How to Brainstorm better than ChatGPT with Knowledge Graphs and GPT 4 | InfraNodus Tutorial

Nodus Labs
6 Oct 202322:08

TLDRThe video introduces InfraNodus, an app that leverages data visualization and AI to aid in ideation and development of ideas. The presenter uses the app to explore heart rate variability (HRV), aiming to create an app that surpasses fitness trackers. The app allows users to start with a topic, generate related content, save ideas to a graph, and iteratively develop their thinking. It emphasizes the human-in-the-loop interaction, where users control the direction of AI-generated content, allowing for a focused and original discourse. The presenter also discusses the technical aspects of HRV and its connection to resilience and well-being, demonstrating how the app can help uncover hidden correlations and advance understanding of complex subjects.


  • 🚀 The video introduces a method for ideation using a combination of data visualization and AI, specifically the InfraNodus app.
  • 💡 The app allows users to start with a key topic or phrase, such as 'heart rate variability', and build upon it iteratively.
  • 📊 Users can save relevant information directly onto a visual graph, creating a network of interconnected ideas.
  • 🔍 By selecting terms on the graph, the app can generate content that links specific ideas, facilitating deeper exploration.
  • 🧠 The AI can operate in different modes, like 'chat GPT GT4 mode', which provides more factual and detailed responses.
  • 🔗 The graph helps in identifying new directions for the discourse and encourages the user to think about missing aspects.
  • 📈 The analytics panel provides a high-level overview of the conversation, highlighting the main themes and potential gaps.
  • 💭 The process encourages brainstorming and saving ideas in a non-linear fashion, allowing for a broad exploration before focusing.
  • 🔄 Iterative refinement of the graph helps in maintaining coherence while connecting peripheral ideas to the central theme.
  • 📝 The method supports a human-in-the-loop interaction with AI, where the user controls the direction and content of the generated text.
  • 🎯 The approach is intended to stimulate original thinking and provide inspiration for further development of ideas.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the InfraNodus app discussed in the video?

    -The main purpose of the InfraNodus app is to aid in the development of ideas through a combination of data visualization and AI, specifically chat GPT, in an iterative and concise manner. This helps users to focus on developing their own thinking without being overwhelmed by lengthy responses.

  • How does the app help users to refine their ideas?

    -The app allows users to start with a topic of interest and either write an abstract or a key phrase. It then provides explanations and related content which users can save to a visual graph. The app also enables users to add their own ideas, connect concepts, and request the AI to generate content related to selected terms, thus refining and developing their ideas further.

  • What is an example of a topic the speaker is interested in during the video?

    -The speaker is interested in 'heart rate variability' as they are working on an app that measures it in ways beyond what fitness trackers can do.

  • How does the app help in marketing an idea or product?

    -The app can help in marketing by providing insights into how an idea or product, such as an app for measuring heart rate variability, can increase resilience, adaptivity, and reduce stress. This information can be used to craft marketing messages that resonate with potential users.

  • What does HRV stand for, and how is it used as an indicator?

    -HRV stands for Heart Rate Variability. It is used as an indicator of physiological resilience and emotional stress, reflecting the body's ability to adapt efficiently to stressors.

  • What are the two main nervous systems involved in HRV, and how do they affect it?

    -The two main nervous systems involved in HRV are the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The sympathetic system accelerates the heart rate for fight or flight responses, while the parasympathetic system slows the heart rate, promoting rest and digestion. The balance between these two systems creates HRV.

  • How does the app help in identifying gaps in an idea or discourse?

    -The app helps identify gaps by allowing users to visually represent their ideas and connections. Users can remove main topics from the graph to uncover less explored areas and highlight the gaps between different ideas in the network. The app can then generate ideas to connect these gaps, stimulating further development of the discourse.

  • What is the significance of nonlinear analysis methods like DFA in the context of HRV?

    -Nonlinear analysis methods like Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) add a new dimension to the assessment of HRV. They can detect long-range correlations in time series data, revealing hidden elements and providing a more detailed understanding of seemingly random trends in HRV.

