How do LLMs like ChatGPT work? Explained by Deep-Fake Ryan Gosling using Synclabs and ElevenLabs.

2 Apr 202408:31

TLDRIn this informative video, 'Deep-Fake Ryan Gosling' introduces the concept of text-to-text generative AI, specifically focusing on Large Language Models (LLMs). LLMs are AI models capable of understanding and generating human language, performing tasks like translation, composing text, answering questions, and engaging in conversation. Examples include GPT-4, Gemini, CLAE, and Mistral. The video explains the process of text generation by LLMs, starting with input prompts that are tokenized into smaller pieces. These tokens are then converted into numerical representations called embeddings, which are refined through a self-attention mechanism to create context-aware embeddings. The model calculates the probability of the next output token based on these embeddings, generating text iteratively until the desired output is produced. The analogy of life's story generation by an LLM is used to illustrate the process, emphasizing the self-attention mechanism's ability to consider the entire history of inputs, not just the most recent ones. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to explore more about generative AI and its various applications.


  • 🧠 Large Language Models (LLMs) are AI models designed to understand and generate human language, capable of various tasks like translation, text composition, answering questions, and more.
  • 📚 Examples of LLMs include GPT-4 by Open AI, Gemini by Google, CLAE-3, Opus by Anthropic, Mistral by Mistral AI, LLaMA by Meta, and Grok by X.
  • 🛠️ Some LLMs are open source, allowing for use, modification, and sharing, while others are commercial with unique features and support for businesses.
  • ✂️ The text-to-text generation process involves tokenizing the input text into smaller pieces called tokens, which are often words or parts of words.
  • 📊 Each token is then turned into an embedding, a numerical representation that captures the complex semantics of the word, using parameters from a pre-trained model.
  • ⚙️ The self-attention mechanism within the Transformer architecture allows the model to identify the most important words and nuances in the input prompt for context-aware output generation.
  • 🔄 The initial embeddings are transformed into context-aware embeddings by moving through different Transformer layers and applying the self-attention mechanism.
  • 🎲 The model calculates the probabilities of the next output token based on the context-aware embeddings matrix and chooses the next token, which can be influenced by the temperature setting.
  • 🔠 Each generation cycle produces one token at a time, iteratively building the output until the task is complete.
  • 💡 The process of generating text with an LLM can be philosophically compared to generating the story of one's life, with the model considering both recent and important historical moments.
  • 📈 The Transformer architecture is a revolutionary aspect of modern LLMs, enabling them to look back at the entire history of the input to generate the most relevant next moment.
  • 🔑 Understanding the acronym GPT involves knowing that 'G' stands for generative, 'P' for pre-trained, and 'T' for Transformers, highlighting the model's approach to generating output.

Q & A

  • What are Large Language Models (LLMs) and what can they do?

    -Large Language Models (LLMs) are artificial intelligence models designed to understand and generate human language. They can perform a variety of tasks such as translating languages, composing text, answering questions, writing code, summarizing documents, generating creative content, providing explanations on complex topics, and engaging in human-like conversations.

  • What are some well-known examples of LLMs?

    -Some well-known examples of LLMs include GPT-4 by Open AI, Gemini by Google, Claude 3 by Anthropic, OPUS by Mistral AI, LLaMA by Meta, and Grock by X.

  • What is the difference between open source and commercial LLMs?

    -Open source LLMs, like Mistral and LLaMA, can be used, modified, and shared by anyone, similar to a shared recipe. Commercial LLMs, on the other hand, are more like a restaurant dish that you can only enjoy by visiting or paying for it. They often come with support and unique features for businesses.

  • How does the text-to-text generation process in LLMs work?

    -The text-to-text generation process in LLMs involves converting an input text into a desired output text. It starts with the user input, which is split into tokens. Each token is then turned into an embedding, a numerical representation that a computer can understand. The model uses a self-attention mechanism to transform these embeddings into context-aware embeddings. Finally, the model decodes these embeddings into an output, choosing the next token based on a probability distribution.

  • What is a token in the context of LLMs?

    -In the context of LLMs, a token is a small, manageable piece of the input text. It could be a word, a part of a word, or even a character, depending on the model's design. For most models, a token equals a word.

  • How are the initial embeddings of tokens created in LLMs?

