"Watermarking Language Models" paper and GPTZero EXPLAINED | How to detect text by ChatGPT?

AI Coffee Break with Letitia
31 Jan 202316:05

TLDRThe video discusses methods to detect AI-generated text, focusing on GPTZero and watermarking. GPTZero measures perplexity and burstiness to identify AI text, but can be fooled by errors. Watermarking involves embedding a unique fingerprint in AI text, detectable through statistical analysis. While watermarking is promising, it can be bypassed by certain attacks, and its effectiveness relies on model creators' willingness to implement it.


  • 👩‍💼 Ms. Coffee Bean, a YouTube educator, also teaches machine learning to her university students.
  • 🤖 Concerns about distinguishing between AI-generated and human-written texts have risen with ChatGPT's popularity.
  • 🔎 GPTZero, a tool for detecting AI-generated text, analyzes text perplexity and burstiness to differentiate between AI and human writing.
  • 🏷️ Watermarking is proposed as a method to embed a unique, unnoticeable fingerprint in AI-generated text, aiding in its identification.
  • 💻 Cohere is highlighted as a user-friendly platform allowing access to advanced language models for text classification and generation.
  • ✨ Perplexity measures text's unpredictability to a model, and higher perplexity usually indicates human authorship.
  • ⚡ Burstiness examines sentence complexity and variability, attributes that tend to be more pronounced in human-written texts.
  • 🤷 Watermarking operates by randomly blacklisting words during text generation, making AI-generated text identifiable through statistical analysis.
  • 🔧 Challenges and potential ways to bypass watermarking include brute-force attacks, emoji attacks, and text paraphrasing.
  • 🛠 Debates exist on the effectiveness and necessity of watermarking, with considerations on its application and regulation in AI technologies.
  • 💬 Audience engagement is encouraged through questions on their views regarding watermarking ChatGPT and the implications for AI-generated content.

Q & A

  • What is Ms. Coffee Bean's profession outside of YouTube?

    -Ms. Coffee Bean teaches machine learning at her university.

  • What concern does Ms. Coffee Bean have regarding her students' project proposals?

    -Ms. Coffee Bean is concerned that some project proposals might be written by AI, such as ChatGPT, rather than her students themselves.

  • What are the two methods introduced in the video for detecting AI-generated text?

    -The two methods introduced are GPTZero, a tool that measures perplexity and burstiness, and watermarking, a method that embeds a unique fingerprint in the text output of language models.

  • What is the main sponsor of the video and what do they offer?

    -The main sponsor is Cohere, which offers the ability to use advanced language models for text classification and document generation without requiring machine learning skills.

  • How does GPTZero determine whether a text is AI-generated or human-written?

    -GPTZero measures the perplexity and burstiness of the text. High perplexity indicates human-written text, while low perplexity suggests AI generation. Burstiness assesses sentence complexity, with humans typically having more varied sentence structures.

  • What is the limitation of GPTZero in detecting AI-generated text?

    -GPTZero can be fooled by introducing minor errors like spelling mistakes or grammar errors, and it may incorrectly label low burstiness human writing as AI-generated.

  • How does the watermarking method detect AI-generated text?

    -Watermarking involves randomly blacklisting a percentage of words during the text generation process. The blacklist is determined by a seed, which can be reconstructed to identify blacklisted words in the generated text, indicating AI authorship.

  • What are some potential attacks on the watermarking method?

    -Attacks include word substitutions, using non-watermarked models to paraphrase outputs, and the 'emoji attack', which randomizes the blacklist by inserting emojis and then removing the added content.

  • How might the 'emoji attack' on watermarking work?

    -The 'emoji attack' instructs the language model to insert emojis or replace letters with them, which randomizes the blacklist and can fool the watermarking detection. The attacker then removes the added emojis, leaving behind text that appears to be human-written.

  • What is the main drawback of watermarking in terms of widespread adoption?

    -The main drawback is that watermarking relies on language model creators and companies to voluntarily implement it. Without strict regulation, not all models will be watermarked, and tools like GPTZero may still be necessary for detecting unwatermarked AI-generated text.

  • What is the role of Cohere in facilitating the use of language models?

    -Cohere simplifies the integration of advanced transformer-based models like GPT and BERT into applications by handling the heavy lifting under the hood, allowing developers to generate text with just a few lines of code in Python.

  • How can users sign up to use Cohere's services?

    -Users can sign up to Cohere and explore its features, including a newly launched multilingual text understanding model, using the link provided in the video description.



🤖 Detecting AI-Generated Text with GPTZero and Watermarking

This paragraph introduces the problem of distinguishing between human-written and AI-generated text, particularly in the context of ChatGPT. It presents two methods for detection: GPTZero, a tool that measures perplexity and burstiness to identify AI text, and watermarking, a more promising approach that involves embedding a unique fingerprint in AI-generated text. The paragraph also mentions the sponsorship of the video by Cohere, a platform for incorporating advanced language models into applications.


🧐 Understanding GPTZero's Detection Mechanism

This paragraph delves into how GPTZero works, focusing on its measurement of perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity gauges the surprise of a language model when presented with a text, with higher perplexity indicating human authorship. Burstiness measures sentence complexity and variation, which tends to be more consistent in AI-generated text compared to human writing. The paragraph also discusses the limitations of GPTZero, such as its vulnerability to being fooled by intentional errors and its inability to accurately assess texts with low complexity.


