How I Fixed My Receding Chin

Brett Maverick
7 Feb 202310:01

TLDRBrett shares his journey to achieving a more defined jawline, which he attributes to three key practices: nasal breathing, chewing gum, and proper tongue posture. He realized that mouth breathing was the culprit behind his receding chin and started breathing through his nose at age 15. Additionally, he recommends maintaining good posture, chewing gum throughout the day to develop a wider jaw structure, and adopting the mewing technique, which involves proper swallowing, hard chewing, and keeping the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth. Brett also introduces his own brand of chewing gum, designed to be 10-15 times harder than regular gum, to help with facial muscle development. He emphasizes that while genetics play a role, these practices can significantly improve one's facial structure, especially if started at a young age.


  • 🤔 Brett was inspired by movie stars with chiseled jawlines and sought to improve his own.
  • 👃 He realized that nose breathers tend to have stronger jawlines, so he decided to breathe exclusively through his nose.
  • 📹 At 22, Brett made a YouTube video giving advice on achieving a nice jawline, including correcting posture and chewing gum.
  • 📝 A comment on his video introduced him to the concept of 'mewing', a technique developed by orthodontists to improve facial structure.
  • 🦴 Mewing involves three pillars: proper swallowing, hard chewing, and most importantly, proper tongue posture.
  • 🍽️ Proper swallowing involves moving food to the back of the mouth with the tongue, which can help prevent negative jaw growth.
  • 🦴 Hard chewing, such as eating tough foods or chewing hard gum, can help strengthen facial muscles and contribute to better facial structure.
  • 🔗 Brett created 'Brett's Jawline Chewing Gum', which is much harder than regular gum, to help with hard chewing.
  • 👅 Proper tongue posture means keeping the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth to help shape the face and promote forward growth.
  • 📈 The effects of mewing are more pronounced if started at a young age, as the facial structure is more malleable.
  • 🧬 Genetics and the position of the hyoid bone can limit the extent to which one can improve their jawline, but mewing can still provide benefits.
  • 🌟 Brett emphasizes that while he has improved his jawline, no one can achieve perfection due to genetic limitations.

Q & A

  • What was Brett's initial impression of his jawline when he was younger?

    -Brett used to have a more sloping and melted look to his chin and jawline, which he was not satisfied with.

  • What did Brett notice as a difference between people with strong jawlines and those without?

    -Brett observed that people with strong jawlines breathed through their noses, while those without strong jawlines were mouth breathers.

  • What was the first change Brett made to improve his jawline?

    -At around 15 years old, Brett made a conscious decision to start breathing exclusively through his nose.

  • What is the significance of proper tongue posture in mewing?

    -Proper tongue posture is crucial in mewing as it helps condition and change the shape of the face, especially before the age of 25 when facial structures are still malleable.

  • How does chewing gum relate to the mewing exercise?

    -Chewing gum, particularly hard gum, activates facial muscles and can contribute to the development of a more prominent jaw structure.

  • What is the role of proper swallowing in mewing?

    -Proper swallowing involves moving food to the back of the throat with a sweeping motion of the tongue, which helps prevent negative growth of the jaw and malocclusion.

  • What is the name of the chewing gum Brett created to help with jawline development?

    -Brett created a chewing gum named 'Brett's Jawline Chewing Gum', which is 10 to 15 times harder than normal chewing gum.

  • What is the importance of hard chewing in the context of mewing?

    -Hard chewing helps to strengthen facial muscles and contributes to better facial structure by simulating the effects of chewing harder foods, which were more common in ancient times.

  • How did Brett discover the concept of mewing?

    -Brett discovered mewing through a comment left on one of his YouTube videos by a channel called orthotropics, run by British orthodontists John and Mike Mew.

  • What is the recommended method to achieve proper tongue posture?

    -To achieve proper tongue posture, one should keep the tongue pressed up against the roof of the mouth, especially the posterior third, applying a bit of pressure to expedite the process.

  • What is the significance of the submental triangle in facial aesthetics?

    -The submental triangle, formed by the jawline and neck, is an important feature in facial aesthetics. A well-defined submental triangle is often associated with a strong jawline and is considered attractive.

  • What is the impact of genetics on jawline and chin development?

    -Genetics play a role in determining the final shape and strength of one's jawline and chin. Factors such as the position of the hyoid bone can influence the ease with which an individual can develop a strong jawline.



🗣️ Achieving a Chiseled Jawline Through Nose Breathing and Mewing

Brett shares his personal journey of developing a chiseled jawline, inspired by movie stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brad Pitt. He realized that his sloping jawline was due to being a mouth breather. At 15, he decided to breathe exclusively through his nose, which he believes significantly improved his jawline. He also talks about jawline exercises and the importance of posture. Brett was introduced to the concept of mewing by orthodontists John and Mike Mew, which focuses on proper swallowing, hard chewing, and maintaining proper tongue posture. He emphasizes that these practices can lead to better facial structure and straighter teeth.


