I Did LOOKSMAXXING Everyday for 30 Days

18 Nov 202315:45

TLDRThe video script details a 30-day experiment focused on maximizing physical appearance through various techniques. The journey includes improving jawline and facial structure with exercises like mewing, enhancing body physique with targeted workouts, boosting skin health with diet and treatments, and grooming strategies for hair and eyebrows. The experiment also addresses stress management for an overall positive vibe, concluding with a comparison of before and after results, highlighting the commitment to these techniques for long-term benefits.


  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ The script discusses a 30-day experiment focused on maximizing physical appearance through various techniques.
  • ๐Ÿ‘„ The importance of proper breathing (nose rather than mouth) and Mewing (tongue placement on the roof of the mouth) for improving jawline and facial structure is highlighted.
  • ๐Ÿฅฉ Eating chewy foods and practicing good chewing habits can help strengthen jaw muscles and contribute to a more defined facial structure.
  • ๐Ÿ’ช A combination of calisthenics, functional training, and weightlifting is recommended for achieving a lean yet muscular physique.
  • ๐ŸŒž The script suggests that a healthy skin complexion can be improved from both internal (diet and supplements) and external (topical treatments) approaches.
  • ๐Ÿฅ• Consuming carotenoid-rich foods like carrots and sweet potatoes can enhance skin glow more favorably than sun tanning.
  • ๐Ÿ’Š The use of supplements such as beetroot powder and Astaxanthin is mentioned for boosting physical attractiveness and overall health.
  • ๐Ÿ’‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ Grooming practices like eyebrow shaping, nose and ear hair trimming, and teeth whitening are part of the overall attractiveness enhancement strategy.
  • ๐Ÿ’‡ Hair care routines involving natural alternatives like rosemary oil and red light therapy can promote healthier hair growth and appearance.
  • ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™‚๏ธ Reducing stress and anxiety through practices like meditation, proper sleep, and vagal nerve stimulation contributes to a more confident and calm demeanor.
  • ๐Ÿ‘” The final stage of the experiment involves precise grooming and choosing a suitable hairstyle and clothing style to complete the look.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the speaker's 30-day challenge?

    -The main goal of the speaker's 30-day challenge is to maximize their looks by implementing various techniques focused on improving facial structure, physical fitness, skin complexion, hair health, and overall vibe.

  • How does the speaker address the issue of mouth breathing and its impact on jaw structure?

    -The speaker addresses mouth breathing by practicing the Mewing technique, which involves placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth, bringing the teeth to a soft close, and breathing through the nose to strengthen the jaw and overall facial structure.

  • What type of food does the speaker recommend to target jaw muscles?

    -The speaker recommends eating chewy food and chewing it thoroughly, such as steak or whole chicken breast, and chewing sugar-free Xylitol gum after meals to work the jaw muscles and potentially clean the teeth.

  • How does the speaker aim to improve their posture?

    -The speaker aims to improve posture by adjusting their desk height, working on posture-correcting exercises and stretches daily, and focusing on maintaining good posture throughout the day.

  • What physical exercises did the speaker incorporate to achieve a more attractive male physique?

    -The speaker incorporated Calisthenics, focusing on exercises that target masculine areas like Pike push-ups and handstand push-ups, as well as functional training and occasional weight training sessions.

  • What dietary changes did the speaker make to improve skin complexion?

    -The speaker cut out highly processed sugar or flour foods and foods with processed oil, focusing on consuming more whole and natural foods.

  • What supplements did the speaker take to enhance skin health and appearance?

    -The speaker took beetroot powder for its carotenoid content and endurance benefits, and increased their dosage of Astaxanthin for its antioxidant and skin complexion-enhancing properties.

  • How did the speaker approach hair health during the challenge?

    -The speaker continued their existing hair health routine, which includes using a biotin-infused shampoo, a shower filter to reduce chlorine exposure, and applying MSM lotion and rosemary oil to their hairline daily.

  • What techniques did the speaker use to reduce anxiety and stress?

    -The speaker practiced meditation, avoided looking at their phone before bed, maintained a consistent sleep schedule, reduced caffeine intake, took deep breaths in stressful situations, and implemented vagal nerve stimulation techniques.

