Master Character Design: Create Consistent Faces with Stable Diffusion!

AIchemy with Xerophayze
8 Apr 202439:23

TLDRIn this tutorial, Eric demonstrates how to use a character template sheet with Stable Diffusion to create consistent facial expressions and angles for characters, applicable for storybooks, illustrations, or any desired facial features. He details the process using Reality's Edge and various settings like the prompt, control net, and aspect ratio to maintain character integrity across different images.


  • ๐ŸŽจ Use a character template sheet for creating consistent facial angles and expressions in character design.
  • ๐Ÿป Demonstrate the process using a bear character and showing various angles while maintaining consistency.
  • ๐ŸŽญ Apply the technique to both animals and humans for creating storybook illustrations or other visual works.
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Utilize Reality's Edge tool with a character design sheet prompt for effective results.
  • ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Convert an existing character into a more realistic version by emphasizing features like hair wisps and eye details.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Set up the prompt with specific parameters like photo grid, anime girl, and control net settings for grid consistency.
  • ๐Ÿ”ง Adjust settings like DPM Plus+ 2m, sampling steps, and config scale to fit the desired model and output quality.
  • ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ Use a detailer for refining human faces and control net weight to balance coherence and detail.
  • ๐Ÿ“ธ Experiment with different pre-processor models and control net settings to achieve optimal character consistency.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฝ Create unique characters by transferring facial features from one image to another using IP adapters and control nets.
  • ๐ŸŽจ Showcase the versatility of the technique by creating characters of different species, expressions, and styles.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the tutorial?

    -The main topic of the tutorial is how to use a character template sheet to create consistent facial angles and expressions while maintaining character design consistency.

  • What tool is Eric using in the tutorial?

    -Eric is using Reality's Edge for the tutorial.

  • What type of characters can be created with the character template sheet?

    -The character template sheet can be used to create both human and animal characters for various purposes such as storybooks, illustrations, or any other scenarios requiring consistent character design.

  • How does the prompt help in maintaining character consistency?

    -The prompt helps in maintaining character consistency by describing the character design in detail, specifying features like hair, clothing, and facial expressions, which the AI then uses to generate images that adhere to the described character.

  • What are some of the settings Eric uses to maintain character consistency?

    -Some of the settings Eric uses include automatic 11-11 Forge, DPM Plus++ 2m and SD each set to turbo, sampling steps set to eight, and config scale set to two. He also emphasizes a white background and uses control nets to maintain the character grid.

  • How does the IP adapter work in the process?

    -The IP adapter takes an existing image of a character or person and transfers the facial features and other characteristics onto the character template sheet, ensuring that the generated images maintain the same facial structure and expressions.

  • What is the purpose of the detailer when working with human faces?

    -The detailer is used when working with human faces to enhance the quality of the generated images by adding finer details around the hair and facial features.

  • How does Eric adjust the control weight settings?

    -Eric adjusts the control weight settings to maintain the coherence of the grid. He found that a control weight of around 0.4 to 0.45 helps maintain the integrity of the character grid without making the characters look off in random directions.

  • What are some of the pre-processor models Eric mentions?

    -Eric mentions three different pre-processor models. He finds that the Insight face clip 4 works the best at maintaining character consistency without introducing too much randomness.

  • How can the technique shown in the tutorial be applied to different types of characters?

    -The technique can be applied to different types of characters by adjusting the description and using different character template sheets. For example, by describing an alien or a fantasy character and using a suitable template, one can generate a variety of unique characters while maintaining consistency in their facial features and positioning.



๐ŸŽจ Character Consistency with Template Sheets

The paragraph introduces a tutorial on utilizing character template sheets for maintaining consistency in facial angles and expressions. Eric demonstrates how this method can be applied to both animals and humans, using a bear and an anime girl as examples. The software 'Reality's Edge' is mentioned as a tool, but the technique is applicable to various platforms. The importance of character consistency is emphasized for creating storybook illustrations and other visual works.


๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ Customizing Character Design with Grids and Prompts

This section delves into the specifics of setting up the character design sheet in the software. The use of a Google Grid is discussed, along with the importance of control weights and ending control steps. The integration of a second control net with an image of the desired character face is highlighted. The description also touches on the use of different pre-processor models and their impact on character consistency.


๐Ÿ‘พ Experimenting with Unique Character Designs

The speaker shares his process of experimenting with unique character designs, such as a purple alien woman with tentacle hair. The focus is on the versatility of the character template sheet in creating various characters while maintaining structure and facial features. The paragraph also explores the application of the technique to animals and different styles, showcasing the flexibility and creative potential of the method.


๐Ÿฆ… Applying the Technique to Animal and Cartoon Characters

This part of the tutorial focuses on applying the character design technique to animal and cartoon characters. The speaker attempts to generate an eagle head and a chipmunk head, discussing the challenges and adjustments needed to achieve the desired results. The use of different settings like 'high-risk fix' and 'detailer' are explored, along with the impact of these settings on the final output.


๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ Creating Consistent Fantasy Characters

The paragraph discusses the creation of fantasy characters, such as a dark wizard, using the character template sheet. The speaker experiments with different settings and describes the outcomes, noting the influence of control weights on the character's appearance. The use of 'open pose' and 'Pixel Perfect' features are mentioned, along with the importance of a detailed character description for accurate results.


