Generating Stunning Logos WIth AI | Logo generation | Leonardo AI

Design Mindscape
19 May 202303:35

TLDRIn this video, the presenter introduces Leonardo AI, a tool that leverages AI to revolutionize logo creation. Viewers learn how to access the platform, utilize the search function, and select a logo template. The tutorial demonstrates how to download, edit, and customize a logo, emphasizing the ease of use and the potential for creating stunning, unique logos with AI assistance. The video encourages engagement and prompts viewers to share their ideas for future content.


  • 🚀 AI is revolutionizing the logo creation industry, offering innovative ways for businesses to stand out.
  • 📈 In the digital age, brands are increasingly seeking AI-powered solutions to make an impact.
  • 🌐 Leonardo AI is a platform that can be used to create stunning logos with the help of AI.
  • 💡 Users receive 150 free credits upon logging into Leonardo AI's website.
  • 🔍 The platform features a search bar where users can look for logos or specific designs.
  • 🎨 Users can select, download, or edit logos according to their preferences.
  • 🛠️ The AI image generation feature allows for customization of logos by uploading and adjusting settings.
  • 📝 To generate a logo, users can edit the prompt accompanying the image, for example, changing 'Eagle' to 'Pro'.
  • ⏱️ The logo generation process takes a few seconds, offering quick turnaround for users.
  • 🔄 For more variations, users can continue editing the prompt to refine and improve their logo design.
  • 🎥 The video provides a tutorial on how to use Leonardo AI for logo creation,适合那些希望利用AI创造惊人标志的人。

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is creating stunning logos with the help of AI using Leonardo AI.

  • How does AI impact the logo creation process?

    -AI revolutionizes logo creation by providing innovative ways to design and generate unique and impactful logos.

  • What is Leonardo AI?

    -Leonardo AI is a platform that utilizes AI technology to assist in creating beautiful and stunning logos.

  • What do you receive when logging into Leonardo AI?

    -Upon logging into Leonardo AI, you receive 150 free credits.

  • How can you search for logos on Leonardo AI?

    -You can search for logos on Leonardo AI by using the search bar and entering keywords such as 'logo' or more specific terms.

  • What can you do with a logo once you find one you like on the platform?

    -You can either download the logo or edit it according to your preferences.

  • How does the AI image generation feature work?

    -The AI image generation feature allows you to upload a logo, edit the prompt associated with the image, and then generate a new logo based on your input.

  • What is an example of editing a logo?

    -An example of editing a logo is changing the word 'Eagle' to 'Pro' in the logo's text.

  • How long does it take for the AI to generate a logo?

    -It takes a few seconds for the AI to generate a logo after inputting the edited prompt.

  • Can you create more variations of a logo?

    -Yes, you can continue editing the prompt to create different variations and improve the logo design.

  • What should viewers do after watching the video?

    -Viewers should comment on what they would like to see in the next video.



🚀 Introduction to AI in Logo Creation

The paragraph introduces the viewer to the concept of using AI for logo creation, highlighting the importance of businesses and brands standing out in the digital age. It mentions Leonardo AI as a tool that is transforming the industry and provides a brief overview of what the video will cover, including a tutorial on creating logos with Leonardo AI. The speaker also encourages viewers to watch a previous video for more context on AI alternatives.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a significant technological advancement enabling machines to mimic human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI is used as a tool to revolutionize the process of logo creation, demonstrating its application in enhancing creativity and efficiency in design tasks. The video specifically mentions how AI, through a platform called Leonardo AI, assists in generating logos, showcasing the practical use of AI in various industries.

💡Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI refers to an AI-powered platform designed to assist users in creating digital content, such as logos. The video uses Leonardo AI as a case study to demonstrate the capability of AI tools to simplify and enhance creative processes. The presenter guides the viewer on how to use the platform, starting with logging in and navigating through its interface to generate and customize logos.

💡logo creation

Logo creation is the process of designing a logo, which is a graphic mark or emblem used to identify a company, product, or brand. The video emphasizes the role of AI in transforming traditional logo design into a more dynamic and innovative process, where users can quickly create and modify logos using AI-generated suggestions and edits on Leonardo AI.

💡digital age

The digital age refers to the current era marked by the widespread use of digital technology and the internet. In the video, the digital age is mentioned as a time when businesses seek innovative ways to stand out. AI tools like Leonardo AI are presented as solutions that leverage digital technology to offer creative and efficient alternatives to traditional methods.


Industries refer to the various sectors of the economy where businesses operate. The video discusses how AI has transformed multiple industries, presumably including technology, design, and marketing, by introducing new tools and methodologies for tasks such as logo design, which was traditionally a manual artistic endeavor.


In the context of the video, 'edit' refers to the process of modifying a digital logo design using Leonardo AI's features. The presenter demonstrates how to edit a pre-existing logo by changing elements like text, which allows for customization and personalization of the logo to better suit the user's needs or the branding of a company.

💡free credits

Free credits in the context of Leonardo AI refer to a form of in-platform currency that users receive upon signing up, which can be used to access certain features without immediate cost. The video mentions that new users receive 150 free credits, highlighting an incentive for new users to try out the platform's capabilities.


Settings refer to the adjustable parameters within Leonardo AI that allow users to customize how the AI generates logos. The presenter mentions copying settings for optimal results, implying that these configurations play a crucial role in tailoring the AI's output to meet specific design requirements or preferences.


In AI terminology, a 'prompt' is a set of instructions or data input by the user to guide the AI's output. In the video, the presenter edits a prompt to change a logo design, illustrating how AI can interpret textual inputs to create or modify graphic content, which in this case involves switching 'Eagle' to 'Pro' in a logo design.


Variations refer to different versions or alternatives of a design produced by the AI. The video suggests that by editing the prompt, users can generate multiple variations of a logo, thus providing a range of options that can be fine-tuned or selected based on the user's preferences or the branding guidelines of a company.


AI is revolutionizing logo creation

Innovative ways for businesses and brands to stand out in the digital age

Creating stunning logos with Leonardo AI

150 free credits upon logging into Leonardo AI

Search bar functionality for specific logo designs

Selecting and downloading desired logos

Editing logos to personalize and enhance them

AI image generation for custom logo design

Uploading a chosen logo for AI enhancement

Adjusting prompts for better AI-generated results

Creating a logo with 'Pro' added to the original design

Generating a custom logo in seconds

Making variations of the logo for optimal choice

AI's impact on transforming various industries

Practical application of AI in logo design

Summary of the process for creating logos with AI

Invitation for feedback on the video