  • How did the speaker focus on precise grooming and style in the final days of the challenge?

    -In the final days, the speaker focused on grooming their eyebrows, trimming nose hairs, using whitening toothpaste and white strips, chewing a jaw exerciser, and adopting a suitable hairstyle and clothing style to enhance their overall appearance.

  • Did the speaker notice any significant results after the 30-day challenge?

    -The speaker noticed some differences when looking closely at the before and after comparison, and decided to continue some of the techniques for the long term, such as rosemary oil, red light therapy, mewing, and possibly making long-term follow-up videos.



๐Ÿ“ˆ Maximizing Physical Appearance and Posture

The speaker discusses their 30-day journey to maximize their physical appearance, focusing on jaw and facial structure, posture, and overall physique. They explore techniques like Mewing to strengthen the jaw, chewing chewy food, and exercising to achieve a lean yet muscular body. The importance of good posture is emphasized, and the speaker shares their efforts to correct it through desk adjustments and exercises. They also delve into the ideal male physique, drawing conclusions from various studies and opinions, and outline their training regimen to achieve it.


๐Ÿฅ• Enhancing Skin Complexion and Hair Health

In this paragraph, the speaker shares their strategies for improving skin complexion and hair health. They discuss dietary changes to avoid oily and irritated skin, the use of a red light device for a healthy glow, and the consumption of carotenoid-rich foods for a more attractive skin coloration. The speaker also talks about their existing hair care routine and introduces the use of rosemary oil to prevent hair loss and promote regrowth. They highlight the benefits of natural alternatives and share their experience with topical skin treatments and facial masks.


๐Ÿ’‡ Grooming and Styling for Maximum Attractiveness

The speaker addresses the final touches of their looks-maxing journey, focusing on grooming and styling. They discuss the ideal characteristics for eyebrows and teeth, and share their experiences with nose hair trimming and teeth whitening. The speaker also talks about their experiment with various hairstyles, settling on a classic look that complements their facial features. For clothing, they opt for a simple, classy, and clean appearance to round out their overall look. The speaker reflects on the amount of work involved in maintaining these looks-maxing techniques and shares their determination to see the experiment through to the end.


๐ŸŽฅ Before and After: Assessing the Results

The speaker concludes their video script by presenting a before-and-after comparison to showcase the results of their month-long looks-maxing experiment. They acknowledge visible differences and express their intention to continue some of the techniques long-term, such as rosemary oil application, red light therapy, mewing, and more. The speaker invites viewers to look closely at the comparison and shares their commitment to making these techniques a part of their regular routine. They end on a positive note, encouraging viewers to stay tuned for more content and thanking them for their support.



๐Ÿ’กMaximizing Looks

The central theme of the video revolves around the concept of 'Maximizing Looks', which refers to the various techniques and practices aimed at enhancing one's physical appearance. This includes improving facial structure, body physique, skin complexion, and overall grooming habits. The video provides a comprehensive guide on how to achieve this through a month-long experiment, covering various aspects such as posture, diet, exercise, skincare, and stress management.


Mewing is a technique that involves placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth, teeth almost touching, and breathing through the nose. It is believed to help improve facial structure and jawline definition. In the video, the speaker discusses their personal experience with mewing as a method to strengthen the jaw and cheekbones, which they believe has been slackened due to mouth breathing since a young age.

๐Ÿ’กChewy Food

The concept of eating chewy food is introduced as a way to target and strengthen jaw muscles. By choosing foods that require more effort to chew, such as steak or whole chicken breast, the speaker aims to activate and train the jaw muscles, leading to a more defined and sharp jawline. This practice is part of the broader strategy to enhance physical appearance through diet and exercise.


Posture refers to the way a person stands, sits, or moves. In the context of the video, good posture is emphasized as crucial for achieving an attractive and confident appearance. The speaker discusses specific actions taken to correct their posture, such as raising the desk to align with their eyesight and performing posture-correcting exercises and stretches daily.

