Moonstruck - "My Hand" - Cher x Nicolas Cage x Nada Despotovich

Josh Busfield aka bitterphase
3 Nov 202005:15

TLDRThe script presents a dramatic conversation between two characters, where the protagonist, a woman named Chrissy, feels her life has been stolen by her brother Johnny. She confronts Roni Camaro, revealing her despair over her brother's upcoming marriage and her own tragic past, where an accident involving her hand and a bread slicer led to the loss of her engagement and a deep-seated resentment towards Johnny. Despite acknowledging it's not Johnny's fault, Chrissy's emotional turmoil is palpable, hinting at a complex and tormented relationship.


  • 🎶 The script begins with a casual conversation and music, setting a relaxed tone.
  • 👋 Mrs. Fugaci is mentioned, indicating a farewell or parting scene.
  • 🚗 The mention of 'Roni Camaro' introduces a character and possible conflict.
  • 💍 The topic of marriage arises, specifically the character's brother Johnny getting married.
  • 😔 The character expresses a deep sense of loss and resentment towards her brother Johnny.
  • 🏡 The setting seems to be a bakery, as the character talks about baking bread and working in an oven.
  • 😢 The character feels that her life has been taken away from her, hinting at a tragic backstory.
  • 💔 The character's emotional turmoil is linked to her brother's wedding, suggesting unresolved issues.
  • 🔪 A dramatic and dark turn is indicated by the character asking for a knife, implying self-harm.
  • 🤕 The backstory reveals an accident involving a bread slicer that resulted in the loss of the character's hand.
  • 💔 The character's fiancé left her after the accident, adding to her sense of betrayal and loss.
  • 🥺 The character harbors unrequited love for Mr. Cameron, which complicates her emotional state.

Q & A

  • Who is the main character in the script?

    -The main character in the script is an unnamed individual who is speaking to Mrs. Fugaci and later to Ronni Camaro.

  • What is the relationship between the main character and Johnny?

    -The main character is Johnny's sibling, expressing resentment and feeling that Johnny took their life away.

  • Why is the main character upset about Johnny's upcoming marriage?

    -The main character is upset because they believe that Johnny has stolen their life, and now Johnny is getting married and achieving happiness while they are miserable.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'bread is life' in the script?

    -The phrase 'bread is life' signifies the main character's occupation as a baker and their belief that their work, which involves baking bread, should bring them happiness, but instead, it has become a symbol of their suffering.

  • How did the main character lose their hand?

    -The main character lost their hand in an accident at work five years ago when they put their hand in a bread slicer while distracted.

  • What happened to the main character's fiancée after the accident?

    -After the accident, the main character's fiancée found out about their injury and left them for another man.

  • What is the 'bad blood' between the main character and Johnny?

    -The 'bad blood' refers to the main character's resentment towards Johnny for indirectly causing the loss of their hand and, consequently, their fiancée.

  • How does the main character feel about their situation?

    -The main character feels miserable and believes that they have no life, as they are unable to find happiness or move past their accident and the loss of their hand and fiancée.

  • What does the main character reveal about their feelings for Ronni Camaro?

    -The main character reveals that they are in love with Ronni Camaro, but they have never confessed their feelings because they believe Ronni could never love anyone after losing his hand and fiancée.

  • What is the main character's final request in the script?

    -The main character's final request is for Ronni Camaro to bring them a big knife, implying they want to commit suicide, so that Ronni can tell Johnny about it on his wedding day.

  • How does the conversation end in the script?

    -The conversation ends with the main character insisting on getting the knife to commit suicide, while the other characters express disbelief and refuse to comply with the request.



🗣️ Confrontation and Tragic Lament

This paragraph introduces a tense and emotional encounter between the speaker and Mrs. Fugaci. The speaker is revealed to be a tormented individual whose life has been negatively impacted by the actions of Johnny, the brother of the person they are speaking to. The speaker's life took a tragic turn when Johnny ordered bread from her, leading to an accident that cost her her hand and, subsequently, her engagement. This event has caused a deep-seated resentment and sense of loss within her. The speaker's despair is palpable as she expresses her feelings of being cheated out of a normal life and her reluctance to attend Johnny's wedding. The paragraph ends with a dramatic plea for understanding and recognition of her suffering.


