I made my smartphone into a dumbphone - how and why

21 Oct 202308:58

TLDRThe speaker discusses their minimalistic smartphone setup aimed at reducing distractions, emulating a 'dumb phone' experience while retaining essential features. They share their experiment with limiting screen time, resulting in identifying necessary apps and eliminating distractions. The setup includes a curated home screen, app blocking during focused hours, and minimal notifications. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting up a system to prevent mindless phone use and suggests specific apps for blocking, habit tracking, and mood logging. They argue that a well-configured smartphone can be more practical than a dumb phone in today's world.


  • 📱 The minimalistic phone setup aims to reduce distractions while retaining the useful features of a smartphone.
  • 🌐 A 'dumb phone' may not be practical in today's world due to the necessity of a smartphone for various tasks like airport check-ins and QR code scanning.
  • 📉 The speaker conducted an experiment to minimize screen time and discovered the essential features needed on their phone.
  • 🔧 The setup involves rearranging the home screen to only display essential apps, thus acting as a cue for their use.
  • 📚 The speaker primarily uses their phone for reading books and listening to audiobooks during downtime.
  • 🚫 Social media apps are blocked for the entire day except for a specific time frame, helping to avoid mindless scrolling.
  • 🔑 The use of blocking apps and features like notifications helps to minimize distractions and focus on important tasks.
  • 💡 The minimalistic setup includes a mood tracker, habit tracker, and a system for managing and analyzing personal data.
  • 🎯 The goal is to make the smartphone as utilitarian as possible, mirroring the functionality of a dumb phone with the benefits of a smartphone.
  • 🛠️ Specific apps are recommended for implementing the minimalistic phone setup, including Blank Spaces, Any Text, Habit Kit, and How We Feel.
  • 🌙 A shortcut is used to adjust the phone's display to reduce blue light, improving nighttime usage and sleep quality.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the minimalistic phone setup described in the transcript?

    -The main goal of the minimalistic phone setup is to minimize distractions and mimic the layout and design of a dumb phone while retaining the useful features of a smartphone.

  • Why did the author experiment with minimizing screen time for 30 days?

    -The author conducted the experiment to identify the truly essential features needed on their phone and to distinguish those features from the ones that were purely a distraction.

  • How does the layout of the phone's home screen influence the user's behavior according to the transcript?

    -The layout of the phone's home screen significantly affects the user's behavior by acting as a cue for which apps to open. By only placing essential apps on the home screen, the user reduces the likelihood of being distracted by non-essential apps.

  • What are some of the apps that the user chose to keep on their home screen?

    -The user chose to keep apps such as books, audiobooks, messaging apps, workout tracker, maps, and notes on their home screen.

  • How does the user manage the use of social media apps on their phone?

    -The user blocks social media apps on their phone for the entire day except for the hours of 6:00 to 7:00 PM, during which they allow themselves to use these apps.

  • What is the rationale behind allowing a limited amount of time for social media?

    -The rationale is to prevent excessive use of social media and to maintain focus on other important tasks throughout the day. The user found that limiting social media time to a specific window each day made it easier to avoid distractions.

  • How does the user handle notifications on their phone to minimize distractions?

    -The user only allows messages to come through and blocks notifications for promotional content or reminders from apps. This approach helps to reduce the distractions caused by constant notifications.

  • What is the purpose of the hidden widget on the user's phone?

    -The hidden widget allows the user to access certain apps like fitness analytics and sleep stages without having them on the home screen. It also includes a widget for text reminders that can be modified as needed.

  • How does the user's habit tracker help in maintaining focus and productivity?

    -The habit tracker motivates the user to maintain streaks of daily habits they wish to practice. By focusing on habits they want to do every day, it becomes easier to remember and more motivating to see progress.

  • What is the name of the app the user employs to block social media during specified times?

    -The user uses an app called Opal to block social media during specified times and set up a blocking system to avoid distractions.

  • What alternative features does the user suggest to further minimize distractions on the phone?

    -The user suggests using a voice assistant like Siri for quick queries, and a shortcut to remove all blue light from the phone, which can be helpful during night time activities like reading or messaging.



📱 Minimalistic Phone Setup for Reduced Distractions

The speaker discusses their minimalistic phone setup designed to minimize distractions, emulating a dumb phone's layout and design while retaining the useful features of a smartphone. They mention their experiment with reducing screen time and the realization of essential phone features versus distractions. The speaker's approach to organizing their home screen with only necessary apps is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of app placement and the absence of notification badges. They also discuss the use of a blocking system to limit access to social media apps, allowing only specific hours for their use, and share their experience with the effectiveness of this method in managing phone usage and maintaining focus.


