Get RICH in the A.I. Revolution (2023)

The Game w/ Alex Hormozi
28 Dec 202217:38

TLDRThe transcript discusses the rapid rise of AI and its profound impact on society, predicting significant shifts in work, business, the economy, and human relationships. It highlights AI's potential to revolutionize industries and warns of the need for regulation to prevent misuse. The video also explores the possibility of AI in space exploration and questions the nature of life and identity in an AI-enhanced future.


  • 🚀 The release of Chat GPT marked a significant milestone in democratizing AI, making it accessible to the public for free and leading to rapid user adoption.
  • 📈 AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of life, including the nature of work, business operations, the economy, interpersonal relationships, and even the concept of life itself.
  • 🤖 The development and integration of AI could lead to a shift in the workforce, with the technology potentially eliminating or replacing certain jobs altogether.
  • 🌐 AI's impact on business could be profound, as it can handle tasks such as sales, customer service, and content creation more efficiently than humans, leading to a new golden age of productivity.
  • 💡 The use of AI in decision-making and problem-solving could lead to an unprecedented rate of innovation, potentially condensing centuries of progress into much shorter timeframes.
  • 🧠 The concept of super intelligence, where AI surpasses human intelligence, poses ethical questions about access, control, and the potential for AI to make independent decisions.
  • 🌌 AI's role in space exploration and the possibility of alien AI presence on Earth introduces new dimensions to our understanding of extraterrestrial life and technology.
  • 💞 AI's influence on romance and relationships could change the way we interact, with tools potentially guiding and optimizing our social interactions.
  • 🤑 The economic implications of AI could be far-reaching, possibly leading to a reevaluation of systems like capitalism and the exploration of concepts like universal basic income.
  • 🎯 To leverage AI effectively, it's crucial to ask the right questions and embrace the technology as a tool to enhance human capabilities rather than replace them.

Q & A

  • What significant change occurred on November 30th, 2022?

    -On November 30th, 2022, artificial intelligence (AI) became accessible to the public for free through a tool called Chat GPT, which stands for generative pre-trained Transformer. This marked a major shift in AI availability, allowing a wide range of users to interact with AI directly.

  • How quickly did Chat GPT gain users after its release?

    -Chat GPT gained a million users in just five days, setting a record for the fastest user adoption of any platform. This rapid growth outpaced the user acquisition of major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Angry Birds.

  • What potential impact does the speaker foresee AI having on the economy?

    -The speaker believes AI has the potential to unravel the very fabric of capitalism itself. AI could significantly change the nature of work, business operations, and the overall economy by eliminating or reducing the need for human workforce and reshuffling the economic structure.

  • How does the speaker suggest we should approach AI?

    -The speaker suggests that instead of fearing AI or hoping it goes away, we should learn to capitalize on its potential. This involves embracing AI as a tool to supercharge our capabilities and productivity, rather than viewing it as a threat to human jobs and existence.

  • What are the five major areas the speaker believes AI will disrupt?

    -The five major areas that AI will disrupt, as mentioned by the speaker, are: 1) the nature of work, 2) how businesses operate, 3) the economy overall, 4) interpersonal relationships and romantic interactions, and 5) the nature of life itself, including the possibility of interplanetary life and the existence of aliens.

  • What is the significance of the release of Chat GPT in terms of AI accessibility?

    -The release of Chat GPT democratized access to AI for the first time, as it provided an interface that everyone could use. This allowed AI to understand and respond to human prompts and queries, making it a powerful tool for a wide range of applications.

  • How does AI like Chat GPT and Dali impact content creation?

    -AI tools like Chat GPT and Dali can generate content such as text, images, and videos. They can produce articles, legal documents, sales scripts, and even entire books or create images and videos in various styles. This greatly expands the possibilities of content creation and can potentially replace or augment traditional content creators.

  • What is the concept of 'superintelligence' as mentioned in the script?

    -Superintelligence refers to a hypothetical level of AI where the artificial intelligence itself becomes smarter than all humans combined. At this point, AI could make decisions and take actions that humans cannot predict or control, leading to significant changes in the world.

  • What is the 'Singularity' in the context of AI?