  • How does the app assist in maintaining a balance between topical diversity and focus?

    -The app provides a measure of topical diversity, indicating whether the discourse is too biased (red), focused but diverse enough (yellow or green), or too dispersed (blue). This helps users to aim for a balanced approach, ensuring their ideas are both comprehensive and coherent.

  • What is the role of the 'High Level Ideas' button in the app?

    -The 'High Level Ideas' button allows users to zoom out and view the main concepts of their discourse at a granular level. This feature helps users to understand the overall direction of their conversation and identify any missing elements or areas that need further exploration.

  • How can the app be used for further research and development of ideas?

    -The app can be used for further research by generating ideas, saving them into notes, and using them to elaborate on specific aspects of a topic. Users can also use the app to explore correlations between seemingly unrelated topics, which can lead to innovative insights and connections.



🚀 Introduction to AI-assisted Idea Development

The speaker introduces an innovative method for idea development using a combination of data visualization and AI technology. They present an app called InfraNodus, designed to enhance the ideation process by allowing users to explore topics iteratively through short fragments, rather than wading through lengthy responses. The example topic chosen is heart rate variability (HRV), which the speaker is interested in for its potential beyond fitness tracking applications. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using AI to generate ideas while maintaining control over the development of one's own thinking.


🧠 Expanding Knowledge on Heart Rate Variability

The speaker delves into the scientific aspects of heart rate variability, exploring its connection to the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. They use the InfraNodus app to visually map out their ideas, adding new clusters as they learn more. The speaker highlights the benefits of visually tracking the development of their discourse, noting how it helps identify areas for deeper exploration and ensures a comprehensive understanding of the subject. They also discuss the importance of emotional and physiological resilience in relation to HRV, and how this understanding can be applied to the development of an app that could potentially increase resilience and reduce stress.


📊 Technical Deep-Dive into HRV Calculation

The speaker continues their exploration by focusing on the technical aspects of HRV calculation. They discuss time domain methods and frequency domain analysis, including standard deviation of interbeat intervals. The speaker also inquires about nonlinear analysis methods such as detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) and point curve plots, aiming to uncover more sophisticated techniques for HRV assessment. The goal is to find methods that can provide more detailed data than traditional tools, potentially leading to the creation of a more advanced app.


🔍 Identifying and Filling Knowledge Gaps

The speaker emphasizes the importance of identifying and filling knowledge gaps in their HRV research. They use the InfraNodus app to highlight areas that need more exploration and to generate ideas that connect different aspects of the topic. The speaker discusses the connection between the autonomic nervous system and HRV, as well as the relationship between stress adaptation and data analytics. They advocate for a balance between focusing on specific aspects and maintaining a broad perspective to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject.


🌐 Synthesizing Ideas and Planning Future Steps

In the final paragraph, the speaker synthesizes the ideas generated throughout their exploration and discusses future steps. They reflect on the value of peripheral ideas and how they can be connected back to the central topic of HRV. The speaker demonstrates how to use the InfraNodus app to maintain a balance between topical diversity and focus, ensuring that the discourse remains coherent and comprehensive. They encourage viewers to experiment with the app and to provide feedback on its effectiveness, concluding with a prompt for viewers to subscribe for updates and to reach out with any questions or comments.



💡Data Visualization

Data visualization is the process of representing complex data in a graphical or pictorial format to make it easier to understand and analyze. In the video, it is used as a tool to help develop ideas by visually organizing information and concepts related to heart rate variability (HRV), allowing the user to see connections and relationships between different data points more clearly.


A chatbot is an artificial intelligence (AI) software designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet. In the context of the video, the chatbot is used as an AI ideation tool to help generate ideas and responses related to the user's topic of interest, which is heart rate variability. The chatbot can provide explanations, generate content, and offer suggestions for further exploration.

💡Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) refers to the variation in time between successive heartbeats. It is a measure used to assess the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system, and can indicate an individual's physiological resilience and emotional stress levels. In the video, HRV is the central topic of interest around which the user is ideating and developing their app concept.


