How AI Image Generators Work (Stable Diffusion / Dall-E) - Computerphile

4 Oct 202217:50

TLDRThe transcript discusses the process of generating images using diffusion models, contrasting it with the traditional GANs approach. It explains the iterative nature of diffusion, where noise is added and then gradually removed to produce high-resolution images. The script also touches on the challenges of training these models and the use of conditioning with text embeddings to guide the generation process towards specific outputs. The potential of using such models for creating new images and the availability of platforms like Google Colab for public access is highlighted.


  • 🎨 Diffusion models are an emerging technique for generating images, distinct from traditional GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks).
  • 🔄 The diffusion process involves gradually adding and then removing noise to an image to produce new content.
  • 🔧 GANs typically work by training a generator network to produce images that look real and a discriminator network to identify fakes.
  • 🚀 Diffusion models simplify image generation into iterative steps, making the process more manageable and stable.
  • 📈 Training a diffusion model involves creating a schedule that determines the amount of noise added at different stages.
  • 🤖 The network is trained to predict and remove noise from images, working backwards from a noisy version to the original.
  • 🖼️ Base conditioning allows diffusion models to generate images guided by text descriptions or other conditions.
  • 📝 Text embeddings, such as those produced by a GPT-style transformer, are used to guide the generation process towards specific content.
  • 🔄 The iterative process of noise removal and re-adding refined noise allows for gradual refinement of the generated image.
  • 💡 Classifier-free guidance is a technique used to further enhance the alignment of generated images with text inputs by comparing predictions with and without text embeddings.
  • 💻 Access to diffusion models like stable diffusion can be obtained for free through platforms like Google Colab, though computationally intensive tasks may require payment for additional resources.

Q & A

  • What is the primary focus of the script?

    -The script focuses on explaining the concept of generating images using diffusion models, which is an alternative to traditional generative adversarial networks (GANs) for creating images.

  • What are generative adversarial networks (GANs)?

    -Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a standard way for generating images. They consist of a generator network that produces images and a discriminator network that determines if the images are real or fake. The two networks improve over time, with the generator trying to produce more realistic images and the discriminator getting better at distinguishing between real and fake images.

  • What is the main challenge with training GANs?

    -The main challenge with training GANs is that they can be difficult to train properly. Issues such as mode collapse can occur, where the network ends up producing the same image repeatedly, and there is little incentive for the network to produce a variety of images.

  • How does the diffusion model simplify the image generation process?

    -Diffusion models simplify the image generation process by breaking it down into iterative small steps. Instead of trying to generate a perfect image all at once, the model gradually removes noise from a noisy image over multiple iterations, making the training process more stable and manageable.

  • What is the role of noise in the diffusion model?

    -In the diffusion model, noise is added to an original image in a controlled manner following a specific schedule. The model is then trained to estimate and remove this noise, gradually revealing the original image over multiple steps.

  • How does the diffusion model handle different levels of noise?

    -The diffusion model uses a schedule to determine the amount of noise added at different stages of the process. This allows the model to learn how to remove varying amounts of noise, from a little at the beginning to a lot later in the process, making it more flexible and effective.

  • What is the purpose of the text embedding in the diffusion model?

    -The text embedding is used to guide the diffusion model in generating images that align with specific textual descriptions. By incorporating the text embedding into the model, it can produce images that correspond to the given text, such as creating a frog-rabbit hybrid based on a textual prompt.

  • What is classifier-free guidance in the context of diffusion models?

    -Classifier-free guidance is a technique used to improve the relevance of the generated image to the textual prompt. It involves feeding the model two versions of the image - one with the text embedding and one without - and then amplifying the differences between the noise estimates from these two versions to steer the image generation process towards the desired output.

  • Is it possible for individuals to experiment with diffusion models without high costs?

    -Yes, it is possible for individuals to experiment with diffusion models without incurring high costs. Some models like stable diffusion are available for free and can be used through platforms like Google Colab, which provides access to the necessary computational resources without the need for significant financial investment.

  • How is the process of generating an image with a diffusion model initiated?

    -The process of generating an image with a diffusion model begins with a random noise image. This image is passed through the network with a specified time step indicating the level of noise. The network estimates the noise and produces an image that is one step closer to the original, less noisy image. This process is repeated, gradually reducing the noise and refining the image.

  • What is the significance of the shared weights in the neural networks used in diffusion models?

    -Sharing weights in the neural networks used in diffusion models allows for more efficient computation. It means that the same set of weights is used for multiple steps in the process, reducing the computational burden and making the model more efficient without compromising its ability to produce high-quality images.



🖌️ Introduction to Diffusion for Image Generation

This paragraph introduces the concept of using diffusion models for generating images, contrasting it with the traditional method of generative adversarial networks (GANs). The speaker shares their experience with Google's stable diffusion and explains the complexity involved in understanding and working with the code. The paragraph provides a brief overview of GANs, emphasizing the challenges in training them, such as mode collapse, and introduces the idea of diffusion as an alternative approach to simplify the process through iterative small steps.


