How to Use Ai Logo Generator Feature By Leonardo AI

20 Nov 202304:38

TLDRDiscover how to revolutionize your brand's identity with Leonardo AI's logo generator. The video guide teaches viewers how to create unique, copyright-free logos for various platforms using AI technology. By crafting powerful prompts and fine-tuning settings, users can generate high-quality, watercolor-style logos with customizable elements. The tutorial also covers generating minimalist letter-based logos and promises further exploration in the next video on designing business cards with Leonardo AI.


  • 😀 Introducing the AI logo generator by Leonardo AI, designed to create unique and copyright-free logos.
  • 🌟 Demonstrates a step-by-step guide on how to use Leonardo AI to design logos directly from your web browser.
  • 🔑 Highlights the importance of using powerful and concise prompts to generate high-quality logos.
  • 🎨 Encourages creativity and originality in logo design, utilizing AI to offer limitless possibilities.
  • 🖥 Provides a detailed tutorial on navigating Leonardo AI’s interface for optimal logo creation.
  • 👥 Emphasizes accessibility for both experienced creators and beginners in digital design.
  • 🎉 Reveals tips on refining and customizing AI-generated logos to ensure they uniquely represent your brand.
  • 📐 Suggests using a 1:1 aspect ratio for logo design, ideal for various branding needs.
  • 🆒 Explores minimalist and emblematic logo designs using specific color and letter-based prompts.
  • 🚀 Teases future content focusing on using Leonardo AI to design business cards, expanding brand identity tools.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to use the AI logo generator feature by Leonardo AI to create unique and copyright-free logos for various purposes such as business, social media pages, or YouTube channels.

  • What are the benefits of using Leonardo AI for logo creation?

    -Leonardo AI allows users to create logos that are not only unique but also 100% copyright free, eliminating concerns about copyright and trademark issues.

  • How does one begin using Leonardo AI for logo creation?

    -To start using Leonardo AI, one needs to open a web browser, search for 'Leonardo AI' on Google, click on the first link, and sign in using a Google account. Then, they can select a fine-tuned model and proceed to generate images with it.

  • What is the importance of mastering the art of the query when using Leonardo AI?

    -Mastering the art of the query is crucial for unlocking the true potential of Leonardo AI. It involves using powerful and concise prompts that guide the AI to generate images that closely match the user's desired style and concept.

  • What is a prompt example given in the video for generating a logo?

    -An example prompt given in the video is 'high quality logo style watercolor powerful colorful House logo facing forward, monochrome Background by Yuki Sakura, awesome full color'.

  • How can users refine the logos generated by Leonardo AI?

    -Users can refine the generated logos by adjusting settings such as aspect ratio and the number of resulting images. They can also explore options under each generated image to make further modifications and achieve a truly unique and amazing logo.

  • What is the aspect ratio recommended for most logos?

    -The recommended aspect ratio for most logos is 1 to 1, which is suitable for square logos that can be used in various applications without distortion.

  • What is the next step in the brand identity journey after creating logos with Leonardo AI?

    -The next step in the brand identity journey, as hinted in the video, is to design business cards for the brand identity using Leonardo AI.

  • How many logos has the speaker designed using Leonardo AI?

    -The speaker has designed five logos using the power of Leonardo AI.

  • What is the significance of the 'generate with this model' button in the Leonardo AI interface?

    -The 'generate with this model' button is significant as it initiates the AI image generation process based on the selected model and the user's input prompt, leading to the creation of logos.

  • What does the speaker suggest for users who are interested in creative possibilities with Leonardo AI?

    -The speaker suggests that users who are excited about the creative possibilities should subscribe to the channel and enable notifications to not miss any updates or future videos on the topic.

  • What is the final call to action for viewers in the video?

    -The final call to action is for viewers to give the video a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel, and ring the notification bell to stay updated for the next adventure in brand identity design with Leonardo AI.



🎨 AI-Powered Logo Design for Your Brand

The video introduces a revolutionary approach to creating logos for brands using AI technology. The speaker has designed five unique logos that are not only visually appealing but also free from copyright issues. The video promises to reveal the secret to creating logos that are both unique and free. It invites viewers to join a journey of creativity and originality, suitable for various platforms like businesses, ventures, social media pages, or YouTube channels. The tutorial focuses on using Leonardo AI, a tool that allows users to generate logos by crafting powerful prompts and fine-tuning the results through various settings. The process is beginner-friendly and encourages viewers to explore the limitless possibilities offered by AI in logo creation.