Ideation is the process of generating new ideas or concepts. In the video, the user is utilizing a combination of data visualization and AI chatbot technology to facilitate ideation around the topic of heart rate variability. This process involves brainstorming, exploring different angles, and connecting disparate ideas to develop a comprehensive understanding and innovative approach to their project.

💡AI Ideation

AI ideation refers to the use of artificial intelligence tools to assist in the creative process of generating and developing ideas. In the video, the AI ideation tool is used to provide the user with information, suggestions, and content related to heart rate variability, which the user can then use to build upon and refine their own thoughts and concepts.


InfraNodus is the name of the app developed for AI ideation as mentioned in the video. It combines data visualization with chatbot technology to help users ideate and develop their ideas in a more interactive and visually engaging manner. The app allows users to start with a topic of interest, save relevant information, and generate content related to their chosen subject.

💡Autonomic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a part of the nervous system that regulates the body's involuntary functions, such as the beating of the heart and breathing. It is divided into two main branches: the sympathetic, which prepares the body for action (fight or flight), and the parasympathetic, which promotes relaxation and recovery (rest and digest). HRV is an indicator of the balance between these two branches, reflecting the body's ability to adapt to stress.

💡Stress Management

Stress management refers to the techniques and strategies used to deal with stress in a healthy and effective way. It involves understanding the causes of stress and developing coping mechanisms to prevent it from affecting one's mental and physical well-being. In the context of the video, stress management is related to the concept of HRV, as a higher HRV is seen as an indicator of better stress management and adaptability.

💡Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience is the ability to adapt and cope with challenging situations, adversity, or stress. It involves maintaining a positive emotional state and bouncing back from negative experiences. In the video, emotional resilience is linked to HRV, with the suggestion that higher HRV can indicate greater emotional resilience and the ability to respond adaptively to stressful situations.

💡Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Systems

The parasympathetic and sympathetic systems are two branches of the autonomic nervous system that have opposing effects on the body. The parasympathetic system slows down the heart rate and promotes rest and digestion, while the sympathetic system increases the heart rate and prepares the body for fight or flight responses. The balance between these two systems is reflected in HRV and is an indicator of the body's resilience to stress.

💡Nonlinear Analysis

Nonlinear analysis is a mathematical approach used to study complex systems that do not follow a simple, linear cause-and-effect relationship. It can reveal hidden patterns and correlations in data that are not apparent through linear analysis. In the context of HRV, nonlinear analysis methods like detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) can provide additional insights into the complexity of heart rate variability, revealing long-range correlations and patterns that are not visible through traditional time or frequency domain methods.


The introduction of a novel method combining data visualization and chatbot technology for ideation and development of ideas.

The use of the InfraNodus app for AI ideation, which allows for a more iterative and focused approach to idea development.

The importance of heart rate variability (HRV) as a measure of physiological resilience and emotional stress.

The potential of using HRV to increase resilience, adaptivity, and reduce stress, with implications for app development.

The process of saving key concepts to a visual graph for easy reference and connection building.

The ability to generate content related to selected ideas on the graph, facilitating the exploration of connections between concepts.

The recognition of a factual mistake by the AI, demonstrating the importance of human oversight in the ideation process.

The use of chat GPT GT4 mode for generating better answers and factual responses.

The exploration of the scientific basis of HRV, including the roles of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

The ability to zoom out and view high-level ideas, providing a clear overview of the conversation's direction.

The strategy of removing main topics from the graph to identify areas for further exploration and development.

The use of prompts to guide AI in generating more detailed and specific information on a chosen topic.

The identification of hidden correlations and trends through nonlinear analysis techniques like detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA).

The encouragement of human-in-the-loop interaction with AI, where users maintain control over the ideation process.

The potential of using the AI-generated ideas as a stimulus for further personal development and original content creation.

The application of the ideation process for various purposes, including content creation, app development, and marketing material.

The guidance on achieving a balance between topical diversity and focus for effective informative writing.