How To Create Consistent Characters In Fooocus

Monzon Media
19 Feb 202411:03

TLDRThe video script discusses techniques for achieving character consistency in AI-generated images using tools like Focus and stable diffusion platforms. It emphasizes the impossibility of perfect consistency through prompting alone but suggests a method involving the use of specific models, reference images, and post-production editing for close-ups and headshots. The process includes generating multiple images with varying angles, using inpainting for logo removal, and adjusting settings for closer consistency, ultimately building a library of consistent character poses and attire.


  • 🎥 Character consistency in art can't be fully achieved through prompting alone, but tools like Focus and IP adapter can help get close to it.
  • 📹 The presenter plans to make multiple videos on character consistency, starting with the basics and moving towards more advanced techniques.
  • 🖌️ For beginners, it's essential to understand the basics of stable diffusion and Focus before attempting advanced character consistency techniques.
  • 🌟 The presenter suggests using a specific model like 'real cartoon Excel' for achieving a Pixar comic style and close-up headshot of a character.
  • 👤 Using fictitious names and stating ethnicities in the prompt can help develop different characteristics and reduce biases in the generated images.
  • 👕 Keeping attire simple (like a blue hoodie) helps maintain consistency across different images.
  • 🖼️ Generating a variety of images with different angles and poses allows for better selection of a consistent character face.
  • 🔄 Face swapping and inpainting tools can be used to modify and improve the generated images, such as removing logos or adjusting attire.
  • 🎨 The presenter emphasizes the importance of having a few good reference images to build a library of consistent character poses and attire.
  • 📈 By adjusting settings like weight and stop values in Focus, one can improve the consistency of character images.
  • 📊 The process of achieving character consistency is iterative and may require going through multiple generations and modifications to get the desired result.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is achieving character consistency in Focus, a tool for image generation using AI.

  • Is it possible to achieve 100% character consistency through prompting alone?

    -No, achieving 100% character consistency through prompting alone is not possible. However, with certain tools and post-production, one can get very close to consistency.

  • What are the recommended starting settings for performance in Focus?

    -The recommended starting settings for performance include using speed for now and an aspect ratio of 832 by 1152, although users can choose their preferred size.

  • Why is it important to use specific names and ethnicities in the prompts?

    -Using specific names and ethnicities helps to develop different characteristics and avoid the biases that certain models may have, leading to more diverse and consistent character representations.

  • How does the presenter suggest handling logos or unwanted elements in the generated images?

    -The presenter suggests using the inpainting tool in Focus to remove logos or unwanted elements from the generated images, and if necessary, regenerating until the desired result is achieved.

  • What is the purpose of generating multiple images of the character?

    -Generating multiple images allows for the selection of a few good front-facing images that can be used as references for further image generation, helping to maintain character consistency.

  • What is the significance of having a white background in the prompts?

    -A white background simplifies the image and helps maintain focus on the character, making it easier to achieve consistency across different images.

  • How can the character's attire be kept simple to avoid inconsistencies?

    -By specifying a simple and consistent attire, such as a plain blue hoodie or black hoodie, the character can be more easily recognized across different images, reducing the chances of inconsistencies.

  • What is the role of reference images in achieving character consistency?

    -Reference images are crucial for maintaining character consistency as they serve as a basis for future image generations, ensuring that the character's appearance remains recognizable and uniform.

  • What is the next step suggested in the video for improving character consistency?

    -The next step suggested is to further refine the process by increasing the weight parameter in the image prompt settings, which helps to improve the consistency of the character's appearance across different images.

  • How can the audience engage with the content of the video?

    -The audience can engage by hitting the like button if they found value in the video, and sharing their thoughts in the comments section for further discussion and clarification.



🎨 Introduction to Character Consistency

The video begins by addressing the challenge of achieving 100% character consistency through prompts alone. It acknowledges that while it's impossible to attain perfect consistency, tools like Focus and IP adapter, along with stable diffusion platforms, can help get very close with some post-production work. The video will focus on creating a consistent character and assumes viewers have basic knowledge of stable diffusion and Focus. It emphasizes the importance of starting settings, style choices, and the use of specific models for better results. The speaker shares tips on crafting prompts for consistent facial features and attire, and encourages generating multiple images for future reference.


🖌️ Refining Character Images

This paragraph delves into the process of refining character images for consistency. It discusses the importance of selecting images with similar poses and styles, and the need to edit out unwanted elements such as logos. The video demonstrates how to use inpainting tools to remove logos from hats and other clothing items, and the value of having multiple reference images for achieving consistency. It also touches on the limitations of the process and the iterative nature of generating and refining images, highlighting the goal of obtaining a few images that look similar enough to build upon for more consistent character depictions.