🔄 Understanding the Noise Addition Schedule

The speaker delves into the specifics of how noise is added to images in the diffusion process. They discuss different strategies for noise addition schedules and the importance of varying the amount of noise at each step. The paragraph explains how the network is trained with noisy images and the concept of jumping straight to a specific time step by adding the correct amount of noise. The speaker also touches on the idea of predicting noise rather than generating a less noisy image directly, which is key to the diffusion model's approach.


📈 Iterative Noise Removal and Image Refinement

This paragraph describes the iterative process of noise removal in diffusion models. The speaker explains how the network estimates the noise at different time steps and how this process gradually refines the image to approximate the original. They discuss the mathematical advantages of this approach and its stability compared to GANs. The paragraph also introduces the concept of conditioning the network with text embeddings to guide the generation process towards specific outputs, such as a 'frog on stilts', and the use of classifier-free guidance to enhance the relevance of the generated images to the text prompts.


💻 Accessibility and Practicality of Diffusion Models

The speaker addresses the practical aspects of using diffusion models for image generation. They discuss the high computational costs associated with training these networks and the availability of free resources like stable diffusion through platforms such as Google Colab. The paragraph highlights the ease of use and accessibility of these models, emphasizing that with minimal coding, one can generate images by calling a single Python function. The speaker also mentions their personal experience with using Google Colab and the costs involved in accessing computational resources for this purpose.



💡Diffusion Models

Diffusion models are a type of generative model used in machine learning for generating images. Unlike traditional GANs which directly output images, diffusion models iteratively refine noise to produce realistic images. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses using diffusion models to generate images by reversing a process of adding noise to an image, which is akin to creating something out of nothing.

💡Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

GANs are a class of artificial intelligence models used for generating new data instances. They consist of two parts: a generator network that creates images and a discriminator network that evaluates the generated images. GANs have been the standard approach for image generation before the advent of diffusion models.


In the context of the video, noise refers to the random variations or 'speckly' alterations added to an image during the image generation process. The process of adding and then removing noise is central to how diffusion models operate, simulating an iterative journey from a noisy image back to a clear, original image.

💡Training Algorithm

A training algorithm in machine learning is the process by which a model is taught to make predictions or decisions based on data. In the video, the speaker discusses the challenges of training GANs and diffusion models, which require extensive datasets and fine-tuning to produce high-quality images.

💡Mode Collapse

Mode collapse is a phenomenon in GAN training where the generator starts producing very similar or identical outputs, failing to diversify the generated data. It's a problem that the speaker aims to address by exploring diffusion models as an alternative to traditional GANs.


In the context of diffusion models, a schedule refers to the predetermined plan for adding noise to an image over multiple steps. This strategy helps in crafting the training algorithm for the model, allowing for controlled progression from a clear image to a noisy version and back again.

💡Encoder-Decoder Networks

Encoder-decoder networks are a type of neural network architecture commonly used in various sequence-to-sequence tasks, including natural language processing and image generation. In the video, the speaker refers to these networks as being involved in the process of predicting and removing noise from images in diffusion models.


Embedding in machine learning is the process of representing categorical data in a form that can be provided as input to a neural network. In the video, text embedding is used to guide the diffusion model towards generating images that align with a given text prompt.

💡Classifier-Free Guidance

Classifier-free guidance is a technique used in diffusion models to improve the relevance of generated images to a given text prompt. It involves comparing the model's predictions with and without the text embedding to amplify the signal that directs the generation process towards the desired output.

💡Google Colab

Google Colab is a cloud-based platform for machine learning and research that allows users to train and experiment with models using Google's infrastructure. In the video, the speaker mentions using Google Colab to experiment with diffusion models without the high cost of local computing resources.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a specific implementation of diffusion models that is available for free use. It represents a significant advancement in the field of generative models, making image generation more accessible to a wider audience.


Introduction to diffusion models as an alternative to generative adversarial networks (GANs) for image generation.

Explanation of the complexity involved in training GANs and the potential issues such as mode collapse.

Description of the iterative process in diffusion models that simplifies image generation by gradually removing noise.

Discussion on the importance of the noise schedule in diffusion models and how it affects the training process.

Insight into the challenges of predicting noise in highly noisy images and the benefits of a step-by-step noise reduction approach.

Clarification on how the network is trained to estimate noise and the iterative process of refining the original image.

Introduction to the concept of base conditioning in diffusion models to guide the generation process towards specific outputs.

Explanation of how text embeddings are used in conjunction with the diffusion model to generate images that correspond to textual descriptions.

Discussion on the practical applications of diffusion models, such as noise removal in Photoshop, and their potential for creating new images.

Mention of the computational cost associated with training diffusion models and the availability of free platforms like stable diffusion.

Overview of the process of using Google Colab to access and utilize diffusion models without significant financial investment.

Explanation of the shared weights in the neural network architecture of diffusion models for efficiency.

Discussion on the potential of diffusion models to simplify the process of image generation from random noise.

Description of the role of the encoder-decoder network structure in the diffusion model and its function in the noise removal process.

Introduction to the concept of classifier-free guidance to improve the alignment of generated images with textual descriptions.

Highlight of the ease of running diffusion model code with a simple Python function call for image generation.