How Spirit Communication Works

Off The Left Eye
25 Mar 202414:59

TLDRThe video script explores the concept of spiritual communication and how it has influenced human history. It delves into the mechanics of how messages from the spiritual realm are received by the human brain, emphasizing the role of the brain's language centers and the spiritual act of 'turning toward' to align minds and share languages. The script also discusses the activation of our physical hearing system by spiritual speech and the representation of the spiritual world in the human body, suggesting that angelic communication aims to guide individuals towards embodying angelic qualities of love and wisdom in their earthly lives.


  • 🌟 Voices from the spiritual world have significantly influenced human history and individual experiences.
  • 💬 Communication between the spiritual realm and humans involves overcoming language barriers through a process of 'turning toward' each other.
  • 🌐 Angels communicate in the language that humans understand, downloading it from the human's mind during the act of turning toward.
  • 🔄 The spiritual act of turning toward aligns minds, allowing for shared thought processes and, consequently, a common language.
  • 🗣️ Spiritual communication activates the same physical hearing mechanisms as human speech, making it audible to the individual but not to others.
  • 🧠 Neuroscientific studies support the idea that parts of the brain involved in hearing light up during spiritual experiences, resonating with Swedenborg's teachings.
  • 📚 Swedenborg's experiences suggest that different spiritual entities, such as God, spiritual angels, and heavenly angels, interact with different parts of the human body.
  • 🔮 The spiritual world organizes itself in a manner that mirrors the human body, with each part representing a different spiritual function or entity.
  • 🕊️ Angels and spirits can communicate collectively through an envoy spirit, focusing their collective wisdom and intention on one individual.
  • 💡 The purpose of angelic communication is to guide humans towards embodying angelic qualities of love and wisdom in their earthly lives.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the transcript is the concept of communication from the spiritual world to the human brain, and how it occurs.

  • How does the speaker describe the initial barrier in spiritual communication?

    -The speaker describes the initial barrier in spiritual communication as a language barrier, as the angel language does not correlate with earthly languages that humans use in their daily lives.

  • What is the 'turning toward' process in the context of spiritual communication?

    -The 'turning toward' process refers to the spiritual act of aligning minds, where angels or spirits turn towards humans, leading to a shared understanding and language, which enables communication.

  • How do angels or spirits communicate in a language that the listener can understand?

    -Angels or spirits communicate in a language that the listener can understand by downloading the listener's languages from their mind, allowing the angel's intention to be expressed in the listener's familiar language.

  • What is the mechanism behind the audibility of spiritual speech?

    -The mechanism behind the audibility of spiritual speech is that it activates the listener's physical hearing system from within, using the same mechanisms as physical speech but through an inner route.

  • How does the speaker relate the spiritual world to the human body?

    -The speaker relates the spiritual world to the human body by stating that every spirit in the spiritual world is organized into the form of the human body, and that the human body serves as a table of contents to the entire spiritual world.

  • What does the speaker mean when they refer to the 'grand body'?

    -The 'grand body' refers to the collective representation of all human forms in the spiritual world, where each part of the body corresponds to different types of spirits and their functions.

  • How can a group of angels communicate with a single person on Earth?

    -A group of angels can communicate with a single person on Earth by sending an envoy spirit to connect with the person, while the rest of the group turns towards the envoy, concentrating their intentions and wisdom in the person, making the envoy a representative of the entire group.

  • What is the purpose of angel communication according to the transcript?

    -The purpose of angel communication is to help humans become more angelic by influencing them to live by the love and wisdom that angels embody, allowing them to experience angelic qualities on Earth.

  • How can angel communication manifest in daily life?

    -Angel communication can manifest in daily life through various means, including interactions with neighbors or strangers on the street, and not necessarily through dramatic or overtly spiritual experiences.



🌟 Spiritual Communication: Understanding the Mechanics

This paragraph delves into the concept of spiritual communication and its significant impact on human history. It explores how people have historically received messages from the spiritual world, and the mechanisms that allow such communication to occur. The discussion begins with addressing the language barrier between the physical and spiritual realms, emphasizing that angels communicate in a language comprehensible to the individual, aligning their messages with the person's understanding and memory. The paragraph highlights the spiritual act of 'turning toward' as a crucial step for communication, leading to a shared language and thought process between the angel and the individual. It also touches upon the idea that angels and spirits can download languages from the person's mind, enabling effective communication.


🎧 The Activation of Physical Hearing in Spiritual Experiences

This section focuses on the auditory aspect of spiritual experiences, explaining how spiritual communication can activate our physical hearing system. It references the writings of Swedenborg, who suggests that spiritual speech uses the same mechanisms as physical speech to create a sound experience within our consciousness. The explanation includes the idea that spiritual speech first enters our thoughts and then our organ of hearing from within, unlike physical speech which travels through the air. The paragraph also discusses scientific studies that support the activation of the brain's auditory areas during spiritual experiences, reinforcing the notion that spiritual communication utilizes the same 'hardware' as physical communication.


