How Does DALL-E 2 Work?

Augmented AI
31 May 202208:33

TLDRDALL-E 2 is an advanced AI system developed by OpenAI that can generate high-resolution images from text descriptions. It uses a combination of a text encoder, a prior model, and an image decoder to create images. The system is capable of in-painting, allowing users to edit images with text prompts. DALL-E 2's text and image embeddings come from another OpenAI network called CLIP, which learns connections between text and visual representations. The prior model, chosen to be a diffusion model for its efficiency, generates image embeddings based on text embeddings. The decoder, a modified diffusion model named GLIDE, incorporates text information for text-conditional image generation and editing. Despite its capabilities, DALL-E 2 has limitations, such as generating coherent text within images and associating attributes with objects. It also reflects biases from the data it was trained on. However, it has potential applications in generating synthetic data for adversarial learning and text-based image editing. OpenAI envisions DALL-E 2 as a tool to empower creative expression and further AI understanding of the world.


  • 🎨 DALL-E 2 is an advanced AI system developed by OpenAI that can generate realistic images from textual descriptions.
  • 📈 DALL-E 2 uses a 3.5 billion parameter model and a 1.5 billion parameter model to enhance image resolution, compared to DALL-E's 12 billion parameters.
  • ✍️ It has the capability to edit and retouch photos realistically using text prompts, demonstrating an understanding of global relationships between objects and the environment.
  • 🔄 DALL-E 2 can create variations of an image inspired by the original, showcasing its ability to generate diverse outputs.
  • 🤖 The system works through a text-to-image generation process involving a text encoder, a prior model, and an image decoder.
  • 🤗 The text and image embeddings are facilitated by another OpenAI model called CLIP, which learns connections between textual and visual representations.
  • 📚 CLIP is trained to minimize the cosine similarity between incorrect image-caption pairs and maximize it for correct pairs.
  • 🧩 DALL-E 2 uses a diffusion model called the prior to generate image embeddings from text embeddings, which is more computationally efficient than the autoregressive prior.
  • 🔍 The decoder in DALL-E 2 is a modified diffusion model called GLIDE, which includes textual information and allows for text-conditional image generation.
  • 🚫 Despite its capabilities, DALL-E 2 has limitations, such as generating incoherent text within images and struggling with complex scenes or attribute associations.
  • 🌐 It also reflects biases present in the internet data it was trained on, including gender biases and a tendency to generate predominantly western features.
  • 🔧 Potential applications of DALL-E 2 include the generation of synthetic data for adversarial learning and innovative image editing features in consumer technology.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the AI system released by OpenAI at the beginning of 2021?

    -The AI system released by OpenAI at the beginning of 2021 is called DALL-E.

  • What is the significance of the name 'DALL-E'?

    -The name 'DALL-E' is a portmanteau of the artist Salvador Dali and the robot WALL-E from the Pixar movie of the same name.

  • Compared to the original DALL-E, what is an improvement in DALL-E 2?

    -DALL-E 2 is more versatile and efficient, capable of producing high-resolution images, and has enhanced ability to understand the global relationships between different objects and the environment in an image.

  • What is the role of the text encoder in DALL-E 2's text-to-image generation process?

    -The text encoder in DALL-E 2 takes the text prompt and generates text embeddings, which serve as the input for the prior model to generate corresponding image embeddings.

  • What is CLIP, and how is it used in DALL-E 2?

    -CLIP, or Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training, is a neural network model that returns the best caption for a given image. It is used in DALL-E 2 to generate text and image embeddings that come from another network created by OpenAI.

  • What are the two options for the prior model that DALL-E 2 researchers tried, and which one was chosen?

    -The two options for the prior model were an autoregressive prior and a diffusion prior. The diffusion model was chosen as it was more computationally efficient.

  • How does the diffusion model contribute to DALL-E 2's ability to generate images?

    -The diffusion model is a transformer-based generative model that gradually adds noise to data over time steps until it's unrecognizable, then reconstructs the image to its original form. This process allows DALL-E 2 to learn how to generate images or any other kind of data.

