How to Humanize Content to Bypass AI Detectors

2 Sept 202308:29

TLDRThe video script discusses a tool that rewrites AI-generated content to appear more human, avoiding detection by AI detectors. The creator tests the tool using various prompts and scenarios, including an AI PRM extension and different languages, highlighting its effectiveness in preventing content from being flagged as AI-generated. The tool's potential applications in SEO-friendly content creation, email marketing, and avoiding spam filters are explored. The video emphasizes the importance of using AI tools responsibly and ethically, and the potential of such technology to enhance creativity rather than replace it.


  • ๐Ÿ“ The tool aims to rewrite AI-generated content to appear more human, avoiding detection by AI content detectors.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ The creator planned to make a video but was approached before release, highlighting a serendipitous timing.
  • ๐Ÿ” The AI PRM extension was used alongside GPT-0 to generate and test content, showing a mixed result in AI detection.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ The tool was tested with various use cases, such as marketing, and could handle up to 15,000 characters per prompt.
  • ๐Ÿšซ The tool discourages academic misconduct and should not be used for college assignments.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š The AI detector flagged the original content in multiple places, but after humanization, none were flagged.
  • ๐Ÿ“ง The tool can be particularly useful for email content to avoid being marked as spam by AI filters.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก AI tools are meant to augment creativity, not replace it, emphasizing the importance of human editing and creativity.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฐ The pricing model is flexible, with discounts on yearly plans and the ability to select specific word needs.
  • ๐Ÿ“ง An email template created with regular GPT was significantly flagged as AI-generated, but became undetectable after humanization.
  • ๐ŸŒ The tool supports multiple languages, including regional dialects with English characters, but not native scripts.

Q & A

  • What is the primary purpose of the tool discussed in the transcript?

    -The primary purpose of the tool discussed is to rewrite AI-generated content to make it appear more human-like, thereby avoiding detection by AI content detectors.

  • How does the AI PRM extension influence the detection of AI-created content?

    -The AI PRM extension is used to generate content that is less likely to be flagged as AI-created by detectors, as it seems to modify the content in a way that makes it more similar to human writing.

  • What was the result when the user tested the undetectable tool on the AI-generated content?

    -When the user tested the undetectable tool, it successfully humanized the content, resulting in 0 out of 42 sentences being detected as AI-created, which indicates an effective transformation of the content.

  • What are the potential applications of the undetectable tool in content creation?

    -The undetectable tool can be used to create human-readable, SEO-friendly content, and to avoid having emails or other communications flagged as spam by AI filters. It can also be beneficial for creators who want to focus on creativity rather than manual content generation.

  • How does the undetectable tool handle non-English languages?

    -The undetectable tool seems to have difficulty processing non-English languages that use non-Latin characters. However, it works well with languages that use English characters, such as German.

  • What ethical considerations are mentioned regarding the use of the undetectable tool?

    -The tool includes a checkbox for users to acknowledge that they will not use it for academic misconduct, emphasizing the importance of using the tool responsibly and ethically.

  • What was the user's experience with the pricing model of the undetectable tool?

    -The user found the flexible pricing model of the undetectable tool to be beneficial, as it allows users to select the number of words they need per month, and the pricing adjusts accordingly.

  • How did the user test the effectiveness of the undetectable tool?

    -The user tested the effectiveness of the undetectable tool by creating AI-generated content, running it through the tool, and then using an AI detector to see if the rewritten content was flagged as AI-created.

  • What was the user's overall impression of the undetectable tool?

    -The user was impressed with the undetectable tool and found it to be a valuable resource for rewriting AI-generated content to appear more human-like, thus avoiding detection by AI detectors.

  • What advice does the user give regarding the use of AI-generated drafts?

    -The user advises that while AI-generated drafts can be helpful, it is always important to manually edit and refine the content before using it, to ensure quality and personalization.

  • How does the user describe the progression of AI tools in content creation?

    -The user describes a progression where AI tools are used to generate content, then other tools detect that content, and finally, additional tools like the undetectable AI are developed to bypass the detectors, showcasing the rapid advancement and innovation in technology.



๐Ÿค– Testing AI Content Detection and Humanization Tools

The speaker discusses their experience with AI content rewriting tools, specifically an AI PRM extension and an 'undetectable' tool designed to make AI-generated content appear more human. They describe a test where the content they generated was flagged as AI-created by GPT-0, but after using the undetectable tool, the same content was not flagged. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not using such tools for academic misconduct and mentions the flexible pricing model of the undetectable tool. They also highlight the tool's ability to avoid triggering spam filters in emails, which is beneficial for content creators.


๐ŸŒ Multilingual Support and Ethical Use of AI Tools

The speaker explores the multilingual capabilities of the AI content detection and humanization tools. They test the tools with regional languages like Canadian English and find that while the tools can detect AI-generated content in English, they struggle with non-English characters. The speaker successfully tests the tool with German, which uses English characters, but encounters issues with languages like Hindi and Spanish, which have their own scripts. They conclude by urging responsible use of AI tools, emphasizing the importance of ethics and proper utilization of technology.