💔 Unspoken Love and Shared Misery

The second paragraph delves into the unrequited love of the speaker for Mr. Cameron, who is unaware of her feelings. The speaker's love remains unexpressed due to her belief that Mr. Cameron is incapable of loving anyone following the loss of his hand and former fiancée. This paragraph highlights the complex emotions and the shared torment between the speaker and Mr. Cameron, both of whom are grappling with their own personal tragedies and the inability to move forward in life. The speaker's empathy for Mr. Cameron's situation contrasts with her anger towards Johnny, adding depth to the narrative and character relationships.




Conflict in this context refers to the struggle or disagreement between characters, specifically between the speaker and Johnny. It is a central theme in the video as it drives the narrative and emotional tension. The conflict arises from the speaker feeling that Johnny has taken their life away by causing an accident that led to the loss of the speaker's hand and, subsequently, the end of their engagement.


Resentment is a feeling of anger or displeasure caused by someone's actions, and in this video, it is directed towards Johnny. The speaker harbors resentment because they believe Johnny's actions indirectly led to the loss of their hand and the collapse of their engagement. This emotion is a driving force behind the speaker's desire to confront Johnny and express their pain.


The bakery serves as the setting for the video and is symbolic of the speaker's life and livelihood. It is where the pivotal event of losing the speaker's hand occurred, which has significantly impacted their existence. The act of baking bread becomes a metaphor for the speaker's struggle to find meaning and purpose in their life after the accident.


Marriage in this context symbolizes a significant life event and a milestone that the speaker feels they have been denied due to their injury. Johnny's upcoming marriage is a painful reminder of what the speaker has lost and serves to heighten their feelings of resentment and despair.


Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death and is a serious theme in the video. The speaker contemplates suicide as a means of escape from their emotional pain and as a final act of defiance against Johnny. This extreme measure underscores the depth of the speaker's despair and the severity of their situation.


Love in this video is portrayed as unrequited and complicated. The speaker is in love with a man who is unaware of their feelings, and this love is further complicated by the speaker's resentment towards Johnny. The theme of love adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, as it intertwines with feelings of loss, betrayal, and longing.


Trauma refers to the deep emotional and psychological wounding caused by a distressing event. In the video, the speaker's trauma is evident in their recounting of the accident that cost them their hand and their subsequent emotional breakdown. The trauma has left a lasting impact on the speaker's life and outlook.


Duty in this context refers to the speaker's sense of obligation or responsibility, which is challenged by their emotional turmoil. The speaker feels a duty to attend Johnny's wedding, yet this duty is in conflict with their feelings of resentment and despair.


Betrayal is the act of breaking someone's trust or faith, and in the video, it is a significant theme that has shaped the speaker's life. The speaker feels betrayed by both Johnny and their former fiancé, leading to a sense of isolation and bitterness.


Closure refers to the resolution or sense of completion that one seeks after a distressing event. The speaker is seeking closure by confronting Johnny and expressing their pain, hoping to find some form of resolution or understanding for their suffering.


Self-worth is the recognition and acceptance of one's own value and significance. The speaker struggles with their sense of self-worth due to the loss of their hand and the subsequent changes in their life. Their self-worth is challenged by their inability to find happiness or fulfillment in their current situation.


The conversation begins with a casual exchange, setting a familiar tone.

The mention of Roni Camaro introduces a character with a significant connection to the speaker.

The speaker expresses a desire to talk, indicating a need for communication and understanding.

The revelation of the speaker's brother Johnny's upcoming marriage introduces a central conflict.

The speaker's claim of having 'no life' suggests a deep sense of loss and despair.

The mention of bread as 'life' introduces a metaphor for existence and sustenance.

The speaker's occupation as a baker is revealed, highlighting their daily toil and struggle.

The dramatic statement about the absence of happiness in the speaker's life emphasizes their emotional turmoil.

The request for a knife and talk of suicide indicates a crisis and a cry for help.

The mention of fake wood sets up a metaphor for deception and hidden truths.

The backstory of the speaker's accident and its consequences is revealed, adding depth to their character.

The speaker's lost love due to the accident is a pivotal point in their narrative of loss.

The bad blood between the speaker and Johnny is acknowledged, though not entirely his fault.

The speaker's declaration of love for Johnny, unknown to him, adds a layer of complexity to their relationship.

The theme of dreams and the pursuit of happiness is explored through the speaker's personal tragedy.

The tormented state of the speaker is palpable, highlighting the depth of their emotional pain.