  • What is the role of the decoder in DALL-E 2?

    -The decoder in DALL-E 2, called GLIDE (Guided Language to Image Diffusion for Generation and Editing), is a modified diffusion model that includes textual information and CLIP embeddings to enable text-conditional image generation.

  • What are some limitations of DALL-E 2?

    -DALL-E 2 has limitations such as not being good at generating images with coherent text, associating attributes with objects accurately, and generating complicated scenes with comprehensible details. It also has inherent biases due to the skewed nature of data collected from the internet.

  • What are some potential applications of DALL-E 2?

    -Potential applications of DALL-E 2 include the generation of synthetic data for adversarial learning and image editing, possibly leading to text-based image editing features in smartphones.

  • What is the mission of OpenAI with respect to DALL-E 2?

    -The mission of OpenAI with respect to DALL-E 2 is to empower people to express themselves creatively and to help understand how advanced AI systems see and understand our world, with the goal of creating AI that benefits humanity.

  • How does DALL-E 2 create variations of an image?

    -DALL-E 2 creates variations of an image by obtaining the image's CLIP embeddings and running them through the diffusion decoder, playing around with trivial details while keeping the main elements and style.



🚀 Introduction to Dali 2: The AI Image Generation System

The first paragraph introduces Dali, an AI system developed by OpenAI in 2021, capable of generating realistic images from textual descriptions. The successor, Dali 2, is highlighted as a more advanced and efficient system, with a reduced parameter count compared to its predecessor. Dali 2 introduces the ability to edit and retouch photos in a realistic manner using in-painting techniques. The paragraph explains the three-step process of text-to-image generation in Dali 2, involving a text encoder, a prior model, and an image decoder. It also discusses the role of the CLIP model in generating text and image embeddings, and the choice between autoregressive and diffusion priors, with the latter being chosen for its computational efficiency. The paragraph concludes by noting the limitations of Dali 2, such as difficulties in generating coherent text within images and biases in the data it was trained on.


🎨 Dali 2's Image Generation and Editing Capabilities

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of how Dali 2 generates images and variations from text prompts. It explains the role of the diffusion model and how it is adapted by the GLIDE model to include textual information, enabling text-conditional image generation. The modified GLIDE model is used as the decoder in Dali 2, allowing it to create high-resolution images and variations by retaining the main elements and style while altering minor details. The paragraph also discusses the limitations of Dali 2, including its struggle with generating images with coherent text and associating attributes with objects accurately. It mentions the potential applications of Dali 2 in generating synthetic data for adversarial learning and its promising future in image editing. The paragraph ends with a reflection on the implications of AI systems like Dali 2 on creative fields and their potential to understand and represent our world.




DALL-E 2 is an AI system developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating realistic images from textual descriptions. It is a successor to the original DALL-E and operates on a more efficient model with enhanced capabilities. In the video, DALL-E 2 is highlighted for its ability to not only generate images from text but also to edit and retouch photos realistically, showcasing its advanced understanding of the relationships between objects and their environment in images.

💡Text Embeddings

Text embeddings are a representation of textual data in a numerical form that can be processed by machine learning models. In the context of DALL-E 2, a text encoder generates text embeddings from a given prompt, which are then used to create corresponding image embeddings. This process is crucial for the text-to-image generation capability of DALL-E 2, as it allows the AI to understand and interpret the textual description to generate an appropriate image.


CLIP, which stands for Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training, is a neural network model created by OpenAI. It is designed to understand the connection between text and images. In DALL-E 2, CLIP is used to generate text and image embeddings that are then utilized by the prior model to generate image embeddings. The script mentions that CLIP has the ability to return the best caption for a given image, which is integral to DALL-E 2's operation.

💡Prior Model

The prior model in DALL-E 2 is responsible for generating image embeddings based on the text embeddings provided by the CLIP text encoder. The researchers experimented with two types of priors—an autoregressive prior and a diffusion prior—before selecting the diffusion model due to its computational efficiency. The prior model is essential for DALL-E 2's ability to generate images that are coherent and detailed, as demonstrated in the video through examples of generated images.

