump'?

    -The phrase 'let's go jump, jump' likely serves as an invitation to action, possibly encouraging the audience to physically participate in the song's energy or to metaphorically 'jump' into the experience it offers.

  • What does the script imply about the nature of the 'monsters'?

    -The script implies that the 'monsters' may be a metaphor for a group of individuals with a unique or powerful presence, possibly symbolizing a collective identity or a shared characteristic that the singer wants to celebrate.

  • How might the song's lyrics relate to a broader social context?

    -The song's lyrics, with their emphasis on sharing and community, could relate to broader social themes of unity, the importance of friendship, and the power of collective action.

  • What is the possible interpretation of the lyrics 'yeah v a b y m o'?

    -The lyrics 'yeah v a b y m o' could be a playful or stylized way of reinforcing the 'baby monster' theme, with the use of letters potentially adding to the catchy and memorable nature of the phrase.



🎶 The New Monster Anthem

This paragraph introduces a new, catchy anthem that revolves around the theme of 'baby monsters.' The song garners enthusiasm with repetitive mentions of 'baby monster,' punctuated by applause and music, signaling its catchy nature and potential popularity. The lyrics invite listeners to spread the word about this new monster, suggesting a viral spread among friends. The emphasis on 'baby' and 'monster' along with the phrases like 'tell a friend' and 'let's go jump, jump and let it go' hint at a playful, energetic vibe, designed to captivate and energize an audience. The consistent interjections of applause and music suggest a live performance or a song that resonates well with an audience, potentially making it a hit. The repeated alphabetic spelling out of 'baby monster' adds to its memorability, suggesting the song's hook is both catchy and designed for easy recall.




Applause refers to the act of clapping one's hands together to show appreciation or approval, typically in response to a performance or speech. In the context of the video, it signifies the audience's positive reaction and enthusiasm towards the content being presented. The use of applause suggests that the video may contain a lively and engaging segment that is well-received by viewers.


In this context, 'monster' appears to be a metaphorical term used to describe something powerful, impressive, or potentially overwhelming. It could relate to the main theme or message of the video, possibly symbolizing a challenge, a strong competitor, or an outstanding achievement. The use of 'monster' in the script suggests that the video might be about overcoming obstacles, showcasing exceptional talent, or introducing a new and formidable concept.


A promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen. In the video, the use of the word 'promise' indicates a commitment or guarantee being made to the audience, which is likely related to the main message or theme. It suggests that the video is about trust, reliability, or the anticipation of future events.

💡Baby Monsters

The term 'baby monsters' could be a playful or affectionate way to refer to newcomers or young entities that are expected to grow or develop into something significant. In the context of the video, this phrase might symbolize new ideas, talents, or projects that are just starting and have the potential to become influential or impactful in the future.

💡All Eyes on Me

The phrase 'all eyes on me' is an expression that means everyone is watching or paying attention to a particular person or thing. In the context of the video, this phrase likely refers to the central focus or main attraction of the content. It suggests that the video is about drawing attention to a specific subject, event, or individual, and that this subject is expected to be of great interest or importance.


In the context of the video, 'jump' could be a literal reference to a physical action, such as dancing or performing a stunt, or it could be a metaphor for taking action, making a leap of faith, or moving forward with a decision. The use of 'jump' suggests that the video might contain energetic or dynamic segments and could be about embracing change, taking risks, or actively participating in something.

💡Let It Go

The phrase 'Let It Go' is often used to express the idea of releasing control, letting go of worries, or accepting the situation as it is. In the context of the video, it could be a central theme or message that encourages viewers to embrace their current circumstances, to not be held back by fears or doubts, and to move forward with confidence.

💡Tell a Friend

The phrase 'tell a friend' is a common expression used to encourage the spread of information or to promote sharing something with others. In the video, this phrase likely relates to the main message or theme, suggesting that the content is meant to be shared and discussed among viewers. It could also indicate that the video contains a message or a call to action that the creators want to be disseminated widely.

💡Baby Y M

The term 'Baby Y M' appears to be an abbreviation or a code that is not immediately clear from the context. However, given the pattern of other phrases in the script, it could be a reference to a group, a movement, or a concept that is significant to the video's theme. The use of this term suggests that there is a specific entity or idea that the video is focusing on, which is likely to be revealed or explained as the content unfolds.


The word 'watch' in this context likely refers to the act of viewing or paying attention to the video content. It could also imply that there is something important or noteworthy to observe within the video. The use of 'watch' suggests that the video is meant to be seen and experienced, and that there is a particular message or event that the audience should be attentive to.


The term 'up' can have multiple meanings depending on the context. In the script, it could be a direction, indicating a rise or an increase in something, or it could symbolize improvement, progress, or a positive change. The use of 'up' in the video might be related to the theme of growth, success, or moving forward.


Introduction of a new monster

Urging to tell friends repeatedly

Mention of baby monsters

Repeating 'again and again'

The phrase 'baby I see you know'

The mysterious 'oh Li, me'

A call to action with 'die, W yet got them, allone'

Emphasis on 'yeah yeah got them all'

Call for attention with 'all eyes on me'

Suggestive 'you ain't see nothing yet'

Repetition of 'going yeah v a b y m o'

Another variant 'n yeah got them all'

Phrase 'p a p y m o n tell a friend tell a friend'

Another sequence 'b a b y n o n tell a friend'

Encouragement to 'jump, jump and Let It Go watch we on'







there's a new monster going tell your


friends promise you we again and again


and again baby monsters


number baby






baby I see you know


inou you know




that oh Li








W yet got them






yeah yeah got them












be all eyes on me






my yeah you ain't see nothing yeah got


them all




going yeah v a b y m o




n yeah got them all












p a p y m o n tell a friend tell a


friend tell a


friend b a b y n o n tell a friend tell


a friend tell a friend let's go jump


jump and Let It Go watch we on