๐Ÿ’กAI created content

AI created content refers to any written material that is generated by artificial intelligence algorithms, rather than human authors. In the context of the video, the speaker is discussing the creation of content using AI tools like chatbots and the challenges of making it appear human-written to avoid detection by AI detection software.

๐Ÿ’กUndetectable tool

The undetectable tool is a software application that aims to rewrite or rephrase AI-generated content in a way that makes it less likely to be identified as such by AI detection systems. The video demonstrates how this tool can be used to improve the 'human-like' quality of AI-generated text, thereby reducing the likelihood of it being flagged as AI content.

๐Ÿ’กAI PRM extension

AI PRM extension is a browser tool that detects whether content has been generated by artificial intelligence. It analyzes text for patterns and characteristics that are typical of AI-generated content. In the video, the speaker uses this extension to check the 'human-ness' of their content before and after using the undetectable tool.

๐Ÿ’กSEO friendly content

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, friendly content refers to written material that is crafted in a way that is likely to rank well in search engine results. This typically involves using relevant keywords, clear structure, and other techniques that make the content more accessible to search engines. In the context of the video, the speaker is interested in creating content that is not only optimized for search engines but also appears human-written to avoid AI detection.

๐Ÿ’กSpam filters

Spam filters are systems designed to identify and block unsolicited or unwanted emails, often by analyzing the content of the message to determine if it matches the characteristics of known spam. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of ensuring that content, especially emails, is written in a way that does not trigger these filters, as AI-generated content can sometimes be mistakenly flagged as spam.

๐Ÿ’กAI detectors

AI detectors are tools or systems that analyze text to determine if it has been generated by artificial intelligence. These detectors look for patterns and linguistic features that are common in AI-generated content but less so in human writing. The video discusses the use of such detectors and how the undetectable tool can help to bypass them.

๐Ÿ’กAcademic misconduct

Academic misconduct refers to the violation of academic standards, such as plagiarism, cheating, or the use of unauthorized materials in academic work. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions a disclaimer against using the undetectable tool for academic assignments, emphasizing the importance of using AI tools ethically and responsibly.

๐Ÿ’กLanguage support

Language support in software refers to the ability of a program to handle and process text in multiple languages. The video discusses the undetectable tool's claim to support various languages, including regional dialects and non-English characters, although it is noted that the tool may not be as effective with languages that do not use English characters.


Creativity in this context refers to the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new and valuable. The speaker emphasizes that AI tools are meant to augment human creativity by freeing up time from repetitive tasks, rather than replacing the need for human input and original thought.

๐Ÿ’กPricing model

The pricing model refers to the structure or system by which a product or service is sold or charged for. In the video, the speaker mentions that the undetectable tool offers a flexible pricing model, allowing users to select the number of words they will need per month, which tailors the pricing to the user's specific needs.

๐Ÿ’กEthical use

Ethical use refers to the responsible and morally sound application of a tool or technology, ensuring that it is used in a way that does not harm others or violate any rules or guidelines. In the video, the speaker stresses the importance of using AI tools ethically, avoiding misuse, and respecting the intended purpose of such technologies.


The introduction of a tool that rewrites content to appear more human, potentially bypassing AI detection.

A personal anecdote about planning to make a video and the serendipitous outreach from the tool's team.

Testing the tool with content generated by an AI, revealing that out of 41 sentences, 3 were detected as AI-created.

The use of an AI PRM extension which seems to aid in reducing the detection of AI-created content.

The undetectable tool's ability to improve content by selecting various use cases like University journalism or marketing.

The option to make content more readable or more human, with the latter being the most extreme setting.

A warning against using the tool for academic misconduct, emphasizing its intended purpose for non-academic tasks.

The ability to check for AI content within the tool itself, which is a unique and helpful feature.

The tool's pricing model is flexible, allowing users to select the number of words they need per month.

A 50% discount on the yearly plan, making it an attractive option for most users.

The tool's effectiveness in rewriting content to avoid triggering spam filters, which is crucial for email marketing.

The demonstration of creating an email template with regular chat GPT and its detection by AI tools.

The successful humanization of an email template, making it undetectable by AI tools.

The importance of editing generated content before using it, emphasizing the role of human creativity.

The tool's capability to support multiple languages, expanding its usability beyond English.

The discovery that AI detection tools struggle with non-English content, offering a potential advantage for regional language creators.

The challenge of using the undetectable AI tool with non-English characters, indicating an area for future improvement.

The successful testing of the tool with German, an English-based language, supporting the theory about character limitations.

A call to use AI tools responsibly, aligning with ethical standards and personal morals.

The excitement about the rapid advancements in technology and the potential for future developments.

The appreciation for the undetectable team and the opportunity to witness the early stages of such innovative tools.