Midjourney Describe Command - How /describe Works

Roy Hendershot
5 Apr 202306:21

TLDRThe video introduces a new 'describe' command in mid-journey, a tool that allows users to upload images and receive AI-generated descriptions to create new images. The feature is demonstrated by uploading an image from Pixabay, which results in four different prompts. The video showcases the diversity of outputs, highlighting the potential for customization and the creative possibilities of the 'describe' command, while also expressing optimism for its future improvements.


  • ๐ŸŒŸ Mid-journey has introduced a new 'describe' command.
  • ๐Ÿ“ธ The 'describe' command allows users to upload images to the server.
  • ๐Ÿ” The server analyzes the uploaded image and generates a descriptive prompt.
  • โœ๏ธ Generated prompts can be used to create new images based on the original.
  • ๐ŸŽจ The AI provides four different output options for users to choose from.
  • ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Users can execute the prompts directly from the platform.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ The process is quick and doesn't take much time to complete.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก The 'describe' feature is expected to improve over time.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Users have the flexibility to modify the prompts as they see fit.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ The video demonstrates the 'describe' feature with examples and outcomes.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ The video creator encourages viewers to experiment with the feature and provide feedback.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the introduction of a new command called 'describe' in Mid-Journey, which allows users to upload images and generate prompts for creating new images based on the uploaded ones.

  • How did the speaker initially expect the 'describe' feature to be implemented?

    -The speaker initially expected the 'describe' feature to be implemented by Google, not within Mid-Journey itself.

  • What is the process for using the 'describe' command?

    -To use the 'describe' command, users type '/' followed by 'describe', then upload an image. The system analyzes the image and generates four different prompts that can be used to create new images.

  • What kind of outputs does the 'describe' command produce?

    -The 'describe' command produces four outputs, which are textual prompts describing the image. These prompts can be used as a basis for generating new images.

  • How long does it take for the 'describe' command to process an image?

    -The processing time for the 'describe' command is relatively short, with the speaker noting that it doesn't take long at all.

  • How can users interact with the generated prompts?

    -Users can click on the numbers corresponding to each of the four generated prompts to run them and create new images. They also have the option to make changes to the prompts before submitting them.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the quality of the generated images?

    -The speaker is impressed with the quality of the generated images, noting that they are good representations of the original image and could be used as computer wallpapers. However, they also mention that the colors sometimes do not match the original image.

  • How does the 'describe' command handle file names?

    -The 'describe' command can read the file name and generate a description based on it, but the speaker demonstrates that it is the image content, not the file name, that is primarily analyzed.

  • What is the speaker's prediction for the future of the 'describe' feature?

    -The speaker predicts that the 'describe' feature will improve over time, as people provide feedback and the technology continues to be refined.

  • What type of content is the 'describe' feature suitable for?

    -The 'describe' feature is suitable for creating content such as images for email marketing, wallpapers, and representations of concepts or scenes, including those that could be appealing for sci-fi enthusiasts.

  • How can users modify the prompts generated by the 'describe' command?

    -Users have the ability to change the generated prompts in any way they want before submitting them to create new images, allowing for customization and personalization.



๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Introducing the Describe Command for Image Analysis

The video begins with the introduction of a new feature called the 'describe' command, developed by Mid-Journey. The speaker expresses excitement about this tool, which has been long-awaited and was initially expected to come from a company like Google. The describe command allows users to upload any image to a server, which then analyzes the image and generates a prompt based on its content. This prompt can be used to create new images. The speaker demonstrates the process, starting by uploading an image found on Pixabay, renaming it to a series of numbers to ensure the command reads the image and not the file name. The server quickly responds with four different outputs, each offering a unique interpretation of the image. The outputs are described as being quite accurate and similar to the content of the original image. The speaker then proceeds to execute all four prompts, showcasing the versatility and potential applications of the describe command, such as creating wallpapers.


