How to Write Better Than AI and ChatGPT

24 Apr 202304:49

TLDRThe video script challenges the notion that AI will replace human writers, highlighting the unique advantages of human authorship such as personal touch, first-hand experience, and the ability to create original content. It suggests leveraging AI as a writing assistant, combining its capabilities with human creativity and expertise to produce compelling and actionable content. The video encourages viewers to embrace their role as writers, emphasizing that machines cannot replicate the human element in storytelling and content creation.


  • 🤖 AI is often seen as a threat to human writers, but the speaker disagrees and believes humans still have a unique edge.
  • 📝 The speaker criticizes AI-generated content as generic and lacking the personal touch that human readers prefer.
  • 👤 Human writers have the advantage of personal experience and expertise, which AI cannot replicate.
  • 🔍 AI lacks first-hand experiences and can only reference existing content, making human experiences and insights valuable.
  • 🎯 To write better than AI, focus on usefulness, originality, and the ability to produce actionable content.
  • ✍️ Writers should be meticulous with research and fact-checking to ensure the accuracy of their content.
  • 💭 Human writers should consider their audience's perspective and needs, something AI may not fully grasp.
  • 💪 Writers should be bold and opinionated, challenging the content they create, unlike the more neutral AI-generated content.
  • 🌟 Originality is crucial in writing; humans can form unique ideas, unlike AI which can only mirror existing content.
  • 🔗 AI can be used as a tool to complement human writing, with the writer providing the outline and AI expanding on it.
  • 🚀 The future may hold AI and machine advancements, but as of now, human creativity and personal touch remain irreplaceable.

Q & A

  • What is the main argument the speaker is making against the idea of AI replacing human writers?

    -The speaker argues that human writers possess unique qualities such as personal touch, first-hand experiences, and the ability to create original content, which AI cannot replicate.

  • How does the speaker describe the response from ChatGPT on publishing a guest blog post?

    -The speaker describes the response as generic and lacking in practical value for those seeking to land guest posts.

  • What makes a personal touch in writing more effective than AI-generated content?

    -A personal touch in writing is more effective because people prefer to follow and connect with individuals rather than bots, as humans bring unique perspectives and personalities.

  • Why is showing rather than telling important in content creation?

    -Showing is important because it allows writers to demonstrate their expertise and share valuable information based on their own experiences, which resonates more with readers than third-party information.

  • What does the writer suggest when considering the usefulness of content?

    -The writer suggests that great content should focus on usefulness rather than persuasiveness, and that writers should ask themselves if the content is true, important, strongly expressed, and original.

  • How can writers leverage their research and fact-checking skills to surpass AI in content creation?

    -Writers can leverage their research and fact-checking skills by being meticulous about their sources and ensuring the accuracy of their content, which addresses the issue of AI potentially creating inaccurate content without sources.

  • What role does AI play in the writing process according to the speaker?

    -According to the speaker, AI should be used as a writing assistant, helping to expand on the main points that the writer has outlined, rather than replacing the writer entirely.

  • How can human writers ensure their content flows well and has a clear direction?

    -Human writers can ensure their content flows well by carefully structuring their work and making sure all points are interconnected, which contrasts with the fragmented points often produced by AI.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the possibility of humans being replaced by machines?

    -The speaker is uncertain about the possibility of humans being replaced by machines but asserts that it is not happening today.

  • What advice does the speaker give to writers regarding the use of AI?

    -The speaker advises writers to use AI as a complement to their abilities, not as a replacement, and to let AI help expand on the main points they have created.

  • How can human writers differentiate themselves from AI in terms of content creation?

    -Human writers can differentiate themselves by providing personal viewpoints, building on their own experiences, and creating useful, actionable, and original content.



🤖 Debunking AI Replacement Myths

The video begins by addressing the common misconception that AI, such as ChatGPT, is poised to replace human capabilities. The speaker argues against this notion, asserting that humans are far from being obsolete. The video's purpose is to demonstrate how to enhance one's writing to surpass the output of AI tools. It starts by evaluating AI's response to publishing a guest blog post, which is deemed generic and lacking in practical value. The speaker then contrasts this with a human-authored article that provides a more personalized and authoritative perspective based on the writer's experiences and expertise.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as a tool, specifically chatGPT, that some believe could replace human writers. However, the video argues that AI lacks the personal touch, first-hand experiences, and originality that human writers bring to their work.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that generates human-like text based on the prompts it receives. In the video, ChatGPT is used to illustrate the capabilities and limitations of AI in content creation. It is shown to provide generic advice on publishing a guest blog post, which the speaker finds lacking compared to a human-written article.

