How To - Nightcafe Studio - How To Use Start Images (Advanced)

Ai Text To Image
23 Aug 202209:56

TLDRIn this Nightcafe Studio tutorial, Matt Carter demonstrates how to use start images to create art. He uses a personal photo taken in the woods as a base, explaining how the shape of the input image influences the output. Carter guides viewers through advanced options like seed selection, prompt weight, and noise levels to refine their creations. He showcases the results of both 'coherent' and 'artistic' styles, emphasizing the user's creative control over the AI-generated art. The video also introduces stable diffusion on Nightcafe, highlighting its ability to produce high-quality images迅速 and efficiently.


  • 📸 Start images can be used to manipulate personal photos in Nightcafe Studio for creative outputs.
  • 🌲 The shape of the input image dictates the output, which cannot be changed to a different shape.
  • 🏡 Example: An image taken in the woods can be transformed into an elves village with specific settings.
  • 🌱 Advanced options allow users to input seeds for unique effects and adjust the prompt weight for image matching.
  • 🔍 The start weight determines how closely the final image matches the start image, with higher values ensuring closer matches.
  • 🔊 Noise levels affect the deviation from the start image, with higher noise allowing for more creative freedom.
  • 🎨 Two models are used for image generation, with options to boost accuracy by using more or less of them.
  • 💡 Coherent and artistic styles offer different levels of detail and interpretation of the input image.
  • 🚀 Evolving an image allows for additional creative input and modifications to the generated artwork.
  • 🌈 Experimenting with different settings, seeds, and weights yields unique and personalized results.
  • 🛍️ Nightcafe Studio offers a Pro account with benefits, and using the 'marchatter' code provides a discount.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to use start images in NightCafe Studio, specifically focusing on advanced techniques.

  • Who is the presenter of the video?

    -The presenter of the video is Matt Carter.

  • How does Matt Carter use his own photos in NightCafe Studio?

    -Matt Carter uses his own photos by taking them, often from his surroundings, and then manipulates them in NightCafe Studio to create new images.

  • What is the significance of the shape of the input picture in NightCafe Studio?

    -The shape of the input picture dictates the shape of the output image in NightCafe Studio. The output will match the proportions of the input image.

  • What is a 'seed' in the context of NightCafe Studio?

    -A 'seed' in NightCafe Studio is a value that can be input to generate specific effects in the final image. Users can find and use seeds that produce desired outcomes.

  • What does 'prompt weight' refer to in NightCafe Studio?

    -The 'prompt weight' refers to how closely the final image should match the user's input prompt in NightCafe Studio. A higher weight means a closer match.

  • What is 'noise' in the context of NightCafe Studio?

    -In NightCafe Studio, 'noise' refers to the level of variation introduced to the final image. Higher noise values result in images that are further away from the start image.

  • What are the two models mentioned in the video?

    -The two models mentioned in the video are likely referring to the AI algorithms used in NightCafe Studio to generate images. One model is standard, and the other provides an accuracy boost.

  • What does 'evolving' an image mean in NightCafe Studio?

    -In NightCafe Studio, 'evolving' an image means adding extra elements or details to it, which can enhance or alter the final result.

  • What is the 'stable diffusion' feature mentioned at the end of the video?

    -The 'stable diffusion' feature is a newly live function on NightCafe that allows users to generate a series of images quickly, without needing to adjust the prompt each time.

  • What is the 'Mac Hatter' code mentioned by Matt Carter?

    -The 'Mac Hatter' code is a promotional code that users can apply to get a discount on the cost of a pro subscription to NightCafe Studio.



🎨 Night Cafe Studio: Image Manipulation and AI Art

In this segment, Matt Carter introduces viewers to the Night Cafe Studio, an AI-based platform for creating art. He discusses the process of using start images, which are personal photographs that he manipulates within the program. Carter demonstrates how the shape of the input image influences the output, and he shares his approach of starting with a basic idea and evolving it. He also explains the importance of seeds in achieving desired effects and the role of prompt weight in matching the final image to the initial prompt. Carter's goal is to create a small elven village using a photo he took in the woods, and he provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the advanced options within the studio to achieve this vision.


👩‍🎨 AI Art Ownership and the Creative Process

Carter addresses the common misconception that AI art is not a true form of creation, as humans are the ones who provide the initial input and direction for the AI to follow. He emphasizes that his own creativity is central to the process, as he takes the photographs and constructs the prompts that guide the AI in producing the artwork. He then showcases the results of his AI-generated art, highlighting the impressive level of detail and the seamless integration of his original photo into a fantasy landscape. Carter also mentions the addition of the Stable Diffusion feature on Night Cafe, which allows for rapid generation of multiple images, and he encourages viewers to explore the platform and take advantage of the discount offered through his referral code.