🔍 The Promise of Watermarking for AI Text Detection

This paragraph explains the concept of watermarking as a method for detecting AI-generated text. Watermarking involves randomly blacklisting a percentage of words during the language model's decoding process, creating a unique pattern that can be detected statistically. The watermark is unnoticeable to humans but can be identified using the random seed and the blacklist. The paragraph also discusses potential attacks on the watermarking system, such as word substitutions and the 'emoji attack,' and acknowledges that watermarking's effectiveness relies on model creators' willingness to implement it.


💡 The Future of AI Text Detection and Watermarking

The final paragraph discusses the implications of watermarking for the future of AI text detection. It highlights the need for widespread adoption and potential regulation to ensure that all language models are watermarked. The paragraph also invites viewers to share their opinions on whether watermarking is a necessary step for ChatGPT and AI-generated content. It concludes with a call to action for viewers to engage in the discussion and a farewell until the next video.



💡AI-generated text

AI-generated text refers to content created by artificial intelligence, specifically language models like ChatGPT. In the context of the video, it's a central theme as the speaker discusses methods to detect whether a piece of text is authored by humans or AI. The video explores tools and techniques to differentiate between human and AI writing, which is crucial in academic and professional settings to ensure originality and authenticity.


GPTZero is a tool designed to detect AI-generated text by measuring perplexity and burstiness of the text. It works by analyzing the complexity and predictability of the content to determine if it was likely produced by a language model or written by a human. The video script mentions GPTZero as a popular tool, especially among educators, to identify potential AI-generated content.


In the context of language modeling, perplexity is a measure of how well a model predicts a sample of text. It quantifies the familiarity of a produced text to a language model. A lower perplexity indicates that the text is more predictable and likely generated by a language model, while a higher perplexity suggests the text is less predictable and more likely human-written. The video script explains that GPTZero uses perplexity to assess the probability of a sentence being generated by a language model.


Burstiness is a measure of sentence complexity and variation in a text. It reflects the tendency of certain words to appear in clusters within a text. Humans typically use varied sentence lengths and incorporate a mix of common and rare words, leading to high burstiness, whereas AI-generated text tends to be more uniform and consistent, showing low burstiness. The video script uses the concept of burstiness as one of the indicators to differentiate between human and AI writing.


Watermarking, in the context of AI and language models, refers to a method of embedding a unique, statistically detectable fingerprint into the text output by an AI model. This watermark is imperceptible to humans but can be identified through statistical analysis. The video script discusses watermarking as a promising approach to detect AI-generated text with more confidence than other methods.

💡Decoding mechanism

Decoding mechanism is the process by which a language model generates text based on predicted probabilities for the next word. It involves selecting words from a probability distribution to create coherent and meaningful sentences. The video script mentions that watermarking is applied at the decoding step, where the model chooses the next word from a distribution, with the possibility of blacklisting certain words based on a random seed.

💡Random seed

A random seed is a starting point used by a random number generator to produce a sequence of numbers. In the context of watermarking, the random seed determines which words are blacklisted during the text generation process. The video script highlights that the last word of the input is used as the random seed, allowing the reconstruction of the blacklist at any time.

💡Language model

A language model is an AI system designed to process and predict sequences of words, understanding and generating human-like text. In the video, language models are the core technology behind AI-generated text, and the discussion revolves around detecting the output of such models. The video introduces methods like GPTZero and watermarking to identify text produced by these models.


Cohere is a platform that allows users to integrate large language models into their applications for tasks such as text classification and document generation. It simplifies the use of advanced natural language processing models by providing an easy-to-use interface and code that can be implemented without extensive machine learning expertise. The video script mentions Cohere as a sponsor, highlighting its capabilities and ease of use.

💡Natural language processing (NLP)

Natural language processing is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. It involves the development of algorithms and computational models that can understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is both meaningful and useful. The video script discusses the advancements in NLP, particularly in relation to large language models and their applications.

💡Text normalization

Text normalization is the process of altering text to a standard format to facilitate analysis. This may involve removing extra whitespaces, correcting misspellings, or standardizing punctuation. In the context of the video, text normalization is mentioned as a potential method to circumvent watermark detection by ensuring that the text is in a consistent and expected format.


Ms. Coffee Bean teaches machine learning at her university.

The concern over whether a student's project proposal was written by themselves or AI like ChatGPT.

The introduction of two methods for detecting AI-generated text: GPTZero and watermarking.

Cohere's sponsorship of the video and their platform for using advanced language models without machine learning skills.

GPTZero's method of detecting AI text by measuring perplexity and burstiness.

Perplexity as a measure of how surprising a text is to a language model.

Burstiness as a measure of sentence complexity and variation in human versus AI writing.

The potential weakness of GPTZero in detecting AI text and ways to fool it.

Watermarking as a more reliable method for detecting AI-generated text by embedding a unique fingerprint.

How watermarking works by blacklisting certain words during the language model's decoding process.

The ability to reconstruct a watermark by using the random seed and the same random number generator.

Potential attacks on watermarking, such as word substitutions and the 'emoji attack'.

The limitations of watermarking in ensuring all future language models will be watermarked.

The discussion on whether watermarking is necessary and its impact on the trust in AI-generated content.

The video's call to action for viewers to share their thoughts on the necessity of watermarking for AI-generated content.