    -The Singularity is a hypothetical future point in which technological progress and artificial intelligence advance to the point where humanity undergoes a transformation that cannot be predicted or fully understood. It is often associated with the idea of machines becoming self-aware and surpassing human intelligence.

  • How does the speaker view the future of work with AI?

    -The speaker views the future of work with AI as a transformative period. AI will not only replace low-skill jobs but also high-skilled and creative jobs. However, it also presents an opportunity for a 'golden age' for humanity, where AI can help achieve scientific breakthroughs and improve various aspects of society.

  • What potential changes to the system of capitalism does the speaker predict due to AI?

    -The speaker predicts that AI could lead to significant changes in capitalism, possibly even leading to its overhaul. The cost basis for many goods and services would be eliminated, leading to lower prices, but also potentially removing the need for human labor and the income associated with it. This could necessitate rethinking the economic system and possibly implementing measures like universal basic income.

  • How does the speaker suggest using AI to enhance personal and professional productivity?

    -The speaker suggests embracing AI as a tool to filter and distill information, allowing us to perceive and process the world more efficiently. By using AI to summarize and predict our inputs and outputs, we can consume and produce information at a much faster rate, leading to a significant increase in productivity and output.



🚀 The Unprecedented Rise of ChatGPT and Its Potential

On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT, a tool enabling public access to advanced artificial intelligence (AI) for free, marked a significant milestone by reaching a million users in just five days, outpacing the growth of major platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This event is presented as a pivotal moment that may redefine capitalism and individual roles within it. The video script outlines five key areas ChatGPT could transform: the nature of work, business operations, the economy, personal relationships, and the concept of life itself, extending to the possibility of interplanetary life and the existence of aliens. The narrative suggests that AI's evolution, symbolized by ChatGPT, could lead to profound changes in society, urging viewers to adapt and capitalize on this shift rather than fearing it.


🤖 AI's Evolution and the Prospect of Superintelligence

The discussion moves to consider the advancements in robotics and AI, highlighting companies like Boston Dynamics that are creating robots surpassing human capabilities in physical tasks. It introduces the concept of 'superintelligence', a state where AI could outsmart the collective intelligence of humanity, potentially becoming the most valuable resource. The script touches on ethical and control issues, suggesting that regulation will be crucial to prevent misuse. The concept of the singularity is introduced, envisioning a future where AI's self-sufficiency could lead to indifference towards human needs, paralleled with a vision of AI benefiting humanity if aligned with human goals.


🌌 AI and Its Impact on Society, Work, and Personal Life

The narrative explores how AI could revolutionize various sectors, from legal arguments to entertainment, potentially creating influencers and celebrities who don't exist. It speculates on AI's ability to produce content indistinguishable from human-generated material, raising questions about authenticity and the future of work. The script suggests AI could disrupt traditional employment and personal relationships, proposing a future where human interactions, including romance and professional services, could be mediated or replaced by AI, leading to societal shifts and challenges in distinguishing real from AI-generated content.


👽 AI's Role in Space Exploration and the Nature of Life

The final section posits AI as a key player in future space exploration, suggesting that AI, rather than humans, might be better suited for interstellar travel due to its adaptability and resilience. It raises philosophical questions about identity and consciousness, pondering whether an AI with a person's memories and behaviors could be considered a continuation of that person. The script wraps up by urging viewers to see AI as a tool for enhancement rather than a threat, hinting at the vast potential for AI to accelerate human progress and even redefine the essence of life and existence itself.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the central theme, highlighting its transformative impact on society, economy, and various aspects of life. The video discusses the release of a tool called Chat GPT, which has made AI accessible to the public, indicating a significant shift in how AI is perceived and utilized.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a language model that allows machines to understand and respond to human prompts and queries. It is a specific application of AI mentioned in the video that has gained rapid popularity. The video emphasizes its ability to generate human-like text, ideas, and even entire books, showcasing the potential of AI to revolutionize communication and content creation.

💡Democratization of AI

The democratization of AI refers to making AI technology widely available to the general public, rather than being restricted to a few entities. In the video, this concept is illustrated by the release of Chat GPT, which allows anyone to access AI capabilities for free, signifying a shift in the accessibility and potential applications of AI.


