How I Use Kaiber Ai Transform Feature with Storyboards (Presentation, Tutorial, Process, & More)

Haibryd Matt
23 Jun 202338:35

TLDRThe transcript discusses the capabilities of Kyber AI's video transformation tool, which allows users to apply various styles and masks to digital media videos. The tool supports MOV or MP4 files up to 200 MB and a maximum duration of four minutes. The user shares their workflow, emphasizing the importance of the prompt when using the tool and the creative potential of experimenting with different styles and weights to achieve desired results. They also discuss the pros and cons of the AI's performance with different types of videos, highlighting challenges with quick movements and multiple subjects.


  • 📌 Transform is a video-to-video tool that allows masking or styling of digital media videos in MOV or MP4 format, with a maximum length of four minutes and file size under 200 MB.
  • 🎨 The tool offers various styles for video transformation, including Intergalactic and Cinemax, with the ability to add custom styles using applications like replit for more precise prompts.
  • 💡 The importance of the prompt cannot be overstated; it should accurately reflect the content of the video to ensure the best results from the transformation process.
  • 📈 The 'Evolve' parameter influences the level of creativity applied to the video, with lower values (1-3) sticking closer to the original video and higher values (6-7) introducing more imaginative elements.
  • 🎞️ Storyboarding is a useful feature that allows users to segment videos into chapters, providing more control over the pacing and focus of the final output.
  • 🌐 Weights can be assigned to specific elements within the video to prioritize their importance during the transformation process, which can help in maintaining focus on key subjects.
  • 🚀 The use of replit for generating prompts from a screenshot can assist in refining the transformation process, ensuring that the AI understands the main subject and actions within the video.
  • 🔄 The ability to revert to previous versions and tweak settings is crucial for achieving desired results, as AI-generated content may not always meet expectations on the first attempt.
  • 🎥 The tool has its limitations, particularly with videos containing multiple faces, limbs, or fast action, which can result in blurring or hallucination of random elements.
  • 🌟 Despite its challenges, the transformative potential of the tool is vast, offering creatives a new avenue for exploring and experimenting with video content.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of the AI tool discussed in the transcript?

    -The main feature of the AI tool discussed is video to video transformation, which allows users to mask or style videos with various digital media file formats, such as MOV or MP4.

  • What are the limitations of the AI tool in terms of video length and file size?

    -The AI tool can handle videos with a maximum length of four minutes and a file size limit of 200 megabytes.

  • What types of videos can be used with the AI tool?

    -The AI tool can be used with personal videos, YouTube videos, or any digital media video in MOV or MP4 format.

  • What is the significance of the 'Prompt' in the AI transformation process?

    -The 'Prompt' is crucial as it defines the outcome of the video transformation. It should accurately describe the content of the video to ensure the AI tool generates a relevant and desired output.

  • How does the 'Evolve' setting affect the AI transformation?

    -The 'Evolve' setting determines the level of creativity applied to the transformation. Lower values (1 to 3) stick closer to the original video, while higher values (6 or 7) allow for more creative and potentially 'wild' outputs.

  • What is the role of 'Weights' in the AI transformation process?

    -Weights help the AI tool focus on specific elements within the video. By assigning higher weights to certain objects or subjects, the tool is guided to prioritize their accurate and detailed representation in the transformation.

  • What is the purpose of using 'Storyboard' in the AI tool?

    -Storyboard allows users to segment the video into different sections, similar to chapters in a book, and apply different styles or settings to each segment for a more nuanced and varied output.

  • What are some of the challenges faced when using the AI tool for videos with multiple subjects or quick movements?

    -Videos with multiple subjects or quick movements can result in blurred images or unintended 'hallucinations' where the AI adds random elements that were not present in the original video.

  • How can users ensure the best results when using the AI tool?

    -Users should provide accurate and detailed prompts, use appropriate weights to focus on key elements, and experiment with different settings like 'Evolve' and 'Storyboard' to achieve the desired level of creativity and accuracy.

