How to Get Rich With GPTs in 2024 | Complete Beginner's Guide (OpenAI Custom GPTs)

Liam Ottley
17 Jan 202481:23

TLDRIn this comprehensive guide, Liam Otley introduces viewers to the world of AI agents and the lucrative opportunities presented by the GPT store, OpenAI's latest platform. Liam emphasizes the importance of understanding the three core components of GPTs: prompting, knowledge, and actions. He shares his expertise in creating valuable GPTs that can generate passive income and discusses the potential of AI agents in revolutionizing various industries. Liam also provides practical advice on marketing GPTs and building a successful AI agency, inspiring beginners to seize the wealth-creating potential of this emerging technology.


  • 🚀 AI agent creation is a highly valuable skill for making money online in 2024 and beyond, offering both personal productivity and business sales opportunities.
  • 💡 The GPT store is just the beginning; the larger opportunity lies in creating AI agents for businesses and integrating them into their operations.
  • 🌐掌握三种关键成分(提示、知识和动作)和五个关键技能,将使你成为AI行业的中心人物,拥有高需求的技能。
  • 🔍 即使GPT商店可能不适合所有人,但更大的机会在于利用相同技能为各种类型的用户创建AI代理。
  • 🛠️ 通过学习如何创建高级GPT和AI代理,你可以为各种实际用例构建强大的助手。
  • 🎯 选择一个细分市场或领域进行专业化,深入研究,创建帮助特定用户群体的GPT。
  • 📈 通过构建围绕这些用户的个人品牌并开始在所选平台分享有价值的内容,开始建立你的受众。
  • 🔗 探索如何通过Agentive将你的GPT部署到网站或其他平台上,以增加你的收入。
  • 💼 如果你对开展AI业务感兴趣,可以查看完整的2小时指南,了解如何逐步开展业务。
  • 👋 感谢观看,祝愿你在2024年取得最佳成果,我将继续帮助你利用AI赚钱,打造你真正喜欢的生活。

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the GPT store launched by OpenAI?

    -The GPT store signifies a landmark moment for AI, akin to the App Store moment for mobile applications in 2008. It provides a platform for creators to build and monetize AI agents, offering new opportunities for wealth creation and democratizing access to AI development skills.

  • What are the three key ingredients needed to create valuable GPTs?

    -The three key ingredients to create valuable GPTs are prompting, knowledge, and actions. Prompting involves giving detailed instructions to determine the GPT's behavior, knowledge allows the GPT to draw information from files like PDFs or spreadsheets, and actions enable the GPT to perform special functions beyond text responses.

  • How does one differentiate their GPT creations in a crowded market?

    -To differentiate GPT creations, one must focus on unique value creation through expert prompting, private or hard-to-find data curation, interesting data mixes, and powerful custom actions or tools. These elements help create GPTs that stand out and provide long-term value to users.

  • What is the potential revenue model for GPT creators?

    -OpenAI has announced revenue sharing for GPT creators, where they will pay a portion of their revenue to those who build the most valuable and used GPTs. Additionally, creators can monetize their skills by selling AI solutions to businesses, integrating GPTs into business operations, or using them for customer support, lead generation, and other applications.

  • What are the five key skills needed to succeed as a GPT creator?

    -The five key skills include market research and use case identification, data sourcing, preparation and curation, prompt engineering, tool creation, and GPT marketing. These skills help creators understand user needs, prepare valuable data, craft effective instructions for GPTs, create useful tools, and market their creations effectively.

  • How can GPT creators ensure their creations generate passive income?

    -To generate passive income, GPT creators must focus on creating GPTs that provide unique, hard-to-replicate value. This can be achieved by combining expert prompting with proprietary data and powerful actions. Additionally, effective marketing strategies and continuous improvement based on user feedback are crucial for sustained usage and income.

  • What is the role of AI agents in the future of technology?

    -AI agents are expected to revolutionize the technology landscape by automating complex tasks, interacting with customers, and becoming part of companies' AI workforce. They will enable businesses to operate more efficiently, provide personalized services, and open up new possibilities for innovation and productivity.

