Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire Review

John Campea
29 Mar 202417:42

TLDRIn this entertaining review, the speaker shares their thoughts on 'Godzilla vs. Kong', acknowledging the film's lack of a complex storyline but praising it for its thrilling monster action. Despite criticizing certain illogical human character actions, the reviewer enjoyed the movie for its fun, over-the-top battles and the chemistry between the actors. They predict a strong opening weekend for the film and recommend it to fans of the genre, highlighting the movie's ability to deliver on its promise of big, monster action.


  • 🎬 The reviewer watched 'Godzilla vs. Kong' and found it to be light on story but heavy on monster action.
  • 🤣 The movie was described as 'dumb' but enjoyable, providing a sense of fun and ludicrous entertainment.
  • 🌟 Despite criticisms of the human characters' illogical decisions, the film delivered on its promise of big monster action.
  • 🏰 The majority of the film takes place in 'Hollow Earth', adding a fantastical element to the classic Kaiju formula.
  • 👦 The presence of 'Baby Kong' serves as a reminder of the scale and power of the Titans, even when they're young.
  • 🦷 An unexpected plot point in the movie involves a toothache becoming a major story element for one of the characters.
  • 🎥 The reviewer acknowledges that while some may not enjoy the film, they personally had a great time watching it.
  • 📈 The box office prediction for 'Godzilla vs. Kong' is between $50 to $65 million, with a strong opening weekend expected.
  • 🎬 The film is compared to a WWE wrestling match between Kaiju, emphasizing its over-the-top and action-packed nature.
  • 🌐 The reviewer suggests that 'Godzilla vs. Kong' may appeal more to fans of the 'Godzilla' franchise than 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters'.

Q & A

  • What is the general opinion of the reviewer about 'Godzilla vs. Kong'?

    -The reviewer found 'Godzilla vs. Kong' to be dumb but also a lot of fun, especially for those who enjoy big monster action without expecting a strong story.

  • What was the main criticism the reviewer had about the human characters in the movie?

    -The reviewer criticized the human characters for making illogical decisions and actions that required too much suspension of disbelief, detracting from the overall experience.

  • How does the reviewer describe the monster action in 'Godzilla vs. Kong'?

    -The reviewer describes the monster action as non-stop, exciting, and a roller coaster of emotions, with a lot of tag-teaming between Godzilla and Kong.

  • What was the reviewer's comment on the story of 'Godzilla vs. Kong'?

    -The reviewer mentioned that the story was light and the movie was more focused on the spectacle of the monster fights rather than a complex narrative.

  • How did the reviewer feel about the chemistry between the actors in the movie?

    -The reviewer felt that the actors, particularly Dan Stevens and Brian Tyree Henry, had good chemistry together and contributed to some funny moments.

  • What was the reviewer's box office prediction for 'Godzilla vs. Kong'?

    -The reviewer predicted a box office between $50 to $55 million, but acknowledged that it could potentially reach $65 million.

  • What did the reviewer think about the trailer for the new 'Apes' movie?

    -The reviewer initially was not interested in the new 'Apes' movie, but after seeing the trailer before 'Godzilla vs. Kong', they became on board with it.

  • What was one surprising element the reviewer mentioned about Kong in the movie?

    -The reviewer mentioned a surprising element where Kong uses a toothache as a major story plot point in the movie.

  • How does the reviewer describe the setting of the first three quarters of the film?

    -The reviewer describes the setting as mostly taking place in Hollow Earth, which made the reviewer initially worry about the scale and size of Kong being lost.

  • What did the reviewer mean when they said 'if you just go to watch a WWE wrestling match between two Kaiju'?

    -The reviewer meant that if viewers approach 'Godzilla vs. Kong' with the mindset of wanting to see two giant monsters battle it out without expecting much else, they will be in for a treat.

  • What was the reviewer's reaction to the audience's response during the screening?

    -The reviewer heard audible reactions from the audience in the theater, especially during the third act, indicating that the movie was delivering on its promise of fun.