๐Ÿ’กCal Aesthetics

Cal Aesthetics refers to a type of bodyweight training focused on calisthenics, which are exercises performed using one's body weight as resistance. The goal is to develop a physique that is both lean and muscular, with an emphasis on aesthetically pleasing physical features. In the video, the speaker shifts their training focus to Cal Aesthetics to achieve a more attractive male physique, targeting areas like the shoulders and neck to enhance masculine features.

๐Ÿ’กSkin Complexion

Skin complexion refers to the overall appearance and quality of the skin, including color, texture, and clarity. In the video, the speaker explores various methods to improve skin complexion from the inside out, such as diet modifications, use of a red light device, and topical treatments. The goal is to achieve a healthy, youthful, and glowing skin appearance, which is considered an essential aspect of maximizing looks.


Carotenoids are a class of pigments found in many fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and sweet potatoes, that give them their characteristic colors. They are known for their antioxidant properties and are believed to contribute to a more attractive skin coloration. In the video, the speaker increases their intake of carotenoid-rich foods to enhance their skin's natural glow and improve their overall complexion.


Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant and a type of carotenoid that is known for its potential benefits in skin health and longevity. In the video, the speaker discusses increasing their dosage of Astaxanthin as part of their experiment to improve skin complexion and coloration. It is believed to make the skin appear more vibrant and youthful.

๐Ÿ’กRosemary Oil

Rosemary oil is an essential oil that has been traditionally used for various health benefits, including promoting hair health and regrowth. In the video, the speaker uses rosemary oil mixed with MSM lotion and applies it to their hairline to potentially prevent hair loss and encourage hair growth, as an alternative to synthetic treatments like minoxidil.

๐Ÿ’กVagus Nerve Stimulation

Vagus Nerve Stimulation refers to techniques aimed at activating the vagus nerve, which plays a significant role in the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for the body's rest and digest functions. In the video, the speaker explores devices and methods designed to stimulate the vagus nerve to help balance the nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety, and contribute to a calmer, more confident appearance.


Grooming in this context refers to the various personal care practices aimed at enhancing one's physical appearance. The video discusses specific grooming habits such as eyebrow maintenance, nose hair trimming, teeth whitening, and choosing appropriate hairstyles and clothing to present a polished and attractive image.


Style in the context of the video pertains to the selection of clothing, hairstyles, and overall aesthetic choices that contribute to an individual's personal appearance and attractiveness. The speaker discusses their choice of a classic hairstyle and a simple, classy, clean look with a linen shirt to complete their look-maxing transformation.


The concept of maximizing one's looks through various techniques is explored over a 30-day period.

Mouth breathing since a young age can lead to a weak jaw structure and slack facial features.

Switching to nose breathing can help improve jaw and facial structure over time.

The technique of 'mewing' involves placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth to potentially enhance jaw and facial structure.

Eating chewy food and chewing more often can help strengthen jaw muscles.

Chewing sugar-free Xylitol gum after meals can work the jaw muscles and potentially clean teeth.

Good posture, especially while working at a computer, can significantly impact one's appearance.

Exercises that target masculine physical features like broader shoulders and a sizable neck are beneficial for looks maxing.

A combination of calisthenics, functional training, and weightlifting can help achieve a favorable physical shape.

Maintaining a slight calorie deficit while increasing overall calorie expenditure can help in looks maxing.

Improving skin complexion from the inside out starts with dietary changes, such as cutting out processed foods.

Using a red light device daily can potentially improve skin appearance and health.

Consuming carotenoid-rich foods may provide a more favorable skin glow than sun tanning.

Topical skin treatments like homemade cocoa masks can contribute to a youthful and healthy-looking skin.

Hair health can be maintained and improved through a consistent routine and treatments like rosemary oil.

Minimizing stress and anxiety can enhance one's overall vibe and appearance.

Vagal nerve stimulation techniques can help balance the nervous system and reduce stress and anxiety.

Grooming and style, including precise eyebrow shaping, teeth whitening, and choosing suitable hairstyles, play a crucial role in looks maxing.

Selecting attire that maximizes male attractiveness involves adopting a simple, classy, and clean look.

One month of consistent looks maxing techniques can yield noticeable differences in appearance.