💡Diffusion Models

Diffusion models are transformer-based generative models that gradually add noise to a piece of data until it becomes unrecognizable and then attempt to reconstruct it to its original form. This process allows the models to learn how to generate images or other types of data. In DALL-E 2, the diffusion model is used as the prior to generate image embeddings and is also a key component of the decoder model, GLIDE.


GLIDE, which stands for Guided Language to Image Diffusion for Generation and Editing, is a modified diffusion model used as the decoder in DALL-E 2. It incorporates textual information into the diffusion process, enabling text-conditional image generation. GLIDE allows DALL-E 2 to create high-resolution images and make variations of existing images by manipulating the main elements and style while altering trivial details.


In-painting is a technique used by DALL-E 2 to edit and retouch photos realistically. Users can input a text prompt for the desired change and select an area on the image to be edited. DALL-E 2 then produces several options, demonstrating its ability to understand and maintain the global relationships between objects and the environment within the image, such as proper shadow and lighting.


The term 'bias' in the context of DALL-E 2 refers to the inherent biases present in the AI system due to the nature of the data it was trained on. The video mentions that DALL-E 2 has gender-biased occupation representations and tends to generate images with predominantly Western features. These biases are a limitation of the system and an important consideration when discussing the ethical use of AI.

💡Transformer Models

Transformer models are a type of deep learning architecture that have shown exceptional performance in handling large-scale datasets. They are known for their parallelizability, which allows for efficient processing of information. In DALL-E 2, transformer models are used in both the prior and decoder networks, highlighting their effectiveness in generative tasks.

💡Synthetic Data

Synthetic data refers to data that is generated rather than collected from real-world observations. In the context of DALL-E 2, synthetic data can be generated for adversarial learning, which is a method of training AI systems by presenting them with challenging scenarios. The video suggests that DALL-E 2's ability to generate synthetic images could be particularly useful in this application.

💡Text-Based Image Editing

Text-based image editing is a feature enabled by DALL-E 2 that allows users to make specific edits to images through text prompts. This capability is showcased in the video through the in-painting technique, where DALL-E 2 can add or modify elements in an image based on textual instructions. The potential application of this feature in smartphones for advanced image editing is also discussed.


OpenAI released DALL-E 2, an AI system that can generate realistic images from textual descriptions.

DALL-E 2 is named after the artist Salvador Dali and the robot WALL-E from the Pixar movie.

DALL-E 2 is more versatile and efficient than its predecessor, capable of producing high-resolution images.

DALL-E 2 operates on a 3.5 billion parameter model and another 1.5 billion parameter model for enhanced image resolution.

DALL-E 2 introduces the ability to realistically edit and retouch photos using inpainting.

Users can input a text prompt for desired changes and select an area on the image for DALL-E 2 to edit.

DALL-E 2 demonstrates an enhanced ability to understand the global relationships between objects and the environment in an image.

DALL-E 2 can create different variations of an image inspired by the original.

The text-to-image generation process in DALL-E 2 involves a text encoder, a prior model, and an image decoder.

DALL-E 2 uses the CLIP model to generate text and image embeddings.

CLIP is a neural network model that returns the best caption for a given image.

DALL-E 2 uses a diffusion model called the prior to generate image embeddings based on text embeddings.

The diffusion models are transformer-based generative models that learn to reconstruct images from noise.

DALL-E 2's decoder is a modified diffusion model called GLIDE that includes textual information for image generation.

DALL-E 2 can create higher resolution images through an up-sampling process after generating a preliminary image.

DALL-E 2 has limitations in generating images with coherent text and associating attributes with objects.

DALL-E 2 struggles with generating complicated scenes with comprehensible details.

DALL-E 2 has inherent biases due to the nature of the data collected from the internet.

DALL-E 2 reaffirms the effectiveness of transformer models for large-scale data sets.

DALL-E 2 demonstrates the potential for text-based image editing features in smartphones.

OpenAI aims for DALL-E 2 to empower people to express themselves creatively and understand AI's perception of the world.