How to Create AI Tools with No Coding Experience with MindStudio

Marshall Fox
9 Oct 202312:07

TLDRMindStudio is a platform that enables users to create and sell AI tools without any coding experience. The platform simplifies interaction with AI and has the potential to generate monthly revenue. It features a showcase of over 2,000 AIs built by individuals and offers specialized tools for specific tasks, such as blog post writing and data analysis. Users can try AIs for free and, if desired, create their own AIs using simple tutorials and templates. MindStudio's interface is straightforward, allowing users to personalize training data, set up prompts, and publish their AIs. The platform is the creation of Demitri Shapiro and his team, backed by significant investment, aiming to make AI accessible and profitable for everyone without the need for technical expertise.


  • 🎥 MindStudio by UI allows users to create and sell AI tools without needing coding skills, making AI more accessible and user-friendly.
  • 💡 Embrace AI technology to stay competitive, as it's not AI itself, but people using AI who may outpace you in the job market.
  • 🚀 UI showcases over 2,000 AI tools created by everyday people, enabling specialized tasks without direct interaction with complex AI models.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 One example is the 'Parenting Co-pilot' which acts like an assistant by providing advice based on extensive knowledge of parenting books.
  • 📝 The platform offers various AI tools for tasks such as blog writing and data analysis, with customization to tailor outputs to specific needs.
  • 🛠️ MindStudio features an integrated development environment where users can either create new AIs from scratch or remix existing ones.
  • 🤖 AI creation in MindStudio involves collecting specific user information to optimize outputs, crucial for the tool's effectiveness.
  • 💼 There are various applications for UI’s AIs, including content generation, problem-solving, customer engagement, and business strategy.
  • 🏢 MindStudio was co-founded by Demitri Shapiro, a former Google product manager, highlighting its reputable and experienced leadership.
  • 💲 Users can monetize their AI tools through subscriptions, receiving 70% of the revenue, thereby providing a financial incentive for innovation.

Q & A

  • What is MindStudio and how does it relate to AI?

    -MindStudio is a platform that allows users to create and sell AI tools without any coding experience. It's designed to make AI more accessible and user-friendly, enabling people to interact with AI in a more personalized and efficient manner.

  • How does MindStudio change the way people think about and interact with AI?

    -MindStudio showcases over 2,000 AI tools built by people like the user, offering specialized AI for specific tasks. This approach allows for more targeted and effective AI applications, making AI easier to use and potentially generating extra income through monthly subscriptions.

  • What was the speaker's initial skepticism about AI?

    -The speaker was initially overwhelmed by AI and concerned that it would take jobs. However, a statement by Chris Doe helped the speaker realize that it's not AI itself that takes jobs, but rather people who know how to use AI effectively.

  • Can you explain the concept of 'remixing' in the context of MindStudio?

    -Remixing in MindStudio refers to the ability to take an existing AI tool, make a copy of it, and then modify and customize it to suit one's needs. This feature is available for free AI tools, allowing users to learn from and build upon the work of others.

  • How does MindStudio assist in creating AI tools that provide optimized output?

    -MindStudio assists by guiding users through a process of collecting the right context from end users. It provides a structured interface for defining prompts, setting up automated workflows, and choosing the right AI model to ensure the most optimized output.

  • What are some of the AI tools featured in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions a 'parenting co-pilot' AI that provides advice on parenting scenarios, and a 'Blog Genie' AI that generates blog posts based on a user's writing style and brand values.

  • How does the speaker describe the process of using an AI tool from the MindStudio showcase?

    -The process involves selecting an AI tool from the showcase, providing necessary information or prompts as required by the tool, and then receiving a tailored response or output. The speaker demonstrates this with a parenting co-pilot scenario and a blog post creation.

  • What is the significance of the 'scaffolds' in MindStudio?

    -Scaffolds in MindStudio are templates that users can start with when creating a new AI tool. They provide a foundation and structure to build upon, making the process of developing AI tools faster and easier, especially for those without coding experience.

  • Who is behind MindStudio and what is their background?

    -MindStudio is the brainchild of Demitri Shapiro and his co-founder Shan Th. Demitri Shapiro is a former product manager at Google and a self-taught software engineer with a background in electrical engineering. He is currently the CEO of Gold Meta Inc, the parent company of Koji and MindStudio.

  • How does MindStudio aim to democratize AI tool creation?

    -MindStudio aims to democratize AI tool creation by providing a no-code integrated development environment. This allows anyone, regardless of their technical background, to build AI tools and integrate them into their business workflows, making AI more accessible and enabling monetization of these tools.

  • What are the potential applications of AI tools created with MindStudio?

    -AI tools created with MindStudio can be used for a wide range of applications, including learning, content generation, problem-solving, data analysis, customer engagement, business strategy, and as personal assistants for various tasks such as meal planning or healthcare advice.

  • What is the revenue model for AI tools created on MindStudio?

    -AI tools created on MindStudio can be offered for free or with a monthly subscription fee. If a subscription model is chosen, the creator receives 70% of the fee, while MindStudio takes a 30% share.



🚀 Introduction to My Studio by UI: AI Tools for Everyone

The speaker introduces My Studio by UI, a platform that allows users to create and sell AI tools without any coding experience. It emphasizes the ease of use and the potential for generating extra income. Initially skeptical about AI, the speaker highlights a shift in perspective after realizing that those who don't embrace AI risk being left behind by those who do. The speaker shares their experience with AI tools like Midjourney and Chat GPT, noting the importance of context and specific prompts to get the most out of AI. The video showcases the variety of AI tools available on UI, such as a parenting co-pilot and a blog writing AI, demonstrating their utility and potential for customization.