  • How does the GPT store compare to previous App Store opportunities?

    -The GPT store is likened to the App Store moment for AI, offering a new platform for creators to develop and monetize their applications. Just as the App Store enabled developers to capitalize on the growing smartphone market, the GPT store provides a similar opportunity for creators to build AI applications that can be used across various industries and applications.

  • What are some examples of successful GPT creations mentioned in the script?

    -Examples of successful GPT creations include Canvas GPT, which allows users to create designs and graphics from natural language, Grimoire, a community-made GPT that enables users to build websites with prompt programming, and Designer GPT, another community creation that generates and hosts websites from a single prompt.

  • What is the role of AI agencies in the AI agent market?

    -AI agencies play a crucial role in the AI agent market by identifying valuable use cases for AI agents, implementing them into businesses, and selling AI solutions. They help businesses adopt AI technology, improve their operations, and benefit from the advantages AI provides, such as automation and enhanced customer interaction.



🚀 Introduction to AI and the GPT Store

The script begins with an introduction to the GPT store, comparing it to the App Store moment for AI. It highlights the reduced barrier to entry for creating AI applications, emphasizing that skills needed can be learned quickly. The speaker, Liam Otley, shares his background in running an AI agency and teaching others to make money through AI solutions. He outlines the video's structure, which includes foundational knowledge about GPT, essential skills for GPT development, and practical steps for creating a GPT.


🌟 The Potential of AI and GPT Store

This paragraph discusses the significant shift in demand towards AI agents like GPT and the opportunities it presents. It compares the current AI boom to past opportunities like the App Store and the World Wide Web, highlighting the potential for wealth creation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of early adoption and the ability to create valuable GPTs that stand out in the market.


📚 Understanding GPT and Its Ingredients

The speaker explains the concept of GPT, describing it as a customized version of chat GPT designed for specific tasks. It details the 'three ingredients' of a GPT: prompting, knowledge, and actions. These ingredients allow for the creation of unique and useful AI agents. The paragraph also touches on the potential applications of GPTs and the importance of adding custom capabilities.


🛠️ Skills Required for GPT Development

In this section, the speaker outlines the five key skills needed to succeed as a GPT creator: market research and use case identification, data sourcing, preparation and curation, prompt engineering, and tool creation. Each skill is crucial for developing GPTs that are both valuable and unique. The speaker also suggests ways to learn these skills and emphasizes the importance of mastering them to create high-value GPTs.


🤖 Creating and Marketing Your GPT

The speaker discusses the process of creating a GPT, from identifying a use case to combining the three ingredients effectively. It also covers the importance of marketing GPTs, suggesting strategies like focusing on a single platform and building an audience. The speaker emphasizes the need for a strong builder profile and the potential to become a go-to expert in a niche.


🔧 Building and Deploying AI Agents

This part of the script focuses on the process of building and deploying AI agents. The speaker introduces a platform called Agentive, which simplifies the deployment of AI agents onto various platforms like websites and messaging services. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Agentive to create an AI agent and emphasizes the potential for selling these solutions to businesses.


🎯 Action Steps for AI Business Success

The speaker concludes the video with actionable steps for viewers to start their journey in AI and GPT development. These steps include researching use cases, creating GPTs, choosing a niche, building a profile, and exploring deployment options. The speaker also encourages viewers to subscribe to his channels and join his communities for further guidance and support.



💡GPT Store

The GPT Store is a platform mentioned in the video that signifies a significant shift in the AI industry, akin to the App Store moment for Apple in 2008. It represents a marketplace for AI applications, where creators can develop and sell their AI solutions, similar to mobile apps. The store is expected to democratize AI development by allowing individuals without extensive coding skills to create and monetize AI applications, thus opening up opportunities for wealth creation through AI technology.

💡AI Agents

AI Agents, as discussed in the video, are advanced AI systems designed to interact with users, perform tasks, and make decisions to achieve specific goals. They are an evolution of traditional chatbots, with the capability to engage with APIs and other web services, providing a more interactive and dynamic user experience. The video emphasizes the importance of learning to create AI agents as a valuable skill for the future, as they are expected to transform various industries and become integral parts of business operations.