🎬 Godzilla X Kong: A Theatrical Experience

The paragraph discusses the viewer's experience of watching 'Godzilla X Kong' in theaters. Initially, the viewer encountered audio issues with the out-of-theater review but eventually saw the movie and shared their thoughts. The film is described as light on story but heavy on monster action, meeting the expectations set by early reactions. The viewer acknowledges the human characters making illogical decisions but emphasizes that the movie delivers on its promise of big, monster fun. Despite its flaws, the viewer had a great time watching the film, appreciating it for what it was intended to be - a thrilling spectacle of two iconic monsters battling it out.


🤣 Human Logic and Suspense of Disbelief in Monster Movies

This section delves into the criticism of the human characters' actions in 'Godzilla X Kong', highlighting the movie's requirement for a suspension of disbelief. The viewer points out the implausibility of certain character decisions and the narrative's failure to adhere to its own established logic. However, the focus is also on the enjoyment derived from the movie's non-stop action and the excitement it brings to fans of the genre. The viewer draws attention to specific scenes that defy logic but also adds that the film's intention was never to provide a complex plot, but rather to offer a thrilling experience of giant monsters in combat.


🥳 Delivering on the Promise of Monster Mayhem

The viewer reflects on the delivery of 'Godzilla X Kong' in terms of the anticipated monster action. Despite the film's narrative shortcomings, the action sequences are praised for their intensity and frequency, with the movie opening strong and featuring constant appearances by the titular characters. The viewer also discusses the film's preference for Kong over Godzilla, but notes that both characters have their moments and that fans of both will find something to enjoy. The discussion includes the impact of the movie on younger viewers and the potential box office success, with the viewer predicting a strong opening weekend and a possible drop in viewership in the following weeks.


🌍 Setting the Stage for Epic Monster Encounters

This paragraph focuses on the setting and scale of the movie, emphasizing the unique aspects of the film's narrative that take place in Hollow Earth. The viewer discusses the significance of the movie's first three-quarters being set in this subterranean realm and the impact it has on the perception of the characters' size and the battles' scale. The viewer also mentions the introduction of baby Kong and the reminder of the true size and monstrous nature of these creatures when they resurface. The paragraph concludes with the viewer's excitement for the third act and the overall enjoyment of the film, despite any plot-related criticisms.

🎥 Reflecting on 'Godzilla X Kong': Expectations and Reception

The viewer concludes the discussion by sharing their overall impression of 'Godzilla X Kong'. They acknowledge that while the movie may not appeal to everyone, particularly those seeking a well-rounded plot, it successfully delivers on its promise of fun and spectacle. The viewer defends the film against criticisms, arguing that it provides the kind of entertainment that was advertised. They also mention a surprising plot point involving Kong and a toothache, adding a touch of humor to the narrative. The viewer encourages open-mindedness when approaching the film and invites others to share their thoughts on the movie's opening weekend and reception.



💡Godzilla X Kong

Godzilla X Kong is the central theme of the video, referring to the movie that the speaker and others have recently watched. It is a cinematic crossover featuring two iconic giant characters, Godzilla and King Kong, engaging in epic battles. The movie is described as light on story but heavy on monster action, delivering a fun and thrilling experience for fans of the genre.

💡Out of theater review

An 'out of theater review' refers to an immediate, spontaneous critique or discussion of a film, recorded or conducted right after watching it in a theater. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions a previous attempt to record such a review, which was not used due to poor audio quality caused by wind.

💡Suspension of disbelief

Suspension of disbelief is a concept in which the audience willingly ignores the unrealistic aspects of a story or performance for the sake of enjoyment. In the video, the speaker mentions that while some level of suspension of disbelief is expected in movies, the human characters in Godzilla X Kong make illogical decisions that even they couldn't overlook.