    -The initial embeddings of tokens in LLMs are created based on parameters received from a pre-trained model. This model has been pre-trained on a large amount of text from various sources such as books, articles, conversations, and movies, allowing it to learn the complexities of human language.

  • What is the role of the self-attention mechanism in LLMs?

    -The self-attention mechanism in LLMs identifies the most important words and nuances in the input prompt needed to generate the most relevant output. It transforms the initial embeddings into context-aware embeddings by fine-tuning them to the context and calculating the importance of each word in the input prompt.

  • How does the temperature setting in LLMs affect the output?

    -The temperature setting in LLMs determines the creativity and randomness of the output. A low temperature setting makes the model pick the most likely token, leading to more predictable and less creative answers. As the temperature increases, the model may choose less likely tokens, resulting in more creative and less repetitive answers. However, setting the temperature too high may lead to incoherent or 'gibberish' output.

  • What is the Transformer architecture and how does it improve LLMs?

    -The Transformer architecture is a revolutionary approach in LLMs that uses a self-attention mechanism. Unlike older models that only consider the most recent moments when predicting the next moment, Transformers look back at the entire history and select the most relevant moments to generate the next one, making the predictions more contextually aware and accurate.

  • How does the iterative process of generating an output in LLMs work?

    -The iterative process in LLMs involves generating one token at a time based on the embeddings matrix of the input. Each new output token is added to the input prompt, and new embeddings are created for each input token. The model then chooses the next token based on the new embeddings matrix, repeating this process until the full output is generated.

  • What are some potential applications of LLMs in real-world scenarios?

    -LLMs have a wide range of potential applications, including language translation, content creation, customer service automation, educational tutoring, medical diagnosis assistance, legal research, and many more. They can also be used for generating creative writing, coding, summarizing complex documents, and providing explanations on difficult topics.

  • How can one learn more about advanced topics related to generative AI?

    -To learn more about advanced topics related to generative AI, one can explore resources such as research papers, online courses, webinars, and tutorials. Subscribing to channels and following experts in the field can also provide updates on the latest developments and applications of generative AI.



📚 Introduction to Text-to-Text Generative AI

Ryan Gosling introduces the concept of text-to-text generative AI, explaining what large language models (LLMs) are and their capabilities. LLMs are AI models designed to comprehend and produce human language, capable of tasks like translation, text composition, answering questions, and more. Examples of LLMs include GP4, Gemini, Clae, 3 Opus, Mistral, Llama, and Grock. The video discusses the open-source nature of some models, which allows for collaboration and innovation, contrasting with commercial models that offer support and unique features. The script delves into the text generation process of LLMs, starting with the input prompt and moving through tokenization, embedding, and the self-attention mechanism that refines the context-aware embeddings. The process is iterative, generating one token at a time until the desired output is achieved.


🧠 The Workings of LLMs: A Philosophical Perspective

The second paragraph continues the exploration of LLMs by describing the process of generating context-aware embeddings and decoding them into an output. It uses the metaphor of life's story to explain how LLMs predict the next moment in a sequence, taking into account not just recent history but also significant past events that influence the present. The self-attention mechanism in transformer architectures allows LLMs to consider the entire context when generating text. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to like, subscribe, and ask questions for further clarification on generative AI and related topics.



💡Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models, also known as LLMs, are a type of artificial intelligence model specifically designed to comprehend and generate human language. They are capable of performing a variety of tasks, such as language translation, text composition, answering queries, writing code, summarizing documents, creating creative content, and even engaging in conversations that mimic human dialogue. The video emphasizes the versatility and complexity of LLMs, highlighting their ability to understand and produce text in a manner that reflects the nuances of human communication.

💡Text-to-Text Generation

Text-to-text generation is a process by which LLMs convert an input text into a desired output text. This process is central to the functionality of LLMs and is depicted in the video as a sophisticated mechanism that involves tokenization, embedding, and decoding. The video uses the example of generating a motivational speech for a football coach to illustrate how an LLM might take an input prompt and generate a coherent and contextually relevant output.


In the context of LLMs, tokens are the basic units of text that the model uses to process language. Tokens can be words, parts of words, or even characters, depending on the design of the model. The video explains that tokens are created by splitting the input text into smaller, more manageable pieces. This tokenization process is a fundamental step in preparing the text for the model to understand and generate responses.


