How to Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney V6!

Tao Prompts
17 Mar 202418:37

TLDRThis tutorial guides viewers on creating consistent characters in Midjourney V6, a tool for generating images. It explains how to maintain a character's features across various scenarios by using the '--cref' feature with a reference image URL. The video covers changing camera angles, backgrounds, and facial expressions while keeping the character consistent. It also touches on character weight adjustment for creative flexibility and using multiple reference images for more accurate results. The process is demonstrated with both photorealistic and anime-style characters, showing how to generate full-body images and interact with different environments. The tutorial also addresses limitations, such as difficulties in adding accessories not present in the original references and the use of personal reference images outside of Midjourney.


  • 🎨 Use Midjourney's consistent character feature to generate images of the same person in different scenarios.
  • πŸ”— Include a reference image link with the --cref parameter to ensure character consistency.
  • πŸ“Έ Experiment with various camera angles to capture the character from different perspectives.
  • πŸŒ„ Place the character in diverse environments by modifying the prompt accordingly.
  • πŸ˜ƒ Alter facial expressions by adding emotions or actions to the prompt.
  • πŸ”„ Combine camera angles, backgrounds, and expressions for more creative and flexible outputs.
  • 🎨 Adjust color grading in images by including descriptors like 'desaturated' or 'saturated' in the prompt.
  • βš–οΈ Utilize the character weight parameter (--cw) to balance creativity and consistency in the generated images.
  • πŸ”— Attach multiple reference images for more consistent results by pasting their links after the --cref parameter.
  • πŸ› οΈ Use the /prefer_option_set command to save a set of image links under a custom name for easier recall.
  • 🧒 Be aware that the character consistency tool may struggle with adding accessories not present in the original reference images.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the tutorial?

    -The tutorial aims to guide users on how to create a consistent character in Midjourney, showing how to generate the same character in different environments, activities, and perspectives while maintaining consistent facial features, hair, clothing, and body type.

  • How does the consistent character feature in Midjourney work?

    -The consistent character feature in Midjourney works by creating a reference image and then using the --cref parameter followed by the URL of the reference image in the prompt. This allows Midjourney to match the generated character to the reference photo.

  • What are some specific details to include when creating a reference photo?

    -When creating a reference photo, it's important to include specifics about the person's appearance such as hair, eye, and skin color. Using a film type like Kodak Portra can help generate more realistic looking photos.

  • How can one change the camera angle in the generated images?

    -To change the camera angle, one can add terms to the prompt such as 'high angle shot from above', 'low angle shot from below', or 'side angle view' to position the camera as desired relative to the character.

  • How does one add different environments to the character in the generated images?

    -Different environments can be added by including descriptive terms in the prompt that specify the background, such as 'behind her is a forest with huge mushrooms' or 'behind him is a futuristic city at night with bright neon lights'.

  • What is the character weight parameter and how does it affect the generated images?

    -The character weight parameter, accessed by typing --cw after the prompt, is a number between 0 to 100, with 100 being the default. It controls the level of creativity injected into the images. A lower character weight allows for more changes to the clothing, hairstyle, and visual style of the image.

  • How can multiple reference images be used for a more consistent character?

    -Multiple reference images can be used by pasting the image links for different reference images after the --cref parameter in the prompt. This can lead to more consistent results as the AI has more references to draw from.

  • What is the /prefer_option_set command used for?

    -The /prefer_option_set command is used to save multiple image links to a custom name, which can then be called with a single command. This is useful for avoiding the need to copy and paste multiple image links into the prompt each time.

  • How can one ensure that the entire body of the character is captured in the generated images?

    -To capture the entire body, one should provide Midjourney with clues in the prompt that indicate the full figure's action, such as 'reading a book', 'on a Simpsons skateboard', or 'wearing Nike shoes'.

  • What happens when trying to add accessories that weren't in the original reference images?

    -The character consistency tool may struggle to add accessories that weren't in the original reference images, potentially resulting in a mix-up or partial generation of the accessory, like hair and a hat blending together.

  • Can one use their own reference images that weren't generated in Midjourney for the consistent characters feature?

    -While it might be possible to use external reference images, the consistent characters feature is designed to work best with images generated within Midjourney. Using external images may not yield consistent or expected results.

  • How does the tutorial help in creating an anime-style character?

    -The tutorial guides users through turning on Niji mode for anime-style images, creating a reference image with specific prompts, adjusting facial expressions, camera angles, and backgrounds, and using full body turnaround images for more consistent character generation.



🎨 Creating a Consistent Character in Midjourney

The video tutorial guides viewers on how to create a consistent character in Midjourney, an AI image generation tool. It explains how to maintain the same face, hair, clothing, and body type of a character across various backgrounds and activities. The process involves using the --cref feature with a reference image URL to ensure consistency. The tutorial also covers changing camera angles, environments, and facial expressions, and introduces the character weight parameter --cw to adjust creativity levels in image generation.


🌌 Customizing Environments and Expressions

This section delves into altering the character's environment and expressions for more dynamic images. It demonstrates how to place the character in different settings, such as a forest with giant mushrooms or a futuristic city, and how to adjust the character's emotions. The video also explores the use of color grading and the character weight parameter to achieve various visual styles, from watercolor to anime. Additionally, it discusses using multiple reference images for greater consistency and introduces a command for saving image links under a custom name for easier access.