🛠️ Building AI with My Studio: A No-Code Solution

The speaker explains how My Studio functions as an integrated development environment for building AI tools. It emphasizes the no-code aspect, making it accessible to anyone, even without coding experience. The process of building an AI tool involves selecting a template or starting from scratch, collecting personalized training data, setting up prompts and workflows, and customizing the AI's behavior. The speaker also discusses the monetization options, where creators can offer their AI tools for free or charge a monthly subscription, with a revenue split between the creator and UI. The speaker also touches on the importance of context in optimizing AI output and how My Studio helps in creating tools that gather the right context from users.


🌟 My Studio's Impact and Future of AI Integration

The speaker discusses the wide range of applications for AI tools, from content generation and problem-solving to data analysis and business strategy. They mention the background of My Studio's creators, Demitri Shapiro and Shan Th, highlighting their experience and credibility in the tech industry. The speaker emphasizes that My Studio is designed to empower individuals to build user-friendly AI tools without needing to be experts in technical fields. The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to sign up for My Studio, explore the AI tools available, and start building their own, positioning AI as a transformative technology that will impact all businesses and encouraging early adoption.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is central to the discussion as it explores how platforms like MindStudio enable users to create and sell AI tools without any coding experience, thus democratizing AI usage and allowing more people to interact with and benefit from AI technology.


MindStudio is a platform mentioned in the video that allows users to create and sell AI tools without any coding experience. It is designed to simplify the interaction with AI and make it more accessible to a broader audience. The platform is highlighted as a way to change the way people think about and interact with AI, potentially leading to extra income through the sale of AI tools.

💡Coding Experience

Coding experience typically refers to the knowledge and skill set required to write computer programs. In the context of the video, the lack of necessity for coding experience is emphasized as a key feature of MindStudio, allowing individuals from various backgrounds to create AI tools and participate in the AI industry without the barrier of programming expertise.

💡AI Tools

AI tools are applications or software that incorporate AI to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. The video discusses how MindStudio facilitates the creation of specialized AI tools for specific tasks, such as blog post writing or data analysis, making these tools more targeted and effective for their intended use.

💡Monthly Recurrent Revenue

Monthly Recurrent Revenue (MRR) is a metric that businesses use to estimate the income that a company can expect to receive every month. In the video, the potential to generate MRR is presented as a benefit of using MindStudio to create and sell AI tools, suggesting that there is a market for these tools and a potential income stream for creators.

💡Embrace AI

The phrase 'embrace AI' is used in the video to encourage viewers to accept and utilize AI technology rather than fear it. It is suggested that not embracing AI could lead to being left behind professionally, as others use AI to advance their careers and businesses.


Prompts are the inputs or questions given to an AI system to generate a response or perform a task. In the context of the video, creating effective prompts is crucial for getting the desired output from AI tools. The video emphasizes the importance of long, thought-out prompts for achieving satisfactory results with AI.

💡Personalized Training Data

Personalized training data refers to the specific information collected from users to train an AI system to provide personalized responses. The video explains that in MindStudio, creators can collect this data to tailor the AI's output to individual users, enhancing the effectiveness of the AI tool.


Scaffolds in the context of MindStudio are templates that users can choose from to start building their AI tools. These scaffolds provide a foundation and structure to speed up the development process, allowing users to focus on customization and personalization rather than starting from scratch.

💡Remixable AI

Remixable AI refers to AI tools that can be duplicated and modified by other users to create their own versions. In the video, it is mentioned that free AI tools on MindStudio can be remixed, allowing for collaboration and further innovation within the platform's community.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of improving the visibility of a website or content in search engine results. The video mentions SEO in relation to the Blog Genie AI tool, which provides keywords and an overview to help optimize blog posts for search engines, demonstrating the practical application of AI in digital marketing.


MindStudio is a platform that allows users to create and sell AI tools without any coding experience.

The platform can change the way users think about and interact with AI, making it more accessible and potentially providing a source of income.

AI is not a job-stealing technology but rather a tool that can be used by those who adapt to it.

Users can become pioneers in the AI space by embracing and utilizing AI tools.

MindStudio showcases over 2,000 AI tools built by people with no direct interaction with complex models like chat GPT.

AI tools on the platform are specialized for specific tasks, such as blog post writing or data analysis.

The platform offers a free trial for all AI tools, allowing users to test them before subscribing.

The 'parenting co-pilot' AI provides personalized advice for parenting scenarios based on user input.

The 'Blog Genie' AI generates blog posts based on a user's writing style and brand values.

MindStudio provides an integrated development environment for building AI tools without coding.

Building an AI tool typically takes less than 30 minutes with the help of templates called 'scaffolds'.

The platform emphasizes the importance of context in generating optimized outputs from AI.

Users can create AI tools that gather the right context from end users for better responses.

MindStudio allows users to remix existing AI tools to create their own versions.

The interface of MindStudio is divided into three main areas: personalized training data, prompt area, and a terminal for testing.

AI tools created on the platform can be offered for free or with a monthly subscription.

Creators of AI tools on MindStudio can earn 70% of the subscription fee if they choose to charge for their tool.

MindStudio is suitable for a wide range of applications, from learning and content generation to business strategy and personal assistance.

Demitri Shapiro, a former Google product manager and co-founder of MindStudio, aims to make AI accessible to everyone without the need for technical expertise.

The platform is backed by significant investment and is part of a larger movement towards integrating AI into everyday business and personal use.