💡Human Writers

Human writers are individuals who create written content, such as articles, stories, or blog posts, using their own experiences, insights, and creativity. The video emphasizes the unique qualities of human writers, including their ability to provide personal viewpoints, first-hand experiences, and original ideas, which AI cannot replicate.


Personality refers to the distinct set of characteristics, traits, and behaviors that define an individual. In the context of the video, personality is a key element that differentiates human writers from AI, as it allows writers to connect with their audience on a more personal level and create content that stands out.


Expertise is the extensive knowledge or skill in a particular area gained through experience, education, or training. The video highlights the importance of expertise in writing, as it allows human writers to share valuable information based on their own experiences, which AI lacks due to its inability to have first-hand experiences.


Usefulness refers to the quality of being practical or beneficial to the user or reader. In the video, usefulness is emphasized as a key aspect of great content, as proposed by writer Paul Graham. The video suggests that human writers have an advantage in creating useful and actionable content that can make a real impact on their readers.


Originality is the quality of being new, fresh, or innovative. In the context of the video, original content is contrasted with AI-generated content, which can only mirror existing ideas. The video encourages human writers to form original ideas and leverage their creativity to potentially change people's lives, which is a unique advantage over AI.

💡Actionable Content

Actionable content refers to information or advice that prompts the reader to take some form of action or make a decision. The video emphasizes the importance of creating content that is not only informative but also encourages readers to engage with the material in a practical way. Human writers are seen as having an advantage in producing such content due to their ability to empathize with the reader's needs and experiences.

💡Writing Assistants

Writing assistants are tools or platforms, such as AI models, designed to aid writers in their creative process. The video suggests that while AI cannot replace human writers, it can be used as a complementary tool to enhance their writing by expanding on the main points they outline. The term emphasizes the supportive role of AI in the writing process.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing written, visual, or audio material that is intended for sharing with an audience. The video discusses the art of content creation in the context of writing articles, emphasizing the importance of personal touch, expertise, and originality in creating content that resonates with readers.


Flow in writing refers to the smooth and logical progression of ideas within a piece of content. The video suggests that human writers should ensure that all points in their writing flow well together, creating a cohesive and directed narrative, which is a quality that AI-generated content often lacks.


AI is often discussed as a potential world taker, but the video aims to show that humans are not yet obsolete.

ChatGPT's generic answer on how to publish a guest blog post is critiqued for its lack of specificity and usefulness.

The importance of personal touch in content creation is emphasized, as people prefer to follow individuals rather than bots.

Showing versus telling is highlighted, with the value of experts sharing information based on their experiences being underscored.

AI's inability to have first-hand experiences is a significant disadvantage compared to human writers with real-life experiences.

The usefulness of content is stressed as per Paul Graham, with the advice that writers should focus on creating useful and actionable content.

Writers are encouraged to be meticulous with their research and fact-checking to counter ChatGPT's potential for inaccurate content.

The importance of addressing points that may not be obvious to the audience, and the need to empathize with the reader's perspective.

Writers should aim to express their points in the strongest possible way, daring to be bold and opinionated.

Originality in content is crucial, and as a writer, one can form unique ideas that can potentially change lives, unlike AI.

AI's tendency to produce fragmented points is noted, and the advice to ensure a cohesive flow in writing is given.

AI can be used as a tool to complement a writer's abilities rather than replacing them, by using it to expand on outlined points.

The video concludes that while AI is not a perfect replacement for human writers, it can be leveraged effectively as a writing assistant.

The video encourages viewers to remember the value of personal viewpoint, own experiences, and useful content in writing.

The future replacement of humans by machines is uncertain, and the video reassures viewers that it is not happening today.

The video ends with a call to action for viewers to like and subscribe, reinforcing the human element in content creation.