🔒 Utilitarian Approach to Smartphone Usage

The speaker further elaborates on their utilitarian approach to smartphone usage, aiming to retain only the beneficial aspects of a smartphone while minimizing the potential for distraction. They discuss the use of Siri for quick information retrieval and their strategy for managing notifications, allowing only messages to come through and blocking promotional content. Additionally, the speaker introduces a shortcut to reduce blue light exposure at night and shares their perspective on the necessity of setting up constraints to protect one's attention in the face of increasingly addictive apps. The speaker concludes by advocating for the smartphone's adjustability and the importance of being intentional about phone usage, suggesting that a well-configured smartphone is more practical than downgrading to a dumb phone in the modern world.



💡minimalistic phone setup

The term 'minimalistic phone setup' refers to a deliberate arrangement of a smartphone's interface and functions to reduce distractions and focus on essential features. In the video, the speaker describes their phone layout that mimics a 'dumb phone' by only displaying necessary apps and widgets, aiming to retain the useful aspects of a smartphone while minimizing the potential for mindless browsing or excessive use.


In the context of the video, 'distraction' refers to anything that diverts attention away from the intended tasks or goals on the smartphone. The speaker discusses how a cluttered phone layout with numerous app icons and notifications can lead to distractions, which can result in excessive screen time and reduced productivity.


A 'smartphone' is a mobile device that combines the functions of a cell phone with those of a computer, offering advanced features such as internet access, multimedia playback, and the ability to run various applications. In the video, the speaker talks about making their smartphone function more like a 'dumb phone' by limiting its features to essential ones, to prevent distractions and excessive use.

💡dumb phone

A 'dumb phone,' as opposed to a smartphone, is a basic mobile phone that provides limited functions such as voice calls and text messages without the advanced features of a smartphone. The video discusses the idea of using a dumb phone to minimize distractions but ultimately suggests modifying the smartphone setup to retain only the necessary features.

💡screen time

Screen time refers to the amount of time spent looking at, interacting with, or using electronic devices with screens, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers. In the video, the speaker discusses an experiment to minimize screen time and shares their strategies to reduce it by altering their phone setup.

💡utilitarian device

A 'utilitarian device' is an object or tool designed for practical use rather than for pleasure or aesthetic purposes. In the context of the video, the speaker aims to transform their smartphone into a utilitarian device by removing features and apps that are not essential, thus focusing on the practical aspects of the device.

💡blocking system

The 'blocking system' refers to the speaker's strategy of restricting access to certain apps during specific times to prevent distractions and excessive use. This system is set up within the smartphone to ensure that the device is used only when necessary and for the intended purpose.


In the context of the video, 'notifications' are alerts or messages sent by apps to provide updates or reminders. The speaker discusses how allowing too many notifications can lead to distractions and excessive phone use, so they limit notifications to only messages.

💡blue light

Blue light is the portion of the visible light spectrum that is emitted by digital screens, such as those on smartphones, tablets, and computers. In the video, the speaker mentions the use of a shortcut to reduce blue light exposure, especially at night, to minimize potential negative effects on sleep and eye strain.

💡habit tracking

Habit tracking refers to the practice of monitoring and recording daily habits with the aim of improving them over time. In the video, the speaker uses a habit tracker to monitor daily habits, which helps them stay motivated and maintain a consistent routine.

💡smartphone addiction

Smartphone addiction is a condition where a person becomes excessively dependent on their smartphone to the point where it interferes with daily life and well-being. The video discusses strategies to combat smartphone addiction by setting up constraints and being intentional about phone usage.


The minimalistic phone setup is designed to minimize distractions while retaining useful smartphone features, mimicking the layout and design of a dumb phone.

The initial fascination with dumb phones revealed the difficulty of operating in today's world without a modern smartphone.

An experiment to minimize screen time led to discovering essential phone features and identifying distractions.

The homepage setup includes only essential apps, serving as cues to use them and reducing attention-dividing apps.

A utilitarian device is achieved by setting up a phone system that hardens the use of the phone for specific purposes.

The lock screen displays a goal and calendar, emphasizing productivity and task orientation.

The importance of app layout on the home screen was discovered to significantly affect app usage behavior.

Hidden widgets for fitness tracking and reminders help keep the home screen clean and focused.

Blocking social media apps for most of the day prevents falling into the trap of mindless scrolling.

A blocking system was implemented to limit access to distracting apps during focused hours.

The blocking system allows for a sustainable habit by enabling access during specific times.

Blocking additional distracting apps like the app store and Google.com further reduces the potential for mindless browsing.

The minimalistic approach aims to combine the simplicity of a dumb phone with the beneficial features of a smartphone.

Using Siri for quick lookups and questions reduces the need for opening multiple apps.

The minimalistic setup may be more effective than completely switching to a dumb phone in the modern world.

Adjustments and modifications on a smartphone allow for personalized constraints to protect attention and focus.

The discussion emphasizes the importance of setting up constraints to safeguard against the allure of social media and other addictive apps.