๐ŸŒŸ Updates to the Online Prompt Forge

The speaker introduces updates to his online prompt generator, designed to enhance user experience. New features include a control panel, the ability to add 'luras' (additional prompts), and a color picker for theming image generation. The paragraph outlines the benefits of these updates, such as saving time and providing more powerful control over image prompts. The speaker also mentions different subscription levels for the prompt generator service.


๐ŸŽจ Artistic Options and Color Themes

The final section focuses on the artistic options and color themes available in the prompt generator. The speaker explains how users can select artist samples and colors to incorporate into their prompts, leading to a more personalized and themed image generation process. The variety of artist styles and the ability to add multiple 'luras' for convenience are highlighted, emphasizing the creative freedom and inspiration provided by the tool.



๐Ÿ’กCharacter Design

Character Design refers to the process of creating the visual appearance and personality of a character for use in various forms of media such as books, video games, and animation. In the context of the video, it involves using a character template sheet to maintain consistency in the facial features and expressions of a character across different angles and expressions, which is crucial for creating a cohesive and recognizable character identity.

๐Ÿ’กStable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a term used in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, specifically referring to a type of model that generates images or parts of images based on given prompts or input data. In the video, it is used to generate various facial angles and expressions of characters while maintaining their consistency, showcasing the capability of AI in character design.

๐Ÿ’กCharacter Template Sheet

A Character Template Sheet is a tool used in character design that provides a structured format for creating and maintaining consistent facial features and expressions of a character. It allows designers to experiment with different angles and expressions without losing the character's unique identity. In the video, the character template sheet is used to ensure that the generated images of the bear and anime girl maintain their distinct features across various poses.

๐Ÿ’กFacial Angles

Facial Angles refer to the different perspectives from which a character's face can be viewed. In character design, understanding and accurately depicting these angles is crucial for creating a dynamic and believable character. The video demonstrates how to use Stable Diffusion with a character template sheet to generate images of characters from various facial angles.


Expressions in the context of character design refer to the different emotional states or reactions that a character can display through their facial features. These can range from happiness, sadness, anger, to surprise. The video tutorial shows how to incorporate various expressions into character design while keeping the character's identity consistent.


In character design, consistency refers to the uniformity and continuity in the depiction of a character's features and attributes across different illustrations or media. It ensures that the character is easily recognizable and relatable to the audience. The video emphasizes the importance of maintaining character consistency when generating different facial angles and expressions.

๐Ÿ’กReality's Edge

Reality's Edge is likely a specific tool or feature within the AI model being used for character design. It is mentioned as a good option for the tasks being performed in the video, suggesting it is a setting or mode within the AI that helps in achieving more realistic or defined character images.

๐Ÿ’กPhoto Grid

Photo Grid in the context of the video refers to a layout or arrangement of images in a grid format. This tool is used to visually organize and compare different character designs or facial expressions in a structured manner. It aids in the process of character design by allowing designers to see multiple variations of a character at once.

๐Ÿ’กControl Net

A Control Net in the context of AI-generated character design is a feature that allows for the manipulation and guidance of the AI's output to adhere to certain parameters or characteristics. It helps in maintaining the consistency and desired attributes of the character by controlling the AI's generation process.

๐Ÿ’กIP Adapter

IP Adapter in the video refers to a tool or feature that allows the integration of a specific image or set of characteristics into the AI's generation process. This is used to transfer certain features from one image to the character design, ensuring that the generated images reflect the desired traits or style.


Learn how to use a character template sheet for creating consistent facial angles and expressions in character design.

The tutorial demonstrates maintaining character consistency using various facial angles of a bear as an example.

The method can be applied to both animals and humans for creating storybook illustrations or other illustrations.

The use of Reality's Edge and Photo Grid in the process is discussed for generating the character designs.

A specific prompt setup is used, including the use of 'photo grid' and 'anime girl' for the demonstration.

The importance of maintaining a consistent character design is emphasized for storybook illustrations and other media.

The video shows the process of converting a generated image into a more realistic photo version.

Settings like automatic 11-11, Forge, DPM Plus++ 2m, and config scale are crucial for the character design process.

The tutorial explains how to use aspect ratio helper extension to optimize the character sheet for higher quality images.

Control net settings are discussed for maintaining the character grid's integrity during the design process.

The video demonstrates how to add details and refine the character design using the detailer and other settings.

The process of transferring facial features from one character to another using the IP adapter is shown.

Experimenting with different pre-processor models and their impact on character consistency is highlighted.

The tutorial covers how to create transparent PNGs from the character designs for various applications.

The versatility of the method is demonstrated by creating a purple alien woman with tentacle hair.

The video shows how to adjust settings for creating animal faces, like an eagle head.

The importance of control weight settings for maintaining character consistency is discussed.

The tutorial concludes with a live demonstration of creating a dark wizard character using the techniques taught.

Updates to the online prompt generator are discussed, aiming to improve user experience and efficiency.

The new interface will include features like Lura listing, control panel, and artist options for more functional design process.