Get Consistent Character and Styles with Dalle-3

Quick Start Creative
20 Oct 202315:04

TLDRIn this video, the host discusses the use of custom instructions in Dalle-3 to create consistent character styles in comic images. They were inspired by a video from Jil GIlberry, who has a YouTube channel where he talks about custom instructions. The host explains that custom instructions can provide a set of rules for the AI, similar to giving guidelines to a writer. They describe how they used custom instructions to maintain a consistent superhero look and modern comic art style, even when the AI generated images that didn't perfectly align with their vision. The host also shares their process of tweaking the instructions and editing the output to achieve a satisfactory result. They mention the importance of having a 'North Star'—essential elements that must be present in the final output. The video concludes with the host's plan to use the generated panels for a voice-over project, emphasizing the iterative nature of working with AI art and the potential for creative expression.


  • 🎨 **Custom Instructions in Dalle-3**: The speaker discusses using custom instructions to achieve consistent character styles in Dalle-3, which is a powerful tool for controlling the output of generated images.
  • 🌟 **Influence from Other Creators**: The idea to use custom instructions for Dalle-3 was inspired by a video from Jil (Gil) Berry, highlighting the importance of learning from the community.
  • 📘 **Background and Output Description**: Custom instructions provide a framework for AI, similar to giving rules for output, which includes a background and an output description.
  • 🔄 **Conversion to Comic Style**: The speaker needed to convert the custom instructions to suit a comic style, as Dalle-3 initially focused on images and photography.
  • ✍️ **Editing for Perfection**: After generating the output, some editing was done to refine the results, emphasizing the iterative nature of working with AI-generated content.
  • 🚫 **Content Moderation**: The speaker encountered issues with generating certain images due to Dalle-3's content moderation, which prevented the creation of potentially sensitive content.
  • 🧭 **The North Star Approach**: The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision (the North Star) for the main character, art style, and superhero look to guide the creative process.
  • 📖 **Storytelling with AI**: The script describes using Dalle-3 to generate a two-minute story in the style of an action comic book, demonstrating the potential for AI in creative writing.
  • 🔍 **Character Consistency**: When describing characters, it's advised to be less descriptive initially to allow for more variety in positioning, which is a common trait among AI art generators.
  • 🎭 **Diversity in Characters**: The generated images showcased a good level of diversity, reflecting the importance of inclusive representation in creative works.
  • 🛠️ **Post-Processing with Software**: The speaker suggests using tools like Photoshop for final touches, acknowledging that while AI can generate a lot, human input is still valuable for fine-tuning.
  • 🔗 **Combining AI with Traditional Art**: The process involves a mix of AI-generated content and traditional art techniques, showing a hybrid approach to creative projects.

Q & A

  • What was the main topic discussed in the video?

    -The main topic discussed in the video was how to use custom instructions with Dalle-3 to create consistent characters and styles in generated images, particularly for comic book art.

  • Who is the YouTuber mentioned in the video that inspired the presenter to use custom instructions with Dalle-3?

    -The YouTuber mentioned in the video is Jil or Gilberry, who has a YouTube channel where he talks about custom instructions and their use in various applications, including Dalle-3.

  • What is the purpose of using custom instructions with Dalle-3?

    -Custom instructions with Dalle-3 are used to provide the AI with specific rules or guidelines for output, allowing for more control over the generated content, such as maintaining consistent character styles and adhering to a particular art style.

  • How did the presenter approach the issue of Dalle-3 carrying over character positions from one image to the next?

    -The presenter suggested being less descriptive when first describing a character to allow Dalle-3 more variety in how it positions them. However, for specific elements like a character's suit, the presenter was more descriptive to achieve the desired look.

  • What is the term used to describe the core elements that the presenter insists must be present in the generated images?

    -The presenter refers to these core elements as the 'North Star', which includes the main character, the superhero look, and the art style.

  • What was the presenter's approach to generating a story with Dalle-3?

    -The presenter provided Dalle-3 with a simple prompt, including the main characters, art style, and a direction to write a two-minute story in the style of an action comic book. The story was meant to be descriptive and limit the AI from going off on tangents.

  • How did the presenter handle the issue of Dalle-3 not generating the expected character in some panels?

    -The presenter regenerated the images using the character descriptions as a guide, ensuring that the 'North Star' elements were included in the prompt to get the desired output.

  • What was the presenter's final step in turning the generated panels into a complete story?

    -The presenter's final step was to instruct Dalle-3 to take the panels and convert them into a narration, which could then be used for voice-over work in combination with the 12 images.

  • What advice does the presenter give for achieving perfection in the generated images?

    -The presenter suggests that for perfecting the images, it's best to work with an illustrator, Photoshop, or other image editing software for fine-tuning the details that the AI might not capture perfectly.

  • What was the presenter's overall satisfaction with the results generated by Dalle-3?

    -The presenter was generally pleased with the results, considering them to be about 80% of what was desired, and decided to call the project done at that level of completion.

  • How does the presenter address the issue of Dalle-3 generating images with content that might be inappropriate?

    -The presenter encountered an issue where Dalle-3 generated an image with a 'terrified woman', which was against the desired content guidelines. They suggested that in future prompts, specifying not to use PG-13 language or similar content might prevent such issues.