The workforce refers to the collective body of workers available for employment. The video discusses the potential of AI to disrupt the workforce by replacing or eliminating certain jobs, indicating a significant change in the nature of work and employment. It suggests that AI could lead to a redefinition of human labor and the skills required for employment.


The economy encompasses the complex system of production, consumption, and exchange of goods and services. The video posits that AI has the potential to significantly impact the economy by changing the cost basis of production and the distribution of wealth. It raises the possibility of AI leading to a transformation of capitalism and the need for new economic models.

💡Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal relationships refer to the connections and interactions between individuals. The video explores how AI could affect romantic relationships and social interactions, including the potential for AI to simulate human conversations and even replace human companionship in some cases. This highlights the potential for AI to reshape societal norms and personal connections.

💡Super Intelligence

Super Intelligence refers to an AI system that surpasses human intelligence in virtually all domains, including problem-solving and learning. The video discusses the concept of super intelligence and its potential implications, such as the ability of AI to make decisions and take actions that could significantly alter the course of human history.


The Singularity is a hypothetical future point where technological progress, particularly in AI, advances to the extent that it leads to unforeseeable changes in human society. The video describes the Singularity as a transformative event that could mark the last invention humanity needs to make, indicating a potential paradigm shift in how humans interact with technology.

💡Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Universal Basic Income is a social policy where all citizens receive a regular, unconditional sum of money from the government. The video mentions UBI as a potential response to the economic disruptions caused by AI, suggesting it as a means to redistribute wealth and ensure a basic standard of living for all in the face of widespread automation.

💡Space Exploration

Space exploration involves the investigation and study of celestial objects and phenomena outside of Earth's atmosphere. The video speculates on the role of AI in space exploration, suggesting that AI could be used to send robotic probes or even exist as AI entities in space, indicating a potential new frontier for AI applications and human discovery.

💡Deep Fakes

Deep Fakes are synthetic media in which a person's likeness is replaced with someone else's using artificial intelligence. The video discusses the potential for AI to create deep fakes, which could have significant implications for trust in media and the authenticity of digital content. It raises ethical questions about the use of AI to manipulate perceptions and the potential for misuse.


Artificial intelligence (AI) became accessible to the public for free through a tool called Chat GPT, leading to a rapid increase in users.

Chat GPT stands for generative pre-trained Transformer, a technology that allows users to have conversations with AI.

The release of Chat GPT democratized access to AI, marking the first time such technology was widely available to the public.

Chat GPT's ability to understand and respond to human prompts and queries in a conversational manner is a significant technological advancement.

AI has the potential to disrupt the nature of work, business operations, the economy, interpersonal relationships, and the concept of life itself.

The impact of AI could be as transformative as the moon landing, but affecting all aspects of daily life rather than just a symbolic victory.

AI's ability to generate content, from text to images and videos, opens up a new realm of possibilities for creative and professional applications.

The development of AI could lead to the creation of super intelligence, surpassing human intelligence and leading to significant societal changes.

The concept of the Singularity, a hypothetical point where technological progress and AI advance to transform humanity, is a topic of discussion among AI experts.

AI's potential to enter the physical world through robots like the Tesla Bot raises questions about the future of human labor and interaction.

The rapid advancement of AI in sales and customer service could lead to AI becoming the preferred mode of communication for some tasks.

AI's ability to analyze and process vast amounts of data could revolutionize fields such as finance, healthcare, and law.

The potential for AI to create deep fakes and virtual influencers raises questions about the authenticity of digital content and identities.

AI's impact on romance and interpersonal relationships could lead to significant changes in how we form connections and choose partners.

The possibility of alien AI existence and their potential interaction with human AI raises intriguing questions about the nature of life and space exploration.

AI's ability to filter and distill information could lead to a significant increase in human productivity and output.

Experts in AI fields are exploring the idea of universal basic income as a potential societal model in response to AI's economic impact.

The use of AI in various professional fields, from content creation to legal arguments, demonstrates its versatility and potential to enhance human capabilities.