Embeddings are numerical representations of the complex semantics of tokens that allow a computer to understand the meaning of words or phrases. In the video, it is mentioned that each token is turned into an embedding, a vector of numbers that captures various semantic properties of the word. These embeddings form the basis for the model to generate context-aware responses and are derived from a pre-trained model's parameters.

💡Self-Attention Mechanism

The self-attention mechanism is a crucial component of the Transformer architecture used in LLMs. It allows the model to identify the most important words and nuances in the input text necessary for generating a relevant output. The video describes how this mechanism revolutionizes LLMs by enabling them to consider the entire context of the input, rather than just the immediately preceding words, when generating the next token in a sequence.

💡Transformer Architecture

The Transformer architecture is a type of neural network architecture that has significantly improved the performance of LLMs. It is characterized by its use of attention mechanisms, which allow the model to focus on different parts of the input when generating the output. The video highlights the Transformer architecture as a revolutionary aspect of modern LLMs, enabling them to produce more accurate and contextually rich text.

💡Pre-trained Model

A pre-trained model refers to an LLM that has been trained on a large corpus of text data to learn the patterns and structures of human language. The video explains that the initial embeddings used by LLMs are based on parameters from a pre-trained model, which has been exposed to a wide variety of texts from books, articles, conversations, and more. This pre-training enables the LLM to generate text that is more aligned with human language use.

💡Context-Aware Embeddings

Context-aware embeddings are embeddings that have been adjusted to take into account the context in which a word or phrase appears. The video illustrates how, through the self-attention mechanism and multiple transformer layers, the initial embeddings are transformed into context-aware embeddings. This transformation allows the LLM to generate output text that is more relevant and sensitive to the specific context of the input prompt.

💡Probability Distribution

In the process of text generation by LLMs, a probability distribution is used to determine the likelihood of each possible next token in the sequence. The video describes how the model calculates these probabilities based on the context-aware embeddings of the input tokens and selects the next token accordingly. The temperature setting of the model influences how likely it is to choose less probable tokens, which can affect the creativity and diversity of the generated text.

💡Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

Generative Pre-trained Transformer, or GPT, is a specific type of LLM developed by OpenAI. The video uses GPT as an example to explain the workings of LLMs. The acronym GPT encapsulates the key features of the model: 'Generative' refers to its ability to produce new text, 'Pre-trained' indicates that it uses parameters from a model trained on a large text corpus, and 'Transformer' highlights the architecture that enables its advanced language processing capabilities.

💡Temperature Setting

The temperature setting in an LLM is a parameter that controls the randomness of the text generation process. A low temperature setting causes the model to choose the most probable token, leading to more predictable and less diverse outputs. Conversely, a higher temperature setting allows for more variability and creativity in the generated text, but it also increases the risk of generating nonsensical or irrelevant text. The video discusses the importance of balancing the temperature setting to achieve a desired level of creativity without compromising coherence.


Large Language Models (LLMs) are designed to understand and generate human language.

LLMs can perform tasks such as translating languages, composing text, answering questions, and engaging in conversation.

Examples of LLMs include GPT-4, Gemini, CLAE 3, Opus, Mistral, and LLaMA.

Some LLMs are open source, allowing for modification and sharing, while others are commercial with unique features for businesses.

The text-to-text generation process involves converting input text into desired output text through a sophisticated process.

Input prompts are split into tokens, which can be words, parts of words, or characters.

Tokens are converted into embeddings, a numerical representation that computers can understand.

Initial embeddings are based on parameters from a pre-trained model that has learned the complexities of human language.

The self-attention mechanism identifies the most important words and nuances in the input prompt for relevant output generation.

Context-aware embeddings are created by fine-tuning initial embeddings through Transformer layers.

The probabilities of the next output token are calculated based on the context-aware embeddings matrix.

The temperature setting of the model determines the likelihood of choosing the most probable token or exploring less likely options for creativity.

Each generation cycle produces one token at a time, iteratively building the output.

The Transformer architecture with a self-attention mechanism allows LLMs to consider the entire history for generating the next moment.

LLMs can be compared to generating the story of one's life, with each moment influenced by the entire history.

Generative AI, like LLMs, has practical applications in various fields such as image and speech generation, and autonomous agents.

The acronym GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformers, highlighting the model's capabilities and architecture.

For more information on LLMs and generative AI, including fine-tuning and prompt engineering, consider subscribing to the channel.