💡Brand's identity

Brand's identity refers to the unique and recognizable characteristics of a brand that distinguish it from others. It includes elements such as logo, name, slogan, and overall image. In the video, the focus is on revolutionizing a brand's identity by creating a unique logo using AI technology, which is a significant part of a brand's visual identity.

💡Copyright and trademark

Copyright and trademark are legal terms related to the protection of intellectual property. Copyright refers to the legal right that artists and creators have over their works, while a trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies a product or service. The video emphasizes the creation of logos that are 100% copyright free, meaning they are original and not infringing on any existing copyrights or trademarks.

💡AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is the field of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI is used to generate logos, showcasing how technology can assist in creative processes and produce unique designs.

💡Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is the name of the AI-powered logo creation tool featured in the video. It is used to create logos that are not only unique but also free from copyright issues. The tool is presented as a way for creators and entrepreneurs to take control of their brand's visual identity using advanced AI technology.

💡Logo generation

Logo generation is the process of creating a logo, which is a graphic mark or emblem used by a company or individual to aid and promote instant public recognition. The video demonstrates how to use Leonardo AI for logo generation, providing a step-by-step guide on how to input prompts and refine the generated logos to match specific design requirements.


In the context of AI and particularly when using Leonardo AI for logo creation, a query refers to the input or prompt given to the system to guide the generation of images. The video emphasizes the importance of crafting a powerful and concise query to unlock the full potential of the AI in creating logos that meet the user's vision.

💡Aspect ratio

The aspect ratio is the proportional relationship between the width and the height of an image or screen. In the video, selecting an aspect ratio of 1 to 1 is recommended for most logos, which is a common ratio for square logos that can be used on various platforms without distortion.


Watercolor is a painting method that uses water-soluble pigments. In the video, 'watercolor' is used as a descriptive term in the query to generate a logo with a watercolor style, indicating a preference for a specific aesthetic that mimics the look of traditional watercolor paintings.

💡Monochrome background

A monochrome background refers to a single-color background, which is used in the video to create a contrast with the colorful elements of the logo. It helps in making the logo stand out and appear more professional and clean.

💡Minimalist design

Minimalist design is a design approach that emphasizes simplicity and the use of a limited number of elements in a design. In the video, a minimalist design is suggested for creating sleek and clean logos, often using simple shapes and a limited color palette.

💡Business cards

Business cards are small cards printed with one's name, occupation, company, and contact information. The video hints at a future episode where the focus will be on designing business cards using Leonardo AI, suggesting that the tool can be used for various branding materials beyond just logos.


Leonardo AI's logo generator is a revolutionary tool for creating unique, copyright-free logos for brands.

The AI-powered logo creation process eliminates concerns about copyright and trademark issues.

Five distinct logos can be generated using AI, showcasing the tool's versatility.

The logos created are not only unique but also come with full copyright freedom.

The video demonstrates how to use Leonardo AI for various logo needs, including business, social media, and YouTube channels.

A step-by-step guide is provided to navigate the AI-powered logo creation process.

The importance of crafting a powerful prompt for the AI to generate high-quality logos is emphasized.

Fine-tuning the results with aspect ratio and the number of images can optimize the logo generation process.

The AI can generate logos in various styles, such as watercolor and minimalist designs.

The user can refine generated logo concepts to make them truly unique.

Leonardo AI offers a wide range of creative possibilities for logo design.

The platform is user-friendly, welcoming both experienced creators and beginners.

The video promises a future tutorial on designing business cards using Leonardo AI.

The tutorial is aimed at enhancing brand identity through creative and original logo design.

By the end of the video, viewers will have the skills to create impressive logos for their brand.

Leonardo AI's logo generator is accessible through a simple web browser search and sign-in process.

The video encourages viewers to subscribe and enable notifications for updates on creative possibilities with Leonardo AI.

The ultimate secret of logo creation with Leonardo AI is unveiled, offering a creative journey for viewers.