👥 The Collective Nature of Angelic Communication

This paragraph discusses the collective nature of angelic communication, explaining that a single voice might represent an entire group of angels. It explores the concept of 'spiritual turning-toward' and how it enables a group of angels to focus their intentions and wisdom into a single envoy spirit, who then communicates with the individual. The metaphor of a solar mirror power station is used to illustrate how the concentrated efforts of multiple angels can be directed towards one person, making the individual feel as though they are in conversation with a unified group. The paragraph concludes by emphasizing that angelic communication aims to guide individuals towards living with angelic love and wisdom, and that such communication can manifest in various forms, including everyday interactions with others.



💡Spiritual World

The term 'Spiritual World' refers to a non-physical realm or dimension that exists beyond our physical reality. In the context of the video, it is a place where spirits and angels communicate and interact. It is depicted as a source of guidance and wisdom that can influence human experiences and is connected to the physical world through various mechanisms of communication.

💡Language Barrier

The 'Language Barrier' refers to the challenge of communication between different entities that do not share a common language. In the video, it is used to describe the initial障碍 between humans and spiritual beings, such as angels, who do not inherently speak the same language. However, through a process of 'turning toward' each other, this barrier is overcome, allowing for communication in a shared language.

💡Turning Toward

The concept of 'Turning Toward' in the video refers to the spiritual act of aligning oneself with another entity, leading to a union of minds and enabling communication. This act is not just about physical orientation but signifies a deeper connection and understanding between the communicating parties, allowing them to share thoughts, feelings, and languages.

💡Inner Ear

The 'Inner Ear' is a part of the human body responsible for auditory perception. In the context of the video, it is the physiological component that spiritual communications target to produce the experience of hearing a voice. The spiritual world is said to activate the inner ear, creating a sound experience similar to physical auditory input.

💡Memory and Language

In the video, 'Memory and Language' are interconnected cognitive functions that play a crucial role in spiritual communication. The act of an angel 'turning toward' a human involves entering into the individual's memory, which leads to a shared language and thought process. This shared understanding allows for effective communication between the spiritual and physical realms.

💡Physical Hearing System

The 'Physical Hearing System' refers to the biological mechanisms in the human body that allow for the perception of sound. In the video, it is explained that spiritual communications can activate this system from within, creating the experience of hearing a voice without the need for external sound waves.

💡Non-Physical Voices

The term 'Non-Physical Voices' refers to auditory experiences that originate from sources outside the physical world, such as spirits or angels. These voices are perceived as real and distinct by the individual but are not audible to others in close proximity, as they are activated internally within the listener's hearing mechanism.

💡Grand Body

The 'Grand Body' is a concept introduced in the video that represents the collective physical form of all spirits in the spiritual world. It is organized in such a way that every spirit corresponds to a specific part of the human body, and interactions with these spirits can be identified by the part of the body that is influenced during the communication.

💡Envoy Spirit

An 'Envoy Spirit' is a representative from the spiritual world who communicates with individuals on behalf of a larger community or group of spirits. This envoy serves as a focal point, channeling the collective wisdom and intention of the group to the person they are communicating with, creating a sense of direct interaction with the entire community.

💡Angel Communication

The term 'Angel Communication' refers to the process by which angels or spiritual beings convey messages to humans. This communication is meant to guide and assist humans in living a more angelic life, characterized by love and wisdom. It can occur through various means, including direct experiences or interactions with others that carry an angelic influence.

💡Angelic Influence

The 'Angelic Influence' is the positive impact or guidance that angels or spiritual beings have on humans, encouraging them to embody virtues such as love, wisdom, and compassion. This influence aims to help individuals align their actions and thoughts with the higher principles that angels represent, thereby living a more spiritually fulfilling life.


The concept that voices from the spiritual world have significantly impacted human history and spiritual movements.

The mechanics of how communication from the spiritual world to the human brain occurs, depending on the part of the brain and the type of spirits communicating.

The existence of a language barrier between humans and spiritual entities, and the intuitive knowledge of angelic language in the spiritual realm.

The process of angels adapting to human languages through the act of 'turning toward' and aligning minds for communication.

The psychological significance of 'turning toward' in the spiritual world as a manifestation of an alignment of minds.

The idea that angels or spirits can enter into human memory and share the same language during communication.

The activation of the human physical hearing system by spiritual speech, making it audible only to the individual.

The scientific studies supporting the activation of the brain's hearing areas during experiences of non-physical voices.

The unique organization of the spiritual world where every spirit is organized into the form of the human body.

The method by which different parts of the body are influenced by different types of spiritual entities, such as God, spiritual angels, and heavenly angels.

The concept of a group of angels communicating with a single person on Earth through an envoy spirit.

The powerful union achieved when multiple spirits communicate with one person, creating a representative or ambassador of the entire community.

The importance of discerning whether the communication from the spiritual world is benevolent and aligned with angelic love and wisdom.

The potential for angelic communication to occur through everyday interactions and not just through extraordinary experiences.