🦴 Reversing Receding Jawlines with Hard Chewing and Proper Tongue Posture

Brett explains the importance of hard chewing for facial structure development, noting that modern, soft foods have led to weaker facial muscles. He introduces his own brand of chewing gum, Brett's Jawline Chewing Gum, which is significantly harder than regular gum and designed to help develop the jaw muscles. He also discusses the critical role of proper tongue posture in mewing, which involves keeping the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth. This practice can influence facial growth, especially before the age of 25 when the facial structure is still malleable. Brett emphasizes the long-term commitment required for noticeable results and provides a simple test to check one's tongue posture.



💡Receding Chin

A receding chin refers to a facial feature where the chin appears to slope or melt away rather than protrude outward. In the video, the speaker describes his own experience of having a receding chin and how he worked to improve its appearance through specific habits and exercises.

💡Jawline Exercises

Jawline exercises are a set of physical movements aimed at strengthening and defining the jaw muscles to create a more prominent jawline. The speaker mentions that he tried various jawline exercises, but found them to be largely ineffective without addressing his breathing habits.

💡Nose Breathing

Nose breathing is the act of inhaling and exhaling through the nose. The video suggests that nose breathing, as opposed to mouth breathing, can contribute to the development of a stronger jawline. The speaker discovered that many people with good jawlines were nose breathers, and he consciously adopted this habit.


Posture refers to the way a person holds their body while standing or sitting. The video emphasizes the importance of maintaining good posture, such as standing straight with the head up and chest out, which can contribute to a more defined facial structure.

💡Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is a form of breath-freshening gum that is chewed as a piece of candy or for therapeutic purposes. The speaker recommends chewing gum all day as a way to develop a more prominent jaw structure and introduces his own brand of extra-hard gum designed for this purpose.


Mewing is a term derived from the name of its creators, the British orthodontists John and Mike Mew. It refers to a set of practices aimed at improving facial structure and dental alignment through proper tongue posture, swallowing, and chewing. The speaker discusses how he unknowingly practiced some aspects of mewing and how it contributed to his improved jawline.

💡Proper Swallowing

Proper swallowing is a technique where food is chewed into a mush and then moved to the back of the throat using a sweeping motion with the tongue. This method is part of the mewing practice and is said to prevent negative jaw growth and malocclusion by avoiding the sucking motion common in improper swallowing.

💡Hard Chewing

Hard chewing involves the vigorous chewing of food, which is believed to stimulate and strengthen the jaw muscles and facial structure. The video suggests that modern, soft diets may contribute to weaker facial structures, and that chewing hard gum can serve as a contemporary substitute for ancient practices of consuming tough foods.

💡Tongue Posture

Tongue posture refers to the position of the tongue, which should be pressed against the roof of the mouth, particularly at the back. This is a fundamental aspect of mewing and is thought to influence facial growth and development, especially in younger individuals where the facial structure is still malleable.

💡Submental Triangle

The submental triangle is the area defined by the jawline and the neck, which ideally forms a 90-degree angle. In the video, the speaker discusses how proper tongue posture can help create a more defined submental triangle, contributing to an improved facial profile.


Genetics refers to the hereditary factors that influence physical traits, including facial features. The video acknowledges that while habits and exercises can improve the jawline, there are genetic limitations to how much one can change their facial structure, such as the position of the hyoid bone.


Brett shares his personal journey to achieve a chiseled jawline, inspired by movie stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brad Pitt.

He realized that having a receding chin was linked to mouth breathing, unlike those with strong jawlines who breathe through their nose.

At 15 years old, Brett made a conscious decision to breathe exclusively through his nose to improve his jawline.

Brett recommends correcting posture by standing straight with the head up and chest out to enhance the jaw structure.

Chewing gum all day, especially hard gum, can contribute to a more prominent and wide jaw structure.

Brett was informed that his techniques resembled 'mewing', a movement started by British orthodontists John and Mike Mew.

Mewing focuses on three fundamental pillars: proper swallowing, hard chewing, and proper tongue posture.

Proper swallowing involves moving food to the back of the throat with a sweeping motion of the tongue.

Hard chewing helps develop facial muscles and structure, as it was a common practice in ancient times with harder foods.

Brett introduced 'Brett's Jawline Chewing Gum', a tablet gum 10-15 times harder than normal gum, to facilitate hard chewing.

Proper tongue posture is crucial and involves keeping the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth at all times.

Maintaining tongue posture can influence facial structure, especially before the age of 25 when facial cartilage is still malleable.

Brett suggests that the position of the hyoid bone can affect the ease of achieving a strong jawline, with some people being genetically advantaged.

He emphasizes the importance of starting these practices early in life for the best results, as changes become more difficult after the age of 25.

Brett's own experience with mewing began at 15, and he wishes he had started earlier to maximize the potential for jawline improvement.

The video concludes with an encouragement to try these methods and a link to Brett's gum for those interested in hard chewing as a part of their routine.