🎨 Custom Instructions for Dolly 3 Artwork

The speaker begins by welcoming the audience to a show about using variables to create consistent characters in Dolly 3, a character generation tool. They mention a previous live session and express a desire to refine their approach. The inspiration comes from a video by Jil (possibly a mistake for 'Gil') Berry, whose YouTube channel is highlighted. The speaker discusses the use of custom instructions in Dolly 3, which they had not considered until watching Berry's video. Custom instructions are likened to providing rules for output, similar to guiding an AI like GPT. The speaker then describes the process of converting custom instructions to suit their needs for comic-style images. They emphasize the importance of defining the main character, art style, and superhero look as a 'North Star' that must remain consistent throughout the process. The speaker concludes by noting that while the output is not perfect, it serves as a good foundation that can be further refined in image editing software.


📚 Crafting a Story with Dolly 3

The paragraph details the process of creating a story using Dolly 3, starting with a simple prompt provided to the AI. The speaker instructs the AI to write a two-minute story about a character named Blake in a coffee shop who transforms into the Sentinel upon encountering an army in dark orange uniforms. The speaker appreciates the AI's adherence to the action comic book style and its limitation to a concise narrative to prevent tangents. They discuss the challenges faced when generating images, such as Dolly 3 dropping the character from some panels. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the 'North Star' elements, which include the character and art style, and shares their workaround for missing elements by re-generating images with a focus on character description. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's satisfaction with the generated panels and their plan to use them for voice-over work in a final presentation.


🌈 Embracing Diversity and Creativity in AI-Generated Content

The speaker reflects on the diversity and imaginative nature of the AI-generated images, noting the wide range of expressions and the inclusion of different faces in the artwork. They discuss the need to sometimes tone down the language used in prompts to avoid triggering the AI's content filters. The speaker appreciates the AI's ability to create unique prompts and generate impressive and imaginative content. They share their process of generating panels and toning down the language to fit the desired narrative style. The speaker concludes by stating that while the process is not perfect, they are satisfied with the result, which they consider about 80% complete. They plan to finalize the project by adding narration and posting the completed work.




Dalle-3 refers to a hypothetical advanced version of an AI model, possibly a successor to DALL-E, which is known for generating images from textual descriptions. In the video, the speaker discusses using Dalle-3 to create consistent characters and styles in a comic book format, indicating its potential for advanced creative tasks.


In the context of the video, variables are used to maintain consistency across different outputs generated by the AI. The speaker mentions using variables to ensure characters in Dalle-3 maintain their traits across various scenes or panels in the comic.

💡Custom Instructions

Custom instructions are specific directions given to the AI to guide its output. The video discusses using custom instructions to achieve the desired style and content in the generated images, which is crucial for creating a cohesive comic book narrative.


Consistency in this context means ensuring that characters and styles are uniform across different parts of the comic. The speaker emphasizes the importance of consistency for a coherent visual storytelling experience in the comic book generated by Dalle-3.

💡Comic Conversion

The term refers to the process of transforming a description or a set of instructions into a comic book format. In the video, the speaker talks about converting custom instructions into a visual comic form using Dalle-3.

💡Art Style

Art style refers to the visual characteristics and techniques used in creating the comic book. The speaker describes wanting a 'Western modern comic style' for the generated comic, which influences how the characters and scenes are depicted.

💡Character Description

Character description involves detailing the appearance and attributes of characters in the comic. The video mentions being less descriptive initially to allow for more variety in character positioning, but being more descriptive for specific features like the Sentinel's suit.

💡North Star

In the video, 'North Star' is a metaphor for the core elements that must remain consistent throughout the comic creation process. These elements include the main character's design, the superhero look, and the art style, which serve as guiding principles for the AI.

💡Action Comic Book

An action comic book is a genre of comic books that emphasize thrilling action and adventure. The speaker instructs Dalle-3 to write a story in the style of an action comic book, which influences the tone and pacing of the generated panels.


Panels are the individual boxes that make up the pages of a comic book, each depicting a different moment in the story. The video discusses how Dalle-3 structured the story into panels, which is a key aspect of comic book layout and storytelling.


Editing in this context refers to the process of revising and making changes to the AI-generated content to fit the creator's vision. The speaker mentions editing the output from Dalle-3 to adjust the panels and fine-tune the details of the comic.


The presenter discussed using variables to achieve consistent characters in Dolly 3 and revised the approach after watching a video by Jil uh, gilberry.

Custom instructions were used to provide a background and output description, acting as rules for the AI's output.

The presenter needed to convert the custom instructions to Comic format to focus on images and photography.

Editing was done on the output to refine the comic's characters and their positions.

When describing characters, it's advised to be less descriptive initially for more variety in positioning.

The Sentinel's suit was described in more detail to achieve a specific look.

The art style was described as Western modern comic style, which influenced the characteristics of the output.

Custom instructions were edited to include the main character, superhero look, and art style as the 'North Star' of the comic.

The story was generated with a simple prompt, directing the AI to write a two-minute story in the style of an action comic book.

The AI provided a story in panels, which was a surprise to the presenter.

Some panels were missing the character, which was resolved by re-generating the images with a focus on the character's description.

The final images included diverse faces and expressions, showcasing the AI's ability to create a wide range of characters.

The presenter noted that while the AI's output was impressive and imaginative, it sometimes deviated from the given instructions.

The story was converted into a narration for voice-over work using the generated panels.

The presenter suggested that for perfect results, manual editing with software like Illustrator or Photoshop might be necessary.

The final product was considered 80% complete, with room for further refinement.

The use of custom instructions and maintaining a clear 'North Star' were key to the successful creation of the comic.