💡Nightcafe Studio

Nightcafe Studio is an online platform that utilizes AI technology to create art based on user-provided images and prompts. In the video, Matt Carter demonstrates how to use this platform to manipulate an image of a scene from the woods to create an artistic representation of an elves' village, showcasing the capabilities of Nightcafe Studio in transforming ordinary photos into unique pieces of art.

💡Start Images

Start images are the initial reference images that users upload to Nightcafe Studio to guide the AI in generating the final artwork. These images significantly influence the output, as the AI uses them to understand the desired style or subject matter. In the video, the concept of start images is crucial, as Matt Carter uses a personal photo as a start image to create a specific scene.


In the context of Nightcafe Studio, a seed is a numerical value that the AI uses to generate a unique outcome from the same input. Seeds are essential in creating variations of the final image, as they instruct the AI to produce different results even when the same start image and prompt are used. Matt Carter mentions seeds as a way to achieve specific effects in the generated art.

💡Prompt Weight

Prompt weight refers to the influence of the user's input or prompt on the final AI-generated image. A higher prompt weight means the AI will closely adhere to the user's instructions, while a lower weight allows for more creative freedom from the AI. In the video, Matt Carter emphasizes the importance of adjusting prompt weight to achieve the desired balance between his vision and the AI's interpretation.

💡Start Weight

Start weight is the degree to which the final image should resemble the start image provided by the user. By adjusting the start weight, users can control how much of the original image's characteristics are retained in the AI-generated artwork. In the video, Matt Carter adjusts the start weight to ensure that the AI-generated image maintains the essence of the woods scene while transforming it into an elves' village.


Noise in AI-generated art refers to the level of randomness introduced into the image generation process. Higher noise values result in more deviation from the start image, allowing for more creative and less predictable outcomes. In the video, Matt Carter explains that adjusting noise levels lets users control the degree of artistic variation in the final artwork.

💡Accuracy Boost

Accuracy boost is a feature in Nightcafe Studio that enhances the precision of the AI-generated image. By using more advanced models, the AI can produce images that are more accurate and closely aligned with the user's input. However, this feature requires more processing time and may consume more credits. In the video, Matt Carter mentions accuracy boost as a way to improve the quality of the AI-generated art.


The coherent option in Nightcafe Studio refers to a setting that ensures the AI-generated image maintains a logical and consistent representation of the start image's content. This setting is particularly useful when users want the final artwork to closely follow the original scene or subject matter. In the video, Matt Carter uses the coherent setting to create a realistic depiction of an elves' village based on his woods photo.


The artistic option in Nightcafe Studio allows for more creative freedom in the AI-generated image, often resulting in a more stylized or abstract interpretation of the start image. This setting is ideal for users who want the AI to take greater liberties in creating a unique piece of art. In the video, Matt Carter also explores the artistic option to see how it transforms his woods photo into a different interpretation of the elves' village.


Evolving in the context of Nightcafe Studio is a process where users can add extra elements or details to the AI-generated image, encouraging the AI to expand upon the initial creation. This feature allows for further customization and enhancement of the artwork beyond the initial generation. In the video, Matt Carter uses the evolving feature to enhance the elves' village scene by adding more details and elements.


Matt Carter introduces advanced techniques for using start images in NightCafe Studio.

The shape of the input image dictates the output image's shape in NightCafe Studio.

Using personal photographs as a starting point for AI-generated art is a common practice.

Manipulating images in NightCafe Studio can result in creative outcomes, such as an elven village.

Advanced options in NightCafe Studio allow users to input seeds for specific effects.

The prompt weight determines how closely the final image matches the input prompt.

The start weight controls the influence of the start image on the final result.

Noise levels in NightCafe Studio affect the deviation from the start image.

Accuracy boost options in NightCafe Studio can enhance the precision of the AI's output.

Experimentation with different settings in NightCafe Studio leads to unique and personal art creations.

The coherent option in NightCafe Studio creates realistic and detailed AI-generated images.

The artistic option offers a different approach to AI-generated art with its own set of options.

Evolving an image in NightCafe Studio allows for additional creative elements to be added.

Combining the coherent and artistic options in NightCafe Studio can produce unique and imaginative outcomes.

Stable diffusion has been introduced in NightCafe, offering rapid generation of high-quality images.

NightCafe Studio's advanced features empower users to create truly personalized and innovative art pieces.

Joining the Discord community provides access to technical explanations and support from experienced users.

Using the Mac Hatter code offers a discount on the Pro subscription, enhancing the NightCafe experience.