Prompting is a critical concept in the context of AI development, referring to the act of providing instructions or inputs to guide the behavior of an AI system. In the video, it is described as one of the 'three ingredients' of a GPT, used to shape the AI's responses and actions. Effective prompting is essential for creating valuable AI agents, as it directly influences the quality and relevance of the AI's output, determining how well the AI can assist users in achieving their objectives.


Knowledge, as used in the video, refers to the information or data that an AI agent can draw upon to inform its responses and actions. This could include documents, databases, or any form of structured information that the AI can access and utilize. In the context of the GPT Store and AI agents, incorporating relevant knowledge allows creators to enhance the functionality and usefulness of their AI applications, making them more capable and valuable to users.


Actions are special functions that an AI agent can perform beyond just generating text responses. These could include interacting with APIs, performing calculations, or executing tasks on behalf of the user. In the video, actions are highlighted as a key differentiator between standard chatbots and advanced AI agents. They enable AI agents to provide more practical and tangible value to users, turning them into versatile tools that can assist with a wide range of tasks.

💡Revenue Sharing

Revenue sharing is a business model mentioned in the video where a platform like the GPT Store would share a portion of its earnings with content creators or developers. This model incentivizes the creation of high-quality, user-engaging AI applications by allowing creators to earn money based on the usage and success of their AI agents. It's a way for platforms to attract and reward talented developers, while also driving innovation and growth within the ecosystem.

💡AI Agency

An AI Agency, as described in the video, is a business entity that specializes in creating and selling AI solutions to other businesses. These agencies leverage their expertise in AI development to identify valuable use cases for AI agents and implement them into client businesses. The video suggests that owning an AI agency can be a lucrative way to capitalize on the growing demand for AI technology, as businesses increasingly seek to automate processes and enhance customer interactions through AI.

💡No-Code Development

No-Code Development refers to the approach of building applications or solutions without writing any code. The video emphasizes that the skills required to create for the GPT Store can be learned quickly, making it accessible for individuals without a background in software engineering. No-Code platforms, like the ones mentioned for tool creation, lower the barrier to entry for AI development, enabling more people to participate in and benefit from the AI boom.

💡Market Dynamics

Market Dynamics, as discussed in the video, refers to the patterns and trends that emerge in a new market, such as the GPT Store. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for creators as it helps them make informed decisions about what types of AI applications to build and how to market them effectively. The video suggests that early adoption and creation of unique, valuable AI agents can lead to significant success, as the market is initially characterized by high demand and limited supply.


Monetization in the context of the video refers to the strategies and methods used to generate income from the creation and deployment of AI agents. This could involve selling AI solutions to businesses, earning revenue sharing from a platform like the GPT Store, or leveraging AI to optimize and automate various business processes. The video highlights the potential for significant wealth creation through monetizing AI skills, emphasizing the importance of learning how to build and market AI agents effectively.


OpenAI has just released the GPT store, marking the App Store moment for AI.

Skills required to create for the GPT store can be learned in an hour or two.

The challenge is not knowing how to create GPTs, but how to create valuable ones that stand out from the competition.

GPTs are custom versions of chat GPT, modified to be better at a specific task.

The three ingredients of a GPT are prompting, knowledge, and actions.

GPT is just a fancy name for an AI agent, designed to perceive its environment and make decisions.

The GPT store opportunity is compared to the early days of the App Store, with huge potential for wealth creation.

Creating valuable GPTs involves a combination of expert prompting, private data, and unique actions.

Market research and use case identification are crucial for creating a GPT that people want to use.

Data sourcing, preparation, and curation are key skills for creating a knowledge base for GPTs.

Prompt engineering is essential for determining the quality of GPT outputs.

Tool creation allows GPTs to perform functions outside of text responses, enhancing their usefulness.

GPT marketing is necessary to make a GPT successful, with strategies including social media and content creation.

The GPT store is just one part of a larger AI agent market, which is set to be world-changing.

AI agent building is a valuable skill for 2024 and beyond, with applications in various industries.

By mastering GPT creation, you can create high-value AI agents and make money from your skills.