  • What additional tools or resources are mentioned in the transcript to enhance the AI transformation process?

    -The transcript mentions the use of 'replit' for generating prompts from screenshots and 'FL Teo' for downloading videos from YouTube in compatible formats.

  • What are some of the pros and cons of using the AI tool for video transformations?

    -Pros include the ability to creatively transform videos and focus on specific elements with weights. Cons include challenges with rendering multiple subjects or quick movements accurately and the potential for the AI to add unintended elements.



🎥 Introduction to Video Transform

The paragraph introduces the concept of video transformation, highlighting the capabilities of the AI tool being discussed. It mentions the tool's ability to process video-to-video transformations, with specific requirements such as file format (MOV or MP4) and file size (under 200 MB). The speaker shares their experience with the tool, mentioning limitations such as maximum video length (four minutes) and the absence of a free trial. They also discuss the importance of using royalty-free videos and provide a brief overview of the content that will be covered in the video, emphasizing the basics of video transformation.


🎨 Focusing on Style and Prompts

This paragraph delves into the importance of style and prompts in the video transformation process. The speaker emphasizes that the style is crucial and mentions various styles available, such as 'Intergalactic' and 'Cinemax'. They also introduce the use of an application called 'replit' to generate prompts from a screenshot, which aids in guiding the transformation process. The paragraph discusses the concept of 'Evolve', a parameter that influences the creativity and randomness of the output, with higher values leading to more imaginative results. The speaker shares their preference for working with and without audio, and their approach to using the AI tool for different types of videos.


🌐 Demonstrating the Transform Process

The speaker provides a walkthrough of the video transformation process, starting with selecting a prompt and adjusting the 'Evolve' parameter based on the desired level of creativity. They discuss the use of 'replit' to refine the prompt and the importance of matching the style to the content of the video. The paragraph also covers the use of storyboards to segment and edit the video, allowing for more control over the final output. The speaker shares their workflow, including the use of the 'back' button to iterate and refine the transformation, and the challenges of dealing with hallucinations and random elements in the AI's output.


🤖 Understanding AI's Limitations

This paragraph focuses on the limitations and challenges of using AI for video transformation. The speaker discusses the pros and cons of the AI tool, noting that it excels with single objects and slow motion but struggles with quick action, multiple faces, limbs, and complex scenes. They provide examples of these challenges and discuss strategies for tackling them, such as using 'replit' for assistance and adjusting the weights to focus on specific elements in the video. The speaker also shares their approach to using the tool for different types of content, emphasizing the importance of understanding the AI's capabilities and limitations.


🎞️ Applying Weights and Storyboards

The speaker continues to explore the use of weights and storyboards in the video transformation process. They discuss the importance of focusing on specific elements, such as the soccer ball in their example, and how adjusting weights can influence the AI's output. The paragraph covers the use of 'replit' to refine the prompt and the application of different styles, such as 'watercolor'. The speaker also demonstrates how to segment the video using storyboards and adjust the timing for different sections. They share their approach to iterating and refining the transformation, emphasizing the importance of creativity and experimentation.


🚀 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In the final paragraph, the speaker wraps up their discussion on video transformation with AI. They reflect on the pros and cons of the tool, noting that while it can produce impressive results, it also has limitations, particularly with complex scenes involving multiple subjects and actions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the AI's workings, the use of weights and prompts, and the potential for growth and improvement in the tool. They also share some technical insights into how the AI processes videos and the challenges of rendering multiple objects. The speaker concludes by expressing their enthusiasm for the potential of AI in video transformation and encourages viewers to experiment and learn with the tool.




In the context of the video, 'Transform' refers to a video-to-video AI tool that allows users to modify and stylize digital media videos. It is used to create new visual representations based on an original video input, often altering the style or mood. The tool works with MOV or MP4 files and has limitations on file size and duration.