🌟 Achieving Near-Ideal Consistency

The final paragraph summarizes the process of achieving near-ideal character consistency without training. It showcases examples of images that have been refined to maintain consistency in attire and pose, and emphasizes the effectiveness of using simple styles to avoid complications. The video also discusses the potential for creating a library of poses and clothing options based on a limited number of reference images. The speaker concludes by highlighting the practicality of the method and encourages viewers to apply these techniques in their own projects, promising to explore further steps in the next video.



💡Character Consistency

Character consistency refers to the ability to maintain a uniform and recognizable appearance of a character across different instances within a medium, such as videos or illustrations. In the context of the video, it is about achieving a consistent look for a character using various digital tools and techniques, despite the challenges of achieving 100% consistency through prompting alone.


Focus is a platform or tool mentioned in the video that is used for creating digital art or images. It is likely a reference to a specific software or application that allows users to generate images based on prompts and的风格 settings. The video suggests that Focus, when combined with other tools, can help users get close to achieving character consistency.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a term that refers to a category of AI models used for generating images or art. These models are capable of creating new images based on textual prompts, and they are known for their ability to produce a variety of outputs that can closely resemble the input's style or content. In the video, the speaker discusses using Stable Diffusion platforms to achieve a high level of character consistency.


Post-production refers to the process of editing and refining content after its initial creation. In the context of the video, this involves using additional software or techniques to modify and improve the consistency of a character's appearance in a series of images generated through AI models. The video outlines specific post-production steps, such as inpainting and face swapping, to enhance character consistency.


Prompting in the context of the video refers to the act of providing textual input or instructions to AI models to generate specific outputs, such as images of a character. The video emphasizes that while prompting can get close to achieving character consistency, it falls short of perfect consistency without additional post-production work.

💡IP Adapter

IP Adapter is mentioned as a tool or platform in the video that can be used in conjunction with Focus and Stable Diffusion platforms to enhance character consistency. While the exact nature of an IP Adapter is not detailed, it is implied to be a tool that helps in the process of achieving more consistent character images.

💡Face Swap

Face Swap is a feature or technique used in post-production to replace one face with another in an image or a series of images. In the video, it is used as a method to maintain character consistency by using a reference image of a face and swapping it with other images to ensure the character's appearance remains uniform.


Inpaint is a method used in digital image editing to fill in or remove unwanted parts of an image by using the surrounding pixels and patterns to create a seamless and natural-looking result. In the video, inpainting is employed to remove elements like logos from a character's clothing across multiple images, contributing to a more consistent visual representation of the character.

💡Reference Image

A reference image is a pre-existing or selected image that serves as a guide or template for creating or editing other images to achieve a specific look or style. In the context of the video, reference images are crucial for maintaining character consistency, as they provide a basis for the AI models to generate or modify images that align with the desired character appearance.

💡Style Tab

The Style Tab likely refers to a section or settings within a digital tool or software, such as Focus, where users can select or adjust stylistic parameters to influence the appearance of the images generated. In the video, the speaker encourages users to start with a clean slate in the Style Tab to ensure the chosen model's style is applied effectively.


Character consistency is crucial in creating a cohesive narrative or visual presentation.

Achieving 100% character consistency through prompting alone is not possible, but getting 80-90% there is achievable with available tools.

Using tools like Focus, IP adapter, and stable diffusion platforms can help achieve close to character consistency with post-production.

The importance of understanding the basics of stable diffusion and being familiar with Focus before attempting advanced techniques.

Starting settings in Focus include performance settings like speed and aspect ratio, and style tab preferences.

The use of specific models like 'real cartoon Excel' can influence the style and consistency of the generated characters.

Incorporating details such as fictitious names, ethnicities, and attire in prompts can help develop distinct characteristics and avoid biases in the generated images.

The strategy of generating multiple images with different angles and poses to achieve a consistent facial expression and character look.

Utilizing image editing techniques like inpainting to remove unwanted elements such as logos from the generated images.

The process of face swapping in image prompts to maintain likeness while altering other aspects like attire.

The importance of having reference images for creating more consistent character images and building a library of poses and attire.

Adjusting the weight and stop values in image prompts can help refine the consistency and style of the generated character images.

The practical application of these techniques allows for the creation of characters with similar styles and poses, which can be used in various scenes and compositions.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to achieve character consistency, including the use of prompts, model selection, and post-production editing.

The acknowledgment that while this method is not foolproof, it is the closest to achieving character consistency without any sort of training.