💡Ludicrous fun

The term 'ludicrous fun' refers to a type of enjoyment that comes from experiencing something that is so over-the-top or absurd that it becomes entertaining. In the context of the video, the speaker uses this phrase to describe their experience watching Godzilla X Kong, indicating that despite its flaws, the movie is enjoyable for its outrageous action and spectacle.

💡Tag teaming

In the context of the video, 'tag teaming' refers to the cooperative and coordinated action seen in the movie between Godzilla and Kong, two characters who are typically portrayed as adversaries. This term is borrowed from professional wrestling, where tag teams work together to defeat their opponents.

💡Kong fans

The term 'Kong fans' refers to individuals who are particularly fond of the character King Kong, one of the main characters in the movie Godzilla X Kong. The speaker addresses these fans directly, assuring them that they will enjoy the movie and that it has significant focus on Kong's character.


Mothra is a fictional monster character from the Godzilla franchise, known for being a giant moth with mystical properties. In the video, the speaker discusses Mothra's role in the movie, noting that while they do not fully understand the widespread admiration for the character, Mothra is portrayed well in Godzilla X Kong.

💡Chemistry on screen

The term 'chemistry on screen' refers to the interaction and rapport between actors in a film that appears natural and engaging, contributing to the believability and emotional impact of their characters' relationships. In the video, the speaker praises the chemistry between certain actors, indicating that their on-screen relationships enhanced the movie-watching experience.

💡Box office prediction

A 'box office prediction' is an estimate of how much money a movie is expected to generate during its theatrical run. The video discusses the speaker's initial and updated predictions for Godzilla X Kong's box office performance, taking into account factors like audience turnout and competition from other movies.

💡Dumb but fun

The phrase 'dumb but fun' is used to describe a movie or experience that may not be intellectually stimulating or well-crafted in terms of plot and logic, but is nonetheless enjoyable due to its entertainment value. In the context of the video, the speaker applies this term to Godzilla X Kong, emphasizing that despite its narrative shortcomings, the movie delivers on action and spectacle that pleases the audience.


Kaiju is a Japanese term for 'monster' or 'giant beast,' often used to refer to the giant creatures in Japanese cinema, such as Godzilla and King Kong. In the video, the term is used to discuss the genre of movies featuring these large-scale monsters and the speaker's appreciation for the genre.


Godzilla X Kong movie review discussion starts with an apology for not uploading an out-of-theater review due to poor audio quality.

The reviewer mentions that initial reactions to Godzilla X Kong suggested the film was light on story but big on monster fun.

The reviewer found the human characters in the movie to make illogical decisions, pushing the boundaries of suspension of disbelief.

Despite the lack of a strong story, the reviewer enjoyed the movie for its big, monster action and describes it as a 'freaking blast'.

The movie is described as 'dumb' but in a way that delivers on its promise of fun, giant monster fights.

The reviewer praises the film for its adherence to its own internal logic, despite not following real-world logic.

The film is compared to a roller coaster of 'really and oh' moments, with the 'oh shits' outweighing the 'reallys' for the reviewer.

The reviewer suggests that the movie might be more of a Kong movie than a Godzilla one, but still delivers a great experience for fans of both.

Mothra is mentioned as being surprisingly great in the movie, despite the reviewer's usual indifference towards the character.

The on-screen chemistry between actors Dan Stevens and Brian Tyree Henry is highlighted as a positive aspect of the film.

The reviewer discusses the film's box office prospects, noting that it could potentially reach $65 million but predicts a more conservative $50 to $55 million.

The film's setting in Hollow Earth for the first three quarters is mentioned, which helps to manage the scale of the Kaiju fights.

The reviewer found the third act of the film to be particularly enjoyable, though specific details are not given to avoid spoilers.

Kong using a unique fighting technique with a toothache as a major plot point is mentioned as a surprising and entertaining element.

The review concludes with a recommendation to view the movie as a fun, WWE-style wrestling match between Kaiju, which delivers on its promise of entertainment.

The reviewer acknowledges that while some may not enjoy the film, they personally had a great time watching Godzilla X Kong.