๐ŸŽจ Evaluating and Enhancing the Describe Command's Outputs

In the second paragraph, the speaker evaluates the outputs generated by the describe command. The first output is noted for its interesting color choice, although it doesn't perfectly match the original image. The second output is appreciated for its depiction of a connecting globe, while the third output is the speaker's favorite, as it effectively represents emails traveling through the internet with good color choices. The fourth output is less satisfactory, except for the depiction of an email in the upper right corner. The speaker then demonstrates the command on a second image, which results in varied interpretations. The first output inaccurately represents the image with the omission of sunglasses. The second output is favored for its oil portrait style, while the third output, despite lacking a hat or helmet, is appreciated for its cool backgrounds, potentially appealing to sci-fi enthusiasts. The speaker concludes by expressing optimism for the future improvement of the describe feature and encourages viewers to experiment with it, noting that prompts can be modified to achieve desired results. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to like, subscribe, and look forward to more Mid-Journey content.




Mid-Journey refers to a platform or software where users can generate images through AI. In the context of the video, it is the primary tool being discussed, and the introduction of a new command within it is the central focus. The video revolves around the capabilities and features of Mid-Journey, particularly the 'describe' command.

๐Ÿ’กDescribe Command

The 'describe' command is a feature that allows users to upload images to the server, which then analyzes the image and generates a textual description that can be used to create new images. This command is significant as it expands the creative possibilities within Mid-Journey, enabling users to derive new prompts from existing images.

๐Ÿ’กImage Upload

Image Upload refers to the process of transferring an image file from a local device to a server or platform, like Mid-Journey, to utilize its features. In the video, the user uploads an image to generate a description and create new images based on that description, showcasing the interactive nature of the platform.


A server in this context is a powerful computer or system that manages, stores, and retrieves data, and provides services to other computers or users. In the video, the server is where the uploaded images are processed by the 'describe' command to generate descriptions and new image prompts.


Prompts, in the context of the video, are textual descriptions or suggestions generated by the 'describe' command, which users can then use as a basis for creating new images. These prompts capture the essence of the uploaded image and provide a starting point for further creative input.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the video, AI is the driving force behind the 'describe' command, enabling it to analyze and interpret images to generate relevant prompts.

๐Ÿ’กImage Generation

Image Generation is the process of creating new images, often using AI or other computational methods. In the video, this is achieved by using the textual prompts generated by the 'describe' command as a basis for the AI to produce new visual content.


Creativity in this context refers to the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new and unique. The video highlights how the 'describe' command can enhance creativity by allowing users to generate new images from existing ones, thus expanding their creative possibilities.


Feedback in this scenario refers to the opinions, suggestions, or critiques provided by users to improve the functionality and performance of the 'describe' command. The video mentions that feedback is continuously being provided, indicating an ongoing process of refinement and enhancement.


Customization is the process of modifying or adapting a product or service to meet individual needs or preferences. In the video, users have the ability to change the generated prompts to better fit their desired outcome, showcasing the platform's flexibility and user-centric design.


Introduction to a new command called 'describe' in mid-journey.

The 'describe' command has been long-awaited by the speaker.

The command allows users to upload images to the server for analysis.

The server reads the image and generates a prompt based on its content.

The prompt can be used to create new images from the uploaded one.

A demonstration of the 'describe' command is provided in the video.

The process of using the 'describe' command is shown, including file upload.

The server provides four different outputs or prompts based on the image.

Users can select and run any of the four prompts directly from the interface.

The 'describe' command offers a unique feature not found in other platforms like Google.

The speaker is impressed with the accuracy and creativity of the command's outputs.

The video shows how the 'describe' command can be used for various applications, such as wallpapers.

The speaker believes that the 'describe' feature will improve over time with user feedback.

Users have the ability to modify the prompts to better suit their needs.

The video encourages viewers to experiment with the 'describe' feature.

The speaker plans to release more mid-journey videos in the future.