🧒 Accessorizing and Inpainting Characters

The tutorial addresses the challenge of adding accessories not present in the original reference images and suggests a workaround using the Vary Region button to inpaint items like a baseball cap onto the character. It also highlights the capability of creating consistent cartoon or anime-style characters by using the Niji mode in Midjourney and generating a full-body turnaround image for a complete character design. The process of adjusting prompts and using Remix Mode for consistency is also covered, along with saving multiple reference images under a character name for future use.


πŸš€ Advanced Character Interactions and Limitations

This part of the tutorial discusses the possibilities and limitations of creating interactive scenarios with the consistent character feature. It shows how to generate images of the character performing various activities, such as walking up to a temple, standing on a pirate ship, or interacting with other subjects like riding a reindeer. However, it also notes the difficulties in achieving consistent interactions, such as fighting a fire demon. The video concludes with a note on the limitations of using external reference images with the consistent characters feature and offers a beginner's guide for those new to Midjourney.




Midjourney refers to a generative art platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to create images based on textual descriptions provided by users. In the video, Midjourney is used to generate consistent characters in various scenarios by maintaining core features like facial structure, clothing, and expressions. This tool's versatility is demonstrated through generating multiple images of the same character in different environments and from various camera angles.

πŸ’‘consistent character feature

The 'consistent character feature' in Midjourney is a tool designed to maintain the visual consistency of a character across different images. It ensures that the character's face, hair, clothing, and body type remain the same even when the background, camera angles, or activities change. In the script, this feature is used to create images of a character in diverse scenarios like running, eating, or riding a reindeer, while ensuring the character appears the same in each image.


In the context of Midjourney, '--cref' is a command used to reference a specific image that serves as a standard for generating other images. This ensures that new images produced have a consistent appearance with the reference image. The video describes using '--cref' with the URL of an initial character image to guide the generation of subsequent images, keeping the character's appearance consistent.

πŸ’‘facial expressions

Facial expressions in the video refer to the various emotions that can be rendered on a character's face using Midjourney. By modifying prompts, users can generate images where the character displays different emotions like sadness, happiness, or surprise. The ability to adjust facial expressions enhances the realistic portrayal of characters in different situations.

πŸ’‘camera angles

Camera angles in the video describe the perspective from which the character is viewed. Examples include a high angle (looking down on the character), a low angle (looking up), or a side view. Adjusting the camera angle in the prompts changes how the character is portrayed, affecting the visual dynamics and the viewer's perception of the scene.


Environments in the video pertain to the various backgrounds against which the characters are placed, such as forests, cities, or an arboretum. Midjourney allows users to specify these settings in their prompts, creating diverse scenes that enrich the storytelling aspect of the images. The choice of environment can dramatically change the context and mood of the generated images.

πŸ’‘character weight

Character weight is a parameter in Midjourney that controls how closely the generated images adhere to the reference image in terms of visual details like facial structure and clothing. A higher weight means more fidelity to the reference, while a lower weight allows for more creative deviations. This is used to balance between maintaining consistency and introducing creative elements into the images.


Photorealistic refers to the generation of images that closely resemble real photographs in terms of detail, texture, and lighting. In the video, Midjourney is used to create photorealistic images of characters, which enhances the realism of scenarios depicted in the images. This is particularly important for maintaining immersion in various narrative contexts presented throughout the tutorial.

πŸ’‘anime style

Anime style in the video indicates a specific genre of animation that originates from Japan, characterized by colorful artwork, vibrant characters, and fantastical themes. The script discusses generating characters in this style using Midjourney, highlighting the tool's capability to adapt to different artistic styles and create images that appeal to diverse aesthetic preferences.

πŸ’‘reference photo

A reference photo in the context of the video serves as a model or benchmark for generating consistent images of a character. It is used in conjunction with the '--cref' command to ensure that new images maintain the key attributes of the character depicted in the reference photo. This technique is crucial for projects requiring continuity in character appearance across multiple scenes or settings.


This tutorial demonstrates how to create a consistent character in Midjourney using various backgrounds and activities.

The consistent character feature allows for the same face, hair, clothing, and body type to be maintained across images.

To generate a reference photo, specifics about the character's appearance are used along with a film type like Kodak Portra for realism.

The cref parameter is used with the URL of the reference image to maintain consistency in generated photos.

Different camera angles can be applied while keeping the character consistent by modifying the prompt accordingly.

Environments can be changed by adding descriptive elements to the prompt, such as 'behind her is a forest with huge mushrooms'.

Facial expressions can be altered by including an emotion or action in the prompt.

Combining camera angles, backgrounds, and facial expressions allows for creative flexibility with the consistent character feature.

The character weight parameter (cw) adjusts the level of creativity in the generated images, with 100 being the default for close adherence to the reference.

Lowering the character weight allows for more changes in clothing, hairstyle, and visual style.

Multiple reference images can be attached for more consistent results by using the cref parameter with multiple image links.

The /prefer_option_set command saves multiple image links under a custom name for easier recall in future prompts.

The character consistency tool struggles with adding accessories not present in the original reference images.

Niji mode is tailored for generating anime-style images and can be activated for creating consistent cartoon characters.

Full body turnaround images are needed for a more consistent representation of the character's entire body and clothing.

Remix Mode can be used to combine the original character's headshot with a full body image for a more accurate representation.

The consistent character feature can be used to place the character in various interactive scenarios, although it may not always be perfect.

Using personal reference images not generated in Midjourney with the consistent characters feature may not yield the best results as it's not the intended use.