💡Deep Dive

A 'Deep Dive' is a thorough and detailed exploration or analysis of a subject matter. In the video, the speaker indicates that they will be going on a deep dive to explain the functionalities and capabilities of the Transform tool, providing an in-depth understanding of its features and how to use them effectively.


Masking in video editing refers to the process of hiding or revealing certain parts of a video frame to apply specific effects or changes. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses the use of the Transform tool for masking and styling, indicating that it can selectively alter parts of a video to create a desired outcome.

💡Digital Media

Digital media refers to any form of media that is consumed through digital technology, such as videos, music, images, and text. In the video, the speaker is specifically discussing the manipulation of digital media videos using the Transform tool, which can alter their appearance and style.

💡File Size

File size is the amount of digital storage space required to store a file. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions that the Transform tool has a maximum file size limit of 200 megabytes for the videos that it can process, which is an important consideration for users when selecting videos to transform.

💡Prepaid Plan

A prepaid plan is a type of service plan where a user pays for a set of services or resources in advance. In the video, the speaker refers to a 'prepaid plan' in relation to the Transform tool, suggesting that users can purchase a plan that includes a certain amount of video transformations before needing to pay again.

💡Free Trial

A free trial is a period during which users can access a product or service without charge to evaluate its features and decide whether to continue using it after the trial period. The video speaker mentions a 'Free trial,' suggesting that new users of the Transform tool may have an initial period where they can use the service for free to test its capabilities.

💡Royalty Free

Royalty free means that once a payment is made for the use of a piece of work (like music, images, or videos), the user is allowed to use that work multiple times without paying additional royalties. In the context of the video, the speaker advises using royalty-free videos to avoid copyright issues when creating and sharing transformed videos.


A storyboard is a sequence of illustrations or images displayed in a comic strip-like format, often used in film, animation, and video production to visualize a narrative. In the video, the speaker uses the term to describe a feature within the Transform tool that allows users to segment and edit the video into different parts, similar to chapters in a book.


In the context of the video, 'weights' refer to the importance or focus assigned to specific elements within the video during the transformation process. By adjusting the weights, the user can influence the AI's attention to certain aspects of the video, ensuring that the output aligns more closely with the desired result.


Transform allows for video to video masking or styling, supporting various digital media formats like MOV and MP4.

The maximum duration for a video processed by Transform is four minutes, with a file size limit of 200 megabytes.

For the free trial, the limitations are not explicitly stated, but the trade plan allows a maximum length of four minutes and a file size of 200 megabytes.

Using royalty-free videos from sources like Pixabay is recommended to avoid copyright issues when working with the Transform tool.

The importance of the prompt is emphasized, as it should closely match the content of the video for optimal results.

The style selection in Transform is crucial, with options like Intergalactic and Cinemax, and a demonstration video is provided for reference.

The use of another application, Replit, is mentioned for generating prompts based on a screenshot of the video content.

The Evolve parameter in Transform is discussed, with lower values being more stable and higher values allowing for more creative and potentially 'wild' outputs.

The process of using storyboards in Transform is explained, allowing users to segment and edit the video like chapters of a book.

The addition of new features in Transform, such as storyboards and the ability to change logos, is mentioned as improving the user experience.

The concept of 'hallucinations' in AI-generated content is discussed, where the AI adds unexpected elements that weren't present in the original video.

The use of weights in Transform is explored, allowing users to prioritize certain elements in the video, such as the soccer ball in a soccer scene.

The challenges of handling multiple faces, limbs, and action movements in a video with Transform are acknowledged.

The pros and cons of using Transform are discussed, including its ability to handle singular objects smoothly and its struggle with quick movements and multiple subjects.

The importance of understanding the AI's underlying processes, such as stable diffusion, is emphasized for better control over the output.

The potential for growth and improvement in the Transform tool is highlighted, with expectations for future updates and changes.

The practical application of Transform is demonstrated through the creation of a soccer-themed